East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 11, 1913, FIRST EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A Magnificent Showing of
the Season's Styles
are He ffer yu the pick of the best styles from
the leading manufacturers of the country. The prettiest
and most becoming up-to-date wearing apparel in exclusive pat'
terns and choice fabrics. You can be absolutely certain that
what you buy here is hew and right and that the price is as
small or smaller than you get it elsewhere.
Just Arrived, a Real "Round-Up" of
Women's New
Fall Suits .
Drummer's Samples, Here for This Week Only
The most comprehensive collection that has ever been shown in Pendleton. Every new
type of suit now in vosie is included in this preat showing. Fancy and novelty suits of
the most extreme type, to those more conservative, made in a widely diversified range of
materials, such as wool poplin, mntelasse, sponge brocade, bedford cords and all the new
est weaves.
This is an opportunity to see a real city showing of the most up-to-date mrechandise,
at prices that will convince you that "It Pays to Trade" with us.
tftfi llfll ' f
Auto Veils
Good quality chiffon auto veils, one yard wide, two yards
long. Good line of colors $1.25 to $3.00
Lace Drape Veils
Lace drape veils in black, white, green and brown
I $1.00 to $2.50
Good line of shadow and Shetland veilings, black, white
and colors, yard 35 to $1.00
Novelty Suiting
A new fall suiting just received, in all colors, with neat de
sign, medium weight, 36 inches wide, the yard 65
Round-Up Gloves
You can't get them at any other store. 'Our gloves have
"class" and quality. Evclusive designs. An article that is a
real souvenir and at the same time serviceable $1 to $4.50
Round-Up Souvenirs
You'll find here on excellent stock of souvenirs. You'll
want something to take home with you. Come and see what
we have.
Round-Up Hats
Here's where yon can get the real Round-up Hat. Hats with
sin individuality and a style that you can't find elsewhere.
They're economically priced, too $3.50 to $15.00
Round-Up Mufflers
There's only one real Round-up bluffier, and you'll find it
here. It comes in a wide range of colors, 32 inches square a
very catchy design. Very attractive. Price $1.50
Round-Up Pennants
Here's where you'll find the greatest values in pennants
good designs on extra quality felt - ..25, 50? and 75?
New Crepe
Material for dresses and extra waists,
navy brown and gray. The j-ard
Comes in tan, blue,
Pendleton's Great Shoe Center
The People's Warehouse. The store of standard make
shoes and all competent expert fitters to fit them.
Our Women's and Children's Department, including such standard makes as Hallahan, Geo. W. Baker and Selby, consider
ed today the standard makes both in America and . Europe, shown in new "English Model" flat heels, receding toes, so
popular now n large cities; also new high arched Cuban heels, broad or medium too, patent, gun metal or tans, leathers or
suedes, to match suits, priced at $3.00, $4.00 or SS.OtKAnothc-r special feature of our Shoe Department is our new buying
facilities, keeping new styles arriving every day. t
Today's shipment includes new dark golden brown suede, dark grey suede, dark tan vnmps with brown tops, a shoe yon
bbould not overlook when buying, and to retail at . - -
This department not only includes exceptionally fine dress shoos but we also carry a complete line of comfort shoes. Flex
ible hand turned, welt or cushion sole shoes in Juilettes, plain bals or semi-dress, Grover and Sons, Martha Washington, or
Tv T, i, - it $1.50 to $3.00
Dr. Reed s, all priced from - Y
Our Slipper Department, so well known by better dressers, is fully stocked with new party or street slippers in Ohas. K.
Fox make, new Louis Cuban heel, or straight French with new Rhinestone buckles, pom pons or tailored bows, dull vici, sat
in in all colors and patent with newest toe, to retail at - - $4.00
During Round-up week you will bo as carefully waited on, even though the rush is extremely heavy. .
The most complete showing Pendleton Woolen Mills
Indian Robes, Bath Robes, Bed Blankets, Steamer Rugs, Auto Robes, etc., shown in the city. We prepay express charges
on all these goods to any point in the United States. .
The Peoples Warehouse
Shoots Through Air With Speed of
Lightning and Falls Into River.
FALL. RIVER. Mass., Sept. 11. A
meteor fell Into the Seaconnet river,
churning up the waters in a spectac
ular manner near Alverton R. I. Great
volumes of steam arose.
The meteor fell during an electrical
storm and Its crash as It struck the
water was thought by many who did
not see It to have been an unusually
heavy clap of thunder.
The noise was heard for a distance
of 20 miles. In the Immediate lcln
Ity windows were broken and crock
ery shaken from shelves, while at Isl
and Park, nearly two miles away,
merry-go-round was Jarred into motion.
Persons who saw the fiery body as
it hissed through the sky assert that
it was of unusual size and traveling so
rapidly as to appear at a short dis
tance almost like a flash of lightning;.
The river is of considerable depth
where the meteor fell and no effort
to locate the mass was made.
The large crowd that is already in
the city for the Round-up will be
greatly augmented by the arrivals of
special and regular trains today.
From Portland alone reports state.
1000 people will arrive on the trains
which left the metropolis during the
evening and which are scheduled to
arrive here early this morning. This
evening from Portland there will be
two sections of No. 18. scheduled to
arrive soon after 5 o'clock, and if
the demand warrants it, there will be
a special also. This evening, the Jour
nal special trains leave Portland and
will arrive here tomorrow morning
over both the O.-W. R. & X. and
Northern. Pacific.
The Pomeroy special car arrived last
evening and will remuln here until
Sunday morning. In the morning and
on each day of the Round-up, a
special train from Dayton and Walla
Walla will reach Pendleton shortly
after 11 o'clock and will return each
evening at 9:30. A special will also
arrive each morning at 10:50 from
Paker and intermediate points. Other
specials will arrive each morning from
Umatilla and from Pilot Rock.
Over the Northern Pacific line this
morning will arrive tho Seattle Cham
ber of Commerce train in addition to
the regular train from Pasco with
the Kennewlek cars attached. The
AberJeen special will also' arrive this
morning as will a special car from
Corvallls. In addition all of the reg
ular trains will carry extra coaches.
ADAMS. Ore., Sept. 11. Dan Reed
was the victim of an accident Friday.
He was riding on a wheat wagon anJ
accidentally fell off and under the
wheels and one leg was broken be
low the hip and one arm badly
sprained and wrenched. He was tak
en home and Dr. McKenny of Helix
attended the patient and he is doing
as well as can be expected.
Bessie Christian of The Dalles la
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. LleU'
alien this week.
Nellie Davon was a Pendleton vis
itor Friday.
Augusta Stockton Is the guest it
her sister, Mrs. K. Normal of Helix,
this week.
Mrs. Dunningtnn of Walla Walla
was the guest of Mrs. Wallace over
Mr. and Mrs. Windor of the Com
mercial hotel spent Sunday in the
city of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers and
Lola, Owendolln and Mildred at
tended the wedding of WHma Dupois
of Weston Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hales and alS'
ter. Mrs. Smith, of Iowa, are visiting
in the city of Portland this week.
William Brown left Tuesday for
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lleuallen left
Monday for their home in the city
of Walla Walla after spending the
summer months at their home in
You Cannot Beat
our cement and other build
ing materials in any sort of a
contest. For smoothness,
purity and lasting strength
the cement is a winner every
time. It is the cheapest be
cause it gives the best ser
vice. Think that over next
time you need some.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Everything in the Building Line
A. H. COX. Mgr. Phone 8
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11 (Special)
During the past fiscal year, according
to a report of the U. S. forest service,
31 local organizations of stockgrow-
ers using national forest ranges have
applied for and secured the official
recognition of their advisory boards
by the forest service. This brings the
number of associations officially rec
ognized by the forest service to a total
of 115.
Through the medium of these ad
vlstory boards several thousand stock
men who graze stock upon the nation
al forests now take an active part In
discussing all problems of forest ad
ministration which affect their inter
ests. The result, states the forest
service report, has been tho elimina
tion of misunderstanding regarding
the requirements of the stock Inter
ests and an improvement in methods
of range control which has won the
endorsement and approval of the large
majority of the persons who depend
upon the national forests for the pas
turage of their stock.
Two of the stockmen's organizations
are national in their scope and one
is a state organization. The remain
ing 11 are local organizations. The
stockmen have, it is said, been suc
cessful In securing advisory boards
composed of broadmlnded, unselfish
men of wide practical experience who
have worked for the best Interests of
their Industry but at the same time
have given Intelligent consideration
to the need for forest protection, and
who therefore have directed their
recommendations along constructive
The recent order of Secretary Hous
ton extending official recognition to
organizations of other classes of for
est users Is said to have resulted main
ly from tho large measure of success
won by the; cooperation of the govern
ment with the stockmen.
Knowledge of lost opportunities
comes with old age.
Ily the time a flirt gets tired of
the game there, is seldom a man
worth having that she can get
A IVronal Guarantee.
The Merltol Preparations are made
by the American Drug ft Press As
sociation, of which we are a member
and part owner. We personally guar
antee every one of them. Your mon
ey cheerfully refunded if you are not
absolutely satisfied. Try them on
our say so. How could we recom
mend them more highly?
Ever Hear About Thin.
Wo want everybody In Pendleton
to know about Merltol White Lini
ment. It will do so much for pains
of all kinds, rheumatism, sprains, etc.
We have never sold a preparation that
we could recommend more highly.
For IVndlcton People,
We wish we had the power to per
suade evenbody in Pendleton who
feels run down, worn out and the need
of a good tonic, something to make
you feel strong, tone up your nerves,
your digestion, and your whole sys
tem, to try Merltol Tonic Dlgtstlve.
We have never seen anything like It
for a genera) tonic. It ! made by
chamists of wide renown and Is with
out an equal. Try It on our say so.
Kxrlaslre Loral AgnU.
Caught a Bad Colli.
"Last winter my son caught a very
bad cold and the way he coughed was
something dreadful," writes Mrs.
Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipton, Iowa.
We bought Just one bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and that one
bottle stopped his cough and cured his
cold completely." For sale by all
dealers. Adv.
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Sept
11. Lieutenant Druschmlnn, a Rus
sian army aviator, was killed when
his arepolane turned turtle 90 feet
in the air.
Swim Airman Fatally Hurt.
eern'E. Switzreland. Bent 10.
Aviator Blder suffered fatal Injuries
in a fall of several hnudred reel witn
his machine. He was caught In a
thunderstorm during military man
euvers and his aeroplane was disabled.
Years of Suffering
Catarrh and Blood Dlteaeo
Doctors Failed to Cure.
Miss Mabel F. Dawklns. 1214 Lafay
ette St., Fort Wayne, Ind.. writes:
"For three years I was troubled witn
catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev
eral doctors and a dosen different rem
edies, but none of them did me snjr
rood. A friend told me of Hood's Sar
aparllla. I took two bottles of this
medicine and was as well and strong
as ever. 1 feel like a different person
and recommend Hood's to any one suf
fering from catarrh."
Get It today in usual liquid form or
Chocolated tablets called Sarsatabfe
Results of the
Economy Tests
(The following tests were made under the direction of the two local
FRANKLIN fi-posscnger, 25 horse power, 28.1-4 mile on one gal.
Ion of gasoline.
APPERSON 5-pawenger, 45 horse power, 22.0 miles on one gal
Ion of gaNOllne.
The FRANKLIN waa a model "O" touring ear, carrying four pas
sengers, with a total weight of 677 pounds. Diamond Sllvertown
Cord Tires were used In the test.
The APPERSON touring car carried five passengers weighing 171
pounds, and the run waa made on common fabric tires.
Both of these cars were stock models belonging to residents of
Pendleton, and both had been run more than 4000 miles.
Our nearest competitor was a MAXWELL, claiming to make tit
miles, j. .
Our cars will save aa much on your tire Mil as on gasoline. . .
FORE you Birr.
Pendleton Auto Co.