EIGHT PAGES. PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1913. KANSAS WHO SUFFERED From Headache, Backache, Dizziness and Nervousness, Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lawrence, Kans. ' A year ago I wa9 suffering from a number of ailments. I I always had pain and was irregular. Dur ing the delay I suf fered a great deal with headache, back ache, dizziness, fev erish spells, nervous ness and bloating. I had been married nearly three years. I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable 1 Compound and now I feel better than I have for years. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to all who suffer as I did." Mrs. M. Zecner, 1045 New Jer sey Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Montana Woman's Case. ' Burns, Mont "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me of awful backache which I had suffered with for months. I was so weak I could hardly do try work and my head and eyes ached all the time. Your Compound helped me in many ways and is a great strength ener. I always recommend it to my friends and tell them what a grand med icine it is for women. You may use my name for the good of others. Mrs. John Francis, Burns, Montana. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as those above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger it has stood the test lor years. SPRAY PROVES DEATH TO WEEDS od of use, as presented In detail by Professor II. D. Scudder, agronomist of the Oregon Agricultural College. ' The iron sulphate used as a spray has been thoroughly tested both by experiment stations and the manu facturers of the sulphate When prop erly prepared and applied it has prov ed destructive to dandelion, yarrow, sorrel, mustard, lamb's quarters, pep ped grass, bull thistle, wild carrot, pigweed, shepherd's purse and wild daisy. It'will not destroy dock, which can be eradicated only by digging the plant out or cultivating it to prevent its going to seed. When used to de stroy dandelions on lawns it will in jure the white clover. And it should be remembered that this spray can not safely be used on weeds growing in any broad leaved crop as It will destroy the crop as well as the weeds. "The value of this spray as a de stroyer of weeds lies largely in the fact that it can be applied and the weeds killed while they are growing in the grain crop. The spray will not destroy grains or grasses because of its limited area of action on their nar row linear leaves, while it will de stroy the weeds named, largely be cause of its wider area of action on their broad and succulent leaves. As iron sulphate is a . nowerful salt its action is similar to that om an alkali in the soil, causing the leaves upon which it falls to dry up. turn brown and die. The effectiveness of the spray de pends mainly on four things: ' First, it should be applied durlnar drv sun ny weather, for if rain washes off the salt within two or three days it is not effective. Second, it must be applied with a sprayer, which will deliver the spray forcibly In a very fine mist, so that the weeds will be covered as com pletely as possible. Third, the spray- ing should be done on a quiet day. Fourth, the spray should be applied to all weeds Just before they bloom. "The spray la prepared by dissolv ing 100 pounds of iron sulphate in 61 gauons or water. It should be made up fresh each day in wooden barrels and the sprayer should be wood, rub ber or brass. The solution will stain clothes, and the hands should be pro tected by being greased with vaseline. urainarny for mustard In wheat fields one spraying is sufficient. On more persistant plants, such as the dandelion, the spraying must be re- iicaieu wnen me piani comes ud again. Flax or wheat may be sprayed without injury to the crop when from six to twelve Inches in heieht: lAtcr. the tr.ui-tard or other weeds are likely to Uf too difficult to reach with the sprn oTing to the shading of the gran." A Scientific Achievement. Modern science has produced' no such effective agency In the relief of indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, biliousnes or impure blood as Merltol Tonic Digestive, the result of the best minds of the American Drug and Press Association, composed of drug gists and newspaper men all over the country. Try this great remedy. It Can B Rolled Upon. The American Drug and Press Asso ciation authorizes its members to guarantee absolutely Merltol Hair Tonic It has no equal. It Is a won derful remedy. A trial will convince you. TAIXJUAN A COMPANY Exclusive Local Agents. Adv there since last Friday night, and volunteers, about 50 in number, are fighting the flames In, an effor to ar rest their progress toward the grain- fields. Two homes have been destroy ed and others are threatened. An area five miles tn length has been burned over, but the ground is main ly dry grass and scrub oak, burned the greatest damage so far sustained. Practically all the grain Is in the stack in the threatened wheat section and the fire fighters are working like Trojans to confine the flame to the timbered area. It is believed the fire originated from embers left by campers. Your Telephone Expert GKRMAXY MAY SEND EXHIBIT AFTER ALL BERLIN. Aug. 14 Representations In leading Berlin newspapers that it politically and economlcaly neces sary for Germany to participate In the Panama exposition are having their effect The government may abandon its indifferent attitude. Iron Sulphate, a Chemical Treatment, Leaves Crops Uninjured After Treatment. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL Speclal) When properly prepared and applied iron sulphate spray not only destroys weeds of most kinds but leaves grains or grasses among which It is growing practically uninjured. While very effective in preventing threatened damage to crops from vig' orously growing weeds it cannot be made to take the place of rotations, cultivations, summer fallow and other -weed preventative measures. Neither should its use be attempted on weeds growing in clovers- or other broad leaved crops as it will destroy them as well as weeds. Following is the meth Remarkable Cure of Dysentery. I was attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and-other remedies with no relief, only getting worse all the time. I was unable to do anythine and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two monins wnen i was aavisea to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of It and it gave me permanent re lief," writes B. W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For sale by all dealers. Adv, T PEOPLE SHOULD GUARD AGAINST APPENDICITIS Pendleton people who have stom ach and bowel trouble should guard against appendicitis by taking . aim pie buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-1-ka. the German remedy which became fa mous by curing appendicitis. JUST ONE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN STANTLY because this simple mixture draws . off such a surprising amount ef old foul matter from the body. Pendleton Drug Co. Adv. HE switchboard operator who answers your telephone call haa a mis sion in life her mission is to serve you. She has at her fineer tips the most modern telephone equip ment in the world. Quickness, accuracy and courtesy are her essen tial qualifications. . ! Frequently 6he is called upon to act quickly in emergencies when courage and presence of mind are required. It is as essential to good telephone service, that each Bell Telephone oper ator should be healthy and happy as it ia that every part of the equipment of that great intercommunicating system should be in good working order. In the Bell system, 70,000 operators make connections clear tracks for 26,000,000 telephone talks each day. which furnLih Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Jt AppelPs South African Water Bag A portable "refrigerating plant water always cool in the sun or shade, every one guaranteed. A sanitary and durable article; will keep water cool (or forty eight hours; ia compact and very easily carried; made in various sizes; is used and en dorsed by all whose duties take them in warm climate. Is used by the U. S. Gov't em ployes. Every bag guaranteed. Send fot our latest pamphlet, FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE Madeby Adam Appell Water Bag Co. Portland. Oregon For Sunburn TRY Mt. Hood PEROXIDE CREAM Every Jar Guaranteed For sale only by Tollman & Co. LEADING DIICCGISTS. DRILL TEAMS VIE FOR HONOR Knights Templar Take Inrt in Greatest Competitive Military Exliibit Ever Held. DENVER. Colo., Aug 14. Seven teen drill teams representing' all parts of the United States today began the greatest competitive military exhi bition ever held at a conclave of the Knights Templar. The spectacle was the most brilliant presented since the Thirty-second Triennial of the Con clave began. The large-st number of teams entered In any previous conclave v.as eight. It will require two days of drilling to dispose of all the maneuv ers and evolutions on the program. To the be.st drilled team will go the coveted solid silver twelve gallon punch bowl with thirty cups and la dle. It Is worth $5,000 and is one of the largest made. It is beautifully engraved and etched with scenes of Colorado. The second prize, a silver loving cup four feet high, cost 12,500. There are a dozen other magnificent prizes. The drill teams entered are: Chi cago Commandery No. 19; St. Ber nard Commandery No. 35, Chicago; Englewood Commandery No. 59, Chi cago; Columbia Commandery No. 63, Chicago; Woodlawn Commandery No. "6, Chicago; Joliet Commandery No. 4, Joliet, 111.; Ivanhoe Commandery No. 24, Milwaukee, Wis.; Raper Com mandery No. 1, Indianapolis; Colum bia Commandery No. 2, Washington, I. C; Gethsemane Commandery No. 33, Newton, Mass.: Ascaion Com- I mandery No. 16, St. Louis; St. Aide- mar No. .10, St. Louis: Oriental Com mandery No. 35, Kansas City, Mo.; Mt. Olivet No. 12, Wichita, Kans.; Newton Commandery No. 9. Newton. Kans.; Seattle Commandery No. 2, .Seattle, Wash., and California Com mandery No. 1, San Francisco. ' The official banquet of the Grand Encampment will be held tonight at E! Jebel temple. It will be given by the local conclave committee. Plates for several hundred, at I12.50 per plate have been arranged for. This evening the famous battalion drill corps of Detroit Commandery No. 1 will give an exhibition at the stadium The Detroit organization Is the best known drilling association In the country. Fifty-one of the Knights are more than six feet tall. They can not compete for prizes, a state law prohibiting it. One of tonight's fea tures will be a concert by a cowboy band of 100 pieces from Fort Dodge. Kansas, the same that led the pa rada in the Templar conclave held In Denver twenty-one years ago. PKAIIUE HUE IJURXS TWO HARTLAXn HOMES CENTER VILLE, Wah., Aug. 14. Serious damage to property ia threat ened in the Hartland section by a ::.'.:ri.; fire which hits be on ragln? mm j MJ mm fair For New Subscribers to the East Oregonian, or Old Subscribers Who Are Paid Up to Date Now is the time to subscribe for the East Oregonian, and secure any of the following popular monthly or weekly Magazines or Periodicals at the great reductions shown. GOOD SUMMER READING This of fer is for a limited time only, ending Sept. 1 , 1913. Never before except during our similar offer of last year have you had an opportunity like this to secure the leading magazines of the country at the prices we have quoted you below. Get Busy! Send in Your Subscription Now Name of Periodical Ainslee's Magazine Current Literature Delineator Designer Etude. Published M 1 M Everybodys Magazine Fra Magazine M ..M Good Housekeeping Harper's Bazar Housekeeper Irrigation Age Lippincott's Magazine McCall's Magazine 3 years with 3 patterns..- MeClure's Magazine Modern Priscilla Outdoor Life Pearson's M M -M M M M M ..M Pictorial Magazine Review M Pub. 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Post Office Subscription Rates Tor Daily and Semi-Weekly Oregoaian East Daily, 1 yr. by maiL.$5.00 Daily, 6 mo. by maiL- 2.50 Daily, 3 mo. by mail 1.25 Daily, 1 ma by mail .50 Daily, 1 yr. by carrier- 7.50 Daily, C mo. by carrier 3.75 Daily, 3 mo. by carrier 1.95 Daily, 1 mo. by carrier .05 Semi-Weekly, one year by mail . 1.50 Semi-Weekly, 6 months by mail .75 ScTTii-Wcokly 4 months by mail .50