East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 13, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The Season's
will be found here first
Kwp in touch with us if you want fresh fruits when they first
appear on the market We will handle only the hest at prices
usually paid for common stock.
Phone 88.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Trying: to Fix Sewer.
The city has a force of men at
work at the corner of Water and Col
lege streets trying to fix a leak where
thei sewer passed through the Byers
mill race.
To '.Build Addition to Houso.
V. S. Farley has taken out a per
mit to build a one story addition to
his; dwelling on Lincoln street and al
so ,to build a porch on It. The Im
provements will cost about 1500.
Fierce fires are burning on the
Mallbu mountains, 30 miles
north of Santa Monica. The
latest reports Indicate that no
ranch property has been dam
aged, although much valuable
timber may be devastated. For
est rangers are being rushed to
the scene.
Hits a. Good. Crop.
County Judge J. W. Maloney Is one
who Is praying for a few more weeks
of dry weather. He has a splendid
crop this year and estimates that his
yield will be 50,000 bushels If he Is
permitted to cut it as it now stands.
secretary of the Carpenters and Join
ers' Union, that ninety per cent of
grammar school graduates are misfits,
aroused sharp debate among the ed
ucators of the federation of Catholic
societies. Duffy urged the federation
to support a movement for vocation
al schools.
(Continued from page one.)
three horns about the same size as
the average phonograph horn were
attached to the section posts of the
grandstand and connected with bat
teries. Lee Drake, official announcer
of the Round-up, talked Into a re
ceiver in a tone but little louder than
the average conversational tone and
the announcements were heard clear
ly and distinctly throughout the
Krandstand. The demonstration was
made without employing the ampli-
"Wbere All Are Pleased"
fier which Mr. Scott declares will off
set any counter effect which a crowd
in the grandstand or other noises
will have.
The cost for installing a system
such as would reach every section of
the grandstand and bleachers would
be close around $1500 and as that is
a considerable sum of money, the dl
rectors are considering the matter of
leasing the equipment this year. In
asmuch as the company is desirous
of securing the advertising which the
employment of the enunclator will
give, no difficulty Is anticipated in
reaching satisfactory terms.
Save Tour Cash Sales Checks for Mer
chants' Voting Contest
8U If!
Early Arrivals of
Every day for the past three weeks
we have been receiving shipments of
new fall merchandise.
Stein Bloch Smart Clothes
for men and young men. You may
select your suit now and be assured of
the best styles also new Florsheim
shoes-new fall hats-neckwear -extra
trousers-and furnishing goods of latest
creations. All are ready for your in
spection. ,
We Give Jj&C Trading Stamps
The Alexander Dept. Store
Harvest Still Suspended.
Though very little rain has fallen
today .enough fell last night and at
intervals today to make the grain
tough and to stop harvest operations.
Theatening clouds have obscured the
sky all day and the thermometer has
been lower than for several weeks.
Major Swartzlander Back.
Major E. L. Swartzlander, superln
tendent of the Umatilla reservation,
and his family have returned from an
extended visit through the eastern
states. He reports a most enjoyable
Realty Transfers.
J. H. Wattenburger to I. M. Allen
and'wife for $1000, se. 1-2 of the nw.
1-4, sec. 12. twp. 2 N.. R. 27; J. C.
Tandell and wife to O. C. Cole for
$2500, nw. 1-3 of sec. 1. twp. 3 N.
R. 36: Otto Didlon to R. E. Perry, lot
6, block 81, Reservation addition to
Pendleton, consideration 31000.
Slaughter of Grouse Regins.
LONDON. Aug. 13 Society is out
In force on the Northern Moors today
for the opening of the annual season
for the slaughter of grouse. Because
so much of the game is killed for the
mere pleasure of the killing. It Is prob
able that after this year the open sea
son will be greatly shortened, hous
ands of grouse were killed today, the
greater portion of the slaughtered
game being left where it fell. On
some estates the peasants are permit
ted to follow up the royal parties and
gather the game for their own use or
for sale, but in the majority of cases
this Is not permitted.
Wont $100,000.
In a news report yesterday from
Washington the information was glv-
en that Representative Sinnott has
Introduced a bill to Increase the ap
propriation for the Pendleton federal
building to $60,000. The report
seems to be in error as Representa
tive Sinnott has been asked to have
the amount increased to 3100,000. The
sum of J70.000 is already appropri
ated and of this amount JS0OO was
used for the purchase of a site.
NEW YORK. Aue. 13. That the
first ship would pass through the Pan
ama canal In October was the opinion
expressed by Lieutenant Colonel Eu
gene Wilson. U. S. A., on his arrival
here from Panama for a two months
vacation. Colonel Wilson is an as
sistant to Colonel Goethals in the con
struction of the Panama canal.
Colonel "Wilson said that the two
oceans would be Joined in September
and by next spring the canal would
be ready for vessels of .the w orld.
Now is the time to buy your
Round-Up Bedding
See our window display
SinRlo Decl Cotton Blanket, pair 49
50x72 SizcCotton Blanket, pair - 9
G4x7G Size White, Tan and (Jrey, pair ......... '. 98r
72x80 Size, "White, Tan and Grey, pair .'. ?1.40
72xS0 Wool Jfap, Grey only, pair $1.98
(iCxSO Wool Nap Plaids, pair - 81.98
72x80 Wool Blanket, Grey, pair :. $2.98
00x78 Wool Blanket, Plaid, pair - S2.98 ,
OSxSO Wool Blanket, Plaid, pair $3.98
.124 All Wool, G pounds, pair $4.98
Comforts for 9S, $1.25, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $3.49,
2 Pound All Feather Pillows, each 69
2 12 Pound All Feather Pillows, each . 79
3 pound All Feather Pillows, each : 98
3 1-4 Pound All Feather Pillows, each $1.49
Standard Oilcloth white and colors, 48 inches wide at yard 20
Men's Suits $15.00 value $9.90
Men's Suits $17.50 value $12.50
Men's Suits $20.00 value .1 $14.75
Men's Suits $22.50 value $10.50
Men's Suits $25.00 value $17.50
48 Busy
Golden Rule
We Lead,
Others Follow
Is Committed to Hospital.
William B. Wilson, 70 years old and
a resident of Halsey, Ore., was today
examined before Judge J. W. Ma
loney and Dr. G. S. Boyden and pro
nounced Insane. Thereupon, the
judge ordered him committed to the
state hospital. The old gentleman
suffered a stroke of paralysis about
a year ago and his 'mind has been
affected since. He seems obsessed
with the idea that a band of bandits
is pursuing him to take his life. .
LONDON. Aug. 13 The concert of
Europe is In splendid tune, according
to Sir Edward Grey, who however,
hinted In the hotse of commons that
it was possible one of the great Pw' ! declared that four concerns manufac
" WASHINGTON, Aug. 13. That the
tobacco trust, instead of being dis
solved bv the decree of the supreme
court of the United States, has in
creased Its monopolistic control of to
bacco manufacture, was asserted in
the senate by Senator Hitchock of Ne
braska in discussing the tobacco
schedule of the tariff bill.
Reading from statistics furnished
bv the secretary of the treasury, he
Are You Paying
Your Neighbors' Bills
Get away from the old foggy system
of charge accounts and uncollectable
bills that the cash customers are com
pelled to make up.
Trade Here-Pay Cash
and get a dollar's vorth of meat
for 31.00. We sell for cash only,
saving ourselves and our customers
money. Investigate our cash coupon
books and how to save from 10 to
20 on your meat.
the Oregon Market
815 Main Street
Slip's to Foreclose Mortgage.
William A. Eastman Co. have
commenced suit against Margaret
Brown, Joseph M. Brown and the
King County Trading Co., to foreclose
a mortgage alleged to have been given
by the browns as security for a note
for $619.98. The trading company is
made defendant because, it is alleged,
20 acres of the mortgaged land was
transferred to It after the note was
executed. One hundred dollars at
torney fees and 12 per cent Interest
ore asked. Hamlin & Meier and Ra
ley & Raley are plaintiff's attorneys
ers might intervene if Turkey provok
ed. Continuing the foreign secretary
said: ,
"We have reached an agreement on
the subjects of Albania and the Is
lands of the Aegean sea."
An International commission of con
trol. Sir Edwar explained would set up
an autonomous state of Albania under
the prince to be selected by the Euro
pean powers, while regarding the Ae
gean islands, the powers, including
Italy, have adopted the seii-uenjniB
ordlnace that none of the islands shall
be retained by them.
raving in-oceexling Rapidly.
Work on the paving of west Webb
street Is proceeding rapidly and a
crew of men has already been set to
grading Raley street, preparatory to
paving that street. Already four
blocks on west Webb have been com
pleted, all of the storm sewers are In,
two blocks of the new sanitary sewer
has been laid, and the curbing will
be completed within a few days. Su
perintendent C. P. A. Lonergan of the
Warren Construction company, de
clares that he will have the pavement
all laid before the Round-up.
now'9 Tills for Eagerness?
The Round-up headquarters is a
busy scene these days, as W. C. E
Pruitt and his corps of assistants send
out literature and advertising matter
of the local show. They are quite
willing to send this matter to anyone
who wants it and are quite ready to
use the postage furnished by the as
sociation, but this morning Mr Pru
itt received two letters enclosing
postage with which to send Round-up
literature to the writers. This Is a
sample of the Interest In the Round
up. Today a large number of little
boxes which contain Round-up but
tons are being sent out to people of
the Interior communities.
PEKING. Aus. 13-Whlle the re
storation of order by the government
troops' is reported from most centers
of the recent Chinese rebellion, tho
governor of the province of Klang
Shi Is striving to organize fresh op
tiositlon to the government of Yuan
Shi Kai. He declines scornfully to
follow the example of Huang Sing, and
Dr Sun Yat Sen now in Japan, who
are described by the governor us
"Pitiful cowards."
Only a small number of the mem
bers of the Chinese parliament have
departed from Peking,. The remain
der are proceeding with the regular
business in a satisfactory manner
while a special committee is engaged
in drafting a constitution.
tured last year 71 3-4 per cent of all
tobacco manufactured In the United
States, that three of these concerns
manufactured 90 per cent of all the
small cigars and three of them 85
3-5 per cent of all the cigarettes.
"If. the American people are In earn
est, and I believe they are." he add
ed, "they want this monopoly curbed
If the United States senate is in earn
est It ought not o permit any rule of
a party caucus to restrain a senator
from voting for a measure that wouia
put a stop to defiance of a Judicial
decree and restore a condition of com
petition in the world of tobucco man
ToImuto Schedule Approved.
: The tobacco schedule, which placed
a graauaiea income mx vn wuunu
production, was approved by the sen
ate without amendment, the metal
schedule was completed with the ex
ception of some paragraphs which tho
finance committee had passed for fur
ther consideration and the sugar
scheilule was passed over because of
the illness of Senator Ransdell of
Louisiana. The d"bate was then be
gun on the agricultural schedule one
of the sec tions most vigorously assail
ed by the senators of the minority.
Senator Gronna of North Dakota
opened this discussion and proposed
in Heu of freellstlng cattle a rate of
$1.50 a head on cattle less than a
year old; $3 a head on cattle valued
at not more than $14 and 20 per cent
ad valorem on cattle valued at more
than $14.
La"e for Free Cattle.
Senator Lane of Oregon said the
principal reason for free listing cattle
was that there were not sufficient cat
tle In this coutnry to supply the do
mestic demand.
The committee amendment free
listing cattle was sustained 38 to 31,
Senator Thornton of Louisiana voting
with the republicans against the am
endment This was the first time a
democrat had voted against the party
All the progressive republicans vot
ed against free cattle.
injured Man Drags Himself More
Tl'an a Mile to Retort Ncs
of the Accident.
THE DALLES, Aug. 13. Arthur
H. Smith, who operates a sawmill at
Wahkiacus, Wash., 15 miles north of
this city, and his wife were almost
Instantlv killed, and D. E. Cox. a
rancher employed by Smith, was se
riously injured when a large tree fell
on them while they were driving home
from The Dalles Cox, who was so
badly crippled that he was unable
to walk, dragged himself about a mile
and a half to a farmhouse and report
ed the tragedy, a few hours later.
American Physicians Sail for America
LONDON. Aug. 13. After an ex
tensive tour of Europe and the Brit
ish Isles, during which every hospital
of note was visited, the party of sev
enty American physicians today sailed
from here for Now York. The Am
erican medical men expressed them
selves as much benefited by what
they had seen abroad but were unan
imous In declaring that European
physicians and medical scientists have
vastly more to learn from a study of
American institutions than they can
teach to Americans. Among the cit
ies visited were Munich, Vienna, Ber
lin, Paris, the Bohemian health re
sorts, Weisbaden, Cologne, Brussels.
Amsterdam and elsewhere Among
the best known members of the party
are Drs. Richard Kovacs New York;
and Sibmond Breltenfild of' the Ger
man hospital of New York.
Of course there is risk In marriage,
but every normal man la fond of adventure.
fresh from the mountains.
Wm. Milno Phono 207
"Good Eats"
Cawes Set For Trial.
Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps has or
de'red the trial jury to report at the
court house on Thursday, August 28
to listen to the evidence in the follow-
' Ing cases: State vs. James and Emma
Wade, chargrd with conducting a
bawdy house at Freewater; State vs.
John Adams, Hugh Rohy and Harvey
Adams, charged with shooting game
out of seaon; and State vs. Ernest
Todhuntcr, charged with assault up
on Carl Churchill, Charles Morrison
and Roy Stuart. On the 21st, 22nd,
and 23rd, the civil cases of Swayze,
trustee, vs. Wright and Hwayze, trus
tee vs. Longhorn will be tried and on
August 23 the trial of the divorce
suit of McNabb vs. McXabb will be
heard. ,
Calls for Statements.
WASHINGTON, Aug, 13. Every
national bank In the country has been
requester! to furnish Secretary McAdoo
a special statement of money loannd
other banks as well as money bor
rowed In the form of rediscounts, bills
payable and the like. -The secretary
means to keep In close touch with the
banks. '
DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 13. Seven
were drowned when the flimsy top
of the launch Duplaise collaused and
23 were thrown into the waters of St.
Louis bay. Tugs and launches res
cued 16 of the passengera
MILWAUKEE, Aug. 13. The dec
laration of Frank Duffy of Columbus,
Dale Rothwell
Eyes Examined
Lenses Ground
Lenses Duplicated
r -! ; Glasses Fitted
, . ,'., . . ..
. Wm. . Han8Com
All Spring Suits 50 Off
$3.00 and $4.00 Pants . . $1.45
Good Balbriggan Underwear 50c per
suit. Endicott Johnson good work
shoes . . . $3.00 and $3.50
Two Hundred New Fall
Suits at 10, 12.50 and 15
Browns, Greys, Blues and Mixtures
Its the store that saves you money. Drop in
and look over the pieces advertised. They are
well worth looking at if you don't want to buy.
You'll not find such values in any other store in
the northwest. A great price-saving, on all
men's wear.
Opposite St. George Hotel The Handy P lace to Buy