PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13, 1013. EIGHT PAGES. BABY'S HEAD BEGANTOFESTER Eruption Like Ulcerated Pimples. , Itched and Irritated Awfully. Hair Feli Out. Cuticura Soap and Oint ment Cured in Three Weeks. rot V. O. Box .V, Grcvnville. Cal. "Last Tall my baby boy, two a:d a half years old, foil and hit the hark cf liis head on the door- casing, cutting quite a fnuh. I "thought it would hvuX rislit away, sj 'when I picked him up and washed his head I put soma on it and ho soon was playing I aaln. The next morning there was a scab over It, but after a tow days It began to fester and other sores came near it. They commenced at bis neck and gradually spread to the top of his head. The eruption was liko ulcerated pimploa and itched and irritated him aw fully, especially at night, when he would scratch and dig his head. I had hard work to keep him from scratching them. His hair fell out where the sores were thickest. "The sores looked red and matterated. 1 liad all bis hair cut close to his head so I could get the Cutictira Ointment on well night and morning and I washed his head well with the Cuticura Soap. In two weeks it was healed nicely and In three weeks he was cured and there Is not even a scar." (Signed) Mrs. A. B. Wolters, Dec. 17, 1912. Cuticura Soap 25c and Cuticura Ointment 50c, are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of ach mailed free, with 33-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T, Boston." -Men who shave and shampoo with Cu- ticura Soap will find it best for skin and scalp. ATTACKS SYSTEM OF NAVAL EXAMS Representative Howard of Georjria Says Present Method Is Silly Seeks Reform. By Burton K. Standish, written for the United Press.) WASHINGTON, Aug 13. The Hon. William S. Howard, representa tive from Georgia, doesn't like the questions which the examining board asks of all candidates for the United states nav;il academy and he recently delivered himself of his opinion on the Bubject and the reasons why be fore the house. Representative Howard left ahso lutely no doubt in the minds of his fellow congressmen as to his exact St. Helens Hall POBTLiJCD, ORCOO!f Resident and Day School for Girl In charge of Blrtn of St.John Baptist (Episcopal) CoU.fiatt. Aeademt. and Elementary Department., almale. Art, Elocution, Domaatle Art, DomaaUo ftdenca, fiymnaaium. For catalog ddreae THE SISTER SUPERIOR, Office 27 St. Helena Hall Bfer HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A Select Non-Sectarian Boarding and Day School for Boy. Military Dicipline; Small Classes; Men Teachers. Careful supervision secures tesults thai are not attained elsewhere. Send for catalog PORTLAND, OREGON and innermost thoughts about some of the entrance examination questions asked would-be future naval officers. One of the questions upon which the representative who came from the state made famous by Ty Cobb, lit with both hands and feet was, "Trace the growth of democracy in Rome, previous to the Punic war." "Why shouldn't the candidate in stead be asked to trace the growth of Bull Moosism in Pennsylvania pre vious to the last presidential elec tion?" demanded the fiery southern er. "Knowledge of democracy's growth In Home previous to the Pu nic war," said Howard, "is just about as helpful to a future sea-fighter as would be the knowledge of what's in side of lima beans." "In a recent entrance examination the candidates were asked to locate. mong other places, Aganta. Punta Arenas, Peehili, Finisterre, Kattegat, and Brahamputra. They might as well have been asked to locate Dogs Tooth, Buzzards Boost or Sundance, for which a $50,000 public building was provided by the senate last year. Silly Questions, "And why should it be expected that a candidate has crammed Into, his brain all the reasons why the Ro man legion was tactically superior to the Macedonian phalanx? Old Gen eral J. Caesar himself, probably did not know why. He probably merely knew that his legions had a better batting avfirage than the Macedonian phalanxes. Still another silly ques tion aswed in entrance papers was re garding the spread of Christianity in Rome. But perhaps the worst of all was the question asking for complete de tails of Washington's campaign ii New Jersey during the winter of 1775-76. The bright young man who called this question to my attention, wrote for twenty minutes before he suddenly realized that Washington wasn't In New Jersey during that time. It was merely a 'catch question' of the kind they use to trip up the small boy in grade school" "It isn't -at all surprising," contin ued Representative Howard, "that one boy became facetious in answering the question as to why science could not utilize the waters of Niagara Falls with the time honored answer, Dammit they can't' And my heart goes out to the young man from Tex as who, after struggling with a score of foolish, senseless questions, wrote on his paper, 'You all can go to hell; I'm on my way back to Texas. '" Howard quoted a number of reas ons given for not accepting candidates who have passed the mental examina tion. They were unscientific dentition mean poor dentistry; ingrowing toe nails; ozena which means sore nose; and exacverbation of pathogonomic symptoms which sounds bad but means very little. "If these ailments were made lions in the paths of political honors," ask ed Howard, "how many of our lead ing congressmen and statesmen would we have here In Washington?" Remarks Make Impression, , The Georgia representative s re marks were made partly facetiously but they have made an impression. Senators and representatives who didn't know about these matters, are talking about some means of changing the system of ontrance examinations for Anapolis. It is the contention that under present systems, it is ab solutely necessary for a student to "crtm like sixty" at a special prepara tory school before he can pass such an examination. This "cramming" it is conceded, never means obtaining real information that lasts, but only enough to get through the exam with. In discussing the case recently, Howard told of a Brooklyn boy, whose father, a warrant officer, could not afford to send his boy to a prepara tory school his class at school. Four boys,- who had stood far lower In the first boy's Mass attended the preparatory school and passed the Annapolis entrance ex amination while the first boy, "the son of a gunner," as Howard put It failed. "The son ofa gunner failed; those sons of guns rejected him," said Howard. It is Representative Howard's con tention that only twenty-seven per cent of the 500 boys who took the en trance examination last year passed and that of tha number more than half had to take a second or third ex amination. Representative Howard wants the curriculum and system changed "so that an ordinary human being can pass the examinations and have half a chance to remain at the institution after he gets there." FOREST INSECT DANGER STOPPED Prompt Action by Government Ire venu Loss Www Beetle to Timber of Oregon. Look Out For Poison Evy Keep Your Blood Pure and Danger will be Avoided. Minister Praises ThU Laxative. Rev. H. Stubenvoll of Allison, la., In praising Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are such perfect pills no home should be without them." No better regulaor for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c, at Koeppens. Adv. By a prompt campaign against a flourishing colony of -barn beetles on i the Ochoco national forest in central Oregon, the government Is eliminating danger which threatened to destroy millions of feet of timber. Some authorities claim that the mount or timber killed each year by insects Is equalled only by the oss from forest fires. Among the most destructive of these insect ene mies are the bark beetles, one of which, the mountain pine beetle, is' responsible for most of the damage on the Ochoco forest This deadly little beetle is less than a quarter of an i IIITKKTA TIIAXKS. . 1L LANE WILSON Telegrams Are Exchanged Honorable Settlement to bo Male, Says Kx-Ambassador. MEXICO CITY. Aug 13 President Huerta and Henry Lane Wilson, for mer American embassador to Mexico have exchanged telegrams on the sub Ject of Mr. Wilson's attitude on the question of Mexico and the United States. The message of President Huerta Bays: "The Mexican republic through my self thanks you for Justice In which you expressed yourself regarding the government of this country. Mr. Wilson in acknowledging the telegram expressed the belief that wise counsel would prevail and that an honorable settlement of the questions at Issue eompatible with the dignity of both countries would be reached. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years Well. Seems a long time to endure the awful burning, itching, smarting, skin-disease known as "tetter" an other name for Eczema. Seems good to realize, also, that Dr. Hobson's Ec- acnia Ointment has proven a perfect cure. Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes: "I can not sufficiently express my thanks to you for your Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. It has cured my tetter, which has troubled me for over fifty years. All druggists, or by mall, 60c Koeppens. Adv. PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO. St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Ia VOLOAXGS EMIT SMOKE IX ALASKA AH Ulood Ilnorden are Kaorked Out by S. S. . Strolling: through the woods or clear ing brush, picnickers, hunters, fisher- nt h in length, but bears the ponder- j meniook' out for poison Ivy. And In ous scientific name of Dendroctonus monticolae Hopk, which, being inter preted, signifies killer of the moun tain pine tree, discovered by Hopkins. Its methods of operalon are Inter esting. The mature beetle bores through the bark of the tree and ex the meantime keen your blood pure by using S. S. S. If your skin is rough with eczoma, pimples or any other eruption, S. S. S. stimulates the line network of blood vessels In the skin to dry up and heal all sore spots. S. 8. & will do this positively. It dominates the principle of osmosis, cavates a gallery in the Inner living stimulates the cells of the skin to select bark and in the outer surface of the their own nutriment irom xne ivoou. wood in which it lays its eggs. When Pure, and,heal'"Kb V" 7m? il' .,..., . . . 4. ful medicinal Ingredients of this fa- imivuni cat. ii jiruilB iai va, ui ucihic- grub, channels into this growing por tion of the trunk, feeding upon the in ner, bark. When full grown the larva after passing through a dormant, or pupal stage, becomes a beetle. This beetle then drills out through the bark In July, and. emerging into the world seeks a fresh tree and starts a new generation. With this "chain-letter" method, it soon infests a large area. The galleries or channels of the lar vae girdle- the tree and kill it, and the beattle's presence is usually dis covered, as It was In the Ochoco for-1 . , w f v.. s,., .i nin.! nt tne clubhouse he Jumped upon Jo- mous blood purifier. It Is a safe rem edy, as it contains no minerals, and yet Us action Is a marvel. Y6u can get a S. S. In any drug store, but insist upon having It. The Swift Laboratory In Atlanta, Ga.. pre pares this famous blood purifier, and you should take no chance by permit- tins: anyone to recommend a sudsu tute. And If your blood condition is such that you would like to consult a specialist freely, address the Medical Dept., The Swift specific Company, 18 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, ua. trees in the midst of a mountainside of green. In fighting this forest scourge, the method recommended by the bureau o. Entomology is followed. The slm- le removal of the bark of infested trees between October and July, while the larvae are still In the tree, Is suf ficient to kill them. The lumber may then be sold while It is yet sound. On the Ochoco forest, however, there was no market, and the forest officers found that the cheaper and more ef- j lective nietnon or control was to cui the trees and burn them before the new broods of beetles could emerge. In 1912 the Infestation was given a decided check by the cutting of '3500 trees. This summer the attack on the insects was resumed with renew ed vigor, and 42 laborers. In charge of a forest officer, cut more than 40,- 000 trees. s-'ph Mellon, vice president of the club until the official noticed the note He read It hurriedly. Then, accom r.nuied by the mascot, he started 'or the scene of the breakdown In an au tomobile. He reached the strandel ball players In less than three hour? from the time the dog had left th Mire. The club had been to Odessa. Dei where it defeated the team of thai plait- 7 to 4. HOWS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any rase of Catarrh that cannot b cured by tian ratarrn cure. r. j. uhkm-ji uu., Toledo, u, We. the nnderslfcntd, bare known. V, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him Derfectlr honorable in all hualncaa As a result of these vlg-. transactions and financially able to carry BoRoslof, Freaky Mountain is Agai performing Contortions in .North. SEATTLE. Aug. 13. Bogoslof Is Jand, the famous freak volcanic Is land of Bering Sea is again perform ine contortions and every volcano of the vast mountain range of western Alaska and the Aleutian Islands is emitting smoke, steam or vapor, ac cording to Captain C. O. Crisp of the revenue cutter I'nalga, which returned to Seattle from her first cruise to Bering Sea. Captain Crisp said that Bogoslof Is land, which has interested scientists since its first appearance in 190G has undergone? another change since it was visited last year. Natives told Captain Crisp that the island entirely disappeared for a tim and when it reappeared above the orous measures, the government ap- ont BT obligations made by bis firm. parently has the beetles under con- trol. DOG RESCUES BALL CLUB. WILMINGTON, Del, ug. 13. A dog mascot of the Christiana Athletic club, of Wilmington, with no pedigree went to the rescue when the baseball club of that organization was strund ed In a country road In a disabled automobile, near Middleton, Del., 25 iriles from here. A note summoning help was tied to the dog's collar and ae started on a run and did not stop until this city was reached. The dog made a Journey homeward .iione over a strange road. Arriving Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cons surfaces of the system. Testimonial! sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold dj an uruggisis. Take nail's Family Pills for constipation You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the Quelle Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Everyday. We invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street surface its shape was different and it The boy was the best of was several hundred yards from its former position. A Good Mechanic never lias any cause to find fault with lumber that we supply. For every plank is sound, sea soned and straight grained. He losses no time in trying to select a good board. That saves his time and that means money. It's true economy to do your lum ber buying here. Oregon Lumber Yard A. H. Cox, Mgr. East Alta Si Opposite Court House OLD imiOll AGAIN STARTED. Sale of S, V. to O.-W. It. & N. Is Once More Argued Eccle's Visit Starts Story. BAKER, Ore, Aug. 13. The pres ence here of David C. Eccles, son of the late David Eccles, president and principal stockholder of the Sumpter Valley railway, gave rice to further ru mors concerning the sale of the S. V. to the O.-W. Tl. & X., so oftern report ed of late, and. as often denied by the officials of both companies. Guy L. Anderson, former O.-W. of ficial and present head of the S. V. as 'general manager, and other offl cials, as usual, deny the visit had any significance in the reported deal and local people are beginning to believe the oft-repeated tale of a sale Is made of whole cloth. On the other hand, those who believe In the deal point out that O.-W. R. & N. agents have acquired property at Sumpter and other places, of no use to the company otherwise. The S. V. has acquired an other big bunch of timber land ad Jacent to its terminal at Prairie City, In Grant valley. Teething babies always have a hard time of it when this process occurs In hot weather. They not only have to contend with painful gums but the stomach is disordered, bowels loose and the body uncomfortable. The best help you can-give the little suf ferer is McGEE'S BABY ELIXIR. It corrects sour stomach, cools and quiets the bowels and helps digestion. Price 25c and 50c per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. CAUGHT OKEGOX FISH; FINED L. C. Turney Diss fp $8.50 for Hav ing Trout That Are Bclmv tlie Limit. WALLA WALLA, Aug. 13. L. C. Turney was fined 5 and costs, 18.50 In all, In Justice court yesterday for having in his possession 20 trout un der six Inches In length. The fish were caught In Oregon and Turney was arrested at the interurban station at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Tur ney had 32 trout in all. j The offenders arrested two weeks ago were fined $1 and costs each. Judge McKlnney stated the fine is subject to variation and because one man pays a fine of a certain size is no sign the next one will pay one as small. Revenge generally seeks refuge in a "THE OLD RELIABLE" IfraiTT REMEDYforMEN AT DRUGS I8T8.0R TRIAL BOX Br MAIL 50. FROM PLANTEM 93 HENRY ST. BROOKLYN. NY. r .. Lehman Hot Springs A Health and Pleasure Resort FRANK L. McHEIL, Prop. Best Dance Hall in Blue Mountains. Finest Pool in Eastern Oregon. Good Bowling Alleys. Fine Fishing. Hotel Rates PER DAY $2.00 PER WEEK $10.00 i Camping privileges free with water piped to grounds. Cottages COTTAGES BY THE WEEK, $2.50 TO $5.00 PER WEEK. Cottages are furnished with stove, chairs and springs. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FOR SALE BY MANAGEMENT. AUTOMOBILE STAGE Leaves Pendleton Auto Company. Phone 541 for reservations. Have Your House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and saves much un necessary eye-strain. At the present rate for light ing you get one kilowatt more for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.60. By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three , times more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light is as bright and clear as day light. This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE YOUR EYES. SAVE YOUR HOUSE, SAVE MONEY. BE COMFORTABLE. Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas ' piping, motors and dynamos. See J. L. Vaugh&n S31 Main St. Phone 13 Don't Make Your Home a Bake Oven This Summer Vr V 'f " C "I M TV -- i I 4.W a. aav- 3aAAaMllSSSalSSSSk4am' . FT m Jt i K 1J .IPT r; PACIFIC POWER r LIGHT COMPANY Always at Your Service" Phone 40 1 small head. aafa 1