DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 101: PAGE FIVE. 7k PERSONAL MENTION II EIGHT PAGES. 7ii Ms For ladies and misses now ready for you. The latest fall styles in all shades and sizes from 14 to 20 and 34 to 46. $ 1 2.50, 14.85, 18.45 Come and get yours today, it may be gone tomorrow. F. L U Willi GO. LOCALS Inquire Dutch rags at th Milch cows for sale. Henry Feed Yard. Wanted Good, clean Eaat Oregonlan, office. Joe Ell, Insurance, room S Ameri can National Bank tide Wanted Girl to do general house work. . rhone 3C5 R. For bottled sodas and beers, phone Paul Hemmelgarn, 177. Wanted Girl to wait on table. Ap ply 126 West Webb street Wanted Man and team for harvest work- Phone Fred Reese 15-F 12. Wanted Room and board by man and wife. Address "B" this office. Just received, one carload of cedar posts at J. A. Borle Lumber Co. Wanted Girl to to do general housework. Phone Mrs. W. P. Tem ple. Wanted Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address "D" this office. For rent Nice suite of rooms In Temple Building for office or light housekeeping. , For rent Nicely furnished suite with board one block from Main street Phon Main (69. For Sale Single buggy, good aa new, cheap. Can be seen at Carney Jb Bradley barn. Call S70. C. B. Rude, livestock and general auctioneer. Terms and dates can be made with Mr. E. L. Smith. For Sale Stock general merchan dise. Invoice about $4000. Inquire Farmers' Trading Co., Peck, Idaho. For sale Restaurant and lodging house, doing good business. Owner leaving city. Inquire 126 W. Webb. For Sale One Indian motorcycle Has been driven two hundred miles. Quick sale, cheap. Box "A," Pendle ton. Latest Victor and Edison Blue Am berol records, also latest sheet music received daily at Warren's Music House. Lost Long blue serge coat. In Pendleton or on macadam road to Ad ams. Reward paid for return to this office. Lost Pocket book between Clar ence Fenland's and Farmer Edwards. Finder return to this office and re ceive reward. Wanted To rent by responsible party, modern alx room house, good location. Call at tnis ornce lor wior matlon. Phono 1. Do not fall to see Mr. H. L. Carl at the St. George Hotel, Pendleton, Thursday, August 14, relative to civil service appointments. Penland Bros. nw- furniture van moves all you have In one load. Good warehouse storage; rates reasonable. Phone 889 or call Penland Bros., 647 Main street Toung men and women should call and Interview Mr. H. L. Carl at St. riannrn Hotel in Pendleton concern ing appointments to civil service, Thursday, August 14. Popcorn Crlspette Machines make big money for the operator. If you are looking for a cash clean-up for fair and Round-up call at Room 5. Temple building. Get my offer. Box 341, Pendleton, Ore. Lost Gold watch and chain. Name of Joe Dunn engraved on watch case. Finder please leave at office of East Oregonlan and receive reward. Unique Shooting Gallery, 649 Main street, next door to Bond Bros., now open. Prize, mechanical and moving targets. Prizes given o best shots. First prize a 30-30 Remington rifle. D. E. Brown, proprietor. Passengers for Portland desiring a refreshing ride on the Columbia river should take the Sir. Bailey Gatzert at The Dalles, daily except Sunday and Monday, at 3:16 p. m., arriving in Portland at 9:45 p. m. Fare, The Dalles to Portland. $1.00 Dissolution of Partnership. Notice la hereby given that the partnership of Gillette & Bowman, proprietors of the Pendleton Dye Works and the Bowman Cleaning Works, Pendleton, Oregon, la this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Mr. Gillette assumes payment of all bills owing by the firm. All debts owing to the firm must be paid to him. Dated August 8th. 1913. GEO. B. GILLETTE, VAN J. BOWMAN. ' Attention, Young Men, Young Women Do you desire a position in the classified service 7 Post, office clerks, letter carriers, railway mall clerks, etc., in demand. Ages 18 to 45: Sal ary 75 to $150 monthly. Hundreds of anointments to fill vacancies, ex tension of service and parcels post Mr. H. I Carl will be at the St George Hotel in Pendleton on Thurs day, August 14. Inquiring for young men and women who desire to quali fy for one of these appointments. He will be there one day only, August 14. until 9 p. m. Those Interested should call and see him without fall. Adv. FRANCIS IS XOT "SORE" AT RUSSIA'S STATEMENT PARIS. Aug. 13 Published re ports of serious difference of opinion between France and Russia In regard to the close of the Balkan treaty giv ing the port of Kavala on the Aegean sea to Greece, led the French foreign office to publish a note on the sub ject. It suya thut while France be lieved the port should be given to the Greeks and Russia, thought it ought to be handed over to Bulgaria, neith er government attached much import ance to its own' view as to ask the oth er to sacrifice Its opinion. The re lations between the two allied gov ernments, Rays the note, were never so cltise as now. P. C. Nelson of Echo was a visitor in the city yesterday, Kenneth McRae has ordered a new six cylinder automobile. Fred W. Falconer of Enterprise is registered at the St. George. Mrs. Jack Vincent of Athena Is vis iting relatives in the city today. Mrs. R. Alexander returned on train 17 today from a visit In Baker. Walter B. Shaw of Freewater was among the county visitors In Pendle ton yesterday. Fred Stelwer returned today from a trip with Dan P. Smythe to the lat ter's summer Bheep camp. B. F. Trombley was a passenger on Incoming train No. 17 today, coming down from the mountains. Miss lona Perrln left on No. 10 this morning for La Grande, to visit her sister, Mra, Elmer R. Ouye. W. J. Stockman and son and W. A. Stockman and family left today for Lehman Springs where they will take their outing Miss Pearl Price left for her home In Pendleton this morning after spending a few days with friends here. La Grande Observer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindroth of Mo desto, California, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Llndroth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slevers. Alfred Fits Gerald left today for Lehman Springs for a short vacation. Glen Finch has returned from a va cation at Lehman Springs. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Boyden and two children returned . this morning from Meacham where they had been guests at the summer home of Judge and Mrs. G. W. Phelps. Prof. John Straub, veteran instruc tor at the University of Oregon, ar rived In Pendelton yesterday and will remain for several days. He is reg istered at the Pendleton. P. S. Treloar, travelling freight and passenger agent for the North Bank road has been here today. Mr, Treloar Is a new man In this territory and Is anxious to see the Round-up. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dutton and daughter, Lavelle, former Pendleton residents, returned to this city yester day after spending three weeks at Lehman Springs and left today for their home at Pullman, Wash. Mrs. C. Ralston leaves tomorrow for Pendleton where she will stop over a day then go on to Freewater, where she will remain a few days before go ing to Portland, where she will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Shelly for about two weeks. La Grande Observer. POllTLAXn POLICEMAX SHOOTS FLEEING MAX PORTLAND, Aug. 13 A Finland er, 24. giving the name of William Walters or Waldrus. was shot and fatally wounded by Patrolman Martin after he refused to halt at the offi cer's command. The man was arrest ed when seen lurking In the shadow of a building. While awaiting the patrol he broke and ran. Martin fired five shots, one taking effect. NEGRO KILLS GIRL; LYNCHING IS FEARED LEXINGTON. Mo., Aug. 13 Estill Potter, 13 years old, daughter of Newton Potter, a wealthy farmer liv ing near here, was killed by Goldie Winkfleld, a negro employed at the Potter home, after the 'negro had ravished her. The child's throat was cut from ear to ear. A posse is pur suing the negro. A lynching la feared. - ; MAX KILLS SELF IX HOTEL Catholic Iteration Adjourns. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 13. After a session of three days, the twelfth an nual convention of the American Fed eratlon of Catholic Societies of the United 8tates. closed today. The fi nal sessions today were given over to addresses by some of the moat noted Catholic prelates and laymen In the country. Today's session began ' with a business meeting at 8:30 this morn ing. After luncheon nearly all the 30,000 delegates and visitors went by bont or automobile to St. Francis, Wisconsin, for an outdoor service and picnic. While the Catholic Federation has been in session the Catholic Press as sociation hus been holding its annual convention in nearby buildings. E. J. Cooney of Providence, R. I., presided at the session. Shoots lllmsolf Through Forehead llHly Discovered by Maid No Cause Given. CHICAGO, Aug. 13 An unidenti fied man who registered as Charles Dunham, of Pittsburg, but who Is be lieved to be Carroll Duiham Galvln of Oakland, Calif., committed sui cide at Grace hotel by shooting him self In the forehead. A maid heard the shot and found the man, partly dressed on the floor. In his pocket was a membership card of the Oak land Elks lodge. TURKS THREATEN' WAR AGAINST BUIXJARIA OUR Ice Cold Soda Delightful BeVerageS ARE ALWAYS OS TAP. We use only the best fresh fruits and rock candy syrup and have lea cream absolutely the best that can be bought, served by expert dispenser., , F. J J Donaldson Reliable Druggist WE GIVE T. P. W. STAMPS. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug 13. A protest against alleged Bulgarian atro cities at Therace has been made to representatives of the powers by the porte, which threatens to declare war against Bulgaria unless the powers compel Bulgaria to desist. Cannon Explodes; 3 KlHed. ROME. Aug. 3. Three soldiers were killed and several Injured In an explosion of a cannon at one of the forts defending the city. ARRESTER, TRIED AND HANGED IX A MONTH HARRISON, Ark., Aug. 13. A new criminal prosecution and execution of sentence record for Arkansas was broken today when Odls Davidson was hanged for the murder of Ella Bar ham near Zinc, one month ago. Hogs Decline. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 13. Hogs declined 45 cents today, closing at $8 86, the low mark of the season They receded 75 cents during the week. ' Justice la what every man wants, provided he may define it himself. .- Clued of Thanks. We wlah to express our sincere thanks" to the many friends who so kindly assisted us during the Illness and death of our beloved son Donald. A short answer by a long silence. Is often followed BRAVES WIN ON BUNCHED HITS in very bright shades have taken a very strong foothold, and are in great demand in Eastern Centers We are showing a few of these right now in Melrose, Cardinals, Green. Navy. Come and see them SWEATERS are now being shown here in all sizes from a two year old to 46 size As usual our showing of Fall Coats excells in Style, Varieties and Lowness of Prices Take Early Advantage WOHLENBERG DEPARTMENT STORE : Better Goods for Less Money St. Mary's Catholic Church Leads by Wide Margin -Contest Has Nine Weeks Yet to Run. Don't Forget to Vote. STANDING FOR FIRST WEEK. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 11.570 WEST WEBB STREET PAVING FUND . ! 1.000 PARISH AID 1,000 Thlnl and Fourth Inning Tell Story New Twlrle Holds Bm ks to On Jilt. the NORTH YAKIMA," Wash., Aug. 13 ( Special. ) The. North Yakima Braves won yesterday afternoon four to nothing, on extra base hits, bunch ed In the third, and fourth innings The Yakima playera did not make an error while Boatman,' the new twirl er from Victoria, held the Buckarooei to One hit, walked one man, fanned seven and kept pinching the corner of the plate so that Pendleton s six leit handed batters Bent the ball Into short left or center every time they found ' The Buckarooes made three errors, but were lucky, for none of them counted toward North 'Yakima's four runs. Welch, who was released by Walla Walla last week, was in the box for Pendleton and pitched a good game. Out One, Two, Three. The Buckarooes went out one, two, three in all but the third and ninth Innings. In the third Augustus drop ped one over second base which was good for a single. It was the only hit the Buckarooes got off Boatman and they tried to stretch it into a score. Augustus stole second and went to third when Welch dumped one and was out, Taylor to Fuller. ' Boatman Issued his first and only walk to Augustus, the first man up In the ninth. Berger went In for Welch and advanced Augustus a base although he swung too hard on the ball for it to go for a sacrifice. Tay lor let a wide pitch slip out of his mitt and Augustus went to third on It. Boatman caught Reld's pop-up and Netzel got Lodell's inflleld fly, however, and the side was retired. Few Assists to Yakima. North Yakima had Just four assists credited to it. Ten of the put outs were caught flies, seven were strike outs, two were fouls which Netzel caught, four were by Fuller unassist ed and the other four were on in field assists. Fuller got everything that came in his direction during the game in spite of the fact that he was ragged by the crowd for missing them in practice. Tabulated Score. Pendleton. AB R H PO A E Reld, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Lodell, lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 Varlan, cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 Dean, If 3 0 0 4 0 1 Haworth, c 3 0 0 4 1 0 Osborne, 2b 3 0 0 2 1 0 Peterson, 3b 3 0 0 3 1 1 VOTE YOUR SALES SUPS SECURED FROM STORES BELOW WINNERS GET 150 IN CASH It costs you nothrng to vote. Just patronize the following concerns and you will receive free votes with every purchase. Votes are coming In fast. Put vour favorite In the race and help win the cash prizes. All votes must be cast at the East Oregonlan office. DEPARTMENT STORE The Peo ples Warehouse. DRUGS .Tallman St Co. CLOTHING Alexanders GROCERIES Alexanders JEWELRY W. E. Hanscom THEATER The Pastime FURNITURE V. Stroble MILLINERY Mrs. J. P. Hansen, 821 Main Street BARBER SHOP, FOOL AND CIGARS The O. K. Shop. MUSIC Warren's Music Store HARDWARE G. I. La Dow AUTOMOBILE & GARAGE Oregon Motor Garage. Augustus, as 2 0 1 2 3 0 Welch, n 1 0 0 0 2 0 Berger 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 27 0 1 24 8 & Batted for Welch In ninth. North Yakima. AB R II PO A R Ford, if 3 0 1 2 0 O Fuller, lb 4 1 1 8 0 0. Nadeau, cf 3 1 1 3 0 0 Netzel, 3b 4 0 1 4 X 0 Grover, ss 4 0 0. 2 0 0 Stokke, rf 4 1 2 0 0 0 Harrod, 2b 4 0-2 0 1 Q Taylor, c 4 1 1 7 1 0k Boatman, p 3 0 0 1 1 Qj Totals 33 4 9 27' 4 Q Score by innings: , Pendleton 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 North Y'aklma 002 20000 4 Hits by innings: Pendleton 00100000 0 I North Yakima 013302 00 f Summary Two base hits. Fuller, Nadeau; three base hits, Stokke; home runs, Taylor; sacrifice hit, Welch; struck out, by Welch 3, by Boatman, "; bases on balls, off Welch 2, oft Boatman 1; first on errors, Pendleton 0, North Yakima 1; earned, Pendle ton 0, North Yakima 4; left on bases, Pendleton 2, North Yakima 6; passed ball, Taylor; time, 1:23; umpire, Hall, MEAT MARKETS Empire Meat Co., Pendleton Cash Market, Central Meat Market. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING D. Phelps. RESTAURANT Bowman Hotel Grill TAILORS Noreen Bros LAUNDRY Domestic Laundry CONFECTIONERY The Delta PHOTOGRAPHER Bowman's dio. . Stu- BAKERY Rohrman's Bakrj WOOD AND COAL B. L. Burrought CIGAR FACTORY. . . .Fam Us Cigar WALL PAPER & PAINTS Hale A McAtee. DYEING, CLEANING AND REPAIR ING Pendleton Cleaning & Dye Works. LUMBER Van Petten Lumber Co. BOTTLING WORKS City Brewery Bottling Works. NOMINATION COUPON $150 GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES EAST OREGONIAN'S MER CHANTS' GIFT CONTEST $150 For Address - ; . ; (This coupon is pood for only one nomination for each orpani- zation or individual) Is Selling Daily Excursion Tickets At Low Round-Trip Rates TO DULUTH, SUPERIOR, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, OMAHA. ST. LOUIS And points East thereof. THROUGH TRANSCONTI NENTAL TRAINS Dally from Pacific Coast. Electric Lighter. All Classes of Equipment. Escape the Hot Weather by a Trip to Yellowstone National Park Land of Climate, of Wonders, of Scenery. Westbound Colon ist Fares From the East Daily Sept. 23 to Oct. 10. See the nearest X. P. Agent. He will arrange deliveries of tickets In the East for you. Write us their namee aiu ad dresses, and we will advise your friends full particulars. Walter Adams Agent Pendleton, Oregon. NORTHERN PACIFIC ItV. , A. D. Charlton. A. O. P. A., Portland, Or. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ISAACS it.