PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST O REG ONI AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. 1013. EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEB. rnblUhed Dally and Semi-Weekly at Pen dleton. Oregon, by tbe BA8T OBEUONIAN I'CBLISHINQ CO. Entered at tbe poatofflce at Pendleton. Oregon, aa second cisss mall matter. The Eastern News Co., Portland, Oregon, Washington St., at Oth. imperial Uoiei Sews Stand, Portland, Oregon. Chicago Boreaa 009 Security Building. Washington, D. C. Bureau, 501. Four teenth street. N. W. Dally year, by malt $5.00 Dany, six months, by mall 2. BO Dally, three months, br mall 1.23 Dally, one month, by mall 60 Dairy, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, alz months, by carrier 8.75 Daily, three months, by carrier 1.65 Dally, one month, by carrier S3 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Semi-Week I, six month, by mall. teml-Weekly, four months, by mall... .75 .6U Official City and County Paper. Member United frees Association. telephone lialn 1 THIS EARTH. This earth is not the steadfast place We landsmen build upon; From deep to deep she varies pace, And while she comes is gone. Beneath my feet I feel Her smooth bulk heave and dip; With velvet plunge and soft N upreel She swings and steadies to her keel Like a gallant, gallant ship. - These summer clouds she sets for sail, The sun is her masthead light, She tows the moon like a pln ' nace frail Where her phosphor wake churns bright. Now hid, now looming clear, On the face of dangerous blue The star fleets tack and wheel and veer, But on, but on, does the old earth steer As if her port she knew. William Vaughn Moody. It is unfortunate that Secretary Lane will be unable to devote more time to consideration A Ileal of affairs in this state. Visit Needed. There are some prob lems of the greatest importance up in Oregon. This is true locally and true throughout the state. Of state wide importance is the plan suggested for the develop ment of power at Celllo and the plan for the .West Extension. It would be a splendid thing for the secretary to get over the ground in person while in the west. If hi could make such personal inspections of the territory the information would no doubt be of great assistance to him when the time comes for passing final judg ment upon these various schemes. But evidently the secretary is a busy man and will have to hurry, though he will lose and the state will lose through his Inability to make a real visit here. man. Mr. Lane of the -Interior De partment, has had a varied newspaper career. Mr. McAdoo's secretary, B. R. Newton, was a reporter. Mr. Bryan's third assistant, D. F. Malone, has written for the magazines,' and Mr. Bryan's secretary was a reporter. "Bob" Rose has a place in the For eign Trade department and it is pro posed to make Prof. Ford of Johns Hopkins. Governor-General of the Philippines. He is a journalist of wide experience. Editors are now representing us in Switzerland, Costa Rica. Great Brit ain and Cuba. It may be that what has so long been predicted, govern ment by journalism, has come to pass. IN MIRTHFUL VEIN Sulzer is entitled to better treat ent than he has been accorded by the press of the coun- Sulzer is Entitled To Better Treatment. If the water board can use hypo clorlte of lime for the purpose of freeing the water from the bacclll that produces the intestinal trouble that often occurs here in the sum mer time it will be a splendid thing. As for typhoid there seems to be no necessity for any preventative since we have no typhoid, If we may rely upon reports to the city and county health officers. Now that John Llnd has gotten to Mexico City and Is being treated with respect the tory newspapers of Am erica have ceased to picture him as a tiny man waving a red flag at a mon strous bull. Huerta now looks more like a frog than a bull. DIFFERENT. "What," said the visitor to the vil lage of his childhood, "what's be come of the one boy I hated Willie Hawker, the sneak? In prison, no doubt he bore that on his face." "Hush!" said the villager. "He is now Mr. Hawker, the famous million aire." "What?" cried the visitor, "my dear school fellow a millionaire! I must call upon him and revive the old friendship." MISCONSTRUED. Just as Oregon was feeling good about the fact there were no forest fires a fire had to break out in the coast range mountains. The members of the state board should call for an inspection of the Eastern Oregon Hospital about the date of the Round-up. Everybody's doing it. Miss Summer is packing up her grips ready to travel. try. There seems to be a general disposition to ac cept Tammany's charges against him as religiously true and to consider the New York governor guilty without a trial. Why should anyone believe charges brought by Murphy whom Sulzer has been fighting and backed by testi mony from Wall street gamblers whom Sulzer has been fighting? It is known that a rnan like Murphy would do anything to destroy an ene my. He would not hesitate to manu facture evidence If evidence could not be otherwise secured. So would Wall street brokers. They are noted for their unscrupulousness and accord ing to Lamar have to be wolves to play the game they do. Sulzer may be guilty but it seems incredible that a man of his political experience would have been so rash as to have used his campaign fund in the manner charged. A more reason able view Is that Sulzer's enemies have doctored up a case against him. It is not beyond them to do so. They want to get Sulzer and they don't care a rap whether they get him by foul means or fair. Those fellows stop at nothing. At any rate the New York governor is entitled to a fair trial and to be credited with innocence until he has been proven guilty. He is entitled to something: better than an impeach ment trial before that Tammanyized New York legislature. On trial be fore that legislature Sulzer, If as in nocent as a dove, would have no more show than the proverbial tallow dog chasing an asbestos cat through hell. If Sulzer is tried and Murphy says to find him guilty he will be found guilty, no matter what the evidence may be. If Sulzer is impeached It will not mean that he will be given an honest trial it will mean he will be made to walk the plank. Whatever Sulzer may be at least he had manhood enough to refuse to do the Tammany bidding. The country should not sit by and see him politi cally murdered through being forced into a veritable trial for life with his bitter foe sitting as Judge and jury. BY THE SCISSORS ABAXDOXED CHURCHES IX KANSAS. An American motoring through a small Scotch town was pulled up for excessive speed. "Didn't you see that notice, 'Dead Slow?'" Inquired the policeman. "Course I did," returned the Yan koe, "but I thought it referred to your durned little town!" London Evening Standard. A SMASHING FIND. "What new dishes have you had since you have had your new French rook?" asked Mrs. Sauire of p friend whom she met one morning. "Oh, a whole' new dinner set," re plied the other, "and several pieces ef cut glass and she's only been with us about a week" Harper's Maga zine. TOO LONG PROBATION. Mistress Would you like to come on trial for a week? Prospective Cook Sure. Ol can tell whether Ol will lolke yet in hours. Life. You probably look all right to your own friends and the rest of the world doesn't care how you look. SPOKAN s&ato FAI R SEPT. 15 TO 21 19Q Just whdt hag Felix Diaz hoped to do by a trip to Japan? Certainly he could not have ex WJiat is Wax pected to gain any Trying to Do? official support from Japan in view of this government's attitude. If he did then Mexican conceit is stronger than their tobasco eabce. The idea that Japan would travel with such fellows as Di az and Huerta at the risk of losing the friendship of this country is pre posterous. ' if Diaz entertained any such notion as that he is suffering from an enlarged opinion of his own importance) , ng t! If you dn't think Pendleton is do ing anything In the building line these days take i trip over the north side. A state conference of pastors and teachers in Kansas ha3 brought to public notice that there are upward of a thousand abandoned houses of woship in that state. It is reported that in the conference an opinion pre vailed that the decline of popular in terest in church service is due mainly to fondness for motoring. The facts are of more than passing interest. Kansas was founded hardly more than fifty years ago by men and women to whom religion was as the breath of their nostrils. Zealots in the cause of abolition and of Christi anity as they understood it, the Bible was a household book and worship something more than a Sunday ob servance. Their spirit was that of Puritans going to Armageddon to bat tle for the Lord. Their songs were all hymns. Their piety had ever a fight ing edge on it. Behold now their grandchildren scoff at worship, abandon churches and take to Sunday joyriding! This is the progress of bumper crops and high prices. Too much fat in the land, too much milk and honey in the streams, too many chicken din ners for harvest hands, too many way side inns where forbidden waters are sweet, and though secret are abund ant, too many good roads for swift riding where the corn grows high and riders can't be seen, too many mo tors for the farmer's sons and also for the farmer's daughters. With these impulses pressing through the week, Kansas can't sit still on Sunday. New York World. NEWSPAPER MEN IN OFFICE. (From the Chicago Tribune.) For some unexpected reason Presi dent Wilson has taken a great liking to newspaper men. He has a news paper owner and editor, Mr. Jose phus Daniels as his Secretary of the Navy. Secretary Bryan, by a stretch of the imagination, might also be call ed a Journalist. The real editor of the Commoner, Mr. Metcalf, has been made Civil Administrator of the Ca nal zone, is a practical newspaper III . ttrrxrszn EXTRA ! Peaches and Chocolate Ice Cream v Tomorrow at Koeppen's Drug Store m International Polo Tournament Daily Games between Canadian . and American Teams $35,000 in Premiums & Purses Competition open to the World The First National Indian Congress Approved by U. S. Government SPECIAL CASH PRIZES FOR THE CHILDREN 72d Sceforth Hi&hlanders Band $500CashPrizesforBetterBabies "Custer's Last Fi&ht" Nightly A thrillinft reproduction of this famous battle with 500 Indiana and 200 Soldiers COMBINATION AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK Oh THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Fireworks Display Every Nifcht Individual Farm Exhibit Prizes $20,000 Race Program Seven Races Daily Poultrymen'aMeetiria Wednesday Dairymen's Meeting Thursday Broadsword Battleson Horseback EXCURSION RAILROAD RATES C For illustrated Daily Program and Premium List, address 505 Chamber of Commerce Building Spokane, Wash. ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE LINE OF IrlnS enr LVJ iffl Can bo secured al Iho office of the It is not necessary for you to send out of Pendleton for a SINGLE THING that' s printed. We can sup ply you as cheap, if not cheaper, no matter WHAT you want. JUST PHONE 1 I PtNDUTDN IsUfWffi) I SOUVENIR ENVELOPES Showing Eight of the Best Round-Up Scenes Including Large Panorama Every loyal Pendletonian should use these envelopes when writing to their friends and relatives out of town and by so doing help boost the ROUND-UP the greatest open air show on earth. These Souvenir Envelopes are already printed and ready for you at the East Oregonian Office. 'Merchants can secure them with , any printing they desire. They will be sold to families in any quantity wanted.