EIGHV PAOTJ8. DAILY EAST OTCEGONTAK PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1013. PAGE THREE NON-MILITANTS INVADE LONDON tr ----- - -- -" V" TIMELY HITS WIN FOR BOISE BOISE, Ida., Aug. 13. Though Mc Ivor passed eight and hit three bats men, but one of these gifts figured In the count yesterday. Uolse won 7 to 3 by oppotune hitting. Triples by Kennedy and Altermatt and Brown's error In the second counted two. A pass, a stolen base and Altermult's single added another In the seventh, while singles by Win kler, Reams, Blausser, Clark and Al termatt, aided by Lundstrom's error and Beck's bad throw in the eighth, counted the remaining four. With that lead Bonner eased up and let the Bears, thus far runless, score three times on three hits and a pass, ' Bonner fanned ten and passed three; Mclvor whiffed six. Altermatt's hitting and a catch by Frlene when he pulled Harmon's hit off the fence with one hand were the features of the game. The score: R. H. E. Walla Walla 3 8 3 Boise , 7 8 1 Mclvor and Brown; Bonner and Gard. Yesterday's Scores. North Yakima 4. Pendleton 0. Boise 7. Walla 3. Poise . . . , 19 Walla Walla 16 North Yakima ... 14 l'l'iulli'toii ....... 12 12 .613 16 .516 16 .467 18 .100 since Keveral Paris newspapers have taken up the cudgel against Paris opening Us arms to the big black who had to flee the United States on white slavery charges. ' YKSTFIIDAY'S KCOItKS. National Ijeajrue. Boston 7-9, Chicago 3-3. Pittsburg 5, Cincinnati 2. New York 6, BroQklyn 5. Cout Ixttpie. Sacramento 6, Los Angeles Venice E, Han Francisco 3. Portland 10, Oakland 7. Anierleim Ijeojriio. St. Louis 7, New York 2. X, V. Ijeasrue. Seattle 3, Portland 2. Victoria 8,. Tacoma 2. Vancouver 2, Spokane 0. Johnson Iltflits Pulzar at Marseilles. POItIS, Aug. 13. Because Jack Johnson has been making himself ob jectionable In the Tarls cafes, revul sion of feeling has caused the man agers of the Falzar-Johnson fight to stage It at Marseilles Instead of here as was formerly planned. Fight pro moters fear Johnson's reputation would seriously hurt the game here one Cyras Noble liighL-ball will your on tlie liottest day craencja tteirst pure mature bottled at drinking strength W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon f Ifinnii in I Ann Applications wanted for farm ItlOIIUy 10 LOdll loans any where in Eastern Or egon; wheat, alfalfa and dairy land. Time 3 to 5 yeais, with re-payment privileges. I do my own inspecting, in CI! g-f uiing no delay. Callorwiite, f Netherlands Ame rc&nMortgageBank U J Frank II. Atkirft, Representative. -ri n i t 1i Tlx r i enaioion, wrcon. iE. O. Building. Are Von Sick; Despondent? Don't (rive np hope. You can b: c irel bths groat Herbs Treatmsn If you be so unfortunate as to suffer from Diseases ot the Lungs, Heart, Stomach. Liver, Kidneys or If you are afflicted with Asthma, Catarrh, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Cancer, Piles, Dizziness, Weakness, Female Troubles or any other known complaint. HOURS, 10 TO 12 A. M, 1 TO 7 P. M. Out of Town Patients Cured at Home, . Write to Us for particulars. D. R. CHENG, Chinese Herb Company 114 E. Webb Street, Under State Hotel, Pendloton. Oregon North Beach NOW IN FULL BLAST Why not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful resort, reached by rail to Portland via A TRIP DOWN THE COLUMBIA A REST BY THE OCEAN AND . STEAMER TRIP down tho Columbia via O.-W. R. & N. Steamers "T. J. Potter" or. "Hassalo," daily except Sunda.y--Surf Bathing, Fish ing Tents -and cottage for rent ' Good hotel necommo- dations. Excellent Restaurant Service on Boats. ' INFORMATION FURNISHED ON APPLI . CATION TO T F. O'BRIEN, Agent DUNNE INTERFERES WITH EVANS' PLAN Dudley Evans, local athletic pro moter, will either have to . abandon his plan to stage a northwest amateur boxing and restling tournament dur ing the Hound-up or give up his In tention to put on a bout between Lar ry Madden and some other heavy weight pugilist. That in the decree of T. Morris Dunne of the P. X. A. The following story In the Portland Tele gram of yesterday explains tha situa tion: "I see by reports that Dudley Ev ans, of the Pendleton Athletic club, seems to be figuring on putting on Larry Madden there in a bout during the Itound-up week," said T. Morris Dunne secretary of the registration committee of the P. N.' A., this morn ing. "Larry Madden is a nice fellow, and so is Dudley Evans, but there will cither be one kind of an exhibition or the other at Pendleton, as far as the P.' N. A.' is concerned. "Evans applied and received sanc tion for a permit to hold a two-night amateur smoker there at that time All well and good, and Multnomah would probably have sent some rep resentatives to the event, as it did last year. "Hut Larry Madden has turned pro fessional through his action In box ing with Arthur Pelkey when he ap peared here, and any other man who would go against him would have to be classed likewise. "If the Pendleton Athletic club wants to put on professional bouts, all well and good. Evans Is commit ting no crime and has a perfect right to do so. But he can't pull one night of professional bouts and two of ama teurs, mixing them up in that manner. "While the sanction has already been granted.it can easily and will be revoked In this case. If Madden Is se cured to appear there In amateur bouts." MAKTIM WIN'S GAMK FOIt SKATTLK WITH IlOMKItl'X Martini, late of the Walla Walla outfield and now playing with. the Se attle team of the Northwestern league, won yesterday's game for Dugdale by poling the ball over the fence in the last half of the ninth inning. Seattle had led up until the eighth when Portland tied it up. one to one. Mar tini came to bat with a man on third in the last of the ninth and lifted the pellet over the fence. However, he pf.ta rmrllf for nnlv a single as the game automatically stopped when the man on third reached home. il A child that has intestinal worms is handicapped In its growth A few doses of WHITE'S CREAM VERMI FUGE destroys and expels worms; the child Immediately improves ana thrives wonderfully. Price 25c per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. Hot Oil Sca'ils Fireman Xijra.. HOOD RIVER, Ore., Aug 12. Fire man Albert Xlga. who has been work ing on the switch engine for the O. W. R. & X., in the Hood River yards, norrowly escaped being burned to death vhen the oil lubricator on the engine exploded and threw hot oil over his body. Mr. Xiga was imme diately removed to the Hood River hospital His face is badly scalde.d and It Is thought he may lose his eyesight. LOXDOX. Aug. 13. Within the last few weeks an army of women opposed to the militant methods of the suffragists has quietly invaded this city. These women are seeking equal suffrage but are trying to win it on a different method of procedure than the militant. The women ar- . - J, rived lp London from various cities and villages in the country, some rid ing on horseback, and were received in the city without any hostile demonstration. WOODCRAFT VOTES INSURGENTS DOWN Itc!H,'eraUon there is not so much In the ordinary vacation as there is in a single bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla. which refreshes the tired blood, sharpens the dulled nppetlte, restores tho lost courage. Take Hood's Sar saparllla this summer, Adv. Negro Is Lynched. LAUREXS. s. C, Aug. 13 Charg ed with attacking a white woman. Richard Puckett, a negro, was lynch ed and his body riddled with bullets. The victim protested his Innocence to the end. Talk Numhtr Eight PORTLAXD, Aug. 13. On votes, regarded by the delegates to the Wo men of Woodcraft convention as tests of the strength of the Insurgent fac tion which is opposing the present ad ministration, the insurgents yester day were apparently overwhelmed. Arinntlon of measures advocated by the administration and re-election of "regulars" for another four years was confidently predicted last night. The real test of the power wielded by the Insurgents, however, will come this morning. The proposed central ization of authority in a smaller ex ecutive committee, and the provlslo that its members Bhall live within 300 miles of Portland is to come be fore the convention for passage or re jection. Centralization Measure Opposed. It was this centralization measure Dosition of the insur gent faction in the convention was nnnt,i.H TnHiireents declared K n ii i vv." - - I' vvmii.i mran virtuallv that supreme authority over the order for the next four years would be vested in Mrs. n r 'v.n Orsdall the grand guardi an. The charge was made Indirectly that it would result in the upbuilding of a machine, which would make It difficult to unseat the present offi cers. Some lively debating folowed the reporting of this measure to the con vention yesterday by the committee hands it has been reposing for several days, when the convention adjourned after 5 o'clock It was With the understanding mai u ,vo ho th first thine on the pro gram at this morning's session. Meanwhile here had Deen ult- " other matters which appeared to show ...i .v, Boronirth lav. The admin istration forces will enter today's con flict confident of success. hi to control suffi cient votes to win, the re-election of Mrs. Van Orsdall as grand guarumu. t t -wpic-ht as errand clerk, and Mrs. Bertha M. Leach as grand bank er Is regarded as certain. i..u..Mnta Would Mow Offices. Should the present officers be re tired and new ones elected from an other state the headquarters of the order, which embraces nine states would be removed from Portland and 1.1,.. iwhere. This fact will car- ry much weight In the election. How much longer the convention will remain in session could not be guessed by the delegates last night. Had It not been for the opposition to the administration policies, which de veloped last week, the convention would have adjourned Saturday night. Xow, It is said, with today's expected fight disposed of, matters before the convention can probably be wound up by Wednesday night. general passenger agent of the South ern Pacific, and by Major James D. McLaughlin, representing the depart ment. He leaves San Francisco August 13 and goes first to the Klamath Indian reservation. From there he will vls- it Siletz reservation at Toledo. Or. He will be In Portland August 31. Others in the party are H Trevor Booth, M. H. Cole and Rollin Lester Dixon. Gold KefereiM Offered. PORTLAXD. Ore.. Auir. 13. e must see your references," Bald Cash ier Durham of the Merchants Xatlon al bank, when John M. Fenn, a young mining man from the Gailce district in Josephine county, asked the bank to honor his personal check on a bank in Houston, Texas, nu nome town. "Horn thv nrp " said voune Fenn. making a suspicious reach toward his right hip pocket. He produced a small bottle, contain ing about $600 in coarse placer gold, and handed It through the window to the cashier. "It Is the same kind of a reference that this bank has," he said. His check was cashed without fur ther question. 1 Woman I-ost in Woods. HEPPXER, Ore. Aug. 13. Mrs John Piper, a prominent farmer's wife of the Lexington district, who with the rest of the family was in the mountains on a vacation last week wandered away from the others In the party and spent a good part of the night in the woods before she was found. Her health Is not good and ernx-P fenrs are felt over her being able to survive the shock resulting from the exposure. She was brougnt to the hospital at this place as soon as found. Heseues Are Thrilling. SALEM, Ore., Aug. 13. Thrilling rescues of about six families living: in the Scott and Owl lodging houses, at Commercial and . Ferry streets, were made early this morning by patrons of the Marlon Hotel, directly across the street, and citizens, while fire was de stroying the two lodging houses. Seeing the flames burst out, the people in the Marion Hotel rushed to the rescue of the Inmates of the burn ing buildings with ladders, carrying many women and children to safety before the fire department arrived at the scene. . Tears shed today will not put out the fire in the death-trap of tomorrow. Washington Post. For Sunburn TRY Mt. Hood PEROXIDE CREAM Every Jar Guaranteed For sale only by Tallman 6 Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Smoked for 25 years The General Arthur doesn't sell by the mil lions because it is advertised . but because it makes good its advertising. ' Smoke one today and realize why men have never changed from General Arthur for 25 years. , Quality and taste never . vary. Gehl ARTHUR NORTHWEST NOTES McMlnnvlllo Crops Good. M MIXXVILLE. Ore., Aug. 13. Hay harvest is well done and thresh ing of grain has been In full swing for several days in this county. Wheat is reported as yielding equal to, or better than, the average. Clover seed, of which there Is a large acreage, has not yet reached the stage for hulling. Hay is In demand, bringing Deuer prices than lust year. Hnm are reported in excellent con dition. From present conditions, the yield will he good. Picking may com merce here in about three weeks while yards In the south part of tne county will start In about two weeks. in.llinw Will Ro Studied. pniiTt.ixn flrn . Aue. 13. To study the Indians on different reser vations in the United States and as Certain their condition Dr. Joseph Kossuth Dixon will be In Oregon this month, nr. Dixon's tour Is made by authority of the interior department nnd he is accompanied on his private car Sisnet, according to rrtessages re ceived yesterday, by John M.' Scott. $50,000.00 TO LOAN on Farm Lands at Reasonable Rate of Interest No Long Waits for Money Mark Moorhouse Company Phone S3. 117 E. Court Street I OFFICE Phone 299 711 Main Street PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. WHY THE ENGLISH KEEP THEIR WONDERFUL COMPLEXIONS WITH WHITBREAD ' Tb rraat doctor ef the world will tell m that your blood must be In good con dition to give that rosy cheek and that right eye that every one admires. For erer 110 yeexe the (Teat doctors In England bare recommended for sleeplessness, anaemia, nursing mother and tnos In a run-down condition the famous Whltbread English Ale or Whttbread Renowned 6tout (Malted Extract), because they are mad from the finest barley, malt and hops, and belna; matured In the bottles, contain no artificial pas. making It very easy to digest. Whttbread Is absolutely unlike all other English Ales or Stout It aid the weakest digestion ana itiRKfi ricn blood. Rlaa ot cither the Whltbread Ale or Whltbread Stout (It depend en the tatte. which one prefers) with your upper and again at bed time give that F?haU brought comfort to thousand et ailing women throughout Europe. The most temperate people keep Whltbread Ale or Stout in their homes, because It I not only a delicious beverage but a wonderful tonlo and blood giver. Doctors, clergymen and professional men drink It to build up thetr system and kep them In perfect condition. Do not accept any other English Ale or Stout as a ubetltta for the famou Whltbread because Whlt bread Ale or Whltbread Stout an unlike all other. For eal locally by. st. j.iMts. t.ufOlUlAi. lOMl'AMt tTS Wet Broauway, New York Ctty. if : Mi -