PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TIirnsnAV. AIT.T'ST T. lfti: EIGHT PAGES. Why Women Have Nerves rt sax 1 h ft.. t i i . t t j J:, tr" headache or hearing down. The local disorders and inflammation, if there is any. should be treated with Dr. Tierce's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous system and the entire womanly make-up (eels the tonic elect of DIZ. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION when taken systematically and for any period of time. It is not aucure-all,' but has given uniform satisfaction for over forty years, being designed for & tingle purpose of curing woman's peculiar ailments. Sold In liquid form or tablet by druggist or tend 50 one-cent stamps for a box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets. Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce Buffalo, N.Y. ( Eetry mm avf hi to aouas The J , People? Common Snm hitdiui J- f ater h R.V. Pierce, M.D. 1006 I para. It nan aueettont of mx ? T toe ha mtothen horn to cm for thdt I cktUm ana tharueha. It't Urn tma. , f"9 Jodot In tout own homo, SenJ f Jlont-txriiiammtm Ot. Pitta m dot, J 1TCLURE SAYS FREE WOOL WILL DO NO GOOD SALT LAKE. Aug. 7 The revision -of the wool tariff has already begun to work an Injury to the wool grower and regardless of the low prices at which wool cloth Is being sold in the eastern market the consumer will re vive no benefit, according to S. W. McClure. secretary of the National "Wool Growers' association. tESS HOWEL TROUIU.E IV PEXDLETOX Pendleton people have found out that & SINGLE DOSE of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded in Ad!tr-l-ka, the German bowel and stomach remedy, relieves constipation, sour stomach or gaa on the. stomach INSTANTLY. This sim ple mixture became famous by curing appendicitis and It draws off a sur prising amount of old foul matter from the body. It Is wonderful how QUICKLY It helps. Pendleton Drug Ce. Adv. "The eastern trade reports Just re ceived," said Mr. McClure this morn ing, "show that the sale of wool goods for next spring has already opened In New Tork. The standard goods for men's suitings opened at from 10 to 12 cents less than this time a year ago. "The reductions nave been made on the basis of fee wool. The con sumer can now figure out about what his chances are for getting cheaper clothes- The.e all wool clothes are made Into the better grade of suits which sell for $23 and 30. If the saving In each suit was given to the consumer he might save from 30 to 33 cents on each suit. "The result will be by the time when the suit reaches the consumer the prices will be exactly what they have been during the past years. The few cents saving which the consumer Is entitled to will be absorbed by the many hands the suit passes through on its way from the factory to the wearer. The new prices of clothes will be about the same as the prices in 1911. The consumer has practi cally had free wool since April l,be cause this year's clip was bought up on a free trade basis. It'llM I) TO TALK TO IIIILXDS; AUTO GOES WILD SPOKANE, Aug:. 7. When he turned to talk with a friend in the rt-ar seat of his new Ford automobile yesterday aft ernoon Louis Rubertt, saloon manager at 220 Main avenue. his friend. Dan Mlllieh, 36 years, Idaho hotel, and a companion, John Millea, landed In the ditch LETTER ASSERTED TO BE FROM CHRIST Drink Pure Beer Made in Pendleton by the City Brewery 'It is pure, sparkling and refreshinz; contains no preserva tive chemicals to injure your stomach, but pives you new life and stimulates lack of appetite. By drinking PENDLETON BEER you assist in provid ing employment for home labor, building up your home city and supporting local institutions that place money in circula tion here. Boost your home town give home products the preference over those shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on CITY BEER on draught at local saloons and bottled &t both local bottling works " tvfMtsVWt. A STRONG FENCE is not possible without and a STRONG FENCE costs only little more than a weak one at the time you are building, but run3 away head of the cheap one in economy of up keep, reliable service and general satisfaction. TRY OUR NEW CEDAR POSTS TLese posts, cut v. hen the eap was down and water cured, will make a fence you'll be proud of and the low cost will surprise you. .We would like for you to get our prices. J. A. BORIE LUMBER GO. Planing f.'il! and Lumber Yard f I ( t c 7, Pendleton Agcuti for BEAVER BOARD and Moth-Proof Cedar Chests. and later In the emergency hos pital and the machine went ca vorting down the other side of the road, landing in a pile of wreckage. The police patrol automobile, carrying Emergency Steward P. C. Mllbum and Officer Scott, was rushed to the scene at Wall street beyond the north city 11m- its and took the three Injured men to the hospital, where their injuries were dressed by Stew- ard Mllburn and Ned Edrls and Police Surgeon George A- Downs. "I guess it was all my fault," said Rubertt last night "1 turned to talk with my friends while returning to Spokane from the Little Spokane and lost control of the machine. I took the two men there to look for work." Rubertt, a saloon manager, sustained abrasions of the scalp and lacerations of the right ear, where he slid In the gravel. Mll lieh suffered cuts on the right knee and the right cheek. Mil lea was forced to undergo sat ures In the upper lip. He also suffered a lacerated right eye brow and serious Injuries of the body. Country papers throughout the south west are printing, usually at the request of subscribers, what purports to be a letter written by Christ This U a revival of a well, "fad" of fif teen years ago. In this letter was an injunc tion that it should be pub:ish p, to the world by whoever found it, together with the statement that miofortune and tad .luck would fol low the person having pospt-ssion of it in the event that It was not given publicity. The letter is published below at the request of Mrs. J. J. Kiamont. an in valid lady living near Pendletoa. According to the history of the let ter as It is variously recorded it was j written by Christ just after his crucl- uxion, signea by the Angel Gabriel ninety-nine years after the Savior's: birth, and presumably deposited by him under a stone at the foot of the cross. On this stone appeared the legend: "Biassed Is be who shall turn me over" No one knew what this in scription meant, or seemed to have sufficient curiosity to investigate, un til the stone was turned over by a child and the letter, which follows, was discovered: "Whosoever works on the Sabbath day shall be cursed. I command you to go to church and keep holy tbs Lord's day without any manner of work. You shall not idle or misspend your time In bedecking yourselves in superfluities of costly apparel and vain dressing, for I have ordered it a day of rest. I will have that day kept holy that your sins may be for given you. "You will not break my command ments, but observe and keep them, they being written by my hand and spoken from my mouth. You shall not only go to church yourselves, but also your man-servant and maid-servant. Observe my words and learn my commandments. "You shall finish your work every "Therefore, after all this agitation Saturday at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. over the revision of the wool tariff i at which hour the preparation for the The accident was witnessed by J. E. Byler. E902 Augusta ave nue. The three men were able to walk from the ' emergency hospital. The Ford machine in which they were riding is a wreck. "And he that hath a copy of thi letter, written by my own hand and Token from my own mouth, an 1 keepeth it. without publishing it to others, shall not prosper, but he that pubiisheth it tc others shall be bless ed by me. and if their sins be as many as the stars at nisht. and if they truly believe they s.hll b pardoned, and they that believe no: this writing and my conmndn:er.U wil have my pJacues upon jvm. ad ya wi:l be cor-sumenl xi:s yur ch'.i.lTvn. poods catt'e and 4.-r or3d:y e:joy nnis jhs.1 1 ir.ave ;;v?s you. D but one thinV f I suffered for you it yos Av it K1 be well tor yon 5u ,.'.Mr':4 4 ia the world v. hich is ta Wk..v x-fvr iav a copy of this HeUfr JJ Vt in ".eir home, rothing .hU Sinn. t.!: swUher pes- tik-sffi, lishl r ?; nd if any 'worsnwj -e i itis a.5 r-i her trust ! Til ;e .43 t '.ivered of her chili, Y fcr rw more rewj of me xtT 8Jwt$5 the Holy Scripture ar.til the 5y et j-J-Umetu All goodnftss nj rivTrt!y shalt be in the nous where a coyy of this let ter shall be foar.4. rtsishM." GUARsiiorPKiw nix CKOPS IX WASHINGTON the net result Is that the wool grow er suffers injury and the consumer receives no benefit." , Remarkable Cure ot Dysentery. "I was attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and other remedies with no relief, only getting worse all the time. I was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of it and it gave me permanent re lief," writes B. W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For. sale by all dealers. Adv. SUE V'XDEK HOCK LAW. Government Starts Action Agalust o.-w. u. & x. SPOKANE, Aug. 7. Suit was fil ed In the federal court yesterday by United States District Attorney Oscar Cain on instructions from the attor ney general against the O.-W. R. & N. for violation of the 16-hour law. The alleged violations consisted in keeping two operators at their posts of duty beyond the legal limit or time and falling to report the fact. The information was furnished by the interstate commerce commission. In the instance of B. G. Bishop, op erator and dispatcher at Colfax Wash., 1' is alleged he was compelled to work onger than 13 hours on March 27, 1913, and that the com lany failed for 30 days to notify the commission. Each day's failure to notify comprises a separate offense, the minimum fine for which is $100, and the 30 counta total a demand for $3000. The item of 13 hours applies to operators and dispatchers who work in offices operated only in day time, while nine hours is the limit of time alowed operators or dispatch ers in offices open continuously. Ten separate counts for 10 days' failure to report are given in the comrluint in the instance of M. W. Lt.nzabaugh. operator at Wallula, Wash, who was kept at work April 21 longer than nine hours. The max! mum penalty of $500 a day is asked making i. total demand of jouuu How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlains Tab yets,, keep your bowels regular and von will avoid these diseases. 1'or sale by all dealers. Adv. LOISK POLICE DISCOVER OPIUM SMUGGLING G.N( Sabbath begins. I advise you to fast five Fridays in the year beginning on Good Friday and continuing the Fri days following in remembrance of the five bloody wounds I received for you and mankind. "You shall love one another and cause them that are not baptized 'to come to church and receive the holy sacrament that is to say, baptism, and then the supper of the Lord, and be made a member thereof and in so doing I will give you long life and many blessings. Your land shall be replenished and bring forth abund ance, and I will comfort you in the greatest temptation, and surely he that doeth to the contrary shall be cursed. "I will also send hardness of the heart on them, and especially on hardened and unpenitent unbelievers. He that hath given to the poor shall find it profitable. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day, for the seventh day I have taken as a resting day to myself. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Aug. ". Thouands of dollars damage has been done to the fruit and garden tracts along the Snake river by grasshoppers which have appeared recently In irge armies and thouands of dollars more of damage will be done before the close of the hot weather period unless the fruit raisers take drastic meas ures to stop the inroads of the pests," states Prof. M. A. Yothes, entomolo gist at the state experiment station who was here on a tour of inspection of the entire Snake river district. Mr. Yothers spent three days in vestigating conditions along the river and acquainting fruit raisers with the proper methods of eradicating the pests and reports that the situation is a desperate one. He says fruit rais ers do not realize the seriousness of the situation. The hoppers have appeared In great numbers at Almota. Wawawai In the Pomeroy valley 'from Starbuck to Pomeroy and have attacked the fruit trees at Riparla. Mr. Yothers reports that across the river from Almota entire orchards have been stripped of fruit end leaves and acres of corn have been totally destroyed, while at Wawawai and in the Pomeroy valley fruit tracts, alfal- WEATHER 1 1 .;. at I if I iiHiiilili 0 Appell's South African Water Bag A portable "refrigerating plant" water always cool ia the sun or shade, very one guaranteed. A sanitary and durable article; will keep water cool (or forty, eight hours; ia compact and very easily carried ! made in various sizes; is used and en. dorsed by all whose duties take them in warm climates. Is used by the U. S. Gov't em. ployea. Every bag guaranteed. Send for our latest pamphlet FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE Md. ly Adam Appell Water Bag Co. Portland, Oregon fa fields, corn, tomatoes and garden truck have been attacked and great damage done. Mr. Yothers has prepared a state ment covering the grasshopper situa tion and methods of destroying tha pests which will be sent to farmers and fruitralsers In the infested orea. BSr HILL MILITARY ACADEMY A Select Non-Sectarian Boarding and Day School (or Boyi. Military Discipline; Small Clauet; Men Teacher. Careful aupenriiioa secures roulu that are not attained etiewhete. Send (or catalog. PORTLAND, OREGON flnnnu tn I ft On Applications wanted for farm lilUIIUj lU LUdll loans anywhere in Eastern Or egon; wheat, alfalfa and dairy land. Time 3 to 5 years, with re-payment privileges. I do my own inspecting, in CTI su"n8 no delay. Call or write, 1 f Netherlands Amercan MortgageBank j v- Frank R. Atkins, Representative. lb. u. iJuildinpr. rendleton, Oregon. 9 1 BOISE, Aug. 7. One of the weird est and what Is regarded a3 the mos important confessions ever given to the local police department has bren made by Joseph Miller, alias Smith Smith says he is a member of an or ganized gang of opium smugglers. He has given the police complete details of his . operations throughout the country for some time past. His story is one that seems almost unreal in its details, telling as it does of how Miller and his confererates worked between Canada and the Unit ed States for years in the illicit opium traffic. The man is now being held by the federal authoritlesin the county Jail on a charge of Impersonating an of ficer, but the government has been re quested to send an officer for him. and other charges may be preferred When he came here Smith, or Miller, represented himself to be a govern ment Immigration official, and It was from his actions then that suspicion was directed against him. SEXATOH WORKS MAY KEEP FOX FROM OFFICE WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. Senator Works, of California is said to be as sured by democratic leaders of the senate that the confirmation of the nomination of Thomas Fix to be post master at Sacramento will be recon sidered. Works Is opposed to Fo's appointment and declared he would IN TH m 0 urn YOU LINE EV! WANT OF KIT Can be secured at the office of the It is not necessary for you to send out of Pendleton for a SINGLE THING that' s printed. We can sup ply you as cheap, if not cheaper, no matter WHAT you want. JUST PHONE 1 do everything in his power to pre vent the confirmation, 1 ma