. , 1. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1913. PAGE SEVEN. Commissioners' Report Claim allowed by the July, term of County Court, except claims allowed by statute. George W. Coutta, circuit ct. defending Falrley $ Geo. Simpson, bailiff J L. Miller, Justice court, st. vs J. S. Hurst J. W. Dykes, constable, do,... Reuben Reed, witness, do.... S- J. Hosklns, do ; . . . . Geo. Ireland, do C. Harris, do J. W. Burton, do W. W. Bridgewater, do J. F. Tlderlngton, do' Joe H Pnrkes, justice court, St. vs. Martin John Kearney, constable .... Joe II. Parkes, Justice court, St. vs. Martin et al John Kearney, constable .... W. P. Benedict, witness .... Harry Jones, do Joe H. Parkes, justice court, St. vs. Martin John Kearney, constable Ruth Taylor, witness Leila Taylor, do Mrs. D. B. Waffle, do Joe H. Parkes, Justice court, St. vs. Schreekhlse Joe H. Parkes, justice court, St. vs. Gould Alex Manning, witness Joe H. Parkes, justice court, St. vs. Gould Joe H. Parkes, justice court, St. vs. Douglas John Kearney, constable .... Spookt, witness Spokane Jim, do Walter Stewart, do Leo Sampson, do Joe H. Parkes, Justice court, St. vs. Miller John Kearney, constable .... Mrs. T. Olson, witness Joe H. Parkes, justice court, St. vs. Shelton F. P. Chllders, witness Ed Clark, do T. D. Taylor, sheriff, State vs. Shelton T. D. Taylor, sheriff, taking Purdy to boys' & girls' aid T. D. Taylor, sheriff, taking Sebastlano to pen Nina Ij. Coon, cor. Inq. Kamuel Vice, reporting I.ee Moorhouse, juror, do' .... J. E. Montgomery, do J. V. Tallman, do H. 1. Gray, do K. W. McComas. do R. B. Llvermore, do I. C. Muhoney. witness C. M. Hutchinson, do Haws Judd, 1913. those 7.50 7.00 6.60 3.25 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 5.70 2.40 11.45 5,20 1.70 1.70 5.40 2.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 6.45 10.23 1.70 ' 4.451 George Grimes, do Grant Harp, do ... Bob Hodgen, do Howard Messenger, do Phil Murphy, do John Leroux. black'g, do.... Bob Chapman, la. dlst. 3.... Louie Vonderahe, do ... S. C. Glbby, do Jerry Stanton, do . Arch Eills, do Wm. Holscy, do A. F. Compton, do J. L. Frazier, do Tom Thotn pson, do Halph Walters, do Bert Ferguson, do Herman O'Harra, do Newt O'Harra, do Wm. Keny, do John Price, do Soren Thorsen. do Herman O'Harra. do S.-iln Lansdale, do Edward Anderson, do M. W. Hansell. la. rd. dlst. 8.. Frank Bollng, supplies, road district 9 C. A. Barrett, do Foss-Wlnshlp Co., hdw. do... J. W,. Boyer. labor dlst, 10.. S. R. Hunter, do Clayton Strain, do G. R. Herman, la. dlst. 11... O. J, Piper, do Jap Harden, do G. It. Herman, do i Draper St. Clair, do Harry Donaldson, do IO. J. Piper, do G. It. Herman, do Draper St. Clair, do 7,2j R. E. Eheler, supplies, do... 335 1 Tumalum bum, Co. lum. do. 2 70 i J. S. Norvell & Co., supp's, do 2.70 1.70 2.70 7.70 3.05 1.70 9.05 1.70 1.70 12.05 dlst. 13 do .'....!!!!;!!. L7o ?'"' J. E. Lewis, labor dlst. 12. J. N. Leslie, do Luke Cover, do W. B. Nichols, do . Ed Ulngle, do J. C. Prendergsst, la. M. L. Smith, do K. C. Dunnington, do Louis Melrose, do . . J M. Cane, do Clay Doerlng, do Ed Doerlng, do Fred Morrison, do . . K. Ranquist, la. dlst. 24 9QiE'l Dupuls, Jr., do .. Wm. Goodnight, do . 7 85 , J. C. Tirk, do . . Edgar Hendrlck, do Ralph Bartley, do . . . J. B. Parrott, do ... C. C. Iane, do C. W. Parrott, do . . . Oregon Lum. Yd F. Mclntyre, latioi Sherman Galloway, W. J. WattenTjcrper, Henry Miller, do . , 16. 4. so; 1.20, 1.201 i.2o ; 1.20 I 1.20. 1.20 : 1.70 i , 1.70, lumber do dist. 18.. do do do. Dr. H. E. RIngo, ex. phy. H. S. Garfield, coroner, do A. B. Stephens, Jr., cor. lnq. Loren Anthony J. B. .Switzler, Juror J. W. Lennox, do .' A. G. Means, do .J. A. Stephens, do A. O. Simpson, do J. H. Moore, witness, do J. H. Austin, do H. M. Beck, do H. 8. Garfield, coroner, do.... J. S. Beckwlth, reporter, do.. Umatilla Dock & Transfer Co., cor. inq. William I. E. Young, school supt. trav. expenses . A. C. Hampton, school supt., examining board Mrs. A. C. Hampton, do W. H. Mosselman, do Helen Fairbanks, do, assistant Mrs. N. A. Young, do 14.00 5.20 12.15 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 18.95 19.90 3.00 38.60 10.50 9.00 9.00 8.00 & Bros., poor lab. on farm . . J. Alton Yeager. do 18.00 L. W. Keeler, do, grad'g papers 12.00 L. Brownell, assessor, field wk, 4.00 A. Hlronlmous, cur, exp. water gauge Live Wire, advertising Penland Bros, cur, exp. freight Frank Saling, do, post. & exp. It. E. Bean Hdw. Co., do. sup. I. E. Young, do. express Glaus & Prudhomme, do supp's lrwln-Hodson Co., do. suupp's Freewater Times, So, adv.... Hermlston Herald, do Weston Leader, do Pilot Rock Record, do East Oregonian, aJv. & supp's Milton Eagle, advertising. . . . Freewater Times, do Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. telephones West. Union Tel. Co.. telegrams John S. Baker, rent of tables. T. D Taylor, frt. and exp.... Pendleton Water Com., court house, water Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage, do, Ice G. W. Simpson, court house, supplies J. L Vaughan. do, elec. supp s Tavlor Hdw. Co., do, supplies Penland Bros., do, haul's trash Pac. Pwr. & Lt, Co., do, light John S. Baker, do, book cases T D. Taylor, Jail, brd. prls... W. J. Clarke & Co., do, hdw.. A. C. Koeppen & Bros., do, drugs A. C. Koeppen drugs A ho T.iflwiiT. do. J B. McDlll. do, money auv.. Alexander Dept. Store, do. sup s Pacific Power & Light, do, power and light Taylor Hdw. Co., do. hdw Isaac Jay & Son. do, blasksm g W. J. Clarke Co., do. hdw. . . Carl Welssert, do, supplies... Tendleton Roller Mills, do, bran and shorts Pendleton Drug Co., do, drugs Kupers & McCook, do. supplies J R. Chlldreth, do blachks'g Fred Book, do, tobacco T. D. Taylor, do, money to Lu- ella Vleder Marllda A. Means, do, care Mrs. Sensney J""" W. T. Porter, do, digging grave T. D. Taylor, Insane expense John WesaaJa H S. Garfield, Insane, exam. S." J. Campbell, fruit inspect r ri v nntro. do Albert E. White, school supv, traveling expenses J'-" .T. Alton Yeager, do Boys' & Girls' Aid Soc, charity Alice Genelve uausener, ows pension t iintu. An . . . . . Birdie Swarthout, do .. . to.vv L. A. Reineman, water master L. A Rel'nernan.' do. Junem3 126.50 H. R. Reineman. watermaster 21.50 A. O. Carden, indigent soldier 20.00 County Fair, miscel 10Tn tci it w noUhnrn. snlnrv CO. com. 10U.OO ii. m. v. ,.--- -AAA H. A. Waterman, ao '"'X A. C. Funk, deputy sheriff... 125.00 J. A. Blakeley. do 100.00 Geo. Strand, do J00.00 R. T. Brown, deputy clerk... 125.00 Muriel Saling, clerks steno.. . . 70.00 B. S Burroughs, rec. dept. hire 125.00 Nettie V. Strain, dept. assess r 90.00 Dr D J McFaul, health officer 18.90 Geo. Simpson, janitor ....... 75.00 J. B. McDlll. supt. poor farm 100.00 II S Garfield, co. physician. 3B 00 Aibert E. White, school 8up. 1-2 month 80 02 J. Alton Yeager, do ......... 60.00 Will Murphy, labor rd. dlst. 2 21.25 John Allen, do 23.87 George Smith, do .50 9.40 2.92 50.30 1.50 1.10 80.87 42.30 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.50 45.40 17.95 3.50 76.30 11.19 4.00 2.2S 15.25 1.20 1.50 4.80 1.20 2.00 40.00 20.20 211.43 5.45 4.60 17.00 35.00 111.50 82.60 8.90 4.25 5.30 3.90 4.30 15.80 17.10 23.50 3.00 4.10 25.00 5.00 3.50 15.00 55.19 8.75 wld- 10.00 40.00 25.00 Hurst, do Jacob Reimer, do Earl Noon, do Scott Brown, do John Cottreall. do Don Arkell, do J. E. Arkell. do Wm. Troxell, labor dint. 21... Jerry Eaton, do Dan Doherty, do John Ixmg, do John Long, do James Nelson, do Arch McFarland, la. dlst. 22. Arch McFarUind, do Lester Pope, do Lester Pope, do Lester Pope, do Marion Smith, do Seth Smith, do Bill Shull. do Virgil Smith, do Geo. Rover, do Pilot Rock Lumber Co., lum ber, do Monarch House Furnishing Co., supplies, do Hascall Bros., supplies, do... Roy & Done, supplies, do.... Wm. Glrton. labor dlst. 23.... E. J. Wilbur, do Gunner Lendke. do Henry Doan, do - John Mays, do C. C. Morse, do Dick Adams, do J. A. Hubbard, do Tavlor Hdw. Co., hdw. do W.'j. Clarke & Co., do, dlst. 24 Kupers & McCook, grad. plow do J L. Vaughan. elec. sup., do. James Enright, la. dlst. 25.. Clarence Daly, do Walter Kirk, do Sanford Chilson, do Ed Ingram, do Clarence Daly, do Ed Ingram, do Clarence Daly, la. dlst. 26.... Sanford Chilson, do . . Walter Kirk, do , . . Newt. Reeves, do J. T. Huston, do J. T. Huston, do Harrv Huston, do L. oi Huston, do C'iarence Daly, do Walter Kirk, do Sanford Chilson, do Ed Ingram, do A. Simpson, do R G. Clark, do Andrus Sawmill, lumber, do.. Hane Adams, labor dlst. 29... Henrv Stumbaugh, do T. H. Gray, do J. J. Davis, do R. E. Davis, do H. Ruble, do J. T. Hager, do Geo. Bergevin, do . J. F.. Thompson, do F.' Bennett, do . . Henry Thompson W. W. Williams, T J Thompson, R. E. Davis, do T. H. Gray, do Walter Sirart, do Tavlor Hdw. Co. hdw. do ..... Henry Molstrom, la. dlst. 30.. Joseph Narkaus, la. dist. 33.. E. Abrahamson, do Clarence Foster, do Charley Rose, do Frank Rose, do John Folk, do W. H. CarglU, do W. L. Smock, do Clarence Foster, do Charley Rose, do N. B. Foster, do L Baker, labor dlst. 85 Fred Price, do Walter Benson, do David H. Nelson, do Van Petten Lum. Co. lum., do W. J. Clarke & Co., hdw. do. George Baltezore, la, dlst. 38.. Joseph Baltezore, do W. H. Bell, do Neagle Bros, repairs, do Sim Kilgore, labor dlst. 39., E. J. King, do '. A R. McCully. do Van Tetten Lum. Co. lum., do S. II. Walker, labor dlst. 40.. Albert Boesch, do Ernest Studer, do Wilton Farmer, do D. Harrison, do Albert Boesch, do S. H. Walker, do P. S. Gllllland, do W. J. Clarke & Co., hdw. do. C. C. Carr, do Raymond Walker, do Tom Connelly, do D. B. Watson, la. dlst. 42 George Watson, do Bert Allen, do Mike Pierce, do 7.43 12.75 4.50 18.06 31.50 5.25 17.00 12.35 20.00 27.62 20.25 10.12 17.00 21.00 13.50 2.13 5.65 9.00 94.10 26.45 4.25 79.90 19.70 5.10 99.00 10.50 21.55 6.35 1.05 19.50 13.50 1.25 30.00 216.75 67.25 104.15 56.25 14.80 50.50 36.15 18.00 .50 78.15 4.80 40.00 70.10 19.10 33.90 17.85 58.50 18.75 12.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 6.50 8.50 14.60 11.25 4.50 5.60 6.75 15.75 16.85 17.35 25.00 31.45 2.25 23.35 24.75 4.50 2.23 2.25 1.40 2.25 ri'.io 13.50 45.50 56.25 114.75 24.75 59.50 32.60 75.30 13.50 9.00 13.50 9.00 12.35 8.60 9.00 5.60 9.00 94.25 George La Fontaine, do George La Fontaine, do Wm. .Switzler, do Mike Pierce, do Bert Allen, do Will Moore, do R. F. Klrkpatrick, do . R F. Klrkpatrick, W. It. Wyrick, do Taylor Hdw. Co., Oregon Lum. Yd. do hdw., do., lumber, do do do . do . do do do do do Co. 10.62 Wm. Switzler, do .60 6.70 4.80 7.25 4.50 9.00 18.00 11.25 6.75 81.60 54.00 9.75 189.90 117.90 32.50 15.95 2.25 13.50 11.25 9.00 6.75 44.65 13.50 22.50 21.35 21.35 23.62 60.75 10.00 4.25 38.25 6.75 5.62 6.62 5.62 5.62 2.12 96.00 3.35 9.00 3.35 7.85 3.35 12.35 4.50 6.75 30.50 20.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 7.85 5.60 2.25 2.25 20.25 10 12 47.76 36.00 14.62 18.00 33.75 112.00 50.00 6.75 5.62 12.75 4.50 31.65 2.15 10.00 21.60 6.70 2.25 86.00 63.00 1.15 14.00 3.00 15.75 36 03 15.00 68.00 88.25 38 25 31.25 2.25 49.50 16.75 3.50 29.75 4.50 36.00 12 25 10.00 78.10 28.10 28.10 R. Kneel, labor dlst. 43, D. Lane, do R. Sheel, do II Suhl. do Clyde Wilkenson, do Jack Harrold, do F. F. Francis, do Lloyd Blue, do Lloyd Blue, do P. L. Lynd, do Geo. Millon, do Chas. Kirk, Win Burden, f-am Booher, Jess Myrkk, M. Buroker, Frank Jackson, do Chas. Gerking, do Jess Myrlck, do Win Burden, do Pearl Lynn, do . , Win Burdf-n, do , Jess Myrick, do Pearl Lynn, do Sam Booher, do , Foss Winship Hardware hardware, do Frank Bollng, supplies, do... W. H. Simmons, la. dlst. 44. Will Sutherland, do W. P. Whitchett, do P. L. Lay, do Thoval Olson, Harrah Bridge. Ray Sheeves, do Chas. Van, do Hogford, do Bannister, do Mlddleton, do Harrison, do Joe Binea, do Harold Williamson, Walt Rhodes, do . . Glen Frakes, do . . Henry Miller, do . . Henry Ott. do Tom Sullivan, do . Jack Toon, do ... Jack McDonald, Henrv Courter, Otis Rogers, do Pert Fisk. do . Jack Phillips, Bridge Albt. Smith, do J 'K. Northrop, do Mike Grant, do Frank Hem men way, do Win. Carson, do Geo. Johnson, do Oscar Kainbown, do . . Art. Knapp, do Lee Webb, do Chas. Towne, do Wm. Mills, do Ed Moore, do Otto Powers, do Loew, do Brannon, do Rivers, do Greenrud, do Downs, do Mercado, do Moreno, do Wm. Walt Chris Ches do do do . ' labor Cooley Walt Wm. Sam Sam Wm. Y. C. 3 25 29.75 9.00 10.10 28.10 , 10.80 85.00 147.60 77.50 5.00 95 79 63.00 13.60 200 4.50 6.75 5.65 8.00 6.00 7.87 9 00 24.00 14.00 9.00 38.00 17.00 7.87 23.37 25.00 12 7Si 6.75 6.75 4.50 8.50 13.50 85 50 2.60 5.20 13.50 25.90 21.25 6.75 1.45 2.75 2.75 5.50 8 15 4.40 7.15 14.60 2.25 4.55 4.65 2.25 80.00 8.50 12.25 2.00 15.75 3.75 20.25 23.35 1.10 7.10 14.55 6.35 3.15 33T 15.25 19.60 17.55 22.30 33.75 9.30 5.10 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLEAN LODGE No. 12 A. F. and A, M., meet tti first and third Mondays of ach month. All visiting brethrer ire Invited. DAMON LODGE N. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend H. M. Elder. C, C; R. W. Fletcher, K a. S. M..r PENDLETON LOCAL NO. 21. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. m. H. J. Rosenberg, nres.; W. R. Campbell, sec. VKTERIXAHl BURGEONS. PR D. C. M'NABB. LOCAL STAFF Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 411 Residence, 915 East Court street Res. Phone Main 69. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V.. GRAD uate M. Killip Veterinary College. Chicago. Assistant State Veterinar ian, Stallion and Jack Inspector for Umatilla Co. Official Local Stock Inspector. Office phone Main 20; Res. phone Main 27. Pes. 616 Bush street. and consullora Deepalo hulldlnc V at i&w. utric 1b JOHNSON A neys at law. building. SKRABLE, ATTOlv Office In Depal rrXERAL DIRECTORS. IOHN S. ii. KER, FUNERAL Di rector and V'-ensel embalmer Opposite postoftitc. Funeral parlor Two funeral cars. Culls responded ti y or night 'Phone Main 76. INSURANCE AND LAND UCSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKE. reliable abstracts of title to al) lands In Umatilla county. Loans od :ity and farm property. Buys and tells all kinds of real "state. Doer i general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes Investments for nun residents. Write fire, life and accl ient Insurance. Refeiences, an) oank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. 6ENTLEY & LE1TFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire. life and accident Insur ance agents New location, 815 Malr itreet. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. JITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props Uvery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec ion. 'Phone Main 70. PHYSICIANS. a. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd ' ck. Telephone: Offi". Mark X411- r11Tp. rot! Mil CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. All work first class. Goods called for and delivered." 408 Court street ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS Al law. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law Office, in Despain building. CARTER It isMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A WILSON, iTTOR neys at law; rooms Z and 4 Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all rtat and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4. ever Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds mortgages and contracts drawa. Col lections made Room 17, SjhmU block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORN El at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. LOWKLL WTVTWR ATTOBVWV RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D Ooey, prop t the old stand. Alia, street In real of Tollman Drug Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROIiLEr DE ALEH INNEVT and second-hand goods. Cash palJ for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to buj household goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street Phons Black 3171 MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE scrlption for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc, for sale at East Oregonian office. LEGAL BLANKS of every fleierla tlon for country court, circuit court ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATION wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta Very lats styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. Justice court, real estate, etc.. ( Sale at East Oregonian office. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY PCfltrtAND OKEOCM - - - "i?e work o the Betver isurexculled. ' 7; 34 85 ' T.n riark. Walt. Rhodes, do . Ed. Goneau, do , . John Ross, do Cy Dowell, do . . . Jim Hamilton, do Dick Johnson, do F. Hindershot, do . Dave Coffman, uu Walt Lansing, do . J. E. DeLong, do . T. J. Powell, do . Steve Hogan, do . R. W. Alsbaugh Harold Wilson, do Ed Wilson, do . . Chas. Davis, do . . Gus Lambert, do J. L. Kisser, do . . W. Mascherson, do Robert Draughter, 9.25 9.15 8.05 7.50 9.40 6.20 3.25 9.25 do Ed Minton, do . . N. Buroker, do . J. Dyer, do F. LaMay, do . . J. N. Suey, do . . W. Farrls, do . . F. Stlmple, do . W. Cunningham, do ! T Milris. do 42.45 ' f Vorkla. do C. S. Lytton, do B. Shafer, P. Peraque, do . T. Fisher, do . . F. Weathersholt, E. R. Cooper, do M. McMullen, do Dupont, do . . W. Beach, do Fllguard, do H. Halben, do do Robert Kissinger, do Harry Wise, do Bert Fisk. do Wm. Ford. Wild Horse Mac.. R. A. Bowl, do John Dozier, do Om Fasne. do Tom Williamson, do Bud Allen, do John Beckman, do C. F. Gregory, do Jim Bannister, do Al Medlln, do Cy Barker, do' Oscar Beckman, do Jack Kins, do Earl King, do W. W. Harrah, do M. Blanchard, do O. C. Armstrong, do .'. Leonard King, do Chas. May Wm. Barnard, do Carl Boiler, do Wm. Boiler, do Jim Courter, do Jack McCormick, do Roy Foster, do Jack Stlllwagon, do Al Roebuck, do Guy Blackman, do O. M. Frazler, do Frank Marshall, do Ben Fisher, do Ed Hall, do Owen Smith, do Wm. Downs, do G. H. Grunshall, do Henry Clark, do Wm. Boyer, do Carl Brantley, do D. Grumshall, do Jack Walker, do H. N. Mowreader, do Wm. Riding, do John Shaffer, do Louis Priest, do Alex Smith, do Robt. Wiles, do V. L Brown, do C. I). Kelly, do L. F. Mayherd, do J. Hoff. do S. Johnson, do BUI Moran, do C. W. Bowers, do , Dan Qulnn, do Louis Rehbln, do A. Shaffer, do J. Lamb, do J. Hardier, do Arthur Scott, do Blanchard & Boiler, do Mrs. Rose Wiles, do , Gus Pierce, do , E. Barrett, do C. H. Martin, do C. Reid, do R. Hayes, do E. Westfall, do A. Bethune, do A. Slckelsteel, do W. Bedford, do Eii Davis, do W. E. Brown, do M. Conrad, do W. A. Gage, do Earl Morris, do W. Murtlnger, do M. Neylor, do F. Maxted, do Sam Potts, do R. H. Blcknell, do J. Dunning, ho F. M. Buck, do W. Clark, do J. J. Shaffer, do A. C. Hatfield, do Geo. Olson, do J. Polley, do O. A. Peterson, do F. Melrose, do 10.35 13.75 24.40 4 85 1.75 2.10 2.00 4.00 -3.75' 20.45 34.75 24.50 16 75 2S.65 5.70 5.70 20.45 12.60 19.95 14.60 108.00 53.35 43.90 94.65 121.65 65.90 48.60 55.90 94.00 103.60 82 65 79.65 4.25 95.10 127.50 26.55 105.00 2.50 "i mi I ... 21.40 ... 21.90 , ... 10.00 4.50 , ... 26.25 ... 27.75 4.50 9.00 9.00 7.90 , ... 3.40 . ... 9.75 do 23.65 . ... 3.40 27.00 3.90 do do. 2.25 1.15 3.40 3.40 2.25 3.40 Kiler, do 9 00 do Richardson Paff, do . Thompson, do Louie Clark, do . G. W. Hand, do . W. M. Adams, do C. P. Spere, do . . D. O. Lara, do . . T. Daniels, do ... ' F. La May, do . . . , Dan West, do ... , C. Chandler, do . . i A. Donlan. do ... Mulligan, do . W. Wallace, do Thompson, do Dexter, do ... Wilson, do . . Couch, do- ... M. Clark, do . Shields, do . . . N. Adams, do Ed King, do Tom Daniels, do Fred LaMay, do . W. Gordan, do . . F. Ambl'OS, oo A. G. Al. F. R. H, F. W. W. 5.65 9.00 2.25 14.05 46.75 25.65 25.75 37.15 16.75 13.75 41.25 30.00 6.00 24.75 6.75 15.75 14.65 7.40 52 30 3S.25 9.00 7.50 5.65 12.50 11.25 12.50 14.65 . 1 - a aa L. Casteel, do 62.40 53.(0 T, i, mateel. do 33.85 ole Thompson, do l?.lo 34-40IA. Rlttler, do 32.55 H. Valentine, do. Shaffer, do Joe Kucher, do W. Cox. do O W. Hana, ao 26.05 32.90 39.70 7.50 11.75 11.90 11.70 9.25 162.35 43.25 45.65 23.80 30.35 9.00 31.50 26.90 19.35 14.90 16.85 12.00 14.90 21.80 9.50 8.60 8.30 13.60 10.80 11.10 1.65 32.90 29.50 18.60 4.00 369.15 175.70 1.65 23.55 151.10 1.16 1.15 2.25 4.60 5.05 1.15 5.00 5.65 5.65 5.00 6.85 2.25 2.25 2 25 3.20 9.00 4.50 4.50 11.25 2.25 2 25 13.50 15.75 2.25 V. Hand, dQ G. Adams, do M. J. Masson, (10 Geo. Olson, 54.00 24.75 34.00 69.90 6.15 4.50 do 36 00 Oregon Lum. Yd. lumb. do... 289.98 Oregon Lum. Yd. lunb. do.. 524.70 W. J. Clarke & Co. hdw.. do. 40.00 G. W. Bradley, freight, do... 15.00 J. W. Klmbrell, surveying rd. on Tutuillo 8.50 Geary Kimbrell, surveying rd. No. 742 5.00 Penland Bros., drayage 1.00 John Fine, labor Hermiston Gravel 38.35 U. S. Rec. Ser., fuses, do 3.75 Jacob L. Stork, supplies, do.. 35.80 Newport Land. & Con. Co., supplies, do 73.49 Pendleton Drug Co., plaster paris, do . .30 C. P. Helmick. la. rd. dist. 24 35.87 S. M. Struthers, do 18.00 F. Hinkle, do 29.25, Jack Ogg. do 53.12 Joe Dave, do 37.40 Joe Blno, do 60.75 Tonv Boss, do Bob Moore, do Chas Ely, ao A. Q. Trumbull, do A. D. Hlteman, do H. Cute, do Vern Cate, do Joe Corley, do H. Minnis, do C. Minnis, do A. Minnis. do Marian Corley. do . W. C. Minnis. do Wolford Corley, do Patty Vuon. do Monarch House supplies, do . . G. Strohm, la. rd J. H. Strohm. do ... Maurice Johnson, do J. H. Strohm, do . . . Harry Englee. do P Sullivan, do W. J. Theriault. do . Furn. Co.. dUstsi'.".'.! 38.53 116.62 76.00 30.37 37.50 29.25 29.25 33 75 3? 2 62 32.62 32.62 4 25 21.37 38.53 3. SO 23.37 25.50 10.62 6.75 11 25 2.25 12.50 F. Cook, do ... M. Clark, do ... A. Westfall, do . Kasler, do Kaneskl, do ... E. Toothacker. do W. Stover, do . . Couch, do Davis, do Thompson, do . John Jones, do ... N. S Fox, do G. W. Young, do . . g! V. Bird, do . . . . W. W. Harrah, do J,J nA E. Rogers, do D. F. Lavender, do J." Crumm do 12.00 1.15 1.15 1.70 3.90 2.80 2.80 6.90 6.15 11.80 13.15 5.65 19.15 20.25 C. P. Smith, do Sid Crabill, do Rov ifart, do . J. N. Little, do Bob Couch, do 125.00 78.00 75 00 52.30 50.10 94.55 95.65 NUISANCE NOTICE. Notice is hereby called to the fol lowing portion of Section 1 of Ordi nance No. 336 of the City of Pendle ton, viz: "Throwing or p:aclng, or deposit ing, upon any street or sidewalk any sweepings from any store, or the con tents of any cuspidor, or the promis cuous scattering of hand bills, or oth er papers .or substance or material that is offensive to the eye, in any street, or alley or upon any sidewalk Is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Section 9 of said ordinance provides that any person guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of said or dinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by fine or imprisonment This notice is given by order of the street committee and dated this 5th day of July, 1913. THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. City of Pendleton, from the north line of Webb Street to the south line ot Court Street, and did assess the con tract price for making said improve ment against the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land specialy benefitted thereby. All persons affected by such, improvement and assessment, desiring-, to take advantage of the provisions of Chapter 5, of Title 26, of Lords Ore gon laws, providing that such assess ment may be paid in ten annual in stalments, are hereby notified that ap plication so to do must be made to the City Recorder, as In such Chapter 5 provided within ten days from the date of this notice. Forms for such application may be secured from the office of the City Recorder. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 10th day of July. 1913. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. STOCK MARKET PORTLOND, Ore, July 14. Re ceipts for the week have been; Cattle, 1026; calves, 232; hogs. 2125; sheep. 4171. Cattle market steady to stronger at the close of the week's business. Prime grass steers offering on Thurs day and Friday sold at $8.25 to $8.50 in small quantity. The demand for this class stuff is fine, but for medium and half fat varieties prices are no higher than they have been for the last two weeks. The steer top on bulk sajes. $8.00 (fi 8.25. Light offer ings of cows and heifers has strength ened the market somewhat, especial ly in choice grades Cows $7 7.25; heifers. $ 7.25 ii 7.5"; bu'.ls, $6 6.25. and calves, $9, are top quotations on the various classes. Buying demand in the hog pens in creased materially the latter part of the week; tops sold in bulk at $9' 9.15. with a few loads at $9.20 and $9. The market is NOTICE OF STREET ASSESSMENT INSTALMENT PRIVILEGES. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Pen- i oieton, on me zam uay oi .ia-, xaio, did make an assessment for the im provement of Webb Street in The City of Pendleton, from the east line of BUI Carrol.'do 101.10 j Cottonwood Street to the East line of W. O. Seaman, do 102.00 College Street, and did assess the con tract price ior Jiiumiig auiu iiuiiuc ment against the lots, parts of lots V. Turpen. do im.uv W. J. Crabill, do los.uu J. Long, do 12.00 T. Lenter. do f-J A. KanoBkl, do -10 150.00 10 50 3.00 42.55 56.90 8.50 W. J. Clarke & Co.. haw., ao. A. W. Nye, damages, do Standard Oil Co., gasoline, do Penland Bros., drayage, do . . Beall & Co.,, supplies, do .... Kupers & McCook, supplies, do Pend. Iron Works, supplies, do T. M. Henderson, medical ser vices for Clark, do 7.00 Gray Bros Gro., gasoline, do 15.75 Carney & Bradley livery hire 7.00 D F Lavender, express, do.. 4.43 J. L. Vaughan. elec. sup's., do 4.00 Taylor Hdw. Co., hdw., do.. 258.05 Taylor Hdw. Co.. powder, do.. 116.65 Tel. Llv. Stable, llv. jlilre, do 33.50 Northwest Steel Co., steel for bridge, do 67.20 Buffalo Steam Roller . Co., supplies, do 7.25 St. Anthonys Hospital, treat ment, do 10.75 W. W. Harrah, supplies, do and parcels of land, specialy benefit . ... - . . . ... . - ed tnereny. am persons Hiiecieu oy j such Improvement and assessment de siring to take advantage of the pro visions of Chapter 5 of Title 26, of Lords Oregon Laws providing that such assessments may be paid in ten annual installments are hereby noti fied that application so to do must be made to the City Recorder, as in such Chapter 5, provided within ten days from the date of this notice. Forms for such applications may be secured from the ofjlce of the City Recorder. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 10th day of July. 1913. THOS. FITZ GERALD. . City Recorder. steady to strong on a basis of $9.15 Good de mand for smooth and rough heavy hogs. Receipts have been fairly lib eral considering the season of tho year and liquidation will doubtless de crease during the next two months. Sheep house prices have suffered to some extent during the last six days, duei to the slow demand on the part of the killers. Good fat mutton is not finding a very broad outlet, whito lamb values have decreased 25 to 50i cents since July 1. Trime yearling $5.25 5. 50; ewes at $4. old wethers at $404.25 and lambs at $6, repre sent extreme quotations. The following sales are representa tive: . 27 steers 1001 90 steers 1213 13 steers ........... 1S4 76 steers 11S2 72 calves 185 1. stag 1160 2 bulls 1410 6 bulls ...1350 11 heifers 960 19 cows 901 25 cows 1020 66 cows 104 9 96 hogs 204 90 hogs 190 376 hogs 174 241 hogs 193 33 lambs 66 12 lambs 71 177 wethers 108 119 ewes 92 38.20 Hamley & Co, supplies, do. NOTICE OF STREET ASSESSMENT 1 N STA LLMENT PI U VI LI Xi ES. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of The Citv of Pen dleton on the 28th day of May, 1913, 9.00 'did make an assessment for the Iro 4.20 provenfent of College Street In The $S 5ft S.25 8.15 7. S5 9.00 6.50 6.25 5.75 7.25 7.10 7 05 6.75 9.25 9.10 6.75 Wii8 Ife WANTED. A GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE A first ptass restaurant which I an compelled to sell on account of poor health. Address F. O. Bos 10. Bona. Ore HAIR WORK LADIES WANTING Hair Work done right, addrens Madam Kennedy, Athena Oregon. i i