KTOTTT PAOEft. DATLY EAST ORE0ON1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRTL 24, 191.3. PAGE SEVEN. GEiEioraic and Nervous Disease Sufferers I make a specialty of treating chronic diseases. As I do not scat tcr my efforts over the entire field of medicine, I feel that I am BET TEH QUALIFIED than the AVER AGE PHYSICIAN to treat these ailments successfully. I have had long and active experience In one line of practice and this enables me to PROPERLY DIAGNOSE dis eased conditions and apply the CORRECT TREATMENT to each case. Are YOU sure your doctor understands the real cause of YOUR sickness? Can you afford to entrust your case to physicians of limited experience? Think It over; come to me, I WILL EX AM IX K AM) ADVISE ALL SUFFERERS FREE whether you take treatment or not. Come and find out what your dis ease really Is, and whether or not you can bo cured. By the latest and best methods I treat NERVO VITAL DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS AND ULCERS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, NERVOUS DISEASES, KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES. BLADDER TROUBLES DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. HEART, LUNGS AND BOWELS, PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES, CATARRH, SCIATICA, RHEUMA TISM. EAR DISEASES, SCROFU- U. ECZEMA and all forms of CHRONIC and NERVOUS DISEAS ES OF BOTH SEXES. My office Is equipped with mod ern electrical appliances and such scientific apparatus b.s Is needed to treat successfully the ailments of my specialty. Don't suffer longer Come to my office and I will tell you FREE what the NATURE and CAUSE OF your ailment really Is, and IF and HOW you can lie cured and what It will cost. Letters cheerfully ans wered. My office Is open dally from 9 a: m: to 5 p. m., evenings from 7 to 8 p. m and Sundays from 10 a. m, to 12 noon. DR. C. A. FOWLER 921 1-2 Morrison St., Cr. First, PORTLAND OR. WOMAN'S ILLS DISAPPEARED Like Magic after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. North Bangor, N.Y." As I have used Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound with great benefit I feel it my duty to write and tell you about it. I was ailing from fe male weakness ani had headache and backache nearly all the time. I was later every month than I should have h e p n and so sick that I had to go to bed. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has made me well and these trou bles have disappeared like magic. I have recommended the Compound to many women who have used it success fully." Mrs. James J. Stacy, R.F.D. No. 3, North Bangor, N. Y. Another Made Well. Ana Arbor, Mich." Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done wonders for me. For years I suffered terribly with hemorrhages and had pains so intense that sometimes I would faint away. I had female weakness so bad that 1 had to doctor all the time and never found relief until I took your remedies to please my husband. I recommend your wonderful medicine to all sufferers as I think it is a blessing for all women." Mrs. L. E. Wyckoff, 112 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, Mich. There need be no doubt about the ability of this grand old remedy, made from the roots and herbs of our fields, to remedy woman's diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact, enough to convince the most skeptical. Why don't you try it? MtlintK OKAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR children; 4 nalipBllon, radar be, Maraarfa 1 roablr, Trrlblaa IMaardrra, nd Drulrtv nlZi .J-lZi In 24 Hour. II til rriy,ir.t., lieu. Don I accept B.mpl. m.ilixt KREK. AddriM. inr substitute, a. S. OLMSTED. La Key. N Y. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop, PENDLETON, ORE FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 7l I Main Street $50,000.00 TO LOAN on Farm Lands at, Reasonable Rate of Interest No Long Waits for Money MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street A Special 30 Pay Free Commencing Monday, April 21st and continuing for 30 days We will install gas and lay the pipe from curb to your meter . The maxium distance to meter for free service will be 50 feet, over this distance will bo charged for. Put in your application at once as the first orders will bo served first. All that is required of you is to sign up for one year guaranteeing to pay the mini mum charge of 50c por month or $0.00 a year and we will do the rest Prepare Hon for Hot Wealhsr Remember this offer is for 30 days only. All or ders taken during this period will be filled on the free basis whether we are able to complete the work within the time limit or not PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT GOMPAtJ "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE." Phone Main 40 WHEAT MARKETS Chicago, 111., April 24. Wheat pri ces were elevated 7-8c to 1 l-2c a bushel at the closing yesterday, after an opening that was 14c off for the May and 3-8c each for the July and September. May and September clos ed with the greatest rise. There was a firm tone abroad and with a continuance of the record ex port demand, together with Indica tions that the rosy crops so generally indicated recently will not material ize, caused general short covering. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that the lower American cables of yesterday were offset by firmness at Buenos Aires and opening prices were unchanged to l-8d higher. Follow ing the opening, there was some dis position shown for profits, being in duced by quieter demand for cargoes and the better weather In the United Kingdom and France. This was later offset by renewed covering. Buying was prompted by a private forecase received by a prominent house, plac ing the Argentina exports this week at 3.200,000 bushels. At 1:30 p m. the maarket was firm and l-8d to 3-8d higher. Wlu-at. May Open 91 3-8. high 93, low 92 3-8, close 92 3-4B. julyOpen 91, high 92 1-2. lowj 91, close 92 1-4. I Sept. Open 90 1-8. high 91 7-8, low 90 1-8. close 91 5-8 A. Portland Wheat Markets. Wheat Nominal, producers' pric es, track basis: Club. 87187 l-2c; milling, bluestem. 98 l-2c; red Rus sian, 84 50; fortyfold. 88c; Turkey red." Kfiffi 90o; Willamette valley. 88?i 88 l-2c. Harlev Nominal, producers' pri es, track basis. Feed. $24.50; brew ing. $25: rolled. $24 50. Oats No. 1 feed, $28 28.50; mill ing. $29.50 per ton. Flour Selling price: Patent, $4.-70- Willamette valley, $4.70; local straight. $3.85 4.10; export, $3.85 3.95: hakers.' $4.50 (f? 4 75. Hv Producers' prices: Willam ette valley timothy, fancy, $15; ordi- narv, $12W1; eastern fancy timothy. $16?D17; alfalfa, $1-1 & 12.50; vetch and oats. $911; cheat $9 r,i 11; clover, $8 9 per ton. STOCK MARKET. (From Wednesday's Journal.) There was scarcely a sufficient am ount of stuff available in the North Portland yards today to firmly es tablish prices. The only hogs that ar rived brought the top received yes terday. $8. 85. which left values un changed for the day. North Portland hog market range: Best light 8 Best heavy 8.50ff8..5 Medium light 8 85 Rough and heavy 7.95 (fi. 8.00 Handful of Cattle Arrives. Only a handful of cattle arrived on the North Portland market overnight Some of this was dairy stuff. There was no change In the situation since the report of yesterday. There were no steers available, the best cows of fered bringing $6.75. North Portland cpttl range: Heavv feed steers """' " Choice steers Common steers Fancy heifers Fancy cows Ordinary light calves . llirht calves . . . Heavv calves 5.00 W 6.60 Ordinary bulls 4.50 fi 5.90 Slwvp Market Holds Firm. Only three head appeared in the mutton yards over night, these con- iiinr nf lambs that went hi h Some spring stock sold yesterday ornoon went to $S.10. S5ff 7 90 7.50 7.75 7.25'iT 7.35 7.00 8.75 aft- The general trend of the trade in the sheep division was favorable with most of the former values still In ef feet. North Portland sheep prices: Spring lambs $ 8.10 Yearling lambs 7.50 8.00 Ordinal y weitiers 7 25 Old wethers 8. 60 Fancy ewes 6.00 Ordinary ewes 5.505 75 Sheared stock quoted 75c to $1 less than the wool sheep. WF.STOX LODGE W AS IX PENDLETON SALE OF ROXDS. Sealed proposals for the purchase of 200 bonds of Tho City of Pendle ton, Oregon, par value $200,000, 5 per cent semi-annual Interest, matur- ng in 20 vears, will be received by the undersigned up to five o'clock P in. on Mav 14th, 1913. at his office in the City ilall tn said city; each bid must bo accompanied by certified check for $2500, payable to the order of the Mayor of the City, the same to be forfeited If the bonds are award ed to a bidder and he falls to carry out his bid. and to be returned to the bidder If unsuccessful. All bids should be addressed to Thomas Fltz Gerald, City Recorder, Pendleton, Oregon, and marked "Pro posals for bids for Water Bonds." The City of Pendleton reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated April 19th, 1913. THOMAS FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. .'h'.je:i Is the ITairget X. till tF Kk 1 I 1 Aim to make that strong and digestion good and you will keep well ! No chain is stronger than its weakest link. No man ia stronger than his stomach. With stomach disordered a train of diseases follow. Dr. Pierce' ' Golden Medical Discovery n Sarsaparilla Tn hundreds of homes Is the favorite Spring Medicine Made from Roots, Barks, Herbs and other Ingredients, Including Just those prescribed by the best physicians for ailments of the blood, stomach, kid neys and liver. Creates an appetite. (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., April 24. The Wes ton Masonic lodge went to Pendleton Monday night and assisted in putting on the work. Among those who went were, Sim Barnes, Harry TUrner, Ru fus Brown, Harvy Brown, Earnest Blomgren, E. O. DeMoss, E. L. Smith, Mr. W. J. Morrison, city druggist, Joe Hodgson and BoJi Blomgren. who has been in Portland for the past The county road supplies were two weeks, returned home Tuesday, taken through Weston Wednesday The Weston baseball team will meet morning ein-ujte to Eastland . where the Milton team on the Milton diamond the county is preparing ror a new road. Miss Norma Smith went to Walla Walla Monday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davidson of that city. Dr. and Mrs. Lucas who have been lecturing in Walla Walla and Dayton for the past several weeks will speak to the Weston people Wednesday evening In- the Weston opera house. Mrs. D. S. Lazier and child are back in Weston. Mrs. Lazier Is engagej In nursing Mrs. Verna Marr of Weston Mountain. Bert De Moss who has been en gaged in the confectionary business in Weston has sold to Earle Kirkpatrick and gone to California. Mrs. p. u. Jarman went with her mother, Mrs. D. Winship, to Walla Walla Tuesday on business. Mrs. Lee Wilson is unable to leave the house on account of her eyes. Mrs. Wilson's eyes have been affected for some time but now she remains in a dark room entirely. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dupuls and lit tle daughter Irene were up from Ad ams and spent Sunday with friends and relatives. Miss Ina Blomgren has taken Miss Susan Mcllroy's place as teacher of the 5th and 6th grades In the Weston school. Miss Mcllroy was called to her home In Elgin on account of her mother's illness and will not be able to return this term. Mr. Jas. Allen has been unable to do much work in the meat market this week on account of a serious cut on his thumb, which has almost turn ed to blood poisoning. The Rebecca Lodge No. 88 of Wes ton elected Mrs. Lola Turner to take the Degree of Chivilary at Grand Lodge. Mr. L I. O'Harra, business man of Weston, was in Walla Walla Tuesday and attended the ball game. wakes the stomach healthy, tho liver active and the blood pore. Made from forest roots, ar.u extracted without the UBe of alcohol. Soul 1 dnwrista, in liquid form at $L00 per bottle for over 40 years, givuig general eatuaiaction. IS yoa prefer tablets as raodlded by IX. V. Pierce, M. D. , tese can bo bad of medicine ileal era or trlJ box Vj znaH on receipt ol COc La stamps. next Sunday, April 27th. Mrs. Si. F. Hyatt and daughter Myrtle were Milton visitors during last week. 71 fcHfN tA ... i V 1 A STRONG FENCE is not possible without Good Posts and a STROXG FENCE costs only little more than a weak one at the time you are building, but runs away head of the cheap one in economy of up keep, reliable service and general satisfaction. TRY OUR NEW CEDAR POSTS These posts, cut when the sap was down and water cured, will make a fence you'll be proud of and the low cost will surprise you. We would like for you to get our prices. J. A. BCRiE LUFtlBER GO. Planing U and Lumber Yard Phone Main 7, Pendleton Agents for BEAVER BOARD and Moth-Proof Cedar Chest3. I CLASSIFIED DIREC TOR Y II i FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLEAN LODGE No. i! A. F. and A. M., meets tlit first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethrer ire invited. DAMON LODGE N. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F hall. Visiting brothers cor dlallv InvUed to attend Elder, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. Mart Afe WAlfTKD. k OOOD BUSUfKSS rOR 8ALB ftrst otaM resjUnrant which I an mplld to Mil on acoonat of fMtlth. Aiinm P. O. Box 1M ch, Or. HAIR WORK LADIES WANTING Hair Work done right, addrea Madam Knnd. 4thna Oratn WANTED A RELIABLE AND EN ergetle agent to sell naw and at tractive Income protecting policies for the best and odeat company in the buainena. Liberal agency con tracts. Bxperience unnecessary, our free school of Instruction will teach you the business don't delay write today R. L. Aldrlch Manager West ern Dept United States Hea'th and Accident Insurance Co, ill Lnmber- men's Bldg.. Portland. Or. iff H. M. R. S. PENDLETON LOCAL NO. 21, Meeta first and third Saturdays of each month at 1:S0 p. m. H. J. Rosenberg, pres.; W. R. Campbell, ec. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmei Opposite postofflce. Funeral parloi Two funeral cars. Calls responded t Jay or night 'Phone Main 7S INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS- HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKE' reliable abstracts of title to al lands la Umatilla county. Loans ot Ity and farm property. Buys anr tells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writ fir. life and accl deat Insurance. Reference, an- haak tn Pendleton. JAMBS JOHNS. Pre C H MARSH. Sec. BBNTUCT st UCFFINGWELL. REA1 stat. fir, life and accident lnsur tnc agent New location. 815 Mai' ltreet. phon Main 404. LIVERY AND FEE1 STAI.LE. 'ITT LIVERY STAPLE. THOMPSON street. Ca-ney A Rradlev. Pror Jvery. feed and ale stable. Ooo tgn at all timed Pah lino In conn-, ion Phone Main ?n l HM NS M V. TURLET. M. D., OFFICE WITH Lynn K. Blakeslee. M. D Judd building. RMldence phone, Main 654 fflce phone. Main 74. VETERINARY STOGEONS. PR D C. M'NABB. LOCAL STAFF Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 411 Residence, S15 East Court street Res. Phone Main 69. JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATTOl. neys at law. Office in Despalo building. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V., GRAD uate M. Killlp Veterinary College. Chicago. Assistant State Veterinar ian, Stallion and Jack Inspector for Umatilla Co. Official Local Stock Inspector. Office phone Main 20; Res. phone Main 27. Res. 516 Bush street ATTORNEYS. I 8 nnr'in r. paMr phv-l'-lp,' M n MOMF and iirertn .'Wfit'on, rt RALET & RALEY. ATTORNEYS Al law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY Al law Office in Despaln building. CARTER A SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Amerlcar National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office oyer Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & WILSON, TTOR neys at law; rooms t and 4 Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORN El at law. Will practice In all stat and federal courts. Rooms 1. S. S and 4. over Taylor Hsrdware Co GEORGE W COUTTS ATTlRE, at law, estates settled, wills, deed'' mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made Room 17 rhmM block FREDERICK STE1WEH TTORNE at law Office In 'mlth-r-m wfrr building. LOWELL A WINTER and eonaullors ' TVwnaln fctilMtna TrnRVBT' i It RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D Goey. prop U the old stand. Alta street In rear of Tallman Drue Co. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash palj for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prlcea. 210 E. Court street. Pqoq. Black 3171 DENTISTS. DR. JAMES E. SHARP. DENTIST. Office. Room 12, Temple Building. Phone Main 330. MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE- ecrlptlon for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc for sale at East Oregonlan office LEGAL BLANKS of every destria- tlon for country court, circuit court Jostle court, real estate, ate., fei 81 at East Oregon! office. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding nnouncements, embossed private and business stationery, etc Very lates styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and aee samples BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY rOKTlAMO OfitaOs i '.4aT- J.ifV 1 wnry wrriiaaMCI4.T r