EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION WEATHER ItEPOUT. TO AI'VF.UTISKRS The Kast Oregonlan has the largest paid olrcnla.lon of nnv paper Id Oregon, eat of Portland and nearly twice the circulation In Tendletoii-. of any other newspaper. Fair tonight and Fri day. ff OFFICIAL PAPER. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 25. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL lM, 1013. XO. 7847 LITTLE HOPE ENTERTAINED FOR SAFETY OF IN CAUGHT IN MINE , m 120 Are Buried Under Tons of De bris Hurled Down in Explosion- Rescue Bands at Work. 18 BODIES RECOVERED Mncty-Tlroo Men E.sca Alive Toll Horrible Slorie or Crawling Through TimncLs Old Miners llie Many of the Kntoinlied Will Survive Troops on Scene, Flnlayvllle, Pa., April 24. Little hope Is entertained for the safety of a hundred and twenty men burled un der tons of debria in yesterday's ex plosion In the Cincinnati mine. Res cue squads from the federal bureau of mines are working -with Mine Su perintendent William Carter and his men. At a late hour this morning 18 corpses were recovered. Ninety three escaped alive. They told horrible stories of crawling through three miles of debris filled tunnels, many companions dropping by the wayside, overcome by gases. Old miners hope that many entombed will survive, pre dicting the fatalities will not exceed a hundred. Flat cars are ready at the mine en trance to receive bodies as fast as they are recovered State troops and two companies of rescuers, aided by .scores of volunteers, are working from the Courtney and Mingo en trances, two miles apart. General Manager Schleuderberg, refused to Hive any information concerning the cause of explosion or the probable number of fatalities. Flnlayvllle, April 24. At noon 30 bodied had been recovered. . Prep arations are being made to force air into the tunnels to clear the mine of poisonous gases. Rescuers repeated ly were foroed to climb huge piles ol debris In reaching bodies and It l feared many dead are burled In the wrecks.ee. WOUNDS GIRL THEN TAKES OWN LIFE Seattle, April 24. An unidentified man shot Nellie Hart, 22. through the check and arm while she was standing in the street In the busiest section of the city at noon today and then turn id the sun on himselr. lie fired a bullet through his brain, dying. The girl was taken to a hospital She re fused to tell her address or the name f the man who tried to kill her. SENATOR SOUNDS ALARM OF WAR Springfield, 111.. April 24. The United States is in "prospects of war with Japan," It has a "disturbance" with England over the Panama canal treaty, and Mexico nnd Central Amer ica are enemies of this country, ac cording to the views of United States Senator James Hamilton Lewis ns ex pressed by him last night in an ad dress before the Illinois legislature on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Stephen A. Douglas. Senator Lewis declared that Mex ico. Central and South America were making "combinations and alliances against the United States out of rej venge," and he added: "All of these are biding their time to aid Japan or any oriental or European enemy In an assault upon us and In the destruc tion of the Panama canal." UNION WIRELESS OPERATORS QUIT VESSELS AS THEY ARRIVE IN PORT San Franclsoo, April 24. With the wireless operators who are on strike against the Marconi company, leaving vessels as rapidly as they enter port, President Konenkamp of the tele graphers' union, who is handling the strike situation here, declared every thing is going satisfactorily and that PROMINENT ONES TESTIFY IN VICE Springfield, III., April 24. The vice and wage conditions of this city will be thoroughly Investigated by tho leg islative wage probe committee, ac cording to an announcement by Lieu HISKIAX PKIXCKSS INJURED WIIILK FLYING Johannaisthal, Germany, Apr. 24. Princess Schakowsky of Russia, while learning aviation was injured and her instructor, Aviator Abramcvitch was fatal ly injured when a biplane turn ed turtle at 100 feet eleva tion Immediately thereafter, M. Dunetz, a Russian, fell with a monoplane and whs killed. WILL INSTALL ALARM SYSTEM COUNCIL TAKES ACTION Oicmkiil Combination IIoso Wagon Will Also Itc Ilirchiised Bid Is Accepted for Flushing Tank for Cleaning Street- '2U Alarm I$oxcs Arc planned for Here. Two Important actions which wilV tend to place Pendleton well up In the rank of progressive cities were taken by the city council last even ing when it was unanimously voted to advertise for bids for an auto chemical combination hoso wagon and an electric fire alarm system and when a bid was accepted for a flush ing tank for the cleaning of the streets. Just before adjournment last even ing Chairman Ell called attention to the report of the fire and water com mittee recommending the Improve ment of the Tire fighting apparatus of Pendleton by the Installation of a fire alarm system and an auto chemical combination truck. Council man Dyer moved the adoption of the report and the instruction of the re corder to advertise for bids. Ell sec onded the motion and It passed unan imously, Hids are being asked for a twenty box alarm system with a two circuit automatic storage battery controlling switchboard, one punching register, one six inch gong and one motor gen erator. It Is estimated that such n system will cost heiwcen iszvu anu 14r.no. Separate bids are being asked fori an auto chemical combination hose! wagon which will carry at least 1000 feet of hose and a sixty ga'.lon tank, j Such a wagon will cost, it is esti- i mated, in the neighborhood of $3000. ; The fact thai bids are being adver-1 tised for does not mean necessarily j that the council will make the im provements for bids were received a rard Temple was accepted. The local firm guaranteed to furnish a Studebaker flushing tank for $1050 and the street committee reported that they considered the Studebaker better than the other tank offered for $1000. Will. IM S1I PKOP.F OF TIIK BASEBALL Tltl'S'l WashitiBton. April 24 Whether "Ty" Cobb signs to play with Detroit or not. Congressman Gallagher Is de termined to push the demand for n congressional probe of the baseball trust. Senator Smith of Georgia Is Investigating contracts which base ball players must sign and promise? io make some trouble for the mag nates of the upper house. victory will be the ultimate result. Konenkamp said that the Marconi company will be able to replace the union men for a few days, but that me suppiy or non-union operators will soon be exhausted and the com pany will then be compelled to treat with the union. TO BE CALLED TO AND WAGE PROBE tenant uovernor o tiara today. The investigation win start tomorrow. It Is reported many prominent resident! of the city are subpoenaed to give testimony. vear mho and were all refused wneni , protest, doclarinit ne ami. . , , , ! thus j.reventimr the council last even-j ha l " - .. cinnm I- . . . ,,111 III r S I l I mll ltl. the council deemed that the l,t' tlios he reprcsentc.i would protest that he had I i"g awarding the contract to the War- wt could not stand the expense. un-' ... -.,, the city continue witn, , ' , ,en company, whose bid was the only cilman Ell. who has fought for an I .. ,,' pll,nB. He attempted to. "een am o ..i . o, , . submitted I electric alarm system for years, is ; . tho majority of the prop-, past six mom ns ..... j HauniKardmr basis his suit upon ; clu hopeful that this year will see his '. . in thl. district is opposed , donate f u h. tor 8iu n a u,,. ' ' " j lhe a:,eRat,on that "gravel bitulithic' dream fulfilled. ' ... ,tivlnil declaring tnat Mayor Mai- level. nee.....eu " .. patente,, paving material and is j W Two bids for a flushing tank were : . IiromW that if the majority luuvlseu him npain ln omn V ... laid with patented machinery and ap- of received last night and that of Je- . . '0ertv. aside from that he in any way ofliclaiiy in ht cn a m ,y , ,.,, bv the Warren Broth-' RALEY STREET PAVING ORDINANCE IS PASSED; A NEAR FIST FIGHT ENLIVENS MEETING OF COUNCIL The passage of the ordinance for the paving of Haley street, the relet ting of the contracts for the paving of College and east Webb streets, the prevention of the letting of the con tract for the paving of west Webb street by a temporary Injunction, the threat of another suit against the city if the Haley street contract Is let, along with several other matters ol importance made the session of the city council last evening a notable one. To add to the ir.frest of the evening was a hot word battle and a neur fistic eiieoumer between one of the eounoi'nien and a newspapei man. I A remonstrance against the propos ! ed paving of Hal-y s treet from Huh i to the westei w limits was filed last ! evening but wes nut allowed wren Chairman Cole of (he street commit i tee reporte 1 that it represented but I 35 1-1! per cent of the property in clude I within th.' district. The ordi nance ordering the work done and SENATOR ROBKHT I,. OWEN Chairman of the New Senate C om- j mittee on I'.anKing anu v.u.. ...,., 'This Committee W i 1 lianuie : on Banking Heforni. .Mliinw for bid- was thereupon pass- ' ed unanimously. 1 B The osumai.Mi cost of the work is J17.MT.6n. Vert Voices objection John Vert. whos. wife owns five ar lots in the Haley street district, ar- , rive! at the meeting alter ine oiui voiced I of the propi' owned in the district. should be op- the improvement. he would ii., t bis property to secure it. on the petition asking for the improve ment, he stated there was S3 T-cr ccn . the property represented but that .a his request, the mayor had ex- punge, ,1 his name, leaving ""i ' : cent He statea mat ni- - ; . nf tto : , i. . . i. u.'lint. 11 1- trlet which owns six i tl ' property, retuseil to o1"' , pro or eon. which reduced the actual property percentage iiiienr.it,. per cent. He 4 . ler cent of but live or six property owners were,, renresented on the remonstrance and that with the mayor's lenature- there would be over t r ' "" property represented. -a ,,..,, ,ii in. Mayor Matlock aeiiai.u lie . . m .v.... 1,1a urnoertv would staieu in. i. . i" counted whichever way the owner of 51 Pr cent of the property no sired, and further than that declined to argue the question. . " Sole, however, attacked the state ment of Vert that tnerc cent of the property represented on the remonstrance, declaring Mr. Vert had made his estimate upon the basis of the assessment when the ordinance provides that it shall be mane upon the number of square feet. Further more, he stated that he had ngureo. in every square foot of property set down on the remonstrance, even though some was not In the district, and that the total was only a little over 35 per cent. OoiWraets Kclet. The contracts for the paving of enst Webb street and College street, which were canceled recently bcause of irregularity in proceedings, were relet last evntng to the Warren Con struction Co., after the street com mittee had reported that the bid on one was $7 less and on the other $34 less than the sums in the previous contracts. Webb Street Held Fp. The council was prevented from accepting the bid of the Warren Con -1 . i ...t'I't roinee ha.l oeen pas.-eu .! - .... ,...,.. t . n.o. .m.l i 1 :,00 I lemporarv injunction was sranieu struction Co. for the paving, of west Webb street from Cosbie to Tutuilla, because of the temporary Injunction granted by Judge Phelps upon the suit of J. J. Baumgardner, filed dur ing the afternoon. To Itegnlate Train Spwl. An ordinance was Introduced In the council last evening to regulate the speed of locomotives within the city limits. The ordinance limits th maximum speed to fifteen miles an hour and makes it unlawful for a lo comotive whistle to be blown in the city limits except as a warning sig nal. It was reported that the o.-W. U. & N. authorities have signified an intention to repair the Main street c r oss i n '.'s immediately. Almost n Fight. At the conclusion of the council meeting a little excitement was caus ed when Councilman W. H McCorm inach and George A. Hobbins, pub lisher of a local newspaper, became involved in a verbal altercation. The trouble arose when Councilman Cole demanded to know whether Robbins j had said to MeCormmaeh that there are only three honest men in the i council and naming MeCormmaeh as J one.. Hobbins denied making the i statement, whereupon MeCormmaeh i ga.ve him the lie. Hobbins explained j that he had said that the people are i rnakim? that statement. The sally ! led up to a hot interchange of words. during which the lie was passed and ' repassed. No blows were struck, but i MCormmach declined to continue the ! argument after he had voiced his ' opinion of the other and his paper and had received a like reply unless i the scene could be transferred to theisU ,.,. nown to Imj buried In the nf the altercation ,i . -i i ... j came a lew minmes miei much . i . . . ... l .. i o ! A. I.nnergan. superintenaeni oi inc Warren Construction Co , assailed R- M Beere, an employe oi koddmis. ioi intimating that his company was bribing the council. MONEY RAISED FOR STREETIMPR0VEMENT A move has been started to raise , money by subscription from farmers, j lodges and others who use west Webb street frequently in order to relieve the burden which the proposed im- I provement of that thoroughfare would ..i.. .. mitiilit.i at iinor ttroruT- : maUer br(ulgnt . ,tl lt eveninir but All Hills, "P , it was decided to let the Commercial j 'ciub take the initiative in the matter i ;.. ..-.I.... ih llir. ."llv- Itself should llOt i " , .,... ....i., ,,Q.i tii.it he lnul HI i It lilil.' ill 'i 1 Oil I M 111 II V ....... .. ; (talked with a number of farmers who I 'enter the city by way of Webb street I i tv,.,. .i.i,,.t without exception! ,,vi,,(.lu.eli ;, ,-eadiness to contrib- . . , esti. ute from lor fear ies, sucn aeuon ; ers Co and thal n) company can lay an irreuulanty of procedure. Theie-; ,;aV(.m,.nt or use its name i. fore, the mayor stated that the mem- , i(hlin witllout the consent of War hers of the council could take it up i ,,nitherw 1( is further alleged personally with the Commercial club, j lha barren Construction Co. has Considerable discussion was indulg- j a ,.ntr.u t wilh Warren Bros, to lay ed in. one member of the council de- ; (njs v,,nu,nt alld that this contract claring lie lelt sure inai eer imif.e 1 tu.. .!.. n,, .1 ,...n rihnt.1 nncm, rn m no- t u ..i v 11 .1 . . .1... .-.,i ,an .to u.im-i i i.ie . i .. ..- inis mi. However, in order that such finan- e'.ai assistance siioum reacn oniy tnose er deii. iicu ""jwho merit it. it is proposed to appoint property and nil;., committee of three disinterested itizens to determine upon whom the j loir. l.'ii ..t n:ivim f:ill m.tst li.:ivilv i '..TmiIV lll;mv people willing to I contribute for this purpose. - Mayor .(Matlock said, "if they are assured ... .... that their money will help the poor people in paying their assessments but they do not feel like helping those who need no help. I will give $10.1 but I do not want it to be applied on Baumgardner's assessment for he is able to pay his own 1 mention Haum gardner because he has brought suit against us." Mac ARTHUR NAMED FOR FEDERAL JOB Washington, April 24. Walter Mac Arthur today sent a wire accepting of the post of United States shipping commissioner for the port of San Francisco. Washington. April 24. Following the alleged urging of his appointment by Secretary of the Interior Lane alter MacArthui, editor of the Coast Seamen s Journal, at San Fran cIsco, is named for the post of Unit ed States shipping . commissioner in San Franelsco by Secretary of Com merce Redfleld. It is not known whether MacArthur Is willing to lay down , the editorial pen to accept the federal post. ANTI-ALIEN IEOI0N HELD IIP 1 W V i SCHOONKK Ill'KNFI) TO WATKU S KIX;E Eureka, Cal.. April 24. With a deckload of 75,000 feet of 4 lumber, the steam schooner ! Charles Nelson of San Francisco ! was burned to the water's edge. Two members of the crew are missing, according to Captain John Olson and it is feared they have perished in the flames. I i j j DYNAMITE LETS GO; 11 KILLED 1000 POUNDS EXPLODES Five IVxIics Are Kecovoretl Deal and Missing Are Mexicans and Indians Fmployed at Riverside I'ortland Cement Company's Quarries h". plosion Premature. Riverside, cal., April 21. F.lcvcn men are dead n.s the resiilt of a pre mature explosion of a thousand pounds of dynamite at the quarries or the Riverside Portland Cement company, at Crest more. live bodies were recovered shortly nfter the ex plosion which oeenrretl last evening. U( III Willi I' t.1 Vll foreman. Gum Olson, the dead and missing urn Mexicans and Indians. The ixxlies of the missing are burled under hundreds of tons of rock and earth loosened by the blast. The explosion let go while the last charge of a series requiring four thousand pounds of dynamite was be ing placed. As the remainder of the dynamite is buried in the debris the search for bodies is being prosecuted carefully. N JUNCTION SUIT IS BEGUN TO PREVENT W. WEBB STREET PAVING Alleging that a monopoly exists In i? Pendleton street paving. J. J. th I Baumgardner. west ebb street pronertv owner, has commenced sun - for an in.iuncti.in restraining the council fiom leiiing the, contract for the imorovinc of West Webb street to the Warren Construction Co. The suit Wils fii,Hi yesterday afternoon ana a ; jf. different from the license agree- I ... .... . i. . 1 l. ; n,,.nt on me wnn wie coy im'in i . . . -- . tna, lts terms are neuer. ; Thus, it is alleged, me wan en v . ! ruction Co . which, it is charged, is i ow n,.,i and controlled iy xaneu Hn.s has an advantage in in, untie which effectually shuts out all com - petition. WILSON CRITICISED FOR GOING TO SENATE TO TALK ON APPOINTMENTS Washington, April 24. Leaving the White House at noon today President Wilson went to the president's room in the capitol and conferred with va rious senators regarding appoint ments. In many caseR the president wishes to select appointees instead of appointing those favored by the sen ators. f.VMANIGALWHO IN DYNAMITE Los Angeles. April 24 Ortie Mc Manlgal, self-confessed dynamiter who turned state's evidence, will be a free man within a month, according to well foundd reports. ' For two years McManlgal hits been a nominal prisoner in the county jail, although was g(ven every attention and 3 m Secretary of State is Expected in Sacramento on Monday Wilson and He Hold Conference. . SITUATION niSP.IISfsFn IK'lieved That Limit to California's Authority Ha lieen I)etermlnxl Too Much Publicity Given Question Says Wilson To Hold No More Meeting With cMnda. .Sacramento, April 24 Anti-alien legislation is at a standstill and will remain so until the arrival of Secre tary Bryan on Monday. Although am endments to the senate bill are being prepared and discussed in caucus, a discussion on the floor of the senate will wait until Bryan's arrival. Washington, April 24. Confident in the end that California will accept the "natioal view point" In the anti alien legislation, President Wilson de clared himself satisfied today there will be no attempt to embarrass him by anti-Japanese legislation in Sar ramento before Bryan arrives there on Monday. Bryan and the president discussed the situation, and it is be lieved they determined a line beyond which California may not go. This decision will be communicated to Jovernor Johnson. The president thinks there already has been too much publicity given California's stand and declared here after the theater of interest will be at Sacramento only. He thinks the dispatch of Bryan to . California should be sufficient to convince Ja pan that her Interests will be protect ed and does not plan to have any further conferences with Ambassador Chinda until Bryan and Johnson and the California legislators have consid ered the matter. Among the other allegations in the complaint is that the pavement which is being laid at a cost of $1.45 pf$ . square yard is inferior and not worth more than 95 cents a square yard and could be secured at such a price were it not for the patents. It Is charged that the Warren Brothers Co.. the Warren Construction Co . the Consol idated Co. and Elwood Wiles all of whom are laying gravel bitulithic. confederated and conspired to ri rd maintaining the prices of the pavement and that a monopoly has been created in Pendleton which pre- les all competition. Furthermore, it is alleged that the arren Construction Co. made offers rebate, pay and inducement to property owners on west Webb street in order to secure their signatures to a petition for improvement. Besides the city of Pendleton, May or W. F. Matlock and Councilmen John Dyer, Charles Cole. Joseph Ell. John Piebert. H. F. Kirkpatrick. John Montgomery. W. H MeCormmaeh and X. D. Swearingen are made defend ants. Each councilman has been served with a temporary injunction restraining him from letting the con tract to the Warren Construction Co. and the mayor is likewise restrained trom approving any sucn cooir.ici. j R. R. Johnson and J. H- Kaley are attorneys for the plaintiff. Considerable criticism of the presi dent's action In going to the senate Instead of making the senate come to him was heard today. The president evidently expected criticism to fol low as he refused to comment. Ha merely explained he wished to sav his own time as well as that of the senate members. MADE CONFESSION PLOT, MAY GO FREE luxury. With his usefulness to Up state as a witness passed, it is believ ed certain he will be released before May 15th. Attaches of the distrlcr attorney's office professed no knowl edge of tho reported release or the origin of the report. McManlgal sal I he had no Intimation he was to be freed.