ElGtlT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TIII7RSDAY. MARCH 20, una. PAGE THREE. si 3s SB'S It Will Pay You to Come to the Golden Rule Store and Look Over Our Line of One-Fiece Presses, Uaists, Sill Undershirts, Ladies' Jeu; SUM You Are Sure to Save Money II You Make q Purchase Here, Ladies' Silk Foulard one-piece Dresses a $10 value for . . $5.90 Ladies' Messaline one-piece Dresses a $15 value for . . $9.90 Ladies Tan Ratine one-piece Dresses a $20 value for . . $14.75 Ladies Linen Crash Natural Color a $ 1 5 value for . . $9.90 Misses three-quarter length Coats in tan, golf red, sheppard Checks and Pekin stripes for $7.90 and $9.90 Ladies full length, tan and grey Coats skeleton lined $7.90, $8.90, $9.90 Misses Jacket Suits in tan, grey and navys, $ 1 5 values for . $9.90 Ladies' Jacket Suits, all new cutaway jackets, a $15.00 value $9.90 A $17.50 value for $12.50 A $20.00 value for $14.75 A $22.50 value for . $16.50 A $25.00 value for $18.50 New Silk Underskirts, most every color in the Rainbow Charmeuse Underskirt wijh pleated flounce $3.00 value for . $1.98 Messaline Underskirt with the new pleated flounce $4 value for $2.98 Chiffon Taffeta Underskirt, a $4.00 value for .... $2.98 Chiffon Taffeta with adjustable top, $5.00 value. S3.9S Gros De Londre Underskirt, $5.00 value for $3.98 Black Sateen Underskirts - 8 Ladies' Xew Spring Skirts in brown?, navy, tans, sjrey and black A $7.50 value for - $4.98 A $8.50 value for $5.90 A $10.00 vahy for $7.90 A $12.50 value for - - $9.90 A $5.00 value for $3.98 A $4.00 value for - $2.98 Everything That is New in Waists is Being Shown Here at a Big Saving to You Pongee Silk Skirt $3.00 value $1.98 Pongee Silk Waist $3.00 value $1.98 Black Messaline Waist $3 value $1.98 Navy Messaline Waist $3 value $(.98 Gray Chiffon Waist $3.00 value $ 1 .98 Navy Chiffon Waist, $3.00 value $1.98 Black Messaline Waist with white lace yoke and cuffs; a $4.00 value.for $2.49 A brown and white and black and white Pekin stripe messaline with lace yoke and cuffs, a $4.00 value for $2.49 Wash Silks with tan and prey stripes, shirts, a $3.00 value for : 81.98 Grey Chiffon Waist, Xell Hose trimmed, a $5.00 val. for $2.98 You Can Always Do Better at the GOLDEN RULE STORE We Lead, Others Follow Woman and Her Varied Interests Pfew Cotton Fabrics. Never has there been such an en ticing showing of cottons as all the fashionable stores are making just now. writes Fannie Field from New" York. Clever women who want to make the best possible appearance for a limited expenditure are taking ad vantage of the opportunity to Bocure dress lengths of these which can be made up at home Into frocks and suit Makes Hair Grow Parisian Sage an inyiorator That . Makes Hair Grow Abundadntly or Money Iiack. If your hair Is thinning out grad ually it won't be long before the bald spot appears. The time to take care of the hair Is when you have the hair to take care r. For thin, falling hair the best rem edy known to mankind Is Parisian Sage. It Is compounded on scientific principles and furnishes to the hair root a nourishment that acta quickly and promptly and causes the hair to grow. ' Bat remember this: : It kills' the dandrsrf germ, the pest that appro bates all the natural nourishment that should go to the hair root. Parlstea Hare la sold by Tallman r under a noaltlve guarantee to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp in two wesks or money back. It gives to women's hair a lustre and radlanc that to moat fascinating and causes it to grow abundantly. Parisian Sage is sold by druggists tn every town In America. A large .intu bottle costs 60 cents and the girl with Auburn hair Is on every bottls. CLUB CALENDAR. .Pendleton Political Equality League meets at the call of the president Pendleton Chapter American Woman's League meets at the city hall assembly room at 3 p. m, second Monday in each month. Class In Parliamentary Law , meets at city hall on second and fourth Mondays of each month, at 3 p. m. FRIDAY'S MENU. dresses pretty enough for any wear. The new "Bontex" cottons have the name woven In the selvage as a guar antee of up-to-date style and quality, and Include every standard weave, as well as many exclusive novelties, zephyrs at a few cents a yard, silk and cotton tyocades, mercerized pop lins, voiles, galateas and bordered goods priced at several dollars. Mer chants everywhere are showing these, so a woman can easily Judge for her self of their beauty and quality. American women have as a rule an Intuitive sense of fitness In' dress which brands them as the best-gowned women In the world. For only when a woman realizes her own needs and limitations can she expect to ap pear at her best An elaborate and fussy gown, suited for wear In a mo tor car, looks ridiculous In a public conveyance, "where rich and elegant attire can be correctly worn If prop erly selected. "A fine sense of fit ness heralds the well-dressed wo man." says a fashion authority. "Beauty of dress Is not a question of buying the latest mode" but of bay- lnir what suits the wearer and fits her needs. Christian Science Monl tor. BREAKFAST Oatmeal Fried Fish Baked Potato Bolls CofTee LUNCH Fried Clams Corn Bread Pie DINNER Stuffed Flounders (Or any desired baked fish) Mashed Potato Turnip Pie or Pudding Cot km in Netting. One bride Is making her comfort ers in an unusual way, says Good Housekeeping. She Incloses the cot ton batting in mosquito netting, tack ing It here and there. Then she slips this Into Its outside cover. When the cover Is soiled It Is very easy to rip open one end and remove the cotton and also as simple to put the whole together again. Graham Pudding. One and one-half cups flour, one cup raisins, one cup milk, two-thirds cup molasnsa, one-fourth teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves and allspice. one teaspoon soda. Steam three hours. ' Sauce One and one-half cups su gar, one-half cup water, one-third cup butter, two eggs, grated rind and Juice of lemon. Heat m a double boiler but do not boll. CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN AT MICE, HEAD COLOS AflO CATARRH VANISH la one Minute Your Stuffy Nose and HMl Clear and Nose Running Ccamph, Dull Headache Goes. Try "Ely's Cream Galm." Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try jt Apply a little In the nostrils and instantly your clogged noBe and stopped up air passages of the head will open; you breathe freely; dull Bess and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the mall bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet frag rant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dlscharg es and a feeling of cleansing, sooth' Ing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake nights struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos trl'.s closed, hawking and blowing. Ca tarrh or a cold, with its running nose foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or ea tarrh will surely disappear. The New Sleeve. A charming sleeve Is loose and flowing to below the elbow; then it Is drawn together and buttoned over the back of the arm. Its bright lining showing In a most artistic way. 0 Greek Draperies. The '. Greek draperies Introduced through the winter are so charming that nobodv will relinquish them, at any rate for evening wear. Tomato Toast. When a child I could not eat particle of tomato in any form unless so cooked as to overcome Its flavor largely. Tomato toast was the first step la learning to appreciate the fla vor of tomatoes In cooking. Open a can of tomatoes, turn the contents Into a saucepan and stew for fifteen minutes, then rub through collander. Return, to the fire with a dnsh of pepper, a saltspoon of salt, one tablespoon of butter and a little more of sugar. Simmer for ten mln utcs longer, and meanwhile put saltspoon of soda In a cup of milk and bring the milk to the scalding point. Now turn the cooked tomatoes grnduallv into this, stirring all the time, and pour Immediately over slices I of buttered toast spread upon a warm CHILD'S MADISII FROCK. This smart adaptation of the Rus sian blouse suit for a little girl may tie reproduced In various materials, fhe original of the drawing was of cashmere, with pipings of silk, but wash material may be used if desir ed. The blouse, in both front and back. Is gathered into a plain, narrow epaulet or the material which contin ues half way to the elbow. Into this the rather full sleeve is gathered and again into the narrow turned back cuff of decorative material. The blouse slips on over the head, this being made possible by the slash at the front, which closes with two pearl buttons. For summer wear this frock would be charming made of white lin en, with cuffs of heavy embroidery. A gulmpe is worn beneath. CLEANS THE HAIR AND BEAUTIFUL MAKES IT -25 CENT " nil nrnwr 5) In a Few Moments Your Hair Looks Soft. Fluffy, Lustrous and Abundaaa No Falling Hair or Dandruff. Surely try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanse' If you wish to Immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and draw It carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lus tre and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderlne dissolves every particle of Dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, for ever stopping Itching and falling hair. Danderlne is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, Invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhlbarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. , Tou can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair and lots of it, , if you will Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter and try it as directed. Earth Reservation, is also to be locat ed here and it is expected the publi cation of the paper in Washington will begin by the time the extra ses sion of congress begins. platter. Serve very hot The milk and soda may be omitted and a very satisfactory toast will result. INDIAN CONGRESS IS PLAN OF MEN OF VARIOUS TRIBES Regular Gathering Will Find Rival When It Convene April Seventh. Washington, March 20. Congress, when It reconvenes will find a rival In the capital, for It developed that plans have been made to establish here an organization known as the Indian congress. The arrangements were approved at a meeting of sever al tribal Indians and their represen tatives lust night. The congress will have one resident delegate from each of the various In dlnn tribes of the country. Each delegate will receive a salary, the am ount to be determined by the council of each tribe, to be paid out of the tribal funds. The primary object of the congress will be to look after the interests of the Indians before the government and congress. . The Indian newspaper, "The Tom ahawk," now printed on the White GOVERNOR WILL TRY TO SETTLE COAL STRIKE Charleston. W. Va., March 0. Governor Hatfield started today for the coal miners' strike region in the Paint creek district. It was said he intended to spend most of his time In that tone until the strike is settled, visiting the miners In their homes and mines and doing all he can to bring peace to. the disturbed district. DEMOCRATS TO PUBLISH PAPER IN OLYMP1A Walla Walla, Wash., March 20. Democrats of the city are much in terested in the announcement that a democratic daily is to be published In the state capital, presumably to be the mouthpiece of the administration. It Is claimed that the present pa pers published In the state capita) give a biasej view of all the state news, and that this will be corrected in the new paper. The Incorporators of the new com pany are: A. J. Harder of Aberdeen, Eagle Freshwater of Olympla. J. H. Brown of Olympla and P. M. Troy i Olympla. The capital stock Is named at $4 5,000, and is divided into shares of $100 each. The paper will be known as the Washington State Dem ocrat. for employing her cook more than the weekly 60 hour limit allowed by the laws of the state. Today there Is a new Jap cook at the hotel. Similar cases In La Grande were called to the attention of Mr. Dal slel and the offenders were imme diately punished. He stated that Ba ker employers were not as bad about employing their girls long hours, as several of the towns he visits. Can't Help But Admire Bab:: Wstnafl Casta Lovis Clues at N-Uiag OUdUd fa h Boa4. A woman's heart batoralty responds W tide charm and sweetness of a pretty child, and more so to-day than ever before stace the adrcat of Mother's FY! end. FINED FOR WORKING HER COOK OVERTIME Baker. Ore., March 20. In connec tion with the crusade started in the east against long hours and short pay for girls, William A. Dalziel, deputy labor commissioner, has started a movement to stamp out the evil In Oregon. ' Mrs. R. A. Underwood of the Un derwood hotel was fined $25 and costs This It a most wonderful external help to the muscle and tendons. It penetrates the tissues, makes them pliant t readily yield to nature's demand for expansion o titer I o longer a period of pals, dis comfort, straining, nausea or other symp toms so often distressing daring the anxlu weeks of expectancy. Mother's Krlend prepares the system fr the coming event, and Its use brings com fort, rest and repose during the terra. Tbls has a most marked Influence upon the bab. since it thus Inherits a splendid growing system of nerves and dleestlve function. And particularly to' young mothers is tbls famous remedy of Inestimable value. It enables her to preserve her health and strength, and she remains a pretty mother by having avolde1 all the suffering and danger t tin t would otherwise accompany such an occasion. Mother's I'rlend thor oiiRhly lubricates evert nerve, tendon and muscle luvolveil and Is a sure preventive for caking of the breasts. Tou will find this splendid remedy oo le at all drtiir stores at $1.00 bottle, and Is hll'blv recommended for ihe purpose. Write Iiraillli ld Hemilator t'u., 134 Usur Hide., Atlanta, i.'n.. and thov will mail you sealed, a very ls;rv..;ivo bock fur expve taut uiutucia. 5