EIGHT. PARES." J r'!.::-l ...lUTTTlJifiTnvnw'' ' : Y.r!- vmauviuan, xoHimviwi) VAVXA r K 1 1 ja Y . ,1 A u A It Y '3 1 , 1913. - "PAQE FIVE: : ' ! !l : " ii ii r PERSONAL MENTION ondoreon Oorsote Great Bargains for Saturday Only. , ' ' . . Our complete Spring shipment now ready, over a dozen different models. We can fit every form. If you want the most complete, W wearing and most, stylish . . .'. Corset you have ever worn Try a fadorson THE COKRECT-- FOUNDATIOX FOR PERFECT FITTING GOWNS. 8IJ8 to 88,10 F. I. IMNG00D ft GO. LOCALS I. C. Snyder, chimneysweep. R. S812 S. Wfclpple, piano tuner. Tel. R. 2431 For bottled sodaa and beers, phone John Qagen, Main 177. Wanted Dressmaking. 610 Jane street. Phone Black 2211. For Rent Housekeeping rooms, 602 Water Street. Haines' Orchestra for beet music. Graad Hotel. Phone Main 25. Have your wood sawed by the gas oline wood saw. Phone Main 13. Wanted Good, clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. Just received, ene carload of cedar posts at J. A. Borle Lumber Co. Ladies wanting hair work done, catl on Mrs. Cornwell, 617 Cosble. If you want dry slab wood, phone Mala . Frflflh oysters, crabs and crawfish at the St. George Grill. . Rooms with or without board. Ap ply Jti Water street. Phone Main Ml. Lost Bunch of keys. Finder re turn to this office and receive re ward. Wanted, to lease or rent, dairy tows. Inquire D. E. Lilly, McKay, re. For rent Furnished rooms, every thing perfectly new. Inquire r(lt Wtllow street Ood dry black pine wood In four feet lengths, $8.09 per cord delivered. Phone Red till. For rent Seven room house in good condition, bath and lights. In quire 113 Franklin street. For sale or trade, one of the finest residences In Walla Walla. Address "O. K.," East Oregonlan. For sale cheap. Thirty horsepower ButaK BUtomoMle In first class con s' Itf on. Inquire this office. United Orchestra. Music furnished fer all oecasiens. Dances a specialty. Phone Red 2892 or Mala 1. Found Watch on East Court street. Owner can have same by calling at this office and describing property and paying charges. "I t Found Odd Fellow or Rebecca pin. filai1 pendant from three links. Own er may recover same by proving prop erty and paying for this notice. For sale at a bargain Headlight Restaurant with ten sleeping rooms at 128 Webb street, In connection. Am called home on account of war In my country. L. Rodos. "By selling Just a few of our house hold necessities you can earn a valu able premium. Silver seU, clocks, i watches, bracelets, air rifles, boys' baseball suits, etc. Catalogue free. Gliding Caster Co. Willows, Calif. Go to E. C. Rogers ranch 3 miles south of Weston, t)re., on Feb. 13 th and you will find thirty choice grade and registered horses that he must sell. Ranch gone, Rogers must go and horses are going a bona-flde sale. 10 a, m. Free lunch. Wanted, to exchange land close to Calgary Alberta, for Umatilla county draft horses. This land lies level. Every inch tillable, well watered and clone to R. R. For particulars see B. T. Wade, Pendleton, Oregon. SPECIAL This Week Rubbor Goods flyrlnges, Hot Water Bottles, all fresh stock of the very best quality at reduced prices. Guar anteed for two years. P. J. Donaldson Reliable Drugs Xfm flv T, .' W. StntBipn, Application for Grazing Permits. NOTICE Is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graze cattle and horses within the WENAHA NA TIONAL FOREST during the season of 1813. must be filed in my office at Walla Walla, Washington, on or before February 16, 1913, and all ap plications for permits to graze sheep must be filed on or before March 15, 1913.' Full Information In regard to the fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applica tions will be furnished upon request. J. M. fCHMITZ, Supervisor. Let the Auto Truck Haul It. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano moving Bhort trips in the city or transferring to the country. We haul anything. Penland Bros. For Kale Cheap. Good nine room ljouse. modern, with stone foundation and seven lots, located near St. Joseph's academy. Will sell cheap. For particulars call at this office or phone Main 669. Wanted at Once. The East Oregonlan will buy your old rags. Must be large and clean. Bring or send them to this office at your earliest convenience. Xorth Side Home for Sale. Modern five room cottage, gas, electric. lights, bath, hot and cold wa ter, shade trees, moss-rock wall and good cellar. Corner lot well Impros ed. Only four blocKs from bridge. Address all communications to "A," care of East Oregonlan. Dance Tonight. Social dance, Friday night. Moose hall. Haines' orchestra. Everybody Invited. Dressmaking. Will do all kinds of. dressmaking, Including evening gowns. Call at 602 Water street, or phone Red 2062. IRELAND HOME RULE REJECTED BY LORDS London. Jan. 31. After a four day's discussion the house of Lords rejected the home rule bill last night 326 to 69. The result was a foregone conclusion. The speeches aroused little Interest, because, as the Earl of Salisbury pa thetically observed, the position of the house now was that of an ordi nary debating club the peers could express their views and reject the bill, but they could not prevent It from becoming law. Nevertheless, the largest muster of peers since the fateful evening they passed the parliament bill assembled in the house and bejeweled peeresses thronged the side galleries. Lord Lansdowne wound up the de bate for the opposition; Lord Morley of Blackburn for the government. The scene was lacking In the dra matic excitement which accompanied the lord's rejection of Mr. Gladstones' bill in 1894 by a far larger majority, 38. Lord Moreley in closing the debate, remarked the absence of the ferocity which characterized the debates on the Gladstone measures, and replying to Lord Lansdowne's warning that the giving of home rule to Ireland would be a menace to England if England were ever involved In serious interna tional trouble, reminded Lord Lans downe that his own policy would give Ireland cash or credit to the extent of two hundred millions British mon ey and that Lord Lansdowne scarcely would be likely to do that if he really believed that Ireland was likely to become England's enemy. Lord Curzon of Kedleston in a speech earlier in the evening also re ferred to the llstleness the public had shown over the bill and to the "de plorable and unutterable flatness of the debates in the house of commons." The division was on party lines, practically the whole of the Episcopal bench voting against the bill. C. F. Walker of Echo, visited in Pendleton yesterday. A. W. Rochon of Walla Walla spent last night In the city. - - A. E. Hascall of Pilot Rock was in from his home yesterday. S. D. Peterson, Mllotn lawyer, was down yesterday and spent the night here. Guy Young of The Dalles was reg istered at the St. George yesterday-evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Uoseperry were down from their home at Ad ams yesterday. ' . T. J. Tweedy, - guardian of A. J. Sturtevant, .. went out to Pilot Hock this morning. Frank Sels of John Day, was am ong the out-of-town people In Pen dleton yesterday. It. H. Irvin, secretary of the Inland Irrigation Co. returned this morning on the local to Stanfleld. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hindman of Umatilla were among the visitors from the west end of the county yesterday. A. Buckley, assistant superintendent of the O.-W. It.- & N.. was over from his headquarters at La Grande last evening. Miss Winnie Geiss, a popular young lady of Adams, came down this morning on the local. She was ac companied by her aunt. William P. Lathrop, formerly of this city and now In the real estate business In Walla Walla, Is visiting old friends here today. Mrs. J. N. Burgess and children left today for Salem to Join Senator Burgess who Is representing his county In the state law making body. R. F. Kirkpatrick and George W. Bradley returned this morning from Weston where last evening they paid a visit to the I.-O. O. F. lodge of that town. Jack Kennedy, the wrestler who is to meet Eddie O'Connell of Portland in this city next Tuesday evening, is up from Hermiston today to prepare for his bout. ' Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely left last night for Brownsville to attend the funeral of his father, Captain James Blakely, who died at the ago of 100 Wednesday evening. DAUGHTER OF J. J. HILL WEDS FORMER ATHLKTE St. Paul. Minn.. Jan. 31. Miss Ra chel Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hill, and Dr. Egll Boeck mann were married. Only a few rel atives and close friends attended the wedding, which took place at the Hill residence. The Rev. Thomas J. Gib bons, of St. Luke's church, officiated. Dr. Boeckmann is a former Minne sota football 8 tar. Miss Hill was attended by her sis ter, Miss Clara Hill, while Dr. Boeck mann's best man was Elbert Ander son Toung, Jr. The bride, who was given In mar riage by her father, was attired In a gown of soft white satin, with full court train of white satin caught at the shoulders. The body, with long sleeves and draped Bertha, was ot rare point lace, and the same ma terial was used In the drapery of the skirt and In the veil. She carried a huge shower bouquet of white orch ids, lillles-of-the-valley and swan sonia. Dr. Boeckmann's gift to the bride was a diamond tiara. "What's your name?" "Hazel." "Hazel! That's a pretty name." "So everybody says. I was named after a nut" . "The story you were Just telling me reminds me of one time In Philadelphia." "That's enough." "What?" "One time In Philadelphia" MOTHER! WATCH THE WREN'S BOWELS If srotis. Sick, Feverish, IUlious or Tonjfue I doated Me DcIMohs "Syrup of FUrtt." For Sale 'Elegant home on Locust hill known aa the C. B. Wade home. WIU veil for on third of . original cent, Itenaona for selling owner taC otty. . Apply J- W. Myrie a No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough laxative physic should always be the first treatment given. If your child Isn't feeling well; rest ing nicely; eating regularly and act ing naturally It is a sure sign that it's little stomach, liver and 30 feet of bowels are filled with foul, constipat ed waste matter and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or your lit tle one has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, tongue coat ed; give a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs and in a few hours all the clog ged up waste, undigested food and sour bile will gently move on and out of its little bowels without nausea, griping or weakness, and you will surely have a well, happy and smiling child again shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are not drugging your children, being com posed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromatics it cannot be harmful, besides they dearly love its delicious fig taste. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs hundy. It is the only stom ach, liver and bowel cleanser and reg ulator needed a little given today will save a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly print ed on the package. ABk your druggist for the full name "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna," prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This Is the delicious tasting, gen ulne old reliable. Refuse anything 1 2 1 -2c Silkolines, new patterns, yard 65c Mercerized Damask, yard $1.25 Bleached Satin Damask, yard $1.00 Kabo Corsets, spring styles, ea. $1.00 Flannel Gowns, for $1.25 and $1.50 Flannel Gowns for Odd Lot of Kabo Corsets for, each . $1.25 Perrin's Kid Gloves for, pr. . $4.50 to $6.50 Silk Waists for . 9c 45c 89c 79c 65c 95c 55c 95c $2.95 Girl's Shoes. 1 3 I -2 to 2, reg. $ 1 .65 Shoes, pr. $1.18 Infants' Shoes, 2 to 5 1-2, regular 65c Shoes pr. 43C Misses' high top tans 13 1-2 to 2, regular $2.75 Shoes for pr. , . . . $2.25 Boys' BlucherCafe, 2 1-2 to 6, reg. $3 shoes pr. $245 Ladies' $3.50 pat., vici and gun metal shoes pr. $2.95 Infants' high top velvet and patent, 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, regular $1.75 for . . Odd lot of Women's $ 1 .65 shoes for pr. Women's $1.50 Felt Slippers for pr. Women's $1.75 Felt Slippers for pr. $1.35 98c $1.00 $1.25 Wohlenberg Dep't Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY 3&vg Veil E3sard of i Always Clean Courteous Reliable "iflTismiie I IUM TED" We realize that many reliable customers are worth more than a few big profits. If you are dissatisfied, and looking for a change, ask some of OUT patrons what we have done for them in the way of reducing theii grocery bills It uill pay you to investigate 209 E. Court St. Phone Main 445 r pfcoaa Vnla XT I. else offered.