EIGIIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOKIAN. PE?H)LETOfl; OREGON FIH DAY. DECEMBER 27, 1912. PAGE FIVE. Great Clean-up Sale of o MISSES SiBte ad as Regular values to $15 and $16,50 Your Choice 00 Soe Corner Window Tonight Suits Sizes II, 13, 15 and 17 14, 16 and 18 . Coats same sizes F. E. LBVEMOD k GO, THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. LOCALS I. C. Snyder, chimneysweep. R. 3812. Fresh oysters, crabs and crawfish t the St. George Grill. Pndleton Iron Work can use sev eral tons of scrap Iron. For bottled sodas and beers, phone John Gugen, Main 177. For Carpenter work call at 604 Lewis street or phono Red 2932. Have your wood sawed by the gas Una wood saw. Phone Main IS. Wanted Dressmaking. 610 Jane St.. Jhone Black 2211. For dry wood and Rock Spring coal, phone Main 438. or Black 3622. Wanted Good clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. Ladles wanting hair work done, call on Mrs. Cornwell, 617 Cosble. If you want dry slab wood, phont Main S. Try Hohbach's buttermilk bread and you will use no other. ' For Rent Furnished rooms with or without board. Inquire 802 W. Alta. Lost Long brown fur neck piece. Finder return to this office and re ceive reward. For Rent In private family, two largo furnished rooms. Board if de sired. Inquire 120 Lee Street. For sale cheap. Thirty horsepower Hulck automobile In first class con dition. Inquire this office. Lost Chain off motorcycle, near court house. Return to Kagle Baths for reward. For Rent Furnished rooms with or without board, one block from Main street. 201 Water street, Thone Main 569. Drives Off a Terror. The chief executionei of death In the winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are colds and grip. In any attack by one of these maladies no time should be lost in, taking the best medicine ob tainable to drive it off. Countless thousands have found this to be Dr. King's New Discovery. "My hus band, believes it has kept him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs. George W. Place, Rawsonville, Vt, "and for coughs colds and croup we have never found its equal." Guaranteed for all bron chial affections. Price 50 cents and II. 00. Trial bottle free at Koeppens. Lot me Autu lruck Haul It. Our specialty is quick work. Phont Main 339 for furniture and piano mov ing short trips in the city or transfer ring to the, country. Wo haul any thing. Penland Eros. Alfalfa Kancti for Rent. One of the best alfalfa ranches on Butter creek, rut up 1050 tons' hay this year will rent for one or more years to right party. Necessary to have six or eight horses and haying outfit. Some capital. Write or phone A. B. Thomson, Echo, Ore. For Sale Cheap, Good nine room house, modern, with stone foundation and seven lots, Will sell cheap If taken by January located near St. Joseph's academy. 1st. For particulars call at this office. We wish our patrons a Happy New Year F. J. Donaldson Reliable Druggist Attention Eaiflos. You are cordially invited to be present Friday evening, December 27, with your family, to participate in a social dance given by the Fraternal Order of Eagles, under the auspices of the ladles. All those who don't wish to dance can enjoy themselves in a social game of cards. Refresh ments will be served in the banquet hall promptly at eleven o'clock. V. STROBLE, Secretary. There Is a suit and overcoat for every man in Pendleton at a very low price, at the great holiday sale at the Peoples Warehouse, where It pays to trade. DEIJXJATES PROM FIFTY XLLEGKS IS CONVENTION Indianapolis, Dec. 27. Delegates from more than 50 colleges of the country are here for the national con vention of Thl Gamma Delta frater nity. The national officers will make their report at their first session. Thanking you for the favors of the past season the Pendleton Drug Company wishes you A Happy New Year PERSONAL MENTION MONTANA KID IS A WHIRLWIND BOXER Lewis King of Union was register ed at the Bowman last night. Mrs. Rush Ramey of Uklah, was a Pendleton visitor last evening. Wil'.iam Mills of Juniper, was a Pendleton business visitor yesterday. John Mollahan of Heppner, was uniong the out of town people in Pen dleton yesterday. Mrs. C. F. Colesworthy and son, Joe, left this morning for a holiday visit in Portland. Attorney Sam D. Peterson of Mil ton came down this morning and is spending the day here on legal busi ness. L. A. McLeod came down yester day from his home at -Thorn Hollow. E. H. Gayer of Walla Walla Is at the St. George. J. M. Scarborough, well known Hermiston business man, came in from the west end. yesterday and spent the night here'. Peter Buzuko-s, the Greek wrestler who refused to meet Eddie O'Connell Christmas day as advertised, left on No. 17 yesterday for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen and Master Norman Kennedy, Mrs. Jen sen's brother, returned to Pilot Rock this morning after a visit in the city. Mrs. V. C. Burke, accompanied by her children, came In this morning from her home at Athena to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Stroble. Mrs. Gus La Fountain an J daugh ters, Pauline, Olga and Helen, have returned from Portland and will re main here during the winter. ' They have secured a residence recently built on west Court street. Mrs. Clifford L. 'Morgan and bro ther K K. Bowsher, -have returned from Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they were called by the sfriousness of their father. His recovery, however, en abled them to return tg their home. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, former ly of, this city, are holiday guests at the home of Mrs. Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brusha. Mr. Gray, fa miliarly known as "Dolly." is connect, e.l with the mountain division of the O.-W. U & X. I. K. Young, county school superintendent-elect, his wife and children, arrived this morning from Milton and will take up their residence at the Horace Walker residence on the south' hill. Mr. Young's term of office com mences on January 2. BONDS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS St. Louis, Mo, Dec. 27 Albert T. Patrick pardoned on Thanksgiving day for the murder of Albert Marsh Rice, an aged millionaire, spent Christ mas here quietly with his mother and sisters. This was the first Christmas dinner Patrick had with relatives ..In..-. 1.1,. ..nn I in 11 X'AO I Q frf T(i t o, Clementine, Bond Bros, are no till... .v. i . x,- Indications to the contrary notwith standing. Anyway this Is the declar ation, made with the posltlveness of conviction, by the two Bonds them selves, and that ought to be suffi cient bonds for the truth of the state ment. They are just conducting a "stupendous, colossal, price-butchering". Bale, In the word.': of J. C. Ad ams of Chicago, a professional sale conductor, who is here to nsslst the well known haberdashers in reducing" their stock to make room for a big shipment of new merchandise. "This sale is going to be a history maker in Pendleton," said Mr. Ad ams this afternoon. "We are going to show the public what a real sale Is. Every article in the store, from collar buttons to suits, will be marked down to a price that will make peo ple blink with amazement. We are not superstitious and nre going to hand some knockout drops to the the ory that 13 is an unlucky number by conducting our sale for thirteen con secutive days, commencing tomor row." In preparation for the opening of their sale, Bond Bros, have closed their doors to the public until tomor row morning. Inside is a busy scene with a small army of clerks prepar ing for the expected rush for bargains. ALLEGED THIEF WILL FIGHT FOR HIS RELEASE Seattle, Dec. 27. Cle Shepnrd, ar rested in connection with the Hum boldt gold robbery, stated he would institute habeas corpus proceedings for release. No lnforatlon has been filed against him. Montana Kid, the welterweight who will box Jack Carpenter of Boise at the Oregon theater Monday night, has had a long and creditable career in the squared ring. His real name Is William McDanlels, but as Mon tana Kid he has made nearly all of his fights and Is best known to the sporting world. His opponents in the fistic game have numbered some of the very best mltmen of his weight, including Cyclone Johnny Thompson, Aurelio Herrara and Freddie Lan ders. All save two he has either won or secured 'a draw and most of his victories have come through the knockout route. The following is a part of his pugil istic record: Al Jones. 4 rounds. K. O.; San Jose Kid, K. O.' rounds; Tommy White, K. O., 4 rounds; Johnny Hry i.;it. K. O., 6 rounds; Young Griffith, K. t ,-., r, rounds; Eddie Chambers, W., 20 rouj,.l ; .loo Carrol, W., 20 rounds; Aurelio luiixia D., 15 rounds; Jack Burk, K. O.,. i ,i'ounds;vAurelio Her rera, D.,' U roun.s; Billy Walsh, 6 rounds; Cyclone Johnny Thompson, D., 10 rounds; Jack Brown and Tom Leachy, both same night, K. O. Howard Baker, D., 20 rounds; Frank Plcato, K. O., 13 rounds; Joe ReiLy, D., 20 rounds; Red Cornet, decision, 10 rounds; Billy De Cansay, W; Jack Sames, W.; John A. Sulli van, W; Kid Solomon, draw; John Murray, 10 rounds, draw; Tommy Jacobs, 10 rounds, won; Eddie Cham bers, 20 rounds, W.; Jack O'Brien, 2 rounds, K. p.; Hoosier Kid, 6 rounds, K. O. ; Aurellio Herrero, 20 rounds, decision; Young Winalow, 3 rounds, K. ).; Jac k liurk, 5 rounds, K. A. Aurelio Herrara, 7 rounds, K. O.; Joe Kneises, 3 rounds, K. O.; Clyde Burn ham, l round, K. O.; Fredie Landers, 20 rounds, draw; Freddie Corbett, 11 rounds, K. o.; Al sehrader, 4 rounds, K. o.; Tommy Driscol, 10 rounds, draw; Young Dixon, 2 rounds,' K. O.; Jack Carpenter, 10 rounds, draw". Yesterday was one of the greatest clothing days in the history of the Peoples Warehouse. Their holiday sale of suits and overcoats is a great success. PRESIDENT TAFT AND PARTY HOMEWARD HOI'S' D Colon, Panama, Dec. 27. The bat tleship Arkansas bearing President Taft and his party sent a wireless that all is well aboard the vessel. A. T. PATRICK DINES WITH HIS MOTHER, John T. Milliken. Cholera Rajyes. London, Dec. 27. An Odessa dis patch to the Post reports the cholera epidemic at Aecca, Arabia, where ten thousand pilgrims are gathering. Sev enteen hundred and fourteen cases are reported. JUST ARRIVED Fresh and Complete line of Gimther's Candies at Koeppen's TIIB DRUG STORE THAT SERVES YOU DEST. Families Are Buying "Simkist" Oranges by the Box or Half -Box Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. Have this golden fruit for breakfast, dessert and 11 between meals." Cleanest of all fruits never touched by bare hands. All the pickers and packers of bunkist oranges and lemons wear clean, white cotton gloves. "Sunkjst" oranges are the fin est, juiciest oranges in the world. Tree-ripened, fiberless. Not a seed in "Sunkist" Buy them by the box iA . inz by the dozen. They keep for weeks. Ask for "Sunkist" lemons so full of juice that they go farther than other lemons. Try "Sun-' kist" lemonade hot or cold. Lerron3 add flavor to fish, meats and salads. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist' Wrappers Cut the trademarks from "Sunkist" orange and lemon wrappers and send them tons. Weot?er27dif ferent premiums, nil Rogers A-l Standard Guaran teed Silverware. Exclusive "Sunkist" design. For this crar.ge rpoon send 12 "Sunkist" Orange or Lemon Wrappers and (i t'.vo-cent stamps. "Red Ball" orange and k vn wrappers count same as "Suakist." Buy "Sunkist" Oranges and Lemons at Your Dealer's Send your name and full address for free premium sheet and Premium Club Plan. Address all orders for premiums and a'l inquiries to California Fruit Growers Exchange 139 N. Llark Street, Chicago, llL (US) if "Hi1 ft SATURDAY All FURS go at 1-2 Price AH TOYS go at 1-2 Price All SUITS to go at 1-2 Price All WAISTS to go at 1-3 Off Vohlenborg Department Store HETTEK GOODS FOK LESS MOVEY. WRESTLING! WRESTLING! A : t.k.. t il ' V i I - - ; . V " I U 7 Sim tfaiicqb li mm OF IIERMSTON V U OF DULUTH TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS, TO A FINISH. Monday, December 30 th IN THE CITY HALL Young Hackenschmidt, Referee A clean and fast evening of pport assured all who attend. Preliminaries : A good fast four round boxing bout and Finish wrestling match between Echo and Hermis ton contestants.