J PAGE SIX 'bAlLY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1012. .SzI. f. s i PHOTOPLAY ...OFFERINGS... News of the "movies"- Gossip of tha pictures Newest photodramaa and Comedies of the screen. Where to Go la Pendleton. Omheuni. An exceptional good program for Tuesday's change. Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. Daughter of the Spy. Cines. Two reels. This is the story of a spy ho gives shelter in his own home to nobleman fleeing from the soldiers i1a nobleman informs the host and is beautiful daughter of his Identity md shortly after a file of soldiers i nters the house and place him under arrest. Before going to prison he denounces father and daughter for iheir duplicity. Heartbroken at the fate of the nobleman, the daughter determines to make a desperate ef fort to release him. On a pretext she enters the prison and is shown about. Noting carefully the prisoner's cell. Hv n. ruse she procures the keys to ti rpii diretlv above that of the iobleman and with a crowbar breaks a hole in the floor, lowers a rope and helps the prisoner to safety. The two make a perilous descent from the castle wall to the casement below. Meanwhile, the girl's father, the spy, i th walls with the sentry and discerning the fugitives, seizes a rifle and fires. To his horror he finds he has taken the life of his own daugh ter. 3. The Mystery of Grandfather's Clock. Kalem. A pretty story featur ing Miss Alice Joyce and Mr. Vom Mason. In order to hand a have a young c'.ockmaker call, Nellie tamp ers with her grandfather's clock. Her grandfather does not favor Morse, but wishes Nellie to Marry one of his business acquaintances. When the rinfkmk(r finds a valuable deed in i be old clock, the grandfather relents aid the two are married. 4. A Queen for a Day. Edison. A fantastic array of Julus Compton. the new missionary, and his pretty daugh- mnsoio Toami hut their African servant steals the heart of their chief and saves her former employer from an awful death. the final victor, Iteeause it portrays human nature and Is spirted through out it will bo liked. "The Call of tha Desert." Nestor. A big theme, well worked out. The man and his wire, gave up the hard life of the desert mining camp and went to the city. The man tired of this and went back to the desert. But thrt wife linitercd. till she finally vields to the "call" and also returns. To those who like. the big open, out door life this picture- makes a strong appeal. "The Better Part" Gem. A strong Htorv nf th mountain country. The heroine, whose eve are under treat ment tears away the bandages so she may rescue a young man. In doing so she sacrifices- her sight for life She wins his love, which is the "bet ter part." "Thft Black Hand." Eclair. A careless Dalnter loft the imprint of his black hand in various parts of the house, much to the alarm of the millionaire owner. Very funny and lively. "Mother's Bank Roll." Eclair. Mother put th& bank role in the kitchen stove for safe keeping. Ex tremely funny. Cominsr Friday. "Leah, the For saken " the best three reel Imp fea ture ever made Miss Vivian Pres cott in the title role. MUSICAL COMEDY TO BE SEEN HERE UGH! NOT CALOMEL. CASTOR OIL OR SALTS, BUT DELICIOUS 'JM? OF FIGS" TOIHGHT GKXTI.V OliKANSKS YOUR STOMACH, LIVRlt AND THIRTY FKKT OF HOWF.KS OF SOl'R BILK, DECAYING FOOD, GASES AND CIAXi-GED-UP WASTE WITHOUT GUIPK OR NAUSEA. This wonderful fruit laxative acts as a liver and bowel cleanser tonic not as an irritant. Its action is nat ural and gentle no griping. It is de licious no dreading. It is positive and prompt no waiting. If your stomach is sour and filled with vile gases, your head aches, or you are bilious, nervous, dizzy, half sick, your tongue coated, your thirty feet of bowels clogged with waste not DroDerlv carried off don't wait. Surely take a teaspoonful of delicious Syrup of Figs tonight, and in the morning all constipated waste, sour bile, eases and poisons will move on ntifl nut nf tha Bvstem. arentlv but thoroughly no griping no nausea no weakness. In the oil days people let these matters run until they need ed a large dose of physic, then they took something severe like castor oil, salts or cathartics, that mans abuse to the bowels, .These are the days of the gentle and natural the days of Syrup of Figs. This is the genuine old reliable. Any other so-called Fig Syrup is an imitation often meant to deceive you. Refuse such with contempt. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. At rtywitlve program for Tuesday's .hange. "Mountain Dew," Kalem. Carlyle vsiackwell and Lillian Christy play Xhe leads in this interesting love fctory of the revenue man and the moonshiners daughter, and In which the former helps his sweetheart's father. The leading lady is compeent and adds much to this picture. The Hand Bag," Vltagraph. If ever there was a funny picture "The Hand Bag" is it. He finds the bag with a lady's visiting card in it. He calls at the address to return the bag and when he meets the owner. "Good Nighty The bag contains a whole lot things. It's a surprise and it isn't n cnnii it See it and you'll en joy It Cast Miss DeRosvills, Miss Flora Finch; Miss King, Miss Rose mary Treby; Tom Fredericks, Mr. Frank Bennett. "Arabian Sports," Vltagraph. wMr-, u full of action and some re markable athletes. Taken in Mecca, during a recent carnival We are brought right into contact with the in the midst of their life and pleasures, a,nd they are wonderful to. hohold "The Ranchman's Anniversary," Essanay. The cowboy plot in this strongly conducted comedy drama is a novel one, sf-rlous in its momenta of "near"-tragedy and bubbling over with funniest fun throughout. "Yellowstone National Park, Wy cijnintr. U. S. A." Edison. A w mixture of paradise and hades film shows the beautiful Yellowstone canyon, the Great Falls, Golden Gate and in striking contract great gey sers hurling upward their scalding stream.", pools of boiling water an 1 other astonishing phenomena. Manager "Welch of the Oregon the ater, announces ih: coming on De cember 13 of John C. Fishers big musical comedy from the Globe thea ter, New Tork, "The Red Rose" with Zoe Burnett in the leading role. "The Red Rose" is the joint work of Harry B. and Robert B. Smith, with music by Robert Hood Bowers, and staged by R. H. Burnside. former stage director of the New York Hip podrome. The company numbers some sixty-five people, headed by Zoe Barnett and including nany names well and favorably known in comic nrtpra nirrlea From a scento and costume point of view, "The Ilea uoso ' is saia 10 h sensation. THe story Is: A voune American, 'studying art, falls in love with a niodel. Lola. His weal thy father objects to the marriage. Stormy scenes follow, but in the end, Dick Lor.mer, the young American, obtains some pictures taken by a "syndicate showing the antics of his father with a young art student. This, couuled with the cus covery that Lola Is really a Baron's daughter, enables young Lorimer to overcome his father's objections. Thr r twenty-four musical th score, the most pop ular being "Come Along Ma Cherie," "Queen of Vanity Fair," "Men, Men, fon and "The Students' Glide," the latter having created somewhat of a furore during its long New York run. the circus Is In the neighboring town ship, she flees the parsonage and re turns to the show to take ner regular place on the program. The minister awaits her return for a month and then realizing that the happiness of both is at stake, goes to reclaim her. He takes her from the ring in the very midst of the performance. The curtain falls upon the pair standing uDon the deserted circus lot watch ing the twinkling lights of the big animal wagons as they disappear in the distance. A more genuinely re freshing play than "Polly of the Cir cus" has not visited here In a decade and theatergoers are already regard lng this attraction as the treat of the season. This Is the only company present lng this charming and fascinating play in this country. asylum building to the new receiving ward. So far the main Beciion ana only one wing have been constructed and until the south wine Is built oniy one female Datient will be kept at this building. Seven employes have been nut at work in the ward, and It is estimated that It will increase th maintenance of the institution about J6000 for the biennial period DON'T WANT THEM IN HOUSE HE SAYS MISS ST. LEON IS CLEVER ACTRESS Washington. Dec. 4. "I thought the people disposed of Roosevelt and rait. I cannot see the use of having them members of the house to continue air lng their scraps," declared Represen tatlve John A. Fltz Gerald, chairman of the house appropriations commit tee when informed of the legislative and executive judicial bill providing ex-nresldents be made life members of the house at an annual salary of seventeen thousand dollars. It is be lieved the provision will be eliminat ed. PATIENTS AT ASYLUM GOING INTO NEW HOLDING Salem. Or., Dec. 4. Officials at the asylum completed the task of transferring 80 patients from the main To Sweeten the Breath Make a Breakfast on ? 18 1 I S I all Grocers i goum rod milling co. HtlUMO, QltlUM ItlUBO- f' Cosy. For Wednesday and Thursday, a jirogram that you'll like. "The Redemption of Riverton." Victor. Florence Lawrence arid Owen Moore play the leads in this human interest drama. To the wicked little town of Rivt.-rtoti came the Rev. John Gibson. on b-arning the condition tf affairs he ptarted to reform the town an 1 T.f-in of a vigorous person ality he resorted to forceful meth ods ari l personal combat to win. Ably itssisted by Miss June Matin he was With Miss Elsie St. Leon in the ti tle role, supported by all of the im portant members of the original com pany. "Polly of the Circus" comes to the Oregon theater December 9. "Polly of the Circus" is a comedy iiramn. TLs storv is a romance that leads into and out of the sawdust ring. It was written . by Miss Mar garet Mayo and produced by Freder ick Thompson, The story of the play Is unusually j attractive. With its novelry it com bines cleanliness and wholesomeness. Polly, its central f.gure, is a young circuis rider who is Injured by a fall from her horse while the show Is in a small middle western town. It is out of the question for her to accom ihu firrllK to the next stop, and onderful i he is left at the parsonage, opposite Z ml clrcuj, lot in the.househ0la o fa has known no other life than that of .... ,,t .lnut rincr and some time elapses before she can familiarize her se'.f with the staid existence of such a community as is now her home. My the time she succeeds in doing this, the sound of the young minis ter's voice has become the most prom ising feature of her hopes for the future. He in turn has found the fascination of the unlearned but In telligent and pure-hearted sprite from the canvas-topped community almost irresistable. The opposition of his tia rlxh loners displays Itself in a fi nally successful attempt to drive the Every Woman's Complexion is bound to show whether or not she is in good physical condition. If the complexion is muddy, the skin sallow ; if pimples or skin blemishes appear it is then attention must be given to improve the bodily condition. There is one safe and simple way. Clear the system and purify the blood with a few doses of JBeeciatnZ This well known vegetable family remedy is famous for its power to improve the action of the organs of digestion and elimination. They will regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver, tone the stomach and you will know what it is to be free from troubles, from headaches, backaches, lassitude, and extreme nervousness. They will make you feel healthier and stronger in every way. By clearing your system of poisonous waste Beecham's Pills will have good effect upon your looks these they Will Beautify and Improve Th direction with ry bos v of Mclal valua and ImporUne to woman. SoU arywhra. In bo 10c, 25c ?irl from her haven. Learning that ,-r I , I 11 $50,000.00 TO LOAN on Farm Lands at Reasonable Rate of Interest No Long Waits for Money MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street I It A'. :. :. v . II .' 1 TTfr. It sows the seed for grippe, pneumonia or consumption. Don't trifle with syrups and nostrums; take Scott's Emulsion whfcheffectively drives out colds and builds strength and resistance force to avoid sickness. Ask for and INSIST on SCOTT S. amM Howm. Bloom field. X. J. 12-76 Zoo Ilannt and Itusm-ll Hrown In Oto Ulg Muslin! Sinews, "The . lied It'," al u Oregon TlicaUT. The Lamp THE LAMP that burns right because it is made right. The shape of the wick, the size of the chimney, the size of the inlets for air all these, and countless other details have been determiend with utmost care. An Efficient, Economical, Inexpensive Lamp has been the aim sought, and secured. A lamp that gives a steady, white light clear, diffused. The RAYO can be lighted without removing chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewick. Made of solid brass, nickel-plated. At DeaUf Everywhere. ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY 6 Portland, (California) Sao Francbce Let Us Solve the Qyestion for You WHAT TO ME g Our beautiful line selected with care for the holiday trade, repre sent gifts of sense, desirability and usefulness. Evory Prosont has Practical Worth There Is no possibility of you making a mistake and! Riving a pres ent that will not be cherished eren for years to come when the seleo Uon is made from the beautiful suggestions we now have on display SIIiVEItWAltE CUT GLASS TOILET SETS JEWELS EMBLEMS 11LNOS A'D PINS WATCHES CliOCKS DIAMONDS and thousands of other suitable articles all priced right Selec tions may be made now and will be delivered as you specify. This gives us ample time for engraving them. iehisiDr THE JEW FX Kit AND SILVER SMITH. Known For Its Strength First ofionoi Sonli PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 Grief and Money Saved From November first until Christ mas we will offer our customers special inducements to buy early Watch our windows for "CLASSY GOODS" that will be shown as they arrive. WE WILL SAVE YOU PLENTY OF MONEY ON LEATITEU GOODS ALL THE TIME. The Pendleton Drug Gompany n Where Are All the EGG Arc you Mr. Chicken Kaiser Retting satisfactory returns from your liens ? The price of crrs is now "sky-high," but is any of this "high-price" finding its way into YOUIt pocket. What they need is proper food ALFALFA MEAL BEEF SCRAPS GROUND BONE and SHELL GRIT, WHEAT and CORN Wc Have What You Want If you are in the chicken business for PKOFIT and not pleasure, call and seo us, get our free book "Diseases of Poul try" and let us help you get more eggs. A. T. MATTHEWS CO., C. D. 127 East Alta St. Opposite City Hall i