East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 26, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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11. 1 1 V.
ft. Grout Ten
1 50 Sweaters all this year's
styles. Ruff Necks and Nor
folks in all shades and combi
nations for
All $2.50 Sweaters will sell for $1.98
All $3.00 Sweaters will sell for $2.45
All $3.50 Sweaters will sell for $2.85
All $4.00 Sweaters will sell for $3.35
All $4.50 Sweaters will sell for $3.65
AH $5.00 Sweaters will sell for $4.15
All $6.00 Sweaters will sell for $4.95
All $7.00 Sweaters will sell for $5.65
All $8.50 Sweaters will sell for $6.45
Sizes 36
Dressmaking at 101 West Alta.
I. C. Snyder, chimneysweep. R. 3812.
Fresh oysters, crabs and crawfish
at the St George Grill.
Wanted Dy young woman, work
in country. Inquire "G" this office.
Tor Rent Three or five furnished
rooms. Inulre 811 Vlnoent St.
Wanted Good clean raga at the
East Orcgonlan office.
Laalea wanting hair work done, call
on Mrs. CornweU, 817 Cosble.
If yea want dry slab wood, phon.
Mara I.
Wanted Dresanvint. S10 Jane
St., Jh.ne Black 2211.
Far bottled sodas and beers, phone
John Aagen, Mala 177.
Pendleton Iron Work can use sev
eral tons of scrap iron.
Have your wood sawed by the gas
line wood saw. Phono Main IS.
For Rent Furnished rooms with
board, 1 block from Main. 201 Wa
ter street Phon Main S6 9.
D. N. Reber, M. D. Eye. ear, nose
and throat specialist. Office Schmidt
toldg, rooms 10 and 11.
Masquerade ball, Wednesday even
ing, November 27th, at Eagle-Woodman
hall. Cash prizes awarded. Mu
sio by United OrchestTa.
Ten Bucks
For You
Find Out
Special This
Hot Water Bottles
F. J. Donaldson
to 42
Girl wanted for general house
work. Inquire at "M" this office.
Wanted Dining room girl. Ad
dress, Hotel .Stunfield, Stanfield, Ore
gon. For Sale Horseshoe restaurant,
corner Main and Alta streets. First
class location and doing good busi
ness. Good reasons for selling. In
quire at restaurant.
Donation Day.
Donation Day custom will be ob
served by St. Anthony's Hospital on
Thanksgiving Day, November 28,
1912, on which day St Anthony's
Hospital will most gratefully accept
donations of all kinds. The Sisters
of the hospital need the cooperation
of the generous people of Pendleton
In aiding the good work and will
publish the contributions received on
Donation Day.
Ilitullthlc Paving Strength Proven In-rhlciit-
In Railroad Wreck.
That bitulithic paving Is so con
structed that It will withstand any
ordinary traffic, and the extraordi
nary strain sometimes incident to
unforseen occurrences, was evidenced
In a wreck at Albany recently when
a box car ran over the recently laid
pavement for some distance without
doing any damage whatever to the
This unexpected teat proves the as
sertion often made the tax-payer
users of bitulithic. that It Is really
the "best by. test." (Paid adv.)
A Good Mowag
Merltol Tonic Digestive has proven
a good message to others, why not
to you? It acts first upon the stom
ach, strengthens the digestive organs,
creates a healthy appetite. - and
makes rich, red blood. Imparts new
life and strength to the entire body.
Merltol Rheumatism Powders sur
prise everybody who try them.
Merltol Hair Tonic will do won
ders for your hair.
Beautiful Hair, a Joy Forever.
If you have a beautiful head of
hair, try to keep It. If you have not,
try to get It. Merltol Hair Tonic
keeps the scalp clean, promotes a
healthy growth of beautiful hair, and
keeps It soft and lustrous. Try it.
Lot Us Show Yon.
If you are a sufferer of plies or
hemmorholds In any form, cosie to
our store and let us show you Merl
tol Pile Remedy. It Is one of the
best preparations we have ever han
dled and Is sold on a positive guaran
tee. For the Public Health.
The growth of the American Drug
and Press Association and the Merl
tol Preparations has been phenom
enal, because It was organized, "for
the public health." Every prepara
tion Is backed by the druggists and
the newspaper men who own this as
sociation. Tour money back If you
are not satisfied. Try them on our
ExcIusiTe eAcenta.
John P. Hayden of Walla Walla, Is
at the St. George.
J. C Kincuid was up from his home
at Stunfield yesterday.
A. E. Pierce of lone Is a business
visitor In Pendleton today.
Mrs. John Peterson Is among the
Helix resident in the city today.
A. F. May left for Dayton, Wash.,
this morning on a business trip.
Donald Cameron was among the Pi
lot Hock people in the city yesterday.
John Connell, the Hilgard sheep
man, wus down from his home yester
day. M. W. Ferguson of Helix Is tran
sacting business in' the county seat
Mrs. Emma Oliver of Helix is in
the city today on a shopping expe
dition. W. T. Hahn is numbered among
the Helix people who are visiting in
Pendleton today.
Sheriff Ed Rand of Baker was in
Pendleton yesterday on a ' business
Mrs. John Timmerman came In this
morning from Helix on the Northern
Pacific train. , ,
D. J. Staats of Elgin spent last
night In the city en route to Pasco
on a business mission.
Mrs. Mattre LaDow Of Stockton,
Cal., is visiting with Mrs. W. C. La
Dow on West Court street.
W. J. Warner, of the law firm of
Hinkle & Warner, Is up today from
Hermlston on legal business.
Mrs. Charles Alspach of Helix was
among the passengers this morning
on the Northern Pacific train. ' -
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson
havo taken the O'Daniel cottage' on
east Railroad street for the winter.
Mrs. W. A. Wood and Mrs. P. J.
DcPender of La Grande, were among:
the guests at the Bowman last even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKlnney, who
moved to North Powder last summer,
have returned to Pendleton to make
their home.
Mrs. Pett'ngtH. who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Beck
with, leaves for San Francisco No
vember 30.
Mlxs Ruth Royer, chief operator at
the Pilot Rock telephone office, re
turned to her home this morning af
ter visiting over night In the city.
Ix-e Caldwell, son of William Cald
well, the farmer, is back in the city
after spending several months In show
work with the 101 Ranch and Irwin's
Cheyenne troupe. At the Cheyenne
Frontier Days, he won second place
in the bucking contest.
I.et Ui& Auto Truck Haul It.
Our specialty Is quick work. Phonf
Main 339 for furniture and piano mov
ing short trips In the city of transfer
ring to the country. Wo haul any
thing. Penland Pros.
Wanted Woman or girl to do gen
eral housework. Apply "06 East
Webb, or phone Red 2286.
Masquerade Ball.
A grand masquerade ball will be
given Wednesday evening, November
27th, at Eagle-Woodman hall. Cash
prizes will be awarded. Music by Unit
ed Orchestra. Good time promised
I Ionic Cooking.
The ladies of the Christian church
will sell home cooking at the Cash
market, K. Court street, Saturday, be
ginning at 10 a. m.
Seven horsepower, two speed, In
dian motorcycle for sale. On account
of having purchased a 1913 Indian
motorcycle, for demonstrating pur
poses, I will sell my 1912, seven horse
power two speed Indian at a bar
gain, if taken at once. Machine Is
In first class condition and very
powerful. Call on Lester H. Cronin.
agent for Indian motorcycles, postof
f ice, Pendleton, Oregon.
Stanford University, Calif,, Nov. 2.
To emphasize its denial that It had
discovered a cure for baldness, the
anatomy department of Stanford uni
versity dismissed nn attache who an
nounced that he had conquered the
bacteria that destroys heirsute roots
in the scalp.
Prof. Frederick Mlggo who oppened
an office In Palo Alto, and hung up
a sign "Prof. Mlggo" after his alleg
ed cure had been given widespread
publicity, was informed by Prof. A.
W. Meyer, head of the department,
that his Immediate resignation would
bo appreciated.
"I informed President Jordan of
my action," said Prof. Meyer, "and he
heartily approved.' The dismissal was
made on the ground of his exploita
tion of an alleged cure for baldness
which he had begun to advertise In
the newspapers. He admitted respon
sibility for the advertisement."
Several members of the faculty
were pointed out as evidence that the
bacteria are unconquered so far as
the savants know.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov. .26. Douglas
county will contribute, It is estimated,
between 12,000 and 15,000 turkeys to
the San Francisco, Portland and Se
attle markets for the Thanksgiving
trade, and probably 10.000 more for
ChrLstmas and New Year's. During
the buying last week growers were
paid 20 cents a pound the least In
years and many of them are holding
for better price which they expect to
get next month. Turkeys and other
poultry consigned from this county
last week put almost $30,000 into the
pockets of the growers. Turkeys are
retailing In the local market at from
23 to 25 cents a pound.
A cold generally attacks the weak
est part, affecting the eyes and ears
in some and producing nasal catarrh
and throat troubles in others. A cold
Is due to an inflammation of the
membrane lining the air passages and
may bo promptly cured with a little
Ely's Cream Balm, which immediate
ly relieves the Inflammation and all
the distressing symptoms, such as
sneezing, coughing, running at the
nose and eyes, hoarseness, sore
throat, fever and headache. One
reason why this pure, antiseptic Balm
acts so quickly Is because it Is applied
directly to the tender, sore surfaces.
Even In severe," chronic cases of ca
tarrh Ely's Cream Balm never falls
to quickly and effectually check the
poisonous discharge which clogs the
head and throat, causing the disgust
ing hawking, spitting and blowing of
the nose. This remedy not only
drives out the disease, but heals and
strengthens the weakened membranes
thus ending catarrh.
Catarrh is a filthy, disgusting dis
ease. Don't put up with It another
day. Get a 50 cent bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm from your druggist and
see how quickly you will be relieved.
It Is perfectly harmless.
A good crowd gathered last evening
at the P. A. A. C. gymnasium to at
tend the first club smoker and the
athletic card presented was worthy of
the attendance. ' Four entertaining
boutH were pulled off by boxers and
The best of the evening was the
three round boxing go between Bill
Oiiffney, who Is to meet Jockey Ben
nett here December 6, and Bud Stev
ens, the Columbus Club lightweight
who has taken a position here with
Otto Hnhbach as candy maker. He
Is one of the cleverest boxers that has
been seen In action in Pendleton for;
some time and his three innings with
the local boy, who Is some clever him
self, was a whirlwind affair and
aroused enthusiasm among the spec
tators. Ernest Plneau, who Is to wrestle
Eddie O'Connell at the Oregon the
ater tomorrow evening, failed to ar
rive here last evening in time to give
an exhibition bout and Young Hack
took his place as an opponent for Ed
Warner, the welterweight who is over
from La Grande to challenge the
winner of the bout tomorrow night.
Warner had about 35 pounds more
weight than did the miniature Rus
sian Lion but the latter made the big
fellow extend himself to pin his
i shoulders to the mat three times In
a half hour.
Joo Wilcox and Wesley Mimms, two
of the boy pupils of the club, mixed
it lively for three two-minute rounds.
The big fun of the evening came
when Henry-Latourelle and Kid Ca
sey, two other boys, put on-the mits.
Latourelle had all the quickness of
the Frenchman and Casey all tho de
liberation of the Irish, so that their
mixing set the crowd in an uproar.
Having won two straight falls from
James in Butte, Ernest Pineau, the
Carlisle wrestler, arrived back In
Pendleton this morning to prepare for
his bout with Eddie O'Connell, the
Portland welterweight, at the Ore
Bon theater tomorrow night. He won
from the Butte man easily, securing
his first fall in 37 minutes and his
second In about half that time.
He is confident that he can uphold
his claim to the welterweight cham
pionship In his bout with his rival
claimant tomorrow evening. A great
deal of Interest has been aroused lo
cally In the forthcoming battle and
it is probable that a large crowd will
see it.
Decline Yachting Trip But Will Be
CJovernor's Guest at Theatricals.
Hamilton, Bermuda, Nov. 26.
President-elect Wilson suffered yes
terday from a slight attack of indi
gestion which compelled him to de
cline an Invitation to take a sail on
the private yacht of Sir George Bul
lock, the governor. Mrs. Wilson and
her daughters accepted the invitation.
Governor Wilson has arranged to
attend amateur theatricals on Thurs
day as tho guest of Sir George and
Lady Bulllck. It Is to be a big so
cial event. In referring to the invi
tation, Wilson said:
"I am not bald enough yet to sit
In the first row, but I am going any
how." Notice to Public.
There will be no deliveries on
Thanksgiving day.
LIVERY. An vmi trnVAl In th nmnklnv or nf
life, you will notice a lot of men who
merely chew stubs.
I . V 4.
i iitmitii, fcairiaiii f
Grief and Money Saved
From November first until Christ
mas we will offer our customers
special inducements to buy early
Watch our
that will be shown as they arrive.
Tho Pondloion Drug Company
This Should Keep
the Baby Healthy
W1mii It Is III DoJVt Become Alarmed
But Give This Fine Laxa
Tim It often difficult to tell Just what
is the matter with a crying, peevish
baby or child too .young to express Its
feelings in words, but as a general
rule the mother will find that there
Is a tendency to constipation, which
has brought on n. headache or ner
vousneas. The Iltfto one has no pain,
but feels "out of sorts."
The first thing to try 19 a family
remedy containing good" but mild lax
ative properties, and many mothers
will say that their choice wouia De
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Thou
sands of mothers keep it in the house
for such emergencies, among whom
may be mentioned Mr. D. C. Head,
Mgr., Head Drtig Co., Ft. Worth.
Tex., father of Clarence Carroll Head,
and Mr. L. SuttOTJ. 163 Alaska Place.
Denver, Coh Tnfiy and others are
elad to sav that Hyrup Pepsin saved
them many an illness and many a
large doctor bill, lor by administer
ing it promptly, when the first symp
toms of INness were noticed, they pre
vented a serious ailment.
It Is so pleasant-tasting that no,
child will refuse U, and as It does not
gripe, the child la glad to take it
again. A bottle can be obtaned of
any druggist for fifty cents or one
dollar, the ratter bring the size bought
by families already familiar with its
Syrup Pepsin Is for all the family
from Infancy to old age. and because
of its mildness families should prefer
It over all other remedies. It is ab
solutely safe and reliable. You will
never again & cathartics, pills.
The second match game of the sea
son was bowled at the Pastime Par
lors last night, m which the second
team defeated the first team. The
victorious team rallied In the second
game and overcame a lead of 81
pins from the first game winning by
52 pins. The score was as follows:
First Team.
Molitor 180 133 156469
Noel ,.166 165 175496
McMonles 162 159 164475
Book . 168 159 133454
PerLee 147 159 172478
.797 775 800 2372
Second Team.
Butler 150
H. A. Anderson . .162
160 511 !
14S 481
Hanscom .
Botts . . .
McDevItt .
, ..117
, . .165
. . .122
.716 874 S34 2424
The most severe cold will be brok
en, and all grippe misery ended after
taking a doso of Pape's Cold Com
pound every two hours until throe
consecutive doses are taken.
You will distinctly feel all the dis
agreeable symptoms leaving after the
very first dose.
The most miserable headache, dull
ness, head and nose stuffed up. fever
lahncas, sneezing, running of the nose,
sore throat, mucous catarrhal dis
charges, soreness, stiffness, rheuma
tism pains and other distress vanish
es. Take this wonderful Compound as
directed, with the knowledge that
there is nothing else In tho world,
which will cure your "cold or end
grippe misery as promptly and with
out any other assistance or bad after
effects as a 25-cent package of Tape's
Cold Compound, which any druggist
can supply contains no quinine be
longs In every homo accept no sub
stitute. Tastes nice acts gontl;
windows for
E :,:wi.i,, ,
. 1
salts or such harsh physics, for they
are usually unnecessary, and in the
case of children, women and elderly
people are a great shock to the sys
tem, and hence Bhould be avoided.
If no member of your family has
ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would
like to make a personal trial of It be
fore buying it In the regular way of
a druggist, send your address a pos
tal will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwell.
415 Washington St., Montlcello, Bl
and a free sample bottle will bo mail
ed you. Results are always guaran
teed or money will be refunded.
Louise Why do you think the wid
ow wants to marry again
Julia She keeps her age dark anl
her hair light. Judge.
of Femlleton and vicinity
will tell you that they
have profited prcatly by
an association with The
American National Bank.
This bank has a reputa
tion for standing by its
customers. This is one
reason why its business
has rovn and its deposits
have increased so rapidly
during tho past year.
If you have a regulai
income, whether from bus
iness, salary, wages or pri
vate investment, you are
invited to deposit it in this
bank and pay it out by
check. By so doing you
will gain security for your
funds, system in your fi
nances, and a helpful ac
quaintance at a good bank.
of Pendleton, Oregon
Capital and
Surplus $ 400,000
Resources $2,000,000
Strongest Bank in
Eastern Oregon