PAGE EIGHT OATLY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1012 EIGHT PAGES. Just received everything for the iv Trade MSnda Pickles. Minced Meat. Walnuts. Kraut All Kinds of Dried Fruits, Etc. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where AH Are Pleased. Frank O'Oara, President. EernarJ O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. mm i: h vi'ck. iumi:k opf.iia stak. is m:.i Sliisrer i f Many Parts Made Her IHrst AlHsearaitiv in New York in 1809. New York. Nov. 21. Mine. Minnie llauck. former grand opera singer, died in Munioh last Saturday, accord ing to word received last night. She retired from the stage in 1896, spend ing most of her time at her villa on Ijike l.iicerns. with her husband, Ha ron von Hesse-Wartegg. iwie is remembered in Ameri ca through her appearances in the Metropolitan opera house in New York up to the time of her retirement from the stage in 1896. She had in all a. repertory of 120 parts such as Car tnen, Afrikanerin and Zerline. In 1882 she was married to Ernest von Hesse Wartegg, a consul-general. Mme. Hauck was born in New York September 16, 1S53. Her first appearance on the stage was In New York in 1869. She appeared in Lon don In 1870 to I8T4, then in Vienna in 1870 to 1874, then in Berlin, where she was appointed Kammersaengerin. JOHNSON' PMSlIWi NOT GUIInr OF SMUGGLING Chicago, Nov. 21. Jack Johnson pleaded not guilty to smuggling a J6000 necklace Into the country to day. He was given three weeks to file a demurrer. He did not plead on the white slavery charge. The negro offered to plead guilty to the smuggling charge if the court would accept a fine but this was re fused. His mother, sister, valet, four at torneys and two Mack guards accom panied him to the court. Keylor Grand Theater WALLA WALLA, WASH. PHOXK i.v.i. II. C. GREGG, MRr. Two Nights and Sunday Matinee, Saturday and Sun., Nov. 23-24. KLAW & ERLAXGKR'S GUI ANTIC PRODUCTION THE ROUND-UP 134 People 20 Horses Cowboys Indians The Greatest of all Indoor Entertainments PIUCES Xijrht Parquet: 1st 5 rows, $1.50; balance, $2.00; balcony; 1st row, $2.00, next 2 rows, $1.50; next 0 rows, $1.00, balance, 75c; pillory, 50c. Matinee Parquet: 1st 5 rows, $1.00, balance, $1.50; balcony: 1st row, $1.50, next 8 rows, $1.00, balance. T5c; gallery, 50c. Scat salo Thursday. Mail orders now. J Your Grandfather Rode in a Horse Car a kIow moving vehicle adequate in its day, that has disappeared be cause it could not meet the modern problem of carrying many peo ple over long distances. YOUR GRANDFATHER HAD A BIG HEAVY WATCH nol much of a timekeeper and very expensive in upkeep. Per haps for sentimental reafonH you are wearing it today. You are wrong. You sire risking the loss of a valued heirloom without any resulting advantage On the contrary, hindered by Its Inaccuracy, you are handicapped in your use of many other modern facilities, l'ut your grandfathers watch where it belongs in a safe place. Buy One of My $15 Elgins ROYAL M. SAW TELLE THE JEWELER. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Improves Ills Homo. 1. T. Kelts Is Just concluding some extensive improvements to his Uarden street property. Marriagti Ucxmino Issued. A marriage license was Issued to day to Edward P. Under of Wash ington county, Idaho, and Delia M. Klliborn of this city. New Wator System Is Itomly. According to Mayor K. li. Casteel of Pilot Rock, who Is In the city to day, the Pilot Hock water system has been completed and water will be turned into It tomorrow. The work has been pushed fast In order that the town might be supplied with pure water during the winter. page of the Portland Oregonlan which told of Dr. Elliot's advocacy of early marriage and the reasons there fore. No clew to the Identity of the Bender was contained In the envelope and now this unmarried one Is work ing all of his resources to learn who It Is that has his welfare so at heart. He Is willing to concede the truth of Dr, Elliot's arguments and is ready to entertain any kind of a fair prop osition which will save him from a lifetime of celibacy. Additional Candidate' Itctorts. Yesterday was the last day allowed by law for the filing of candidates' expense accounts. Several have not yet filed and they are liable to a fine of $25 a day. Those who filed yes terday and the amount of their expen ditures as stated are: V. II, Skinner, candidate for the legislature, $50; Joseph T. Hlnkle, candidate for the legislature, $60; O. W. Bradley, re elected treasurer, $66. DO. .lolm Ltiwrcy lxses by lire. John Lawrey, the Pendleton attor ney, who recently left this cltv to m- tabllsh law offices in Koseburg, was'Athena und stllff T- 11 Taylor of one of the sufferers by the firs in (rain 'omMin,v Asks Dnituigvs. The Pacific Coast Elevator company through its locul representative, Will Moore, tvday commenced action against Attorney Homer I. Watts of that city Tuesday which attacked the offices of the Hoseburg Review. Ills loss Is estimated at $1000. To Hoar ' .Madam Butterfly." Mrs. Walter Rose will leave this evening via Walla Walla for Port land to hear the grand opera "Mad ame Butterfly." Early in December she will give a dramatic reading from the Btory of "Madame Butterfly" for the Presbyterian church. Installs Modern Lavatory. George Darveau. proprietor of the Hotel St. George, is Installing a lava tory at his hotel which would be a credit to a metropolitan institution. Four coats of enamel white paint are being put on the celling and all wood work, the walls are of tiling and all of the fixtures are of marble and porcelain. this city. The complaint alleges that the plaintiff purchased of the de fendants 650 sacks of barley which the defendants have since unlawfully taken. Judgment Is asked for the grain or its money equivalent and $65 damages. J. B. Perry Is acting as at torney for the company. Constructs Auto Platform. The Northern Pacific Co., has just completed the construction of an au tomobile platform at its freight depot on west Webb street. Also the com pany is treating the Interior of Its passenger depot to a coat of paint. One Duela a Day. Jim Sturgis does not believe in the war of extermination which some hunters wage on the winged water fowl. He does not believe even In securing the limit allowed by law. He believes In temperance shooting as In all things and .therefore, he killed one duck a day during the four days which he spent on his ranch near Stanfleld. Will Kiitertulii Projiosltioii. A certain popular young bachelor in the city recently received through the mail a clipping from the editorial The Popular "Winner" among remedies for ailments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels is HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It has been in the "contest" for GO years and has helped thousands back to health. Try a bottle. A Sunset Beautiful. One of the most beautiful of the beautiful sunsets for which eastern Oregon Is noted was had last evening Just at 5 o'clock. For a few minutes the whole sky was ablaze with a flood of orange fire which was caught up by the few straggling clouds and con verted Into great banks of fleecy gold. It lasted but a short while and those who missed it were unfortunate. Sir I'lionm to Sev Hound-op. Sir Thomas Upton, noted tea mer chant, yacht racer and the prince of good sports. Intends seeing the Ten dleton Round-up next fall according to Leon Cohen, local merchant who re turned last night from a visit to Port land where he met the celebrated Englishman. He states that Sir Thomas, after hearing of the local show, declared at once that he would be here next September to see it. "Made In Oregon" Window. In accordance with the desire of Governor West that on this day, mer chants make a special effort to dis play "made in Oregon" products, the Peoples Warehouse today have a win dow in which nothing .but goods manu factured in the state are exhibited. The display Includes blankets, robes and shawls from the Pendleton Wool en Mills, shirts, blankets and other woolens from the Oregon City mills, X. B. shirts of Portland and cotton gloves made in Salem. Every man, at this time of year, needs gixxl warm underwear. We have anticipated your needs and aro going to give you a chance to save some money. $ 1 .50 Union Suits LANDSLIDE PRICE You may already have your underwear, hut don't pass, up this good thing' get more while you can. They are wann, com fortable and made to last. SKK Til KM UK FOII K MAKING YOUli DKCJSION. VJorkingmens Clothing Co NOW SELLING ('IX)TJIING AT AND UK LOW COST. CASCARETS YOU DMT Plants 2(1,000 Trout. Deputy Game Warden K. F. Averlll today received the shipment of trout fry from the government hatchery at Bozeman, Montana. In It were 26, 000 black spotted trout Instead of 15,000 as the advance announcement had it. The whole shipment was planted in Meacham creek. Xo Headache, Biliousness. I'psct Stomach. lju.y Uver or Constipated Bowels by .Morning. Henry Hitt of Hermlston, is a Pen dleton visitor today. PINEAU HAS RECORD D AS A WELTERWEIGHT Ki r T I I 9C FREE This Beautiful D:ll -v Uil guuu quality Pare Linen Crash. All we ask1 is that you buy 6 Skeins of Richardson's Grand Prize Grecian Floss with which to embroider it and a specially written Diagram Lesson for . . end we will give you the Pillow Top and Back ABSOLUTELY FREE. FIVE OTHER ARTISTIC DESIGNS THE LEADER Corner Main and Court St. 25 Ernest Pneau, who will wrestle with Eddie O'Connell of Portland at the Oregon theater on the night of November 27, has a great mat rec ord. He claims the welterwight championship of the world and the list of vctories to hs credit certainly show that there is some substance to his claim. He has defeated such men as Kee gan, Albright, Johnnie Billeter, Mon tana Lewis, Hal Worth. Osea.r Samp son. Young Prokos. the Greek champion, Frank Philips, Eanose Mo hammet, the Turkish champ, Alex Swanson. the Swede champ who cre ated such a sensation In the eastern wrestling world, George Kaiser, Otto Keohm, the amateur world's cham pion at the St. Lou's world's fair ath letic games, John Streahl, Young Gotch, and many others. Plneau was wrestling Instructor at Carlisle for several yeurs and has many newspaper clippings showing that he cut some swath back there. He was touted by Horace Lurch, the manager of Frank Gotch. as the greatest welterweght wrestler in the world. A meet between such a grappler and O'Connell, whoso reputation Is too well known t6 rcqure comment, Is such a one as Is seldom offered to Are you keeping your bowels, liver and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway through these alimentary or drainage organs every few days with Salts. Cathartic Pills, Castor oil or Purgative Waters. Stop having a bowel wash day. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the un digested, sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decomposed waste -matter and poisons In the intestines and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause any inconvenience, and cost only 10 cnts a box from your drug gist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipated Powels. Cas carets belong in every household. Children just love to take them. the sport fans of a small city and de serves a big patronage. Pineau wrestles In liutte tonight and will leave for this city tomorrow In order to prepare for his match with the popular Portlander. Every Woman U Interested tnd should know bout the wonderful t i MARVEL Whirling Spriy Th new Vaginal Syring. Best moat convenient. It cleanses Instantly. na mi f a Ask your druggist for it. it he cannot supply theN MARVEL, accept do othei but fend stamp for Illustrated book sealed. It elves full partleu- lam and directions Invaluahleto ladles. MMRVU CO.. 44 Eitl 234 Sinai, kf Talk' CHICHESTER S PILLS l.adlml Aak your lriilat for A 'M.(hea-tr'a IMamnnd TlmndVS I'llla In Krd anil Uold meUllli tin.n, sealed with lllue KHilion. V Talm no othep. Ilnv of th, lirura-1-t. Ask for i ll . irhK.TFB DIAMOND IIK AM I'll.l.H. 1m ttft years known as Ilest.Sftfeit, Always Kellilila SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE C?l a week will about pa,y the iircmium on an En dowment Policy for $1,000. You may say that such a small amount isn't worth sav ing. It may appear to you like this: Twenty years from now, how ever, when the iolicy matures, you may need tho money, and the amount will look like this: $1,000 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Strongest in the World." raU Alt W. SMITH, Manager S00-7-8 Oregonlun Kldg. Portland. Oregon. sDale Roth well ' rr,. , Optometrist in connection. Eyes scientifically examined, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated, frames and mountings repaired. With Win. Hanscom TILE Jeweler. Pendleton. Ten Bucks For You- Find Out 17I10-IS-VH0 I, A III am m 11 il ii ill Is ilii u8i Pi ndlafion Klieh lehoo The only High School Championship Game to be seen in Pendleton this year. ionnd-SJ p mn Friday Afternoon, C3ou, GAME CALLED AT 2:30 SHARP Admission lie