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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1912)
KIOriT PAOKS DAILY EAST OUEC.ON1AN. PENDLETON. OREOOX, TIHIHSDAV, JULY 2-t, 1012 PA(K TlfKKR Save Money EVERY Day AT THIS BIG BUSY STORE l V I I 1 -If I I 1 I We don't want the people of Pendleton and vicinity to get the impression that this is their only chance to buy mer chandise, for we are going to have a much larger stock this fall than ever. Everybody knows what Golden Rule regular price means it is not 5 in trading stamps, but instead a saving of 20 to 33V3 p3r cent, hard cash, on every perchase. In offering our present groat bargain on ".Mill Ewla," wo are merely carrying out the fixed policy of the Golden Kulo Store to buy the best nierchandise made, to secure these goods direct from the factories, nnd in turn Hell to the general public at the lowotst prices they have over paid. You will always find that other stores so-called "Vale'' prices never meet tho (Jolden Kule "regular" prices. I The prices we quote you at this time are not "cut" nor "sole" prices, but are Golden Huh? "regular" prices to Ik; found here every day of tho year. When our present lines are gone new ones will be added from day to day enabling the public to buy hero every day and every season at prices other stores aro forced to pay for their stocks from the joblx-rs. You are not compelled to pay the "fiddler" for bad accounts, to pay extra for interest on long standing charge accounts and liorrowed money necessary for such firms to' exist. Neither aro you forced to buy trading stamps and undesirable premiums against your will. The absence off all such objectionable features at the Golden. Rule store together with our great buying power enables us to grant you the low prices we nsk. We are not fighting other merchandising institutions, but-merely using more modern methods of doing business. That our methods are saving the people money and growing jnoro popular every day, is lost proven by our tremendous business which is increasing every week. If you would practice true economy, we ask that yon remember these facts when in need of anything in women's, misses', men's, boys' or children's merchandise. You will always find the lcst quality and latest styles awaiting you here at from 20 to ?. per cent less than charged at other stores. The Golden Rule Store has put the prices DOWN, and DOWN they will stay. We Lead, Others Follow. OALZELL MAY "COME BACK" SAYS RUMOR Washington, July 25. Politicians of both the republican and democratic parties are Interested today in a story which hag reached here from Penn Kylvania to the effect that Congress man John Dalzell of Pennsylvania, who recently went down to defeat In the landslide in Pennsylvania, may "come back" after all. A movement la expected to chrystallize in Pennsyl vania today to outflank the disaster in Pittsburg by selecting him as one of the members of the house at large to which Pennsylvania Is now entit led It Is urged that Dalzell, besides being personally unusually capable and popular, has great Influence on tho ways and means committee. It in also stated that the protected In terests of Pennsylvania need a man of that committee and that It would be a recogn tion of the services of a man who has been thirteen terms in the house to send him back again as a member at large. It will be one of the strangest things In the his tory of congress If Dalzell should be sent back to the house as a member at large. Another strange thing about the situation is that a lot of repub licans, including mnny Insurgents, and many democrats In the house hope for his return. As a member of the rules committee skilled in draft ing rules and In the niceties of parlia mentary practice, Dalzell is often call ed upon by his democratic enemies to help them out of a hole. Once before in his career, when Dalzell seemed sure of defeat the protected Interests created a new dis trict, it Is claimed, and he was sent back to congress as Us representative. Crack at Iowa Nlioot. Mason City, la., July 25. The In terstate target shoot which begnn here under the auspices of the Cerro (Sordo Gun club is the attraction for some of the best known shots of the country to show their skill. The meet ing which lasts two days In put on largely for the encouragement of lo cal gun clubs, though it always at tracts competitors from other states. F.AHTH GIVKS WAY: MAX .FALLS INTO OLD CAVK . Santa Fe, X. M. While standing on top of one of many mounds near Mag dalena, in the hilly county of Soc orro, Ursulo Borrego, a shepard, sank knee deep In the. soft earth. lie struggled to free himself and sudden ly plunged on through the crust of ground, fell through space for twenty feet and landed on a stone floor. He had discovered one of the apartments of a communal dwelling believed to be centuries old. Borrego, aided by light, which came In at the opening he had made In fall ing, explored the room, which con tained several skeletons, charred red corn and many pieces of pottery, samples of which he took with him to Magdalena as confirmation of hl. story. Such pottery has sold for J 500 apiece whenever It has been found. The hole through which Borrego fell luckily was close to the wall of the prehistoric room, and after prowl ing about he was aide to climb to tho surface ty gaining footholds In the stones. When you feel lazy, out of sorts and yawn a good deal In the day time, you can charge It to a torpid liver which has allowed the system to get full of Impurities. HERBINE cures all disorders produced by an Inactive liver. It strengthens that or gan, cleanses the bowels and puts the system In good healthy condition. Price 50c. Sold by A, C. Kocpi & Bros, Lost 2:S0 Reward. Winchester ' rifle, calibre 32-20, Model 1892. No. 376319. Finder please leave with John Kearney. M. H. Houser GRAIN BUYER. . H. PAUL, Local Agent 224 E. Court St. Pendleton Lehman Hot, Springs A Health and Pleasure Resort Frank L. McNeil, Prop. Best Dance Hall in Blue Mountains Finest Pool in Eastern Oregon Good Bowling Alleys. Fine Fishing Hotel Rates Cottages PER DAY ....$1.50 TEU WEEK $9.00 Camping privileges free with water piped to grounds. COTTAGES BY THE WEEK, $2.50 to $5.00 PER W EK. Cottages are furnished with -stove, chairs and springs. GROCERIES AXD PROVISIOXS FOR SALE BY r'jVNAGEMENT. AUTO STAGE MAKES REGULAR TRIPS MONDAYS, WED NESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Special trips may be arranged for at any time. PHONE BLACK 2101. LITTLE SINGER IS GIVEN OPPORTUNITY ."an Francisco, July 25. "I only know that I Just want to learn to sing and that I love my mother dearly," was the answer little golden-haired Dixie Burgess, with a voice as liquid as a birds, gave to Judge Coffey when asked If she wanted to become the adopted daughter of Prof. Thor Ra je, of the Pacific musical institute. Then Dixie sang an aria from an Italian opera for the judge, and he granted Raje guardianship of the child. Mrs. Burgess herself Is bedridden and unable to provide for her daugh ter with the necessary training. 'I believe you have come into a great inheritance, my little girl." said Judge Coffey. "Your voice is as sweet as any I have ever heard." NEW JONAH RIDES WHALE. Massachusetts Fishing Captain Tells of Sailor's Trli on Mnmiiiul. Boston. According to Capt. Blgn and the crew of the fishing schooner Louisa U. Sllva, which came In from the fishing grounds, one of his sail ors. Antone Souza, has a little on the late Mr. Jonah. When off Highland Light last Sun day the captain declares Souza and Manual Brutal rowed in among a school of whales and one of them poked his nose through the bottom of their dory. Souza landed on the whale's back and before he decided to slip off into the sea, he was carried almost com pletely around the Sllva "And,- believe me, THIS liSH BETTER TO EAT THAN I1 (K. Washington. Ju'y 23. Re ports received by the govern ment from consular representa tives in Slam tell of the failure of a project In that country to can the fish known by the native name of "pla too." and which Wushingtoniuns have had the pleasure of eating on rare occa sions at affairs at the Siamese legation. This fish is well known in the far east for its delicate flavor and when dried Is said to rival Bombay duck In delicacy. Marine products form an essential part of the food supplies of Siam. and besides supplying the home demand the Siamese fisheries annua!! ex port about 22.000 tons to Singa pore and Hongkong. er than the exception, tonsorlal artists who can ltd their kits about with them and who never went to the trou ble of establishing stands. A good many families now consid ei t hut a hair clipper which costs about $1.35 is all that is necessary. The outlook for the sale of razors Is very poor, tho consul reports, since the custom of shaving the head has given place to hair cutting. The Jap anese have entered the field and are retailing a safety razor for about 46 cents, American money. If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweep ing and doing housework all day and crawling Into bed dead tired at night. Tou must get out into the open air an sunlight. If you do this every. day said Souza, "it i and -keep your stomach and bowels was away ahead of the trip Mr. Jo-j n good order by taking Chamberlain's nah had inside of the whale. M.v Tablets when needed, you should be whale seemed to like me as a passen- come both healthy and beautiful. For ger and had I stuck on, he would i sale by all dealers. . . . have carried me many miles. MILLIONS SPENT BY C'HICAGOAXK OX GEMS Or Inquire nt 312 W. ALT A ST. During the summer months mothers I of young children should watch for j any unnatural looseness of the bowels. , When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. TO LEA It X HOUSEKEEPING. Hittl School Girls Will be Given Prac tical ICsmhis lu Art of Do mestic Science. Pasadena, Cal., July 23. High Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera and Di- s-.-hool girls of South Pasadena are to arrhoea Remedy can always be de-it.nrn house keeping, not by fussing pended upon. For sale by all dealers. t around In improvised kitchens In I school -buildings, but in a real flat. I.oiiK Brunch Horse Show. furnished with all the comforts of Long Branch. X J., July 25. Priz- j nomo They will sweep, dust, mako es which will toUil $7000, distributed , beds, wash windows, cook meals and among fifty-nine classes will be I awarded during the nineteenth an nual exhibition of the Monmouth County Horse association, which be gan at Hollywood Park yesterday. The show will continue for four days. The feature of the challenge cups is the Patten Line Challenge Cup, for the best gig horse, which must be won three times by the same comVetitor to become his absolute property. everything else around the flat. HOODOO FOLLOWS HOOSIKK. BARBER MARKF.T I'PSET IN CHINA Some New Facts About Adhesion Washington. Consul C. L. L. Williams, from Shatcw, China, sends In word that the recent edict in Chi na which commands that all queues be severed, has rather upset the mar ket In that country for barbers' sup plies. There Is somewhat of a ten dency to do away with barbers alto gether, although barbers, the consul adds, , never did thrive particularly well. Itinerants were the rule ratff- Arni and Hip Broken In Fall When Not Yet Well From Mule's Kick. Wabash, Ind.-i-Six months ago Charle Bash was caught by a falling tree and held prisoner beneath the limbs until help arrived three hours later. Just as he was convalescent from serious injuries he received he was kicked in the face by a mule and his nose was broken, A few days afterward he fell from a two story building and his arm was broken and hip crushed. Chicago. More than $2,0'j0.000 worth of Jewels were Imported to Chicago in 1911, This commentary on prosperity came to light after the report of the treasury department was made public. That report stated that more than $41 000,000 worth of Jewels were Imported by the United States during the past year. These Jewels merely enhance the splendor and value of the collection that was already in this city in the possession of well-known society wo men, many of whom are noted for their magnificent gems. Mrs. Samuel Insull, wife of the president of the Commonwealth Edi Bon company. Is said to possess the rarest and most valuable collection of gems In Chicago. Most of them are pearls and diamonds, and she Is con stantly endeavoring to secure more and more beautiful pearls. Certain eastern Jewelers are said to be under a standing commission to obtan especially pure and lustrous pearls for her, which they submit for her inspection, often receiving order to secure more like them. In the realm of society Mrs. Pot ter Palmer can scarcely be pictured without her dazzling diamond tiara and dog collar, the later set In pliantl- num. while Mrs. Hobart Chatfield- Taylor's diamond coronet is almost Invariably seen on her head at im portant evening functions. Both of these women own other exquisite jewels, the total value of Mrs. Palmer's being estimated at about $50.000. Mrs. George M. Pullman already owns a wonderful collection of dia monds and pearls, and has orders standing with New York and Parisian Jewelers for more gems to match those now in her possession. One of the exceptionally beautiful items in Mrs. Marshall Field's jewel box Is her pearl earrings, daintily set in platinum. They are very large and of exquisite luster. Mrs Horace F. McCormick and Mrs. Cyrup H. McCormick both pos sess some of 'the most beautiful jew els in Chicago. All of them are set In subdued fashion and flash and sparkle from the depths of platinum nnd gold. Another wearer of similarly set Jewels is Mrs. P. A. Valentine, who is very partial to peurts, as is also Mrs. W. J. Chalmers. Both of their collections represent a fortune. Mrs J. Ogden Armour is the proud possessor of a rope of pearls said to be the most wonderful ever seen in Chicago. It reaches from her neck to her knees and every pearl is per fectly matched. They range from about the size of a large pea to several in the center of the rope which are as big as mar bles. Mr. Armour spent two years se curing the perfectly matched gems, and the entire rope is estimated to be worth at least $250,000. TO TAKE UP CASES AGAINST RAILROAD Los Angeles, July 23. United States District Attorney McCormick return ed from San Francisco today to be gin suits for the government against the Southern Pacific railroad and nearly 300 private interests for the re covery of oil lands in this state worth approximately one billion dollars. "The suits against the Southern Pacific will be instituted on the ground that there was knowledge that the lands that were taken up were min eral In quality," stated McCormick. "They -will be pushed in the same way that the Elk Hill cases are now be ing pushed. "The land involved Is In the Inyo-Kern-Coalinga oil fields and Is of tre mendous value. Just what I cannot say." Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer Is over. Buy It now and be prepared for such an emergency. For sale by all dealers. ((dorado Democrat Gather. Denver, Colo.. July 23. The state convention to nominate candidates for the state ticket met here today. The man who Is credited with being the most candid office reeker in the state is Lieutenant Stephen R. Fitzgerald, who Is In the race for the guberna torial nomination. He does not state that owing to the great demand from friends, or owing to the pressure from the outside that he has decided to make the fight, but owns to the fact that he is trying to get the nomina tion because he wants It. He thinks he would make a good governor and believes there are many good demo crats who will give him their vote. For soreness of the muscles, wheth er Induced by violent exercise or in jury, there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini ment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. H. M. Burgett, in an address held at the Royal Society, London, spoke of some Interestirg experiments made by himself concerning adhesion. Two highly polished metal plates, if laid one upon the other, will adhere, und considerable pressure Is necessary to pull thorn apart. Sometimes they will not separate under pressure, and one plate must then bo slid length wise from the surface of the other. It was supposed this adhesion was due to atmospheric pressure, but ex periments made in a vacuum, during which the adhesion persisted, long since exploded this tneory, says the S. F. Examiner. Budgett now declares that If two metal discs are placed one upon the other they will, In a short time, on being separated, show considerable rust. From this he deduces that li quid matter of some sort, remaining on the highly polished surface, is ac countable for the rust, and also for the adhesion Almost all metals are polished with oil of some sort, and no matter how carefully they are cleaned. It is almost impossible to re move every bit of tho polishing oil. Water has the greatest adhesive pow er. Plates or discs moistened with water adhere so closely that sometimes the surface of the plates Is damaged In tearing them asunder. Dysentery Is always serious and of ten a dangerous disease, but It can be cured. Chamberlain's Co'.lc, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured It even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. Doing hard work In a bent or stoop ing position puts a stitch in the back that is painful. If the muscles have become strained, you can't get rid of it without help. The great penetrat ing power of BALLARD5S SNOW LINIMENT will appeal to you most strongly at such times, because It Is the very thing you need. Price 23c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Locaa County ss. ......... Frank J. Cheney make oath that he to lenlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Co.. doing business In tbe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and tbat said rirm will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED IK)I.LA KS for each and erery case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured by tbe dm of Hall's Catarrb Cure. PRANK J. CIIENEY. Sworn to before roe and subscribed In my presence, tbis uth day of December, A. D., Itrt. Seal A. W. GLEA80N. Notary Public'. Ball's Catarrh Cure la takeo Internally, and acts directly on the blood and f-ucoua surfaces of tbe system. Send for testi monials free, F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75. Take Ball's Family Pills tor constipa tion Twelve States in Saeiijerfet. St. Paul, July 25. The best singer? from the states of Minnesota, Wis consin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Mis souri, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota. South Dakota and Montana are here to participate in the Northwest Saenserfest which be gan here today. National director Theodore Kelbo has charge of the "fest" in which from U'.Oiii) to K.."'i0 people will take part. Commutation travel on tlie I. on Island has practically doubled in the i last six years nnd to meet the contin uous rush the company Is steadily in creasing and improving Its service. More than 800 trains daily are run over the road. Have Your House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and saves much un necessary eye-strain. At the present rate for light ing you get one kilowatt more for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.50. By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three times more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light is as bright and clear as day light. This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE TOUR EYES. SAVE YOUR HOUSE. SAVE MONEY, BE COMFORTABLE. Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. SEE J. L. Vaughan 831 Main St. Phone Main 1S9.