TTOTTT PAGES DATT.T T!AST TiFOnVTAV, VWrnVTOS. 0OT.:TttKiUy, .TITI.V 2.1, 1!)12. A great special you should by all means hot overlook FINAL CLEAN-UP Ladies and Misses Wmh Presses Just 50 in the lot and every one strict ly this seasons styles. Values from $6.90 to $12.00. Your (ffiQ Choice for $Hjy SEE CORNER WINDOW F. E. IMHGOOD ft. GO, THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. LOCALS Wanted S or 6 room house to rent. Apply W. J. Conner, 649 Main stret. Special auto trips to any part of tho country. Phono black 2101. Wanted Woman to work In kitch en. Apply 12G West Webb. ttato Hotel Furnfeiiea rooms at pedal rates by week or month. Have your wood sawed liy tho gas oline wood saw. Phone Main 13. For Rent Front office- in Judd Building. Apply F. 12. Judd. For Kale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Steven, Dutch Henry Feed Yard. 8-room house for rent, range, heat er and curtains for sale, 1002 E. Court street. Phono Red 2841. Lost Three ladles' rings, all tied together. Suitable reward will be paid If returned to this office. Good pasture with running water, 1 1-2 miles west of Stanfleld, f 1.D0 per month. W. T. Reeves. Land scape gardening. Work guar anteed or no charge. Smith Bros., 521 So. Main street. Wanted--Roy, at Famus King Ci gar Factory. Good position to boy wanting to learn trade. Wanted Young; women to enter nurses' training school. Address, Walla Walla Hospital, Walla Walla. Wanted Prune packers, to begin about August 6th, at Freewater, Or. Send name and address. Milton Fruit Growers' Union. For aale Yellow pine, red fir, al der and maple wood; also Rock Springs coal. Phone Black 8623. or leave orders at Demott's Cigar Store, Main street. For sale A fine stock and fruit ranch 15 miles southeast of Pendleton. For further Information call on W. H. Bell on premises or address same, Pendleton, Ore. Lost On road south of Adams, la dies' Hampton gold hunting case watch and fob. Initial D on both watch and fob. Reward If returned to this oflce. t Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night Tray orders a specialty. Everything new. Under State Hotel. Phone Main 667. Un Co, Props. For sale 190 acres of deeded land situated In the TeaWrrlgatlon district, near Echo, 120 acres In summer fal low; good house, well of water and place fenced. Prlco $2500, 8700 down and balance in three years. Address F. A. McFaul, 723 Aura street. Pendle ton, Oregon. The Tcndlcton Cleaning and Dye Works, tho most up-to-date shop In the city. Only frst class help em ployed. All work guaranteed. Phone Main 169. 206 1-2 East Alta street. New No. 10 visible Smith Fremler typewriter sacrificed at $60 for quick sule. Also a $50 9x12 Wilton Rug at $20. This must be grabbed within 48 hours or It will be packed and ship ped. Some fine sets of books at one third value and sundry articles also. Phone Main 544. ' Notice. Passengers out of Pendleton on the Special This Week Summer Necessities FOR SUNBURN - SUNSHINE COLD CREAM SUNSHINE LOTION, (Justrlte) la very soothing. Softens and whitens the skin. disinfectants: chloride: lime formal dehyde. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, Urge bottle 10c F. J. Donaldson RELIABLE DRUGGIST. Pendleton-Umatilla motor will please obtain tickets at tho depot before boarding car. Adherence to this rule Is insisted upon by the railroad com pany. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a dean and refreshln river rlda hv taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert. leav-i1'"1'0' "r tomorrow by auto for Deso Ing The Dalles dally except Sunday j la,i"" I-'k, "n on outing.. and Monday at 3:30 p. in. Fare to I Mrs. William Stillwell returned this Portland $1. j morning from Rrow nsville where she . I h'is been visiting at the home of her I 'or Sale or Trade. I father, Henry Blakely. One pccond hand, 1911 Model sj u.-mian Oberteuffer, V. of O. stu passenger Reo tar. Will trade for dent. lm 1ms linen wm-kin.r r.n iho leniiieion (Hy property or at a big sacrifice fur cash. Box 292. will sell Address Call Auto Truck for Transfer Work. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano moving, picnic crowds . to country, household goods stored bv month. PEN LAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Let the Amo Truck Haul It. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 333 for furniture and piano mov ing short trips In the city or transfer ring to the country. We haul any 'hlng. Portland Bros Lost $2:50 Reward. Winchester rifle, calibre 32-20, Model 1892. No. 376319. Finder please leave with John Kearney. Doing hard work In a bent or stoop- Buy It now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer Is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency. For tale by all dealers. TEX FOREST FIRES IN WEEK; LITTLE DAMAGE Portland, Ore., July 23. Ten small fires were reported by supervisors of the national forest of this district in the reports submitted to District For ester Cecil for the past week. No damage resulted from the majority as they were largely In brush and dead tlmher. A fire which originated In the cook house of the Hazel Lumber company on the edge of the Snoqualmie nation al forest in northern Washington de stroyed the camp tiuildlngs and threat ened the forest, but was gotten under control without doing further dam age. The smoldering remains are be ing closely watched. Three fires on the Crater forest were set supposedly by the heavy el ectrical storms and no news has been received a.i to their extent. Rangers nee at work on them, however, and they are not believed to be serious. The same number from a similar cause were started on the Oregon for est, but these are believed to have been extinguished. Campers left two In the Wenatchee and one in the Rainier forest, which were extinguished without damage. Every effort is toeing made to discov er the careless persons who leave fires like these and vigorous prosecu tions will follow their apprehension. Pparks from an engine started two small fires on the Whitman forest. The dry weather of last week made the conditions more favorable for fires and the watch Is being redoubled on all of the reserves. Only three, the Wenatchee, the Olympla and the I'm pquu, report Inadequate guards to care for me umoer. nearly every supervisor Is confident that the pres ent situation can be maintained un less extreme heat and drying winds render the danger worse. tng position puts a stitch in the back that is painful. If the muscles have become strained, you can't get rid of it without help. The great penetrat Ing power of BALLARD5S SNOW LINIMENT will appeal to you most strongly at such times, because it Is the very thing you need. Price 26c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Card of Thonks. We wish to extend our most sin cere thanks and everlasting gratitude to the many kind friends and neigh bors for their loving acts of assist ance rendered during the late Illness and bereavement of our beloved wife and daughter, Dllla. ROY NEAL, J. K. POTT and family. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Hatter of Umatilla was in Pendleton yesterday. Col. H. a. Newport was up from Hermlston yesterday. F. W. Gllmore of Walla Walla was at the Bowman last evening. Edgar L. Smith came in from his Vansycle ranch this morning. Mrs, J, , Miller and baby are at Meachum for a summer outing. C. Cunningham and son of Pasco, kere at the St. George yesterday. Simon Deardorff is down from his home at Athena today. 8. D. Peterson, Milton lawyer, Is transacting business In the city today. Attorney G. H. Bishop of Athena, a member of the law firm of Peterson & Wilson, Is In the city today. Mr. and 'Mrs. Loul Bergevln of Athena are among the visitors In the elty today. Mrs. F. E. Welch of this city and her sister of Walla Walla are estab lished in a cottage at Meacham. U R. Trlplett of Pilot Rock was among the visitors In the city yester day. Mrs. Joe Bohl returned this morn ing from a visit with friends and rel atives In Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schaefer return ed this morning via the Northern Pa cific from a visit In Seattle. F. E. Stillwell of La Grande was over from the Union county seat yes terday. R. R. Lewis, well known land owner on the L'mutllla project, came up on the motor car from Hermlston this morning. Hen F. Brown, the well 'known stockman of Conway on Meacham creek, was u Pendleton visitor yes-: terday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shutrum will leave Scott-Engdahl ranch during haying, came In this morning on the N. P. train. Mrs. Walter Minick, Waitsburg, and her cousin. Miss Ada McC'owan of Portland, come down from Waitsbur this morning and have been guests of Mrs. E. B. Aldrlch during the day. James Blakely, Wallowa stockman who accompanied the Pendleton Elks to Portland, arrived in the city this morning en route home after a visit In Brownsville with his father, Cap tain Blakely, the centanarian. Edmund Mable, manager of the lo cal telephone plant, returned this morning after spending a two weeks' vacation on his brother's homestead near Spokane. He reports an abund ance of fish and huckleberries In the Washington mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Darr Phelps and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ell were at Meacham Sunday, returning Sunday evening by auto. They experienced much dif ficulty on their return trop owing to the bad condition of the roads. Miss Grace Dorothy, deputy county clerk, is now enjoying the first stage of her vacation in Spokane. Later she Intends going to Yellowstone park. Her sister, iMIss Lourle Dorothy is accompanying her. Walla Walla Un ion. Talk About Liquid Nourishment. Watertown, Wis., July 23. Resi dents of this town will blot the name of their city off the map for the next three days as a specific evidence of hospitality to the delegates of the State Retail Liquor Dealers' associa tion which began their convention here today. The mayor of the city welcomed the visitors and addresses will be made by the national presi dent and secretary. Milwaukee will probably get the next meeting of the association. Colored Women nl HamiHoii. Hampton, Va.. July 23. The eighth biennial meeting of the National As sociation of Colored Women began here today, and is the largest In the history of the organization. Miss Elizabeth C. Carter of New Bedford, Mass., Is president and the delegates come from north, east, south ana west to tell what the various clubs nro doing for humanity and the members of their race. ATTHE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieum. An unusually interesting program for Tuesday's change. Four full reels of the best pictures. 1. Master and Pupil. Edison. The criticisms of Harry Furnish, the mast er, to his pupil are not well taken and failure and sickness result in foolish pride. The master hand of the great artist turn failure into fortune and happily reunites his daughter and the young artist. 2.' What the Driver Saw. Lubin Mlns May Buckley and Mr. Harry Myers play the leads In this film. The driver of a Hanson saves a young girl from marrying a bogus lord. In stead of driving her to the place where the "lord" Is waiting to marry her, he takes her where her lover is waiting. 8. Broncho Billy and the Indian Maid. Essanay. Another gripping drama of this grea-"western series or iginated by Mr. G. M. Anderson, known the world over for his charac ter creation of "Broncho Billy." Miss Vedah Brethren plays the part of the Indian maid. 4. Captured by Bedouins. Kalem. A story of the desert written and play ed by Gene Gauntler. There Is a fine p'cture of tho deck of the Ad riatic, showing a wldo expanse of the ocean without another craft In sUht The scene shifts to Cairo and then to the desert, Including a visit to the spmnx. This picture is well worth seeing. Tlio Pa hI I mo. The home of good pictures. Attrac tive program for Tuesday's change: "Billy and the Butler." Essanay. A competently written production that Is very dramatic and quite fresh. The family's butler was a crook. He had Just been employed.' Later Billle Is a guest at a week-end house party given by his wealthy friend, Lawton. He suspected the butler and had some BllKht grounds, but his host laughed at his fears. The story carries the attention unresistingly with Increas ing excitement to a thrilling climax in which Billle rushes out of the house after the butler, who Is making of with a grip full of Jewels and the family sliver, only to be himself ar rested by the policeman on the but ler's accusation. The settings are rich and the costuming elaborate and the interpretation by an all-star cast, excellent. "Pansy, the Story of a Bear." So il. An original and delightful com edy full of amusing situations. The Selig menagerie Is drawn upon for two bears, one tame and one alleged not to be. The latter certainly can climb a tree, as was discovered by the sure thing hunter who had planed to have motion pictures taken of his capture of the tame animal. The picture shows how the non-tame bear, substituted for the less ferocious creature, turned the tables and put to rout the politician whb was seeking recreation. "The Music Hall Singer." Eclipse. This is a drama which deserves es pecial praise on account of the elab orate settings and the careful atten tion to detail A charming young woman wins fame and fortune as an opera star In "Carmen," taking the role of the popular Spanish heroine. This Is one of the best Eclipse sub jects placed before the public In some time. "The Little Bride of Heaven." Edi son. This is a dramatic story, sweetly told. It depicts the trials of a little ' pil'l U'hnuA it-ct pnmmnnlnn li'Ua brought about through the kindness of a neighbor in giving her a suitable dress for the occasion. A reward for the noble spirit of self sacrifice. The Cosy. Monday and Tuesday a great two-ri-i-l war drama; also another "101" I a ture. "Under Two Flags" (2 reels.) lein. Taken from Ouida's great nov el of the same name which enjoyed a woi Id-wide popularity. As a play it was one of the big successes of the century and as a photoplay it is even stronger than the book, or stage play. It Is a strong feature full of the red blood of life, the clash of arms, dar ing deeds and scenes of wild adven tures. Especially thrilling are the conflicts between the French soldiers and the terrible "fighting dervishes" of the desert. A sandstorm is clever ly shown also. The principal charac ters are "Cigarette," an orphan girl, known as a child of the army and soldier of France, and the errant sol dier who deserted his own country's flag to serve under another. They met and loved and the noble girl dar ed .unheard of terrors for her lover and her coutnry's flag. A big, live, thrilling picture pU.y. It's a "Gem." "His Message." "101" Bison. A thrilling story of a western miner and his daughter who were attacked by outlaws After a series of halr-rals-Ing events help comes. Like all those famous "101" films it is full of big things that grip. .. "Why Tom Signed the Pledge." "The Night Clerk's Nightmare." A duet of Thanhouser comedies that will drive away old man Grouch. Special: Baby Dorothy will sing a love song at each performance. AT THE THEATERS. A Star Engagement. George Barr McCutcheon's novels are known to almost every one and their successful dramatization serves to present his beautiful heroines and dashing heroes in vivid living action, surrounded toy all the accessories of picturesque scenes and handsome J dressing. Add to these equivalents j good looking women and men and energetic action, with plenty of com-: edy and the average theatregoer has about nil he wants to afford n per fectly satisfactory evening's enter tainment. All of these conditions exist In "Beverly" which is to be presented in this city at the Oregon Theatre, July 27. The plot Is well known. It tells of a principality not known in geography and of the men and women who are its history makers with an occasional American or two thrown In for good measure. Beverly Calhoun Is an Am erican girl who goes on a visit to the Princess Yetive of Graustark, mixes herself, up Inexcusably in affairs of state and ought to be punished with banishment but is rewarded by win ning the man she loves, the poor low lv mountaineer, Baldos, who, it later transpires Is the exiled Prince Dan ton of Dawsbergen in disguise. The production which will be seen In this city is the one from the Stu debaker Theatre. Chicago, where it had a long spring engagement and met with an enthusiastic reception. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lsct Frank' J.Cheney maaea oath that ae to itolor partner of the firm of K. J. Chenw k Co.. doing boalneae In the City of Toledo. Count? sua State aforesaid, and that aald Arm will pay the Sam of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every eaae of ca tarrh that cannot be cored by the vae of (Jails Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Bnra in Wnre ma and subscribed In my presence, this ith day of December, A. D., Seell A. W. OMBASON. 11 Notary Pa kike, ratarrh Cure la lake Internally. and acts directly on the blood and ftcoaa turfaces or the system, sena tor ran tnonlala free. . . . F. J. CnFNKY ft CO., Toledo, O. . Roll bv all Prunrlats. 7ft. Tnke Haifa Faintly Pills for coruttpe iloo . Prepare for Your Vacation Take a Khaki suit with you, it's the only thing for a vacation. i. We have them in riding and walking Skirts, Blouses and Norfolk Jackets. Khaki Norfolk Jackets $3.95 and 3.50 Khaki Riding Skirts $4.25 and 3.95 Khaki Blouses sailor collar $2 and 1 .75 VJohlenborg Dep'f. Store Better Goods for Less Money SUIT CASES and TRUNKS Here is whore you can pot just the kind you are lookiup for, and at such reasonahlo prices. We will he plal to show you that we are ripht in our state ment. THE HUB Fcinllcton's Drummer's Sample Store. Substitute Our $1.00 Hound-Up Watch in place of your good one during harvest. Our $1.00 b $2.50 Guaranteed Alarm Clocks will call you at sol time. A. L. SCHAEFER JEWELER, and SILVERSMITH RUBY IS JULY BIRTHST0NE Mb PPDHttfl of all kinds neatly and promptly Main 1