VICIV TWO DAILY EAST OftEflOTTTAiy. PETTDT.ETOTT. OEOON. TUESDAY. JTTLY 23, 1012. PTOTTT PAGES i?e Mark SALE This is a sale event of unprecedented and extraordinary im portance. It's a greater and more sweeping sacrifice of fresh and de pendable merchandise than has ever been held in this city. Red Marks are the bargain signs, and you'll find them by the Wen omitted for lack of space. BE EARLY. RED MARK SALE OF MEN'S EXTRA PAXTS Bargains extraordinary. Lot 1. About 75 pair of men's pants, mostly small and medium sizes, some heavy and eome light weight, good patterns. Choice while they last, One Half Trice. Men's Canvas Gloves, 6 uair for 25? 10 Men's Work Sox, 4 for 25c. Mmi's Work Sox, G pair for 25?. Men's 25? Hack and tan fine ho;o 17? 8 for - 50? Boss Bib Overalls, pair. 75? Job lot of Overalls, regularly 75? to $1, choice 50? RED MARK SALE OF .y SHIRTS $2 Manhattan Shirts... $1.35 $3.00 and $3.50 Manhattan Shirts $2.40 $1.50 Vuidex Shirts... $1.20 Military Collar Shirts reduced 10 per cent. $1.50 Golf Shirts, choice 98? All other shirts reduced 15 per cent. RED MARK SALE OF. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Here's where you can save some good money. 50? Men's Unirni Suits.- 35? Job lot men's 50? underwear, shirts and drawers, all sizes assorted colors 40? Job lot -....$1, $1.25, $1.50 Shirts and drawers, choice 75? $1.25 men's shirts and draw ers, very choice, while they last, each 95? LINGERIE DRESSES RED MARK SALE. Lot 1 33 dresses, worth up to $27.50, take your choice for one third of the regular price. $7.50 Dresses for $2.50 $9.00 Dresses for . $3.00 $12.00 Dresses for $4.00 $15.00 Dresses for $5.00 $2-1.00 Drosses for $8.00 $30.00 Dresses for $10.00 LOT 2 12 Lingerie Dress es, all over embroidery lace trimmed, and marquisettes; very stvlish and dressy. $11.00, Red Mark 'price $8.45 $13.00, Red Mark Price $9.40 $14.50, Red Mark Price $9.75 $15.00, Red Mark Pric $9.90 $21.00, Red Mark Price $14.80 $23.98, Rod Mark Price $17.87 $25.00, Red Mark Price $10.49 $33.50, Red Mark Price . $22.60 Red Vf Uark fef e-i- VHIW LINEN AND CORDUROY DRESSES IN WniTE and NATURAL COLOR. $7.50, Red Mark Price.- $4.95 $8.75 Red Mark Price....- $5.87 $9.50, Red Mark Price...? $C40 $15.00, Red Mark Price $9.87 $22.50, Red Mark Price $12.40 $25.00, Rod Mark Price $13.70 $27.50, Red Mark Price $14.G0 $35.00, Red Mark Price l. $16.20 RED MARK SALE OF TRUNKS, SUIT CASES and YALISES. This is truly a sale that-no one can afford to miss. We are sole agents for the celebrated Drukcr trunks, the best line we've seen in years, fully guaranteed. $2.50 Trunks go for.... $3.00 Trunks go for.. $5.00 Trunks go for.. $7.50 Trunks go for.. $2.10 $2.56 $4.15 $6.35 $10.00 Trunks go fo r o.ou $12.00 Trunks for $15.00 Trunks for $20.00 Trunks for $25.00 Trunks for $30.00 Trunks for $10.60 $12.19 $19.80 $23.98 $26.40 RED MARK SALE HAND BAGS of the newest designs, of best quality leather, velvets, etc., in black, white, brown, blue, etc. Red Mark Sale, GREAT BIG REDUCTION. RED MARK SALE OF MEN'S STRAW AND PAN AMA HATS Every straw and Panama hat must go, and while they last you can have your unrestricted choice for One Half Price. MEN'S FELT HATS. RED MARK SALE. A general clean-up of all bro ken lines. Here's your chance to got a new hat at wholesale cost or less. $2.50 Hats will go for $1.90 $3.00 Hats will go for $2.15 $3.50 Hats will go for $2.35 $4.00 Hats will go for $2.65 $4.50 Hats will go for $3.48 $5.00 Hats will go for $3.87 RED MARK SPECIALS FROM OUR ART DEPT. 25? Bordered" Scrim 18? 50? Pillow Tops 39? 75? Table Runners 59? Embroidery Envelopes, speci al lot, one half price. $1.25 Bed Spreads 98? $1.50 Bed Spreads.-... $1.24 $2.00 Bed Spreads $1.69 Lace curtains in ecru and white, worth up to $10 pr., special lot, choice, one-half price. Wednesday Morning July 24th and continues till Saturday Eve., Aug. lOih Here's the explanation of the mystifying magic marls that everyone is talking about The Red Marks point the way to articles in every depart ment that are marked away down for quick riddance. Look for them. There are no halfway measures in this sale, no quibbling over prices, no thought of profits or costs. The poods MUST GO, and to our prices, surgery has been pitiless. We'll cheer- Men's Clothing Sacrificed Excellent qualities in garments of style and dependability, marked way under real worth for this event Lot 1 consists of 100 suits, medium and licht weight, assort ed colors and nearly all sizes. Regular prices frorr $10.00 to $17.50. Your choice ONE-IIAI F PRICE Lot 2 consists of 150 suits, the season's newest end most de sirable styles, all wool and properlv tailored. Regular price range from $15.00 to $22.50. Your choice 1-3 OFF Lot 3 consists of the cream of our fine stock, such makes as Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Hirsch Wick wire & Co., and others of quality. $15.00 Suits will co for Red $17.50 Suits will cro for Rod S20.00 Suits will go for Red $22.50 Suits will go for Red b..OU Suits will go for Red. ?--0 Suits will go for Red $0.00 Suits will go for Rc Red Red Mark Sale They all must go. . None will be carried over, lime to prepare the boys for school. 83.50 Boys' Suits will go for Red Mark Price $4.50 Boys' Suits will go for lied Mark Price...... $5.00 Bovs' Suits will go for Red Mark Price...... $6.00 Boys' Suits will go for Red Mark Piice.. $7.00 Boys' Suits will go for Red Mark Price..-. $10.00 Boys' Suits will go for Red Mark Price... BOYS' WASH SUITS REDUCED Every Boys' Wash Suit will be reduced 15 per cent. $1.00 Wash Suits will go for Red Mark Price. 85? $1.50 Wash Suits will go for Red Mark Price $1.27 $2.00 Wash Suits will go for Red Mark Price $1.70 $3.00 Wash Suits will go for Red Mark Price..- $2.55 Red Mark Sale of Shoes MEANS ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, goods at less than other stores can offer them. $5.00 LADIES' PUMPS AND OXFORDS $2.95 The best products of America's foremost shoe makers. $4.00 LADIES' PUMPS AND OXFORDS $1.95 A real clean-up, all styles and sizes. Bargains you'll not see again for a long time. RED MARK SALE OF LADIES' TURN SOLE SHOES Made with white oak soles, genuine turns, cap toe, all in lace. $4.00 values $1.95 A MIXED LOT OF PATENT LEATHER SHOES Some in lace, some in button, all good toes, and styles, and the quality is of the best. $4.00 and $5.00 values go at $1.95 A NICE LOT OF LADIES' SHOES . Suitable for dress and evervdav wear, rock oak welt soles, stock or patent tip. $3.50 and $4.00 values $2.34 A FEW PAIRS OF WHITE SKA ISLAND DUCK SHOES This material is ideal for the manufacture of white shoes, cleans better, wears longer and is cooler than anything used! $5.00 Grade.... $2.95. $4.00 .Grade .". $2.34 IN OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT we are going to offer such values as Johnson & Murphy lench made shoes, ranging in price from $6 to $7 at $4.85 MEN'S WELT SOLE SHOES in tan calf, button or lace, good toes, new style, choice shapes. $3.50 and $4.00 grades go at $2.95 RED MARK SLAUGHTER IN MEN'S OXFORDS Come in tan and black calf, also patent leather; all new toes Every pair is good style. Nothing reserved. $0.00 Values will go for Red Mark Price. $4.50 S5.00 Values will go for Red Mark Price. .: $3.19 $4.00 Values will gq for Red Mark Price $2.98 $3.50 Values will go for Red Mark Price. .... $2.65 Big Cuts, but we Must Have Room. IX OUJt MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT you will find the same air prevailing, everything going at lied rock prices ; too many styles to mention ; we only quote prices as follow&: $3.00 Pumps and Oxfords Red Mark Price........ - $1.95 $2.50 Pumps and Oxfords Red Mark Price: $1.68 $2.00 Pumps and Oxfords Red Mark Price. $1.49 $1.50 Pumps and Oxfords Red Mark Price. $1.19 $1.00 Pumps and Oxfords Red Mark Price - 79? The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps Mark Price Mark Price Mark Price Mark Price $11.95 $12.20 $13.95 $14.25 $18.90 $19.80 $21.80 Mark Price...- Mark Price.. Mark Price of Boys9 Clothing Now's the $1.98 $3.35 ... $3.90 $4.87 $5.35 ... $7.80 - - 'Al .-....-, . . fully stand the loss if you'll help us to get rid of these gooda. We've made up our mind that stocks must bo reduced, so down Lave dropped the prices. . The bargains told of below are just a brief index. There are scores of other wonderful Red Mark values which have been moitted for lack of sp'ace. BE EARLY. RED MARK SALE OF GOSSARD CORSETS The highest grade corsets made. Front lacing, recom mended by physicians as being the most hygienic corsets made. We have a few numbers left that will go Tit a bargain. $10.00 Corsets for $4.95 $8.50 Corsets for.. $4.37 $6.50 Corsets for . $5.90 $5.00 Corsets for $4.15 $3.50 Corsets for $2.75 RED MARK SALE RIBBONS Lot 1, silk Pompadour rib bons in all colors, pretty com binations, worth 65? yard. Red Mark Sale .'. - 37? LOT 2 RIBBONS Pretty flowered patterns in all colors, for fancy work, hair riblons, etc., worth 25? vd. Red Mark Sale 18? RED MARK SALE RUCIF INGS All colors and widths, worth 25? and 35? yard. Red Mark Sale - 14? RED MARK SALE VEILS AND SCARFS In all colors, big sizes, wide hems, silk net and chiffons. Reg. Pr. Red Mark Sale $3.75 Veils $3.16 $3.50 Veils $.2.98 $2.50 Veils $1.98 $2.00 Veils - $1.59 $1.25 Veils -.- 93? RED MARK SALE ON HOSIERY. For women and children, all qualities and sizes. OtfE LOT LADIES' HOSE worth 75? to $1.50 pair, in all sizes and colors, of fine French lisle, silk embroidered. Red Mark Sale 39? LOT 2 LADIES' 7TOSF. In black, brown, tan, green, pink, etc., full run sizes; worth 3o? to 25? pair. Red Mark Sale ... 15 LOT 3 CHILDREN'S HOSE In black only; fast color; full run of sizes; well worth 20? pair. Red Mark Sale 11? 25? CHILDREN'S HOSE Of best quality, in all colors. Red Mark Sale 19? RED MARK SALE GLOVES $1.50, 1C-BUTT0X SILK GLOVES Come in brown, tan grey, navy, oxblood, pink and blue! finest quality silk, double fin: ger tipped, worth $1.00 and $l.oO pair. Red Mark Sale 89? $3.50, 10-BUTTON KID GLOVES of best quality kid, silk sewed come in navy, grey and oxblood worth $3.50. Red Mark slo - $1.75 $1.25 KID DRESS GLOVES In all colors, black, grey, tan, white, oxblood, navy, etc; fine quality. Red Mark Sale 95? $1.00 WASH FABRIC GLOVES In lG-button length; comes in white- 'and chamois colored ; strong and serviceable; worth 75? and $1.00 pair. Red Mark Sale 69? red mark sale of Lace and emb.. We place on sale all our laces and embroidery this week. LOT 1 LACES Including laces worth 10? to 5? yard in valcnciencs. German val., Zion City, etc. Red Mark Sale 4? LOT 2 LACES Fine quality linen, vals., Zi on City, etc., with edging and insertion to match, worth up to 15? yard. Red Mark Sale 7 LOT :5-EMimOII)l)ERY 'lliis lot consist of embroidery edging and insertion, worth from 7 1-2? to 15? yard. Red Mark Sale ' 4? RED MARK SALE LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS Handkerchiefs, you never have enough, always losing them. Come c;et a supply , of these now in 'our Red Mark Sale. LOT 1-LADIESV HAND KERCHIEFS Including 12 1-2? and 15? values, of fine lawn, embroid ered and hemstitched. Red Mark Sale 6? LOT 2 LADIES' HAND KERCHIEFS All 1 inen lawn, embroidered nd lace trimmed, worth 20? and 25? each; Red Mark Sale 14? RED MARK SALE ON VEILINGS Of the newest designs, net veil ings in all shades, grey, black, red, brown, green, etc., values up to 75? yard. Red Mark Sale 23? v Malineinall colors .except black and white, best quality; worth 25? yard. Icd Mark Sale - - 11? MEN'S NECKWEAR AT RED MARK PRICES Lot 1 consist of a very choice mo of wash ties, desirable col lore , tic up very nicely, sell reg u arly for 25? nd 35?, l .Mark Price, each 20? Lot 2 consists of men's reg ular 50? four-in-hands of every kind and color. The sea son's newest shades and pat- fcni' 110(1 Mnrk Price 39? 7o? four-in-hands 45? RED MARK SALE NO TIONS While notions are small wares, yet in your house you need every one, the saving "you make will count up. it r,. , Kcd Mark Sale Hair Pins, pkg. 1 Hair Pins, box 4? Hair Pins, box , " 8? Hair Pins, shell box 5? Hair Pins, shell box 7? 2o? Hair Pins, shell box 18? Safety Pins - 4? Dress Pins 1" 4? Cube Pins 4? Cube Pins "' 8? Red jfK Hark if Sa!o QJ V