PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 15, 1012. ETODTT PAGES (r Great Sale of Straw Hats I I II I I I ! I ... . All straw goods must go now. Our assortment is good. The best styles of the season are here. All sizes. This week they'll go for exactly One-Half Price 75c and $1.00 Overalls SOc We have a large lot of overalls, assorted styles, short lots and broken sizes; all Rood quality, and extra values, while they last you can have your -choice for only . 50 Men's and Boys9 Bathing Suits Vacation time is here ; you'll need a bathing suit. We show a very complete line moderatclv priced !.. 50 to $4.00 t. ,'.i..v .. -. 8 fVSSSi H fell ! COUPON I i Where It Pays KAISER HAS TALK WITH HEIR. German Newspapers Aroused by -Rumored Reconciliation With Prince. Berlin. According to the Berlin Salon, after the review of the crown prince's regiment toy the emperor at Danzig, there was an intimate discus sion "between father and son of the prince's recently published book on his hunting experiences. This dis cussion arose from the fact that "the prince published the heartiest words concerning the deeply felt unity and sympathy between himself and his wife." What this mystic utterance may mean Berlin society is eagerly discussing. Certain extremely exclusive Ger man nobles are trying hard to prevent any reconciliation between the em peror and the crown prince, -which Is believed to tie taking place after a long period of estrangement. The conservative Post wages a fierce war with the anti-crown prince newspapers of south Germany and supports the prince, who is supposed to be the leader of the extreme Prus sian reactionaries. The Bavarian Country Gazette retorts with another bitter attack upon the prince, in which it says he has uterly lost all popular affection and all touch with real German sentiment. Politicians regard this fierce conflict between the ST-! Canvas Bed Sheets For harvesters' and campers' beds. 6x7 ft., 10 oz. Duck, complete... $1.45 Gxl-t ft. 10 oz. Duck, rings, snaps and all com plete for .. $2.05 Tents Economically Priced New Windsor Ties We received by this morning's express a very fine assortment of Windsors in all the plain Colors; good quality 25 7 i . VJ i ' I ' HI Is - - f3 -I -Ml ted TIig Peoples Uorehou to Trade-Save Your T. P. W. crown prince's and emperor's parties as a grave danger. of Appetite is commonly grad ual; one dish after another is set aside. It is one of the first indica tions that the system is running down and there is nothing else so good for it as Hood's Sarsaparilla the best of all tonics. Having acquired the property of the lines it needed for the work, the South Pacific announces that it is prepared to accept a common user franchise for certain trackage in Portland, Oregon, and proceed with the electrification of 340 miles of in terurban road involving the immedi ate expenditure of $8,000,000, with the work now being done on the new lines between Eugene and Coos Bay and Natron and Klamath Falls, this $8,000,000 makes the aggregate au thorized expediture in the state of Or egon for the next two years more than $20,000,000. . OLD FASHIONED REMEDIES. Scienee In surgery and electricity has advanced much in the past thirty years, but the treatment of disease by the old fashioned remedies made from roots and herbs, has never been improved upon. This may be seen by the great suc cess of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable i wiTAr'nui'i) Trunks, Suit Cases, Valises, Etc. Your vacation won't bo near complete if you're not fully prepared to travel right. A good safe trunk that will hold your clothes right and not wrinkle them too much, a real leather suit ease that is good and looks bet ter, a roomy telescope that you can cram full, here's the place to get these'articles. Trunks . $2.25 to $35 Suit Cases $1.50 to $25 Telescopes . 25c to $5 Si H coupon I Trading Stamps Compound, made from roots and herbs, and known today as the great remedy for female ills. Xo sick woman does Justice to her self who will not try this famous medicine. Call Auto Truck for Transfer Work. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano moving, picnic crowds to country, household goods stored by month. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Miss Mary M. Bartelme, of Chica go, has been appointed one of the as sistant Judges of the Juvenile court in Cook county, III. She la a successful practicing lawyer and a few years ago was made nubile sruardlan of Cook county. As assistant Judge of tne juvenile court she will preside over the division of the court whlfh is devoted to the trial of girls and young women charged with minor of- iences ana delinquency. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a oean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert, leav ing The Dalles daily except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to D 1 .J . Life is a comedy to the optimist and a tragedy to the pessimist. iv:onrTs, OWNERS DELAY UCOT I If Washington, D. C July 15. From the frequent and urgent inquiries made by those interested In the de velopment of the. West Umatilla Ex tension project, it Is evident that they have little understanding of the real difficulties In the way of carrying it out. Here is a sanvple dispatch which was received here a few days ago: "Hermlston, Ore., Senator George E. Chamberlain, and the Oregon Del egation, Washington, D. C. We are sending night letter to secretary of the Interior urging immediate action on West Extension Umatilla project. Nothing has ibeen done yet on the work and delay may .be dangerous. We urge you to see him. Read our letter and try to start active construc tion at p'nee. Hermlston Commercial club." It would be inferred by a stranger that Senator Chamberlain had been remiss In his duties, and that he had not paid any attention to the work ot getting the West Umatilla project started. As a matter of fact, he has been very active and perhaps no other single task has engaged so much of his attention or time as this one. But In order to understand how the officials who have immediate charge of the reclamation work look on the troubles besetting the initiation of a project, read a letter from F. H. New. ell, director of the reclamation ser vice to Senator Chamberlain. It was dated June 19, and Is as follows: "Sir: Your letter of June 17 has been received, as to when active work on the west extension of the Umatilla project will begin. "This extension has been approved and the engineering plans developed to a point where construction can be gin as soon as the legal questions are settled. We have found that in our operations the engineering work can be far more expeditiously performed than the legal, and that It Is neces sary to clear up the legal complica tions in advance of construction, es pecially those which relate to the pro te:tion of the water supply and of the investment Itself. "The difficulty we are experiencing In getting the land owners under the eastern part of the project to dispose of their lauds in accordance with he terms of previous agreements has forced us to proceed with greater caution in securing similar agreements for the west extension. "While we are all eager, as Is Mr. Teal, -to see the dirt flying, yet we cannot Ignore the lesson taught In experience on this project and again start construction until we have bet ter assurance than in the past that when the construction is finished, the land owners will do their part In put ting their lands into the hands of the men who will actually utilize the wa ter and raise crops. "As I understand the matter, dur ing 1911 water was available on the portion of the project now construct ed for over 17,000 acres, of which only 3515 acres were irrigated, and 3273 acres actually produced crops. "A large part of the land is still with held from use by owners who have not complied with the Intent of the agreement made with them, and who have put up the prices on the land so high that apparently no one can af ford to purchase at these prices. The result has been speculation rather than development of the country. "I Join with you In the hope for an early beginning of work on the west extension of Umatilla project, and trust that you will do everything within your power to Induce the peo ple Interested to take prompt action In, first, securing final determination of titles to water, and second, exe cution of the obligations binding up on the owners of the lands to be bene fitted such as will result In the utili zation of these lands when the works are built. "F. II . NEWELL, "Director." "AMERICAN PRINCE" IS LIKED. Aagc of Denmark Wears That Nick name Amoiifr Ills Subjects. Copenhagen, Denmark. "An Am erican Prince!" Under that name the handsomest royal person in Europe, Prince Aage of Denmark, the eldest son of Prince iWaldemar and the late Prince Marie of Orleans, is generally known here. He attained June 10 his legal majority, which In Denmark Is reached at the age of 25. The responsibility for the nickname belongs to his mother, who repeatedly said: "I wish this boy to be as much like an American as possible." The young prince has fulfilled his moth er's desire, as he Is one of the keenest admirers of everything connected with the United States, although he has yet to visit that country. It Is there fore not surprising thnt he Is a regu lar guest at the American legation at private as well as official functions. Prince Aage, a fine fellow, with charming unostentatious manners, Is an officer in the Life Guards, an ar dent sportsman and takes dally les sons in hoxlng. He is one of the best skaters In Denmark, 'but, "being a roy al person, cannot compete -In public. He is now In Stockholm to see the State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lacu county . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that b to senior partner of the firm of K. J. Chenev County and State aforesaid, and that aala nrm win pay tne aunt or UNKl UUHUIiEU DOLLA UH for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cored by the use of Uall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and anbacrlbed in mi presence, this Oth day of December, A. I., I88it. Seal A. W. GLEA80N, Notary Public. Roll's Catarrh Cnre la takeo Internill. and arts directly on the blood and fuioin urn fare of the system. Send for testi monials true. ". J. rnKNET & CO., Toledo, O. SnM. b (ill Dvut'cldfB, 7f.. T'(? ir-xll's Kutnlly. l In fir r'.nt! EXTENSION If LO UMATILLA PROJECT OLD-TIME DDT dus the M Gives Color, Lustra to Faded and Gray Hair Dandruff Quickly Removed, , prntfona Sacre and Sulphur have been used for nair and scalp troubles. Almost everyone Knows ine value of such a combination for keeping the hair a good even color, for curing dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair, and for promoting the growth of the hair. Years ago the only way to get a Hair Tonic of this kind was to make it in the home, which was troublesome and not always satisfactory. Nowa days, almost any up-to-date druggist can supply his patrons with a ready-to-cse product, eMHfuliy prepared in per fecuy equipped laboratories. An iuVal preparation of this sort is Wyeth'a gaqo and Sulphur Hair Remedy, in winch Sage and Sulphur are combined with other valuable reme dies for scalp troubles and thin, weak hair that is losing its color or coming out. After using this remedy for a few days, you will notice the color gradually coming back, your scalp will feel bettor, tho dandruff will soon be gone, and in less than a month's time there will be a wonderful difference in your hair. Don't neglect your hair if it is full of dandruff, losing its color or com ing out Get a fifty cent bottlo of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur from your druggist, and see what a few days' treatment will do for you. All drug gists sell it, under guarantee that the money will be refunded it the remedy is not exactly as represented. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Olympic games and he hopes while there to Have the pleasure of meeting many Americans, athletes and others. He Inherits his good looks from his mother, an extremely beautiful prin cess, whom the late King Edward's eldest son, the Duke of Clarence, was so desirous of marrying Her name was constantly on tho letter's lips during the delirium of his fatal illness, What Makes a Woman. One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle don't make a woman. Its a good foundation. Put Into it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom. But that's Just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weakness, nervous ness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. "Electric Bitters have done me a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depew, Okla , "and I thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good medicine." Only 50c. Guaranteed by Koeppens. Special Price on COrtlwood. Gooj dry red fir, slab wood, cotton- wood, yellow and black pine. Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying Ko- plttke & Glllandera, phone Main 17S. No man Is half as brave (is he wants some woman to think he Is. POSITIVE TROOP Should Convince the Greatest Skeptic in Pendleton. Because It's the evidence of a Pen dleton citizen. Testimony easily Investigated, The strongest endorsement of mer It. The best proof. Read It: ' L. Greenawald, 414 Lincoln street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I had se vere attacks of backache and there was a soreness across my kidneys. I was also annoyed by a burning sensa' tion when voiding the kidney secre' tions and the passages were too fre quent. Being advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I did so, and the con tents of one box cured me. I have had no cause for complaint since." "Whin Your Back is Lame Re member the Name." Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ask dis tinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same . that Mr. Greenawald had the remedy backed by home testimony. 60c all stores. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. We are ready for you with our CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM served with fresh Strawberries Its the kind that make you come fagaln. Koeppen's THE DRUG STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST. PASTIES THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant SBMBaaasiBiBaBiiiaMaiJBMaaBBBaiBsBBMSaaBHaiaaaBaiasaBaaaeBaweBasaansaasaM Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years. 6e PENDLETON'S POPU. LAR PICTURE SHOW TME COSY Where the entire family can en joy a high-class motion picture show with comfort. Fun. Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Cliangcs Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St. George IIoteL Admission So and 10a Theatre J. P. MADERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program"change8 Snnday'a, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper HaveYour House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and eavea much un necessary eye-strain. At the present rate for light ing; you get one kilowatt more for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.50. By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three times more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light Is as bright and clear as day light. This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE YOUR EYES, SAVE YOUR HOUSE, SAVE MONEY, BE COMFORTABLE. Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. SEE J. L. Vaughan 831 Mnln St. Thone Main 139.