FACE EIGIIT. DAILY EAST QREQONIAy, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATUllDAV, JULY 13, 1012. EIGIIT PAGES f Just Received Carload of ECONOMY FRUIT JARS They come in three sizes Pints, Quarts, Half Gallons Now is the time to do your fruit canning and here is the place to get your supplies priced right. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where AU Are Pleased Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. A. L. Schaefer JEWELER, and SILVERSMITH First-class repairing and remodeling of old Jewelry. Expert, Watchmaking and Engraving. 726 MAIN STREET. PHONE RED 3011. THE SHELBURNE NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modern Improvements, Including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mail or write. Address, SeaviewjWosh., T. J. Hoare, Prop. You Can Do Better at the- Golden Rule Store Visit our busy store tonight and learn of the great savings to be obtained in every department. 2000 PAIR of Drummers Sample Gloves on ICS at HU PENDLETON'S DRUMMERS SAMPLE STORE. Newsy Notes of Pendleton A I.ttllo Huh)- (ilil. An eight pound baby girl was born at C o'clock this morning to Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Aldik-h ut their homo on Muili.son street. .Married at Pilot Rook. William J. l.iruwn tnnl Miss Ella Mulkey, both of Pilot Hock, ami who have several friends in Pemlleton, were married this afternoon in thu former town by Rev. Millies. Iirns In Fine C'heriies. James II. Bryant of Riverside brought u generous box of Ring cher ries to the East Oregonian office this morning ajul needless to say they were enjoyed by the office force. The cher rles are of exceptionally good taste and slee and a fine example of Uma tilla's unsurpassed reputation tor raising good things. Throe Marriage Licenses. A marriage license was issued yes terday afternoon to Mrs. Augusta Motile of this city and Oliver P. Mor ton of Portland. Others were Issued today to William J. Brown and Allen Mulkey, a Pilot Rock couple, and to Clifford Kinney and Grace Dlekerson, both of this county. Old Stage Driver Jailed. Harry Wright, a pioneer stage driv er of this county, was given a five days sentence In jail this morning by Acting Police Judge John Halley on a charge of drunkenness. Wright has been drinking so hard that the judge believes a period of compulsory abstinence would result beneficially to him. Small Wreck in City Limits. A Northern Pacific freight engine and an O.-W. R. & N. switch engine met In collision this morning shortly after 9 o'clock at the Intersection of the two lines near the scouring mills. The Northern Pacific engine came off the worst in the encounter, suf fering a broken cylinder and guides. The little collision held up traffic for about an hour. The responsibility for the accident has not been deter mined. Boston Bloomers Win Game. The Boston Bloomers, famous wo man baseball team, defeated the Pen dleton Bulldoggers, a pickup organ ization, this afternoon on Round-up Park by an eight to one score. With the exception of the third "baseman, shortstop and catcher, all of the Bloomers were real females and their playing was a revelation to the Bull doggers. "Clara," the pitcher, had fine curves, and held the locals to few hits. CHARGES MADE AGAINST GOVERNOR Augusta, Ga., July 13. Sensation al charges of graft were made today against Governor Cole Blease, South Carolina by Detective Reed of the Burns agency before an Investigating committee of the South Carolina leg islature holding sessions here. The charge was made that in one case at least, Blease receive $2000 for exe cutive action In pardoning a convict. convention for their particular can didate. The Kosa supporters did more advi'rtislng than uny other boomers and the Underwood workers were ac tive in convention ami outside con tinuously, arguing that the outh has not had u candidate since the Civil War and In Justice should bo recog nized now that they had a leapablo man." Both of the Pendletonlnns are on-tluisia.-tlc in their eulogy of 'The I'eeilees Leader" declaring that he earned title to that name ut the con vention as he never had before. It was wonderful, they say, the manner in which ho f until w the Clark-Murphy combination ami encompassed Its del eat. When he introduced his fa mous liyan-Helmoiit-Murphy resolu tion, they declare the delegates und audience gas-ped 'with amazement at the audacity ami boldness of the man. li lcnates from Virginia and New York hissed him, shook their fists und cursed him maliciously they say, but through it all he retained his calmness. Finally, even the most bit ter enemies saw the full Import of the resolution and they were forced to vote for It. Both Judge Maloney and Mr. Blukely declare their positive belief that at no time was Bryan working for his own nomination, declaring that his whole course of action was calculated to prevent any stampede ror Himself. "All Bryan wanted." said Judge Maloney, "was that the dtmocratic party should prove Itself a progressive party. He was present at the republican convention and he went to Baltimore determined that his party should not be controlled toy the interests whose power wnc so evi dent in Chicago. lie saw what the most of us would not see, that these same Interests had their tentacles al ready on the democratic convention and he did what no one else could have done, when he forced loose the grasp which they had secured." Xi) Demand for Roosevelt. While In Chicago, Mr. Blukely and Judge Maloney attended the repub lican convention and from a close view of the workings of the steam rol ler, declare that Roosevelt was cler ly robbed. However, they say, since the nomination of Wilson, the third party boom has lost its force In the oast. "Roosevelt men by the hun dreds are declaring for Wilson," they say. "These men recognize that Wil son Ls a true progressive and declare that Roosevelt has a chance to prove that he stands for the progressive principles more than he does for his own advancement by endorsing the democratic nominee." The two men have been besieged by thelc. friends here since their re turn and many are the interesting stories they tell of the two conven tions. Judge Maloney Is so hoarse from cheering during the Wilson demonstration that his voice is unnatural. STORK LEFT FOUR BABIES. Mother Weighs But 90 Pounds; In . fants Tip Scales at 15 1-2. CRACK MILITARY GUARDS TO VISIT IX OREGON San Francisco, July 13. The Cle veland Guards, Ohio's smartest mil itary organization 200 strong, arrived here today, for a three days visit. From here they will go to Oregon. Nominations Confirmed. Washington, July 13. The senate this afternoon confirmed the nomina tion of Phillip J. Hickey. Jr., as postmaster at Seward, Alaska, and also confirmed the nomination of Wil liam Marshall Bullitt to be solicitor general of the United States. GOVERNOR WILSON TO SWEEP COUNTRY (Contiued from page 1) tion tout that he thought, with the switching of the New York delegation, he would swing the other Harmon votes and those for Underwood and lesser candidates. But he miscalcu lated. Those Underwood delegates, and those for Foss and Baldwin never gave up hope until the last that there would be a deadlock which would result In the .stampeding of the DALE nnTiii'fci i nUlllllCLL Kx Optoma trist Eyes examined, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated, frames and mountings repaired With Han scorn, The Jeweler Pendleton Plymouth, Mass. Mrs. Dergelina Fuertada, aged 28 years and weighing only 90 pounds, gave birth In four children a boy and three girls. The boy died soon after, but the girls are getting along well. The children varied In weight, the boy weighing 5 pounds and the girls 4 1-2, 3 1-2 and 2 1-2 pounds In weight. Including the quartet Mrs. Fuertado has given birth to five chil dren In less than a year, the first child having born last September. PAID TAXES ON NOTHING. Kansasan Han Been Assessed 20 Years on Land That Doesn't Exist. Hutchinson. Kan. "That Is what I call hard luck," S. S. Ott of Topeka told the county oficials here when he discovered that a tract of land on which he had paid taxes for twenty six years did not exist. Mr. Ott came here to take a look at the land, which was supposed to be four miles southeast of Hutchin son. There is about two and a half acres in the tract or, rather, was and Mr. Ott came here to protest against an Increase In valuation of $134. When Mr. Ott drove out to the land he found only the waters of the Ar kansas river. Apparently the river had eaten away every foot of the land as well as a part of adjoining land. . GETS FORTUNE, NOT A CELL. Woman Vajrrant About to Iks Sen tenced Told She Is Heiress, Milwaukee. Charged with vagran cy and about to receive sentence In municipal court here, Hrs. Courtenay of New Orleans, La., was notified that she had-been made heir to $10,000 and an Interest in three plantations in Louisiana. Through her attorney the charge was dismissed by the court at once and Mrs. Weatherby started for New Orleans to claim the legacy. The sudden turn of fortune came as a climax to her marrying several years ago against her father's wishes, according to Mrs. Weatherby, who re cently lost her position as nurse In the National Soldiers' Home here. 75 PAIRS of those shoes left They are regular $3.50 and $4.00 sellers ar.d they will go while they last for only ..'$1.25 Pair A snap you can't afford to pass by.. IVorkingmons Clothing Co ODD LAW POINT IS RAISED. Olympla, Wash. That the laws provide that the widow and children of a murdered man have a right of action against the murderer for mon ey damages is admitted, -but the su preme court was asked to determine whether or not the suicide of the murdered does not bar recovery against hU estate. The widow and eight children of the late John R. Rlnker 'brought the suit against the estate of Otis N. Weedin, who mur. dered Rlnker March 30, 1011, and then killed himself. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop, PENDLETON, ORE FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 711 Main Street MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 EL Court Street IS YOUR HOME FIPxEPROOF? Does it contain valuable papers, locked ia desks, draw ers or trunks ? Do you realize the loss that a fire would inflict upon you ? For a small sum you can rent a Safety Deposit Box in the fire and burglar proof vaults of this bank and insure yourself against toss by fire that may occur at any time. Call and inspect our safety deposit boxes. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon What Shall We Have for Dinner? WHEN THIS PROBLEM CONFRONTS YOU FOR DINNER OR ANY OTHER MEAL, THE QUESTION WILL BE IMMEDIATELY ANSWERED BY CALLING AND LOOKING OVER THE HUN DREDS OF SEASONABLE DELICACIES WE ARE OFFERING AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Everything in Summer Lunch Goods. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily. If you enn't call, then use the phone. Wo guarantee to satisfy. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 1 74 612 Main Street BAS EBALL ALL A GRANDE, v. PENBLE WEEK TON WESTERN TRI-STATE LEAGUE La Grande has strengthened up and the tans will see clean, fast and close games every day. Ladies' Day Friday all ladies free on this one day. ROUND-UP PARK GAMES CALLED AT 3:30