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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1912)
EIGRT TAGKS DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1012. TAGE THREE Known For Its Strength nn mm Uohono Bonn PERDLETOII, G3E60S ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real eataU for .aeJe and housea to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 R Court Street cure'for Rheumatism You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet descriptive of Ilot Lake Sanatorium. Na ture's great euro place.. A natural boiling spring of curative mineral wa ter. Thousands have been cured here after suffer ing years from RHEUMATISM, STOMACII, SKIN, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. Directly on main line of O.-W. R. & N. Railway. Ask for special excursion ticket Hot Lake Waller LI. PiorCB Oregon Pres. & Mgr. What Shall be Your Table Beverage ? In warm weather one should be very careful not to overeat It Is advisable to cut down on your consumption of solid foods. Liquid nourishment is better, because liquids are mora readily digested. Use KLOSTER BRAU Beer It Is the finest food beverage known. Containing as it does splendid food elements the malt of barley, and choice Bohemian hops there is a substantial amount of nourishment in It. Therefore It should be your table beverage. Unlike tea, cof fee and other drinks, it Is really a part of the meal, because it is a beneficial food. And you'll enjoy It immensely. Just have us send you a trial case. Alfred Schheiter Office Saloon rilOXE MAIN 29. VISIT THE OLD HOUE VIA D.S.I. & UMIOH PACIFIC Lines Protected by Automat ic Signal Block. Low Fares East Round trip tickets to principal cities in Middle Western and Eastern States. Baltimore $107.60 Boston 110.00 Chicago 72.60 Denver . 66.00 Kansas City 60.00 Minneapolis 60.00 New York .. 108.60 Omaha .'. 60.00 St. Louis ..... 70.06 St. Paul T 60.00 Toronto 91.60 Washington , 107 60 (loins limit fifteen days; final return limit October 31, 1912. LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES. Choice of routes. PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED RATES TO MANY OTHER POINTS. DATES OF SALE. JUNE 13, 14, 15- 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. - JULY 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31. AUGUST 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31. SEPTEMBER 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30. For further information, call on or address T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. R. BURNS, Dist Frt & Passenger Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. ELKS SELECT EASTERN CITY MEETING PLACE Portland, Ore , July 10. Rochester will be the meeting iplace of the grand lodge of Elks in 1913. The result of the vote taken yesterday morning by the grand lodge was announced at the afternoon's session and was greet ed with prolonged cheering. The Rochester lodge has made a hard fight for their town at the ses sions of the lodge held so fur and as a result they have met with but lit tle opposition. Louisville opposed the Hot h ester lodge as second choice but made little real opposition to the New Yorkers, who won hands down. rrohlhttloiilKta Meet. Atlantic City, July 10. This city, which Is entertaining several national conventions this week, is devoting much attention to the atlonal prohib its convention which began here to day. . The delegates do not expect to see a repetition of such events as oc curred at Chicago and Baltimore, al though there are several candidates In the field for nomination for pres ident and vice president. Among the fifteen hundred delegates are several women from California. The platform besides favoring the usual prohibition policies, will prob ably include planks regarding the sale of liquor, one endorsing woman suf frage, government ownership of pub lie utilities, the Initiative, referend um and recall and election of United Slates senators by direct vote. Among tne names suggested for the presiden tial nomination are J. W. Folk. J. Frank Hanly. Richmond Pearson Hobson, E. V. Hoch, W. R. stubbs and Seaborn Wright, in addition to others long Identified with the pro hibition movement. . Diirinuii and lluiucs to Row. Toronto, July 10. Sculling enthu siasts are here in great numbers tos day to witness the race between Ed ward Rurman of this city and William Haines of Boston, for the champion ship of America and $1000 a side. It will be a three-mile sculling race. Both men are In prime condition and have hosts of friends in the betting. Durman Is a nephe'V of the late Ed ward Hanlan, who held the world's championship for many years. Haines was formerly the champion punter of England and coach of the London Rowing club, as well an mentor for several big Continental rowing clubs. 1'ewer IK-nths in Coal Mines. Washington, July 10. The United States Bureau of Mines has collected and made ready for distribution fig- res which show that the high tide n the terrible death rate in Ameri can coal mines has been reached and passed. The figures show that 2,517 men were killed In the mines last ear as against 2824 for 1910. This shows a reduction in the number of lives lost of 317 In one year's time. The death rate In 1910 was 3.91 men in every 1000 employed. The rate n 1911 was 3.74. Compared with 1907, the darkest year in the history of American mining, when 3197 men lost their lives, 1911 shows a decrease of 680 In the number of killed. It was following the record of this year that congress authorized the govern ment to begin Investigations looking toward a reduction In the death rate and this was supplemented In 1910 by the creation of the Bureau of Mines. Kansas Women to Hustle. Kansas City, July 10. Kansas wo men suffragists are going to make things hum In the election this year. They have perfected plans for a whirl wind, campaign with a special train carrying J. H. Braley of California, known as the "Father of Suffrage," Governor and Mrs. Stubbs of Kansas Chief Justice and Mrs. Johnston and other speakers to cover the state from October 15 to November 5. It is Mr. Braly's plan to conduct the same kind of campaign, if possible, In all five of the states where the Question Is to be voted on this year. He has per sonaliy contributed $3000 to the work in Kansas. Indiana Lawyers Meet. South Bend, Ind.. July 10. The sixth annual meeting of the State Bar association opened here today and will continue for two days. Among the Important features of the meeting will be an address delivered by Mrs Crystal Eastman Benedict, of Mil waukee, on "Political Recognition of Women." The association will also pass resolutions congratulating Gov ernor Marshall on his nomination as vice president. Louis B. Ewbank, the noted Indianapolis attorney will also deliver an address on "Old Ways or Uncertain Seas." My mm nn MlHi Bays Remarkable Mid-Summer Vhito Carnival Supply now your needs for months to come, from our splendid stock of seasonable White merchandise. Everything at a Phenomenal Price Concession. White Bed Spreads ami Bed Linens. White Lace Curtains and Curtain Yard Goods. White Waists and Undcnnnslins. White Tahle Linen and Napkins. White Dress Goods and Waist ings. White Embroidery and Lace. White Linweave, Flaxon, Linaire, etc. White Long Cloth, Nainsook, Cambric, etc. White India Linen, Swiss", Persian Lawn, etc. Don'i miss the Bargain Carnival for the next three days. We Save You Money on Every Purchase. IS? 11 Alexander's Dep'f. Store Save Your Green Trading Stamps INTEREST IS TAKEN IH WHEAT CONTEST Portland, Ore., July 10 (Special) How the Judges will find the best five bushels of wheat L'rown In the American Xorthwest and determine who l.i entitled to the $5,000 prize of- fered for five bushels of wheat by the Xorthwest Development League, Is told by President Lewis Penwell of the league, who has given much time to working out the details. How many people will pick over five bushels of wheat In order to get the kernels uniform, remove weed seed, have only plump, bright, sweet seeds in the sample and thus get the grain a little nearer perfect, is a ques tion which la Interesting the Develop ment League, but it appears that a large number are willing to "hand- pick" the wheat. "Four .hundred farmers have writ ten the secretary and declared their Intention of entering this contest," said Mr. Penwell In a letter to the Portland Commercial club. "With prospects for the best grain crops the American Xorthwest has ever known, there will be plenty of com petition for the prize offered at the Northwestern Products Exposition in Xovember. Three Judges Chosen. "Three Judges will be selected by the present and the agronomists of the agricultural colleges of the seven states competing. Oregon, Minneso ta, the Dakotas, Idaho and Washing ton. The judges must come from without the American Xorthwest. It is not expected that these Judges will all be agricultural college people; some .one of them will probably be from one of the grain . exchanges of the country a Judge of commercial grains. "Judging will be in three ways: first, according to the accepted score card; second, by a milling and bak ing test, and third, by the yield per acre." Mr. Penwell says the Judging y the standard score is probably the most Interesting, as the exhibitor can gain points by carefully selecting his grain. In the milling test, the ex hibitor cannot tell what kind of bread his wheat will make, but he can have the wheat clean and free from impurities. The score card shows the test which all wheat is giv en in one way or another at the great grain markets to determine its com mercial grade. The judges, in deter mining the best wheat at the expo Bltlon, will of course be guided by the same requirements. that Gerken's raiment was a little too summary for the prevailing mode and they reported the matter to the police. Gerken was arrested and ar raigned before. Magistrate Marsh at Stapleton, who suspended sentence. A few days ago Gerken discovered that one of the wells which supplied the cottagers with water was located on his own property, and that the pipe leading to the pump house on Hale's place was concealed beneath ground. On July 29 Hale received the following letter. "John Hale Your water supply from my property will be cut off In five days. Louis C. Gerken." Gerken had been drawing his wa ter supply from the plant on Hale's property and on July 1 Hale shut off Gerken's supply. At the same time Gerken disconnected the well on his property from the water tank and pumping house and put in a pumping station of his own. Hale thought he could draw a su fficient supply from the two wells on his property, but within a few hours after the plant had !been disconnected with the Gerken well the wells went suddenly dry and for two days Woods-O-Arden has been without water. JUDGE CRITICISED BY LAWYERS. In Motion for Xew Trial Attorneys Say Jurist Unduly Influenced Jury. Minneapolis, Minn. Declaring that the Jury was unduly influenced by "gestures, facial expressions and shaking of the head" 'by Judge H. D. Dickinson of the District court, at torneys for J. R. Canterbury, former city fire chief, filed a motion for a new trial in the city's civil suit. Mr. Canterbury was sued by the city on the ground that he had made an Illegal profit of $3,000 from the sale of property for a fire department re pair shop, and the Jury awarded the city $3,000. Among the alleged acts of the court PENDLETON FOLKS VISITIN ADAMS (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Or., July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and children of Pen dleton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers for the past four days. Mr. and Mrs. M. a. Baker return ed to their home in Adams Sunday after spending the past month In the city of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bentley and son of Hermston are the . guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bentley this week. Miss Hager of Heppner, is the guest of Miss Eleene Bowling for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and family were Pendleton visitors Sun day. Dr. C. O. "Wainscott of Hubbard, is located at Adams and will be found at the commercial hotel. Day and night calls attended promptly. Mrs. Brawn and children were Athena visitors Tuesday. F. M. Whitely was an Athena visitor Tuesday. Dr. Sharp was called to Adama Tuesday to see Lola Rogers, who Is confined to her home through illness. She is doing as well as can be ex pected. Charley Darr of Cayuse station was a business visitor in Adams Tuesday. complained of, the affidavit ac companying the motion for a retrial are "shaking of the head, Scowling of the face, motion of the hands as it throwing something from him and ex pression of the court's disapproval, distrust, disbelief and adverse opinion." Distributors in Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind., July 10. The principal business to come before the national convention of the Exclusive Distributers' association here today Is the matter of representation by del egates. Seventy-five house to house advertising distributers from all parts of the country are here for the con vention. A number of prominent ad vertlslnir men will address the meet lng, among them Sheldon A. ood or Detroit, and R. R. Talbert of Chi cago. What Makes a Woman. One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle don't make a woman. Its a good foundation. Put Into it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom But that's Just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weakness, nervous ness, backache' and tired, listless, worn out feeling. "Electric Bitters have done me a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depew. Okla , "and thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good medicine." Only 60c. Guaranteed by Koeppens. EDEX COSTUMES LEADS TO WATERLESS TOWX State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lacu County Frank J. Cheney make oath that be to enlir partner of the firm of r. J. Cheoa k Co., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said nrm will pay wo ium oc unis uununuu DOLLARS for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cared by tbe OM of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FHANK J. CHENEY. - Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pre-ence, tbla tltn day of December, A. D.. 1886. Seat A. W. OLBASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cnre la tabee Internally, and acta directly on the blood and fucotn surfaces of the ijitem. Bend for teat) monlali free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists, 75. Take Hall's Family Pill- for constipation Resident In Seant Attire Shocks Sla- ten Island Folk and Lands In Jail Gets Revenge by Turning off Wa ter Supply. Xew York. Woods-O-Arden, S. I., U without water. There is plenty in the ocean, but not a drop to drink. Louis C. Gerken did It. He owns a nice plot of ground and a pretty cot tage on the water front next door to John Hale's, and along the road that the cottagers use in walking to and from the beach. He was accused of having turned his yard Into a garden of Eden. The (cottagers, as they pass ed by, saw Mr. Gerkeu at work on his place In a costume only slightly removed from that worn by Adam ue fore the fall. It didn't require any fruit of the Tree of Knowledge to enable the Woods-O-Arden folks to recognize DIM1CK STOCK FARM POLAND -CHINA SWINE FOUNDATION STOCK, from Best Herds in Washington, Iowa and Illinois. BANNER. HERD Of Registered Poland-China Swine. YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE. - E. J. LANKINS, Manager Hubbard, Oregon. R, F. D. No. 2 THE BEST BEER is Brewed in Pendleton Quality-quality first, last and all the time-is the watchword in the pro duction of Gity Brewery Beer. Yon do not find it lacking in that "life'' so necessary to ivo it tho required zest. ' You assist in providing employment fr homo labor, build ing up your homo city and supporting institutions that place money in curculation here, when you buy home products in preference to thoso that are shipped in. When you drink beer, insist on City Beer on draught at tho following places: BILLY'S PLACE, OPERA BARR, W. J. Bogert, Trop. Antono. Kraft, Prop. BREWERY DEPOT, STATE SALOON. Molitor & Stangier, Props. II. J. Latourellc, Prop. THE CRESCENT SALOON, J. II. Taylor, Prop.