4 PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. 1UESDAV, JULY 0, 1012. EIQ1IT PAGES LEI 'H OF PENDLETON ELKS Tori land, Ore., July 9 "Lot 'er Buck." Husky, happy and healthy ns the section from which they come, half a ,loz n lVinlk'ton "buekuroos" breez ed Into town about noon Sunday as nn advance Riiard of some 250 mem bers of IYndleton lodge No. 2SS, to say nothing of an 11 car stock train which i due later in the week. The lvniiloton representatives will come in on a special train due at 5 o'clock Thursday morning. The stock train 1s due Wednesday morning. (Sunday's arrivals were headed by J t Sperry. chairman of the 1912 .committee, and Thomas Fitz Gerald, secretary of 2SS. who is in charge of Pendleton's headquarters at the Im perial hotel. The advance delegation Is just getting everything in shape ior the arrival of the later delegation and completing the parade arrange ments. Pendleton's showing in Thursday's pageant will probably he one of the largest and most spectacular in line. RouiuMp Boys. One entire division has been allot led the "Round-Up" boys. George Strand, one of Sunday's arrivals will be commander of this division, which will typify the "passing of the west." Most of Pendleton's finest men, much of its finest stock, its "broncs" "out laws," and everything that helps to make that town a "live one," will toe given prominence In the line up. The "uniform" .of the Pendleton delegation consists of a typical "cat tle king" hat, with a Pendleton hat band, and a purple neck-scarf with a border of white Elk heads. "That's our uniform," said Tom Fitz Uerald. "Is it class A?" "It Is," they shouted, "whoop 'er up." Pendleton lodge also has a badge that is a work of art. The badge has a gold colored plate with an Elk head in relief, surmounted by a white en amel dock face with a red star In the center. The body of the badge car lies the Pendleton lodge number, with the date of the Portland convention, and suspended from the plate Is the figure of a "buckaroo" having some fun with a "sunfishlng" bronco, tiives 1 Jound-l p a Uost. "With the Pendleton delegation which registered yesterday is P.. W. Ritner, business manager of the an nual Pendleton "Round-Up" who is putting In a few good words for that attraction in connection with this week's work. "The Round-Up at Pendleton next September," said Mr. Ritner yester day morning, "will doubtless be ' the most successful of any yet held. In dications are that the crowd will far and away break all records, hut we're going to take proper care of all vis itors, no matter how many, and it will be one grand time." Mr. Ritner paid that contrary to come reports the original Pendleton Round-Up is not going to toe put on the road. "There has been more or Jess talk of Round-Up road shows," lie said, "but the read show is not go ing barnstorming. We want to make the Round-Up a distinctively Pendle ton Institution, and to do this, we are going to keep it at home, and adver- " Use it so that those who wish may :go and see It right." The Pendleton boys will strive for .a prize In Thursday's parade. ZION CITY LEADER PREDICTS DISASTER Voliva Say Chicnjco Will be Destroy ed for Wickedness or Its Citizens. Chicago, 111., July 9. Comparison of Sodom and Gomorrah with Chi cago looks bad for Chicago, according to Wilbur Glenn Voliva. Zlon City leader. Addressing members of his flock in this city, he said "Even as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, so Judgment is going to fall upon the cities of this land and upon Chfcago first. There is only one city that will not be destroyed That is Zion City. I command all of East to Get Relief from Indigestion The nostrils are perfect "air filters" and when kept kept in clean, healthy statf, strain every bit of air we breathe, catching all dust particles, foreign matter and germs. The air is full of germs. You cannot dodge them, but you can safe-guard your self against catarrh and other diseas es contracted in the process of breath ing by keeping the nostrils clean and healthy. Catarrh germs will some times gtt In their work, and you may mistake the symptoms for an ordi nary cold. Don't take any chances. If you have a stuffed up feeling in the head, fr If your throat Is sore or filled with phlegm. Just grease the nostrils with a little Ely's Cream Balm, draw the pure, aromatic fumes back In the head, and you will be astonished at the -effect. In a few minutes you wilj feel .a loosening up In the head, the nasty discharge will soon be stopped, the Horeness gone, and you will feel a sense of genuine relief. Ely's Cream Balm not only wards off catarrh, but will quickly cure even a chronic, longstanding case of ca tarrh. It takes the trouble right where It starts, In the nose and throat, cleanses, heals and strength ens the raw, sore Inside skin, or mem brane, and in this way drives out ca tarrh and makes you proof against this filthy, disgusting disease. Summer colds, which often hang 'on for weeks, can be quickly cured With this cleansing, healing, antisep tic balm. All druggists sell It for fifty cents a bottle, and the one bot tle Is generally-all that Is needed to effect a complete cure. Try it today, PORTLAND you to leave this city of wickedness and come to Zion." Vollva announced that he would order closed all branch churches of his faith and that all of his followers over the country would he called , to Zion City. There are churches of Voliva's faith in Cleveland. San Fran cisco, Melbourne, Yokohama and London. The branch "church at Hong Kong was closed recently and the elder and many of his flock moved to Zion City. Voliva has not fixed the date for the general catastrophe. CURED Hl snANO OF SULKS. lias Been lined $100 for Attempting v to Commit Suicide. Kansas City. M6. There are two methods known to domestic science of curing the other half of Imitating suicide every time a fit of the "sulks" comes on. One that Is worked to ex cess is merely to call an emergency ambulance and have the "patient" subjected to one or more associations with the stomach pump, t. That Is not a bad method, those who have tried It say, but listen to how Mrs. S. P. Kelley, 2627 East Eleventh street, handled a similar ultuatlon. The other afternoon when "sulks" overtook Kelley he went into tne kitchen, turned on the gar without lighting it, and stretched his body nearby to asphyxiate. The faithful wife dropped Into the kitchen about that time, recognizing Kelley's action aa a plain case of dis turbing Ihe Teace and so informed the nearest police sergent Kelley was arrested and In the Xbrth municipal court was fined $100. He said his wife ragged him. .Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency. For sale by all dealers. Special Prices on Cord wood. Good dry red fir, slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine- Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying. Ko plttke & Gillanders. phone Main 173 Dysentery Is always serious and of ten a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic For sale by all dealers. STABBED BY HIKED MAX. Farmer Wounded !y Hand Whom lie Hud Discharged. Portervllle. John Billingsley of the Woodvllle district, was painfully and dangerously inured at his ranch In the dairy district when F-ete Swanson, a Dane ranch hand, stabbed him In the neck and shoulders. Billingsley had discharged the man for incompe tence, and after he had handed the man a check, turned to walk away Swanson drew a knife, it is alleged by Billingsley, and stabbed him in his shoulder. Swanson escaped. "AKRON" VALVE JAMMED. Discovery of Mechanism of IH-Fated Airship Gives Theory of Disaster. Atlantic City, N. J. Divers found the valve of the gas bag of the ill fated dirigible Akron. No trace of the bodies of Melvln Vaniman, Walt er Gest or Fred Elmer has been found. The valve was open, held so by a light chain, which evidently was pull ed just before the accident while Van iman and his crew were fighting to bring the ship to a lower level. This has given rise to the theory that sparks from the overheated en gine communicated with a leak in the pipe which relayed the gas from the valve proper and caused the ex plosion. . REBELS GO TO U. S. PRISON. Magons Declare Coast Fair, But De nounce Testimony as Perjury. Los Angeles. Ulcardo Flores Ma gon, Enrique Makon, Labrado Rivers and Ansolmo Flgueros, the four lead ers of the Mexican insurrectos con victed of violating the neutrality laws, started In charge of United States marshals for McNeil's Island prison to begin serving their sentences of one year artd eleven months each. The departure of the men was quiet, despite many rumora that an attempt would be made to rescue them. The Magos declared that, although their sentence was unjust, it was caused by false testimony, and not by the court, which they added, was eminently fair all through the trial. Woman Sues Banitarium. Visalia. Alleging that while she was a patient at the Institution she was neglected and that by reason of the Incompetence of the nurses she received grave Injuries, Mrs. Lola Stewart and her husband, D. M. Stew art, have brought suit against the St. Helena Sanitarium company for $23, 430 damages. It is alleged in the complaint, as one of the charges of incompetence, that she was given an anaesthetic while she underwent an operation to remove the cause of constant head aches. While she was unconscious. It is related, she was left by the nurses and while thus neglcted she was baa ly burned. Wakes Plea for Lorlmer. Washington. Pleading with the senate carefully to weigh the evidence before It "blasted Lorlmer's career and character," Senator Dillingham of Vermont summed up the Illinois senator's defense against the ouster in the senate. Dillingham asserted that the evidence developed the ex Istence of a "Jackpot" but that this fund was used solely to Influence leg Islatlon and did not go beyond this point. If hubby Is old and ugly and wlfey Is youne and beautiful. It's a sure sign that he has more dollars than sense. In a flirtation between a woman and a man she always thinks he is In earnest because' she Isn't. 06 MARKET SHQViS E OF 25 CTS. (From Monday's Telegram.) Hogs advanced 25 cents this morn lug, when $8.25 was paid at the yards In North Portland. A few sold as low as $7' and one at $6.50 'but good swine are worth today the top price nnd bring It readily as the demand continues. The run of hogs at the North Portland yards today was up to the dally average. Quite a number of sheep were sold this morning at prices that Indicate a steady market. The shippers today were: Edward Knorr, Grangevllle, Idaho, one car cattle and hogs; W. R. Beaehman, Enterprise, one car cattle and calves; R. Tate, Huntington, seven cars cat tle; R. F. Blckman, Huntington, two cars sheep; Blckwell & Oman, Hunt ington, two cars sheep; w. B. Kurz, Ashton, Idaho, one car hogs; Saint Anthony, one car hpgs; H. Cummings Albany, one car hogs and sheep; Cor- vallls, one car calves and hogs. General sheep range: Select spring lambs $ 8.75 Ordinary spring lamtos ... 5.00 05.50 Poor spring lambs 4.00 0 4.50 Yearlings 4.004.50 Old. wethers 4.004.45 Fancy ewes S.500 3.60 Ordinary ewes 2.50 03.00 North Portland cattle prices: Heavy feed steers $6.95 0 7.00 Fancy steers o-Bt) Choice steers 6.250 7.00 Common steers 5.5005.75 Feeder steers . 5.50 0 5.75 Fancy cows 6.0006.20 Ordinary cows 6.2 Heavy light cows 5.50 Medium light calves 8.00 Heavy calves 4.100 4.50 Best bulls ." 4.500 5.00 Ordinary bulls 4.00 0 4.50 Grain. Wheat 1911 nominal" Produc ers' prices, nominal, track delivery, club. 8Sc: bluestem, 92 95c; red Russian. 87c;- Willamette valley, 8Sc; 1912 contracts, club, 80c; bluestem 83 (S85'e. Barlev Producers prices 1911 Feed, $33.00; rolled, $36.00; brewing, $39.00040.00, 1912 crop. Mlllstuffs Selling price Bran, $25.00; middlings, $32.00; shorts, $27.50. Oats Producers' price Nominal Track, No. 1, spot delivery, white, $35; gray, $34; new crop, $26. OLD MAN GIVES LEG TO SAVE SMALL HOY New York. From -the lower East Side there comes the story of an un usually courageous sacrifice. For two months little curley haired Tjon Shenker has been lying In a sort of swing suspended from the ceil ing in the Har Morlah hospital, to ease the raw 'burns that have covered most of his body since he was res cued from fire by his mother at thier home. 245 Rlvlngton street. He has rarely cried, and his grit has won for him the admiration of all the patients about him. Among these patients was Sam Faechefsky, an elderly man living at 312 West Forty-deventh street. He had been to the hospital once before and had had his left leg amputated, owing to the hardening of the mus cles and other complications. Last week he entered again. The doctors told him it was useless to try to keep the other leg and that sooner or later it would be necessary to am putate It to keep the hardening of the muscles from progressing further. He had lain in his cot watching the plucky four-year-old chap in the op posite corner. The nurse told him of the difficulty of getting skin to graft on the raw places and of the danger that was Imminent In letting the tooy suffer longer. "It's a shame," he said. Then his face torlghtened. "This old leg of mine Is useless anyway," he exclaimed. "It's got to come off sooner or later. Let's do the Jott now and give the whole tolam ed skin to the little fellow. I guess it would fix him up all right, hey?" NEW KINK SAVES FORESTS. Motorcycles and Telephones for Rangers Result In Fire Control, Portervllle. Improved methods of patrol, the addition of motorcycles to the equipment of the rangers and the extension of the telephone lines to reach the remote portions of the for est, have resulted in prevention of fires in the Sequoia forest. Thus far this season there has been but one fire which threatened to become se rious, and this was controlled before the heavy and valuable timber was reached. Flour Trade Expands. Washington. That the flour trade of the United States bids fair to make a record for expansion is the belief of officials of the government who. have been looking Into the mat ter as the result of recent statistics sent from Amoy regarding the impor tations of flour from America to that place. During the last year Amoy Imported 150,000 barrels of American flour, or three times as much as dur ing 1910. Famines, floods and the revolution reduced the wheat produc tion in central China to such an ex tent as to practically close the Shang- State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loess County . . . Frank J. Cheney makes oath tbat be M color partner of the firm of IT. i. Chmav k Co., doing builneM In the City of Toledo. County and Bute aforesaid, sod tbat said firm will pay tba snm of ONB nONDKKD DOLLARS for each and every case of ca tarrh tbat cannot bt cared by tbe om of Hall's Catarrh Cora . FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In mj prenence, tbls oth day of December, A. D. 1884. Seal A. W. 0LKA8ON, Notary Habile. nail's Catarrh Core Is takeo Internally, and acta directly on tbe blood and fixous arfaces ot tbe system. Bend for testi monials free. B J. CTIENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Hold by all Druggists, Til. Tt-ke Hall'a Family I'llls for conatlpa Moo 0 MOTHE No young woman, In the Joy ot coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the physi cal ordeal she Is to undergo. The health of both herself and the coming child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and Its use makes her comfortable during all the term. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tis sues, muscles and tendons, Involved, and keeping the breasts In good con dltion, brings the woman to the crisis In splendid physical condition. The baby, too, is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother bas thus prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better advice could bj given a young expectant mother than that she use Mother s Friend; It Is a medicine that has proven its value in thousands - of " cases. Motner s HsriTI I m C Friend Is sold at Uff cfrniEND book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable Information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. BKADFIELD RECUUT01 CO., AtlaaU, Ca, hal flour mills. The price of rice during the past year has been the highest In years, which favored the consumption of flour. Favoratole sil ver exchange and cheaper flour In America during 1911 as compared with prices the few years preceding all helped American imports to Chi na. Indications point to continuation of the extension of trade during 1912. The China trade takes the low grade flours only. Strength Is pre ferred to whiteness. Seventy-Five Want Five Jul. Atlantic City, X. J. Atlantic City is voting to select five men who will have charge of the city for the next three years under the new commission form of government. Six independ ents, three organization republicans and one democrat are the ten men be ing voted for in order to select the five commissioners needed. Mayor Harry Bacharach will undoubtedly be one of the five. The position pays each man $3000 yearly and there were seventy-five candidate for the place, before the primaries which selected those being voted for were held. The Inauguration will take place next Tuesday. I -AM NOT CRAZY; ONLY TIRED;" WRITES SlICIDE Vancouver, Wash "Goodbye for ever." said C. S. Whittlesey to Mrs. Sherman Drew, landlady of the New Berry hotel, as he went to his room. Five minutes later Mrs. Drew heard a shot and looked out of her door in time to see Whitlesey's body tumble from his room through the open door Into the hall. He had shot himself through the heart and' died instantly. Whittlesey was about 40 years old and a salesman for the Toppenlsh Nursery company. On the stand in his room was a letter addressed -"To the Coroner," and reading: "Notify J. E. Whittlesey, 364 North Twenty second stret, Portland, that there Is a letter la my pocket to C. J. De vine, stating where there is enough money to give me a bum burial." The letter to Mr. Devine said: "C. J. Devine, Rldgefleld, Wash., R. F. D. No. 2: Collect $30 from Frank Harlan and $1 from Everett Moorhead and make final settlement with the Toppenlsh Nursery company. I am not crazy, only tired." Whittlesey has been soliciting for nursery stock in Clarke county for some time. Recently he appeared at the council here in an effort to sell the city roses. HIS LIFE WORTH STOGIE. Rescued from Surf, Man Offers Yen. lee Life Guard a Smoke. Los Angeles After he had res cued a man from the breakers at Ve nice, the rescuer, a bathhouse life guard, was offered a stogie by the man whose life he saved. Henry Cor nell of Garvan a was drowning when David Mareno plunged Into the surf and pulled him ashore. When ofer ed a cigar by the rescued man, the life saver smiled and remarked that he did not smoke. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs. Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please youl A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Foniaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street QUELLE Lehman Hob Springs A Health and Pleasure Resort Frank L. McNeil. Prop. Best Dance Hall in Blue Mountains Finest Pool in Eastern Oregon Good Bowling Alleys. Fine Fishing Hotel Rates Cottages PER DAY $1.50 PER WEEK $0.00 Cumplng privileges free with water piped to grounds. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FOR SALE BY MANAGEMENT. AUTO STAGE MAKES REGULAR TRIPS MONDAYS. WED NESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Special trips may be arranged for at any time. PHONE BLACK 2101. Known For First Notional lent; PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES of all Muds neatly and promptly done- Phone M ain COTTAGES BY THE WEEK, $2.50 to $5.00 PER W EK. Cattagcs are furnished with stove, chairs and springs. Or Inquire at 313 W. ALTA ST. MY, HOW TOUGH THEY ARE I WHO? Why, DAYS' Big Five Overalls Made from the stroncpst White Oak denim. Every pair guaranteed. Its Strength $2,500,000.00 1