Eianx PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON", OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY. 9, 1012. PAGE FIVB Mrooromoru uq oos on Merchandise You Will Mood Right Now. July Glean-Up Pricos 150 Ladies' Lawn Waists, worth to $2.00 98 500 Yards Embroidery, worth to $1.75 48 1000 Yards Embroidery, worth to 35c 12 1-2 Any Dress Valued to $22.50, your choice .. .. $9.90 Any Dress Valued to $35.00, your choice $14.95 Ladies' Suits to $25.00, your choice $14.95 $30.00 to $37.50 Suits, your choice $10.90 About 500 Garments in our Muslin Underwear section, elightly soiled. All you want at a reduction of 25 per cent. fjeTlivengood & CO. AUGUST Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready. PERSONAL MENTION LOCALSl For sale Good gentle milch cow. Must be Bold by Wednesday, July 10. Inquire at 802 West Alta street. For good clean lump or nut coal, phone Oregon Lumber Yard. Phone Main 8. What for? The best coal In town. Wanted 5 or 6 room house to rent. Apply W. J. Conner, 649 Main stret. Special auto trips to any part of the country. rhone black 2101. State Hotel Furnisned rooms at special rates by week or month. Have your wood sawed by the gas oline wood saw. Phone Main IS. For Rent Front office In Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. For Sale 2 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Stevens, Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Good pasture with running water, 1 1-2 miles west of Stanfleld, 1.60 per month. W. T. Reeves. Before you buy a sewing machine be sure and look at the Central Nee dle Standard. Jesse Falling. Land scape gardening. Work guar anteed or no charge. Smith liros., 21 So. Main street. Wanted Young women to enter nurses' training school. Address, Walla Walla Hospital, Walla Walla. Screen doors and window screens, all lzes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. We also make them to order. Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night Tray orders a specialty. Evething new. Under State Hotel. Phone Main 667. Un Co, Props. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close In. Cheap. Inquire 71 Lllleth. To rent Furnisned apartment house. Modern conveniences. In quire Monterastelll block. Phone Black 3861. ' For sale Yellow pine, red fir, al der and maple wood; also Rock Springs coal. Phone Black 8622, or leave orders at Demott's Cigar Store, Main street. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a clean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert, leav ing The Dalles dally except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland SI. For sale A fine Btock and fruit ranch 16 miles southeast of Pendleton. For further Information call on W. H. Bell on premises or address same, Pendleton, Ore. For Rent Furnished apartment rooms, 602 Water street. Woman wants work on ranch. Ad dress. Box 639 .Pendleton, Ore. Wanted By competent woman, Job on cook wagon during harvest. Ad dress M. S., this office. I wish to trade my three houses and 9. i.8 int at 313 Willow street, Pen dleton, for Walla Walla property. Ad dress L. W. Jones, 716 Elm street, Walla Walla. For Sale. Thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies. Bitches, 15.00; stud dogs, 87.60. M. L. Little, R. 1, Box 76, Amity, Oregon. Itt $2:50 Reward. Winchester rifle, calibre 32-20, Model 1892. No. 376319. Finder please leave with John Kearney. AT TIIK GUAM). IIci'soii-Allcii Musical Comedy Cum (Miny Play to Parked llouso. Coll Auto Truck for Transfer Work, Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano moving, picnic crowds to country household goods stored by month. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Special This Week Summer Necessities FOR SUNBURN SUNSHINE COLD CREAM SUNSHINE LOTION, (Juatrite) Is very soothing. Softens and whitens the skin. DISINFECTANTS: CHLORIDE LIME FORMAL DEHYDE. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, large bottle lOo F. J. Donaldson RELIABLE DRUGGIST. Standing room only wus the cry at tho Grand last night when the Heexon-Allen Mutdcal Comedy com pany opened their engagement. The house was packed to the walls and people were being turned away long before, the curtain rose on the first act and that this company made good with the Pendleton theater go ers was amply evidenced by the ap plause to all the numbers, and the laughter accorded the comedy lines and the work of the comedians. "Girls In Politics" is the title of the opening bill. As usual with musical comedies there la Just enough plot on which to hang the snappy dialogue and catchy numbers. Mr. Tom Beeson, the principal comedian, Is ably sup ported by an excellent cast and kept the house In a roar. Among the song hits of the evening were Mr. Frceland's "Honey Girl," Mr. Vie Allyn's "Everybody's Doin' It," Bessie Vernon's ' 'Tim Toolln," and Mr. Whitsldes "I Live Up Town," while Mr. Beeson introduced Champ Clark's famous "Houn" Dawn song. The Beeson-Allen Pippins also intro duced one of their own numbers, "Good Evening Caroline." while Mr. Whltslde and Miss Dolly Richards did some clever buck and wing dancing. "Girls In Politics" will run till Thursday when there will be an "en tire change. J. O. Hoffman was among the Pilot Rock people In the city yesterday. C. H. McConnell of Salem, was at one of the local hotels yesterday. Verne Belts of Pilot Rock was a visitor In the city yesterday. R. A. Powers was among the Walla Wallans in Pendleton last evening. Asa B, Thomson was In from his home at Echo yesterday. D. O. Bounds of Baker, was at the St. George yesterday. Mrs. Nancy Despaln left on the lo cal this morning for Portland. W. A. Crane of Walla Walla, was a guest in the city yesterday. H. Leathers was registered at the Bowman yesterday from Heppner. Mrs. John Tlmmerman came In from Helix on the N. P. Local this morning. Mrs. Jerome Freedman left today for Portland having been called to that city by the death of a sister. W. R. Relnhart, well known hard ware salesman, Is making Pendleton a visit. Mrs. Nt D. Swearlngen and daugh ter, Daphne, are visiting In Puget Sound cities. ' Miss Edith Slusher Is In Portland to visit daring the Elk week as the guest of Miss Alice Wehrung. Mrs. Norbourne Berkeley will leave tomorrow for Portland w'here ehe will visit for a short time. Edgar F. Averill, deputy game warden, left on the local this morn ing for Hermiston. Levi Eidrldge was In from his home at Pilot Rock yesterday and spent the night here. Ray Fuglt has returned to his home here after spending several months In the gold fields near San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hamilton of Pasco were Incoming pasengers on the morning N. P. train. Mr. Hamil ton Is the city engineer of Pasco. Mrs. Dilllam Slusher and niece, Miss Ruby Hazlett. left this morning to spend a few days on the Slusher ranch at Nolin. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Smith, Dr. and Mrs R. E. Ringo, and Mr. and Mrs John Marshman of this city, are list ed amone the Euests of the Hotel Multnomah In Portland. WOULD WEAIt TIGHTS IN COURT TO PROVE BEAUTY New York. In reply to the charge that her seeming beauty was artifi cial, Mrs. Melanle Unger, an opera singer, In an affidavit filed In the su premo court, submitted her photo graph and offered to supplement It by appearing In court In tights. She demands f 25 a week alimony and 3500 counsel fees from her husband, Max Unger, a professional strong man. The husband alleges in his answer to her suit for a separation "that af ter the marriage ceremony was per formed it dawned on him that he had been taken In by a shrewd and ad venturous woman; that her facial ap pearance after the artificial r.nd chem ical substance had been removed was rather that of an Indian than a pale face; that upon retiring at night she would be shrewd enough to turn out the lights and would shove myste rious objects under the bed and un der her pllow case, and upon arising In the morning would manage to re place them before I would be awake." The strong man seeks annullment of the marriage. Mrs. Unger declares that her hus band deserted her in Paris In Febru ary, 1912, leaving her penniless. She said that she had 31000 In her hand bag, but that her husband substituted counterfeit money for It. She sub mitted to the court a free soup tick et that was given her In Paris by the prefect of police. FLIES AWAY TO OBTAIN BEER FOR THE WOMEN RADICAL LAWS ADVOCATED. Would RcKulatc Marriage, Have Med leal Msn-ellon tor Schoolchildren. Milwaukee. Prevention by law of the marriage of the mentally unfit; pensions for widows and dependent children; suffrage for women; medical Inspection of all public or parochial school children, were some of the radical resolutions advocated by the National League of Compulsory Edu cation officials. They also declared for Issuance of all certificates for child employment by school authori ties, compulsory education and child labor laws, civil service for truancy officers and rural truancy officers. St. Louis. A new means of lift ing the lid was Introduced in St. Louis county by Anthony Jannus, head of the Benolst school of aviators. Yes; It la the aeroplane. Any common variety will do. In the first test Jannus and Milton Korn, one of the pupils, flew from Klnloch field to Creve Coeur Lake, drank two bottles of wellt not soda water and 'brought two more bottles of the amber fluid back to the avi ation field for two ladies. The two eight-mile flights were un dertaken at 6:30 in the afternoon, when the companions of Jannus and Korn complained that they were thirsty and added: "Of what use is aviation, anyway, that we should stand here In the sun all afternoon waiting for the wind to quiet down and miles from a drink ing place?" ' To demonstrate the use of his school machine Jannus Invited Korn In and asked the women to wait a few minutes. A quarter of an hour later, he returned with the beer. "If I had my tractor biplane I would have brought a case back with me," he told nls nmuea auaience. ine aviator then went on to explain that the beer could Just as easily have been carried into St. Louis or the St. Loulsans to the beer. 2000 PAIR of Drummers Sample Gloves on HE-HUB PENDLETON'S DRUMMERS SAMPLE STORE money was paying and retaliated by slezing the count's clothes on the plea that she had paid for them. A French judge, however, compell ed her to surrender the count's clothes, pointing out that as she was married under the common law of France half her property belonged to her husband and wound up by di recting the count to pay his wife 1200 a month out of what was her own money, decided This was too much, and she to begin suit for divorce. You never miss the water till the hot weather comes and the city pumps suddenly go on strike. A Jack plane may beat the dead" language as an educator, but a dull one has been known to give rise to language far from dead. Girl is Ship's Wireless. Seattle. The Alaskan Steamship Company's steamer Mariposa, Captain Thomas Moore, sailed for Cordova, Valdez and Seward with 75 passen gers. The vessel went out with Miss Mabelle Kelso as wireless operator, the first woman to serve in inai ca pacity on a vessel plying out of this port. PERFECT HUSBAND TOO GOOD, DECLARES WIFE BIG EXPENSE, BIG BALANCE. Our Unele Sum Spends With Pre Hnil But Still Has Funds. Washington. With nearly one hun dred million dollars in the cash drawer of the treasury, officials ex pressed the belief that it will not be necessary to issue Additional bonds for the construction of the Panama ca nal for nearly a year. The purchase and building of the waterway to date has cost the Unit ed States 8276.487,000. Of this am ount 1137,886,000 has been paid out of the general fund of the treasury and the remainder from bonds Is sues. Balancing its hooks for the fiscal year Just closed, the treasury depart ment Issued a statement showing that the army cost 3150,182,000, against 3160,136,000 the previous year; the navy 8135,556,000, against 3119,938, 000; and pensions 3163,597,000, against 3177,981,000. The postal deficiency for the year, according to unrevlsed figures, was 31,568,000, while 322,618,000 was paid out in interest on the public debt. San Francisco. Clarence Haines was so exemplary in his habits mat his wife, Ida L. Haines, could not bear the sight of him. He admitted n the divorce court in Oakland that he never smoked, drank or gambled and explained that in return for this his wife always ran out of the room when he entered It and "tin several oc casions locked him out. Haines se cured an interlocutory decree of di vorce in Oakland on a cross complaint. WHY THEY DON'T HAVE TO PLAY Manager Charles Carr, of the Blues and a few friends were eating lunch In a grill room one night not long ago, and while waiting for their or er! were rending the scores of ma jor league games which were posted there. A Jewish bartender, who Is a very enthusiastic bartender, and likes to talk when any of the players are ar ts l.d, walked up to the table where the men were seated and said: "Look at the (batteries, fellows, all O'Tooles, Flnnegans, Cheneys, and the rest of the IrlHh. Those Irish sure like to play 'ball." "Well." said Carr, "I don't notice that there are any Goldsteins, Gold bergs or any other Jews in there do ing anything for the national game.' "Don't worry about any of us Jews putting our names In the batteries,' said the barkeeper, "we own the clubs." Kansas City Journal. There comes a period in tha life of a girl when she enjoys nothing so COUNTESS SEIZES HER. HUSBAND'S WARDROBE Paris. Former Mrs. Nellie C. Ben nett, a wealthy Philadelphia Widow, is seeking a divorce from her titled husband. Count Gustave de Raln- aut-Armand. The count is a Hollander, who, hearing that Mrs. Bennett had large estates In and around Germantown, Pa., promptly laid successful siege to her heart and hand. The marriage took place nine months ago, but the matrimonial life ran roughly from the first. The count did his worst to induce his new countess to leave the conju gal domicile, but pp refused to quit the house for which her Germantown CHILD OF FOUR KILLS A SIX-FOOT GOPHER SNAKE San Gregorlo. Wild Goose canyon, which Charles Elmer Upton the poet of v San Mateo county, has made fa mous by his writings, was the scene of an unusual Incident when little Char lotte Newman, aged 4 had a thrilling encounter with a big gopher snake six feet in length. The child, who is the daughter of Charles Newman, a farmer, fell asleep on a hay stack. Upon awak ening she found the reptile had wound itself tightly about her body. The girl was thoroughly frightened. The snake was also scared, as reptiles of this type generally run away from human beings. She made an effort to unravel the snake, but was unsuc cessful. Finally she screamed, and when her father appeared on the scene he found that Charlotte had throttled the snake to death. New man then uncoiled It and removed the skin which now occupies a prominent place In the farmer's household. Upton, upon being Informed of the latest occurrence in Wild Goose can yon, promised to use the Incident In his Wild Goose canyon poems that are popular among the youngsters of the peninsula. Years of Suffering Catarrh and Blood Disease -. Doctors Failed to Cure. Miss Mabel F. Dawklns, 1214 Lafay ette St.. Fort Wayne, Ind., writes: "For three years 1 was troubled with catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev eral doctors and a dozen different rem edies, but none of them did me any good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar saparilla. I took two bottles of this medicine and was as well and strong as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend Hood's to any one suf fering from catarrh." Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets culled Sarsatabs. Prisoner Refuses Parole. San Rafael. Rather than appear before the supervisors, where his ap plication for parole was receiving fa vorable consideration, Edward New land, serving six months In the coun ty jail here for assault, decided to serve out his time. Ho refused to ac company Sheriff Keating before the board, which had told his attorney that the application would be grant ed. When Sheriff Keating announced Newiands' refusal to appear the board rejected his application. The pris oner came from Oakland, where It is Just Arrived a Ship ment of Pianos Direct From the Factory. Why I can undersell any large piano house: 1 buy for cash, have no rents to pay, or high priced men. All your money goes into the Piano not rents or paying men. Jesso Failing Music Store DIMICK STOCK FARM POLAND -CHINA SWINE FOUNDATION STOCK, from Best IIerd3 in Washington, Iowa and Illinois. BANNER HERD Of Registered Poland-China Swine. YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE. E. J. LANKINS, Manager Hubbard, Oregon. R. F. D. No. 2 I1 J . ' "71 What Shall be Your Table Beverage ? In warm weather one should be very careful not to overeat. It is advisable to cut down on your consumption of solid foods. Liquid nourishment is better, because liquids are more readily digested. Use KLOSTER BRAU Beer It is the finest food beverage known. Containing as It does splendid food elements the malt of barley, and choice Bohemian hops there is a substantial amount of nourishment in it. Therefore it should be your table beverage. Unlike tea, cof fee and other drinks, it is really a part of the meal, because it 13 a beneficial food. And you'll enjoy it immensely. Just have us send you a trial case. Alfred Schneiter Office Saloon PHONE MAIN '299. NATURE'S CURE FOR Rheumatism You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium. Na ture's great cure place. A natural boiling spring of curative mineral wa ter. Thousands have been cured here after suffer ing years from RHEUMATISM, STOMACH, SKIN, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. Directly on main line of O.-W. R. & N. Railway. Ask for special excursion ticket. Hot Lake Waller LI. Pierce Oregon Pres. & Mgr. MEN'S HATS If its a hat you want, we have them ; just arrived in all the new shapes for men. Cowboy hats, wide brim, at 9S, $1.49, S1.98 Stetson Hats in black and tan, all shapes at $3.45 Why pay others $5 and $G for a Stetson hat when you can buy one hero for $3.45. Men's Straw Hats in sailors and soft brims from 49 to $1.98 Boy's Soft Hats at .'. 49 to ?1.98 Boys' Straw Hats at 10 to $1.49 Golden Rule Store WE LEAD ; OTHERS FOLLOW. much as a heartbreaking love arrair said he is well connected.