TAOE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TTKSDAY; JULY 0, 1912. FTOTTT PAOE3 ONL Y ONE MORE DA Y The Elks9 Special leaves here Wednesday evening. Don't wait till the last minute to get ready. How's your Cowboy Hat ? Have you an Elks9 Hat Band ? What kind of a Shirt are you going to wear ? Yon know most of the boys arc going to wear fancy oucs. We can fix you up with any color yon want, at moderate prices. Have you your Elks9 Muffler ? Every one who enters the parade must have one by order of the parade committee. This is the only place you can get them. They're a dollar each. You'll want more than one be cause you'll want to trade souvenirs with members from other lodges. Don't wait, they may all be gone when you want one. Only $1.00 each. 32 inches square, fine silk and very showy. Women9 s New Style Suits Specially Priced We have added several more suits to this lot, making about seventy in allthe season's niftiest, snappiest and most stylish erections. You can easily afford to have an extra new suit at these prices. $23.00 Suits will go for $30.00 Suits will go for $35.00 Suits will go for $37.50 Suits will go for $14.98 $17.95 $19.90 $20.00 Seasonable Sale of Ladies9 Pumps $5 val. tor $2.95 $4 vol. for $1.95 Genuine white buckskin pumps, Russia tan, velour calf and patent leathers. They come in all sizes. The season's best and newest lasts. SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orphcuin. Extra! Extra! A three reel Vita- graph subject for Tuesday's change. "The Lady of the Lake," Vitagraph. A sumptuous production of Sir Walter Scott's famous poem In three reels. Beautiful In conception, magnificent In execution. Photographed among some of the grandest and wildest sce nery ever shown on a, screen. It fol lows the story closely. King James (Harry T. Morey), dis guised, asks Ellen (Edith Storey) the daughter of the outlaw Douglas (who Is hiding from the king), for shelter and is guided to the cave of Rhoderlck Dhu. He falls In love with the fair Ellen, but she is pledged to Malcolm (Earl Williams). The king, In a terrific struggle, spares the life of Rhoderick, and gives Ellen a ring which he told her the king had given him. Douglas in order to end the strife. goes to the court of King James, and Ellen follows him. Much to her sur prise she finds her friend and admir er to be the king himself. She pleads the cause of her father and lover, presenting the ring to the king, who forgives her father. He throws a gold chain over Malcolm's head "and lays the clasp In Ellen's hand," thus re warding the "Lady of the Lake." "Dreams of a Moving Picture Di rector," Lubln. How a worn out moving picture director falls asleep in a chair and dreams a very troubled dream. When a building falls on him he wakes up. Pendleton's Cleanest, Best Grocery in Our Model Sanitary Basement Phne Main 17. All Other Departments Main 22. Fine Summer Sausage, pound . 4 Jordan's Boneless Herring, pound. 3 Dried Beef and Boiled Ham, sliced or chip to suit you ; pound 4 Fancy ilild Tillamook ('ream Cheese, ll. 2! Curve Cut Macaroni, pound 1' Bayles Horseradish Mustard, jars 2' Pure Grated Horseradish, 2 jars 2 Fancy Hawaiian Pineapple, C cans.. ....... 91.00 Fancy Columbia River Salmon, can Crosse k Blackmills Kippered Salmon, can 35 Sardines, cans :. 5 to 40 Cherries, Berries, Melons, Peaches, Plums. Apricots ami everything else in Fruits and Vegetables FRESH anil CLEAN. 1 Pfiu-uuM coupoh The Peoples Uarehouse Where It Pays to Trade-Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps H 1 H coupon I hence the vIhU to this section of tho state. Hrll will devoto a portion of his visit to Investigate In turn, the cit rus fruit, the deciduous fruit and the Ifulftt and dairying Industries of this district, and will give especial study to Irrigation by pumping plants. "This latter system." Brll said, "will bo the eventual salvation of Pulcstlne and will make it again the country was once, commercially, when It was the center of the ethical history of the world." The Pastime. The home of good pictures. Attrac tlve program for Tuesday's, change: "Tomboy Bessie." Blograph. This Is the story of a mischievous girl with a lenient and sympathizing fath er. Bessie's chief delight is making things unpleasant for her older sister and the young man who tries to court her. It contains many good laughs. "The Lure of the Footlights." Am erican drama. A well made picture with a very convincing picture of a theater on fire as a climax setting. It is In fact, a very praiseworthy dra ma, in which the husband, who sac rifices all his comforts to give his wife, with a "suberb voice." the best musical education, only to be forgot ten by her In the hour of her suc cess and fame. Jhe husband rescues her from the burning theater, his he tolc act wins for him the return of his wife's old affection. "On El Monte Ranch." Essanay Here is a splendid drama throbbing with the spirit of the plains, and fea turing Mr. Anderson and a star cast. There is some good riding and some good scenery as well. The Mystery of Room 29." Selig. A modern detective story of excep tional theme, teeming with dramatic incidents and full of delightful acting From P. Hanklns story, "The Lost Forest; . ":.zy, the Watchman." Blograph This is a comedy and the work of the player is up to the Blograph standard. MITE GOES OX HUM PACE, Oregon City, Or., July 8. A demo cratic mule raised high Jinks at the courthouse and suspicious ones regard the Incident as an ill omen. As a re sult of tho animal's escapade the handsomest tree In the court house yard, planted when the building was erected, was destroyed and the county officials are angry. The mule, which belonged to a contractor, became frightened while being driven through the crounda. and the driver was un able to control the animal. The long- eared emblem of democracy ran at fun .nUA,i into the tree, which was unrooted. The mule was not hurt .. , "Sure omen of democratic success, said Assessor Jack as he gaed upon the wreck. "I am sorry we have iosi th tree, but am tnanmui mai mu mul Is safe. That's just wnai ine democrats will do to the repub'lcans next fall." County Clerk Mulvey and other ronubliran officials took a different view of the escapade of the animal They were certain it augured for re- nubllcan success. "That mule got gay quick, just line the democrats usually do, said Mr. Mulvey. "The democrats do a great deal of blowing before election, but afterward have little to say." Altar Win! Child Part. Tulare. Five years ago 16 year old Louis Ralnville and 13 year old Myrtle Taylor of Pueblo, Colo., prom ised ea:h other that when they be came or age mey wuum uc nwn After the compact young Ralnville came to California. Ralnville had nr. n Ms ' bride-to-be during the five years, and she arrived from Col orado in response to a telegram from her sweetheart, telling her that the mnrrluee license awaited her. They left immediately for the county seat v.., int evening they were mar rl,d. Ralnville is employed at a local pharmacy, and he and his bride will make their home In this city. lKHIfiATlOX NOT NEW. CHICAGO HAS SEVERE STORM. Damage Will Aggregate $300,000 From Electrical Jolt. Chicago. Damage aggregating $300,000 was caused Sunday by a se vere electrical storm which swept over Chicago. Twelve houses were struck by lightning and there were 42 alarms received by the fire depart ment during the progress of the storm which continued for several hours. Many thousands of basements were flooded and fire engines were sent to pump the watero ut In a num ber of instances. It is estimated that five inches of rain fell In two hours, breaking up the recent hot spell. A fall of ten degrees In temperature was recorded. GYPSUM PRODUCTION' LARGE. Value of 1911 Output Six and a Half Million Dollars. The quantity of gypsum mined in 1911 was 2,323,970 short tons, valued at $6,462,035, as stated by E. F. Burchard, In an advance chapter on "Gypsum" from "Mineral Aesources for 1911," published by the United States geological survey. This was a slight decrease from the figures for 1910 1.05 per cent In production and 0.94 per cent In value but while the Industry was not especially active certain changes, such as the replace ment of old mills by a smaller num ber of larger modern mills and the establishment of mixing plants in commercial centers, should result, ac cording to Mr. Burchard, In the saving of freight charges on finished plasters and enable the products to be sold to the consumer at low rates. Gypsum was produced in 17 states and in Alaska from 78 mills. The imports for 1911 were considerably reduced. A copy of the report may be ob tained free on application to the direc tor of the geological survey, Wash ington, D. C. Big Display of Foodstuffs. Seattle, Wash. The annual con vention of the State and National Food and Dairy associations opened here and will continue for three days, during which the biggest display of foodstuffs ever shown in the west will be on view. The Pennsylvania exhibit Is particularly notable. The convention is the most Important MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. THE SHELBURNE NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modern improvements, including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or write. Address, SeaviewWash., T. J. Hoare, Prop. gathering of pure food experts In the country and will take up the ques tion of national legislation. Indiana Municipal League. Hartford City, Ind. The program for the annual meeting of the In diana Municipal League which be gan here Is particularly elaborate. Harry G. Hogan, city atorney of Fort Wayne will be the principal speaker and will talk on "Track Elevation and Grade Crossing for All Cities." Orators to Orate. Atlantic City. Orators from all parts of the country are here to show how well and how long they can talk before the national contest of the Intercollegiate Oratorical associa tion. The competitors represent dis tricts composed of several states and the prizes consist of money, gold and silver medals. A GROUCH'S STORY. A couple of old groucnes at the Metropolitan club in Washington were one night speaking of an old friend who, upon his marriage, took up his residence In another city. One of the" grouches had recently visited the old friend, and, naturally, the other grouch wanted news of the Benedict. "Is It true that he is henpecked?" asked the second grouch. "I. wouldn't say that," grimly re sponded the first grouch, "but I'll tell you of a little incident In their household that came within my ob servation. The very first morning I spent with them, our old friend an swered the letter carrier's whistle. As he returned to us, in the breakfast room, he carried a letter In his hand. Turning to his wife, he said: " A letter for me, dear. May I open it?" July Llpplncott's. EXOXERATIOX FOR ISM AY IX BRITISH INQUIRY London, July 9. Lord Mersey, con ducting the board of trades Inquiry Into the sinking of the Titanic, it was stated, has submitted to his asso ciates a rough draft of his proposed findings to be made public In about 10 days. It is said that Lord Mersey will exonerate J. Bruce Ismay of any responsibility of the navigation of the liner on the fateful Sunday night and will not make mention of Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff-Gordon. Two can live almost as expensively as one. '101" cosy. Monday and Tuesday another Bison Feature in two reels: "On the War Path." (2 reels.) "101" Bison. This lively picture tells a story of fierce mountain Indians. There are two tribes, Apaches and Yumas, not wholly in accord. The Apaches want peace and the strug gle of will between Uiese two tribes Is the plcture'8 center of Interest. A love story Is Introduced, with a maid en of one tribe and a brave of the other, and this Is used to bring out the Incidents of the struggle and -to add human Interest. It is played against grandly mountainous back grounds, and there are battle and fight In which the tribes figure as a whole and there is also thrilling per sonal encounters. The Apache hero ine, who warned the Yumas, is for her treaqhery, staked with a rattle snake tied in striking distance of her the soldiers, coming to the rescue of their friends, the Yumas, after an ex citing climax, in a mist of battle smoke, arrive In time to save her. It's a big, blood-stirring picture, well made In every way and thoroughly pleasing. "Animated Weekly." Laying cor nerstone of Reed College, Portland, Oregon; Aviators' Meet, College boat race between Princeton, U. of P., and Columbia; Fast train wrecked at Co lumbla, S. C; "The Texas," the world's greatest battleship, launched; St. Cloud balloon race; Monaco boat races. "Up Against It." It's a scream of a comedy. The young man was at a party and his trousers gave out In a delicate place. His frantic efforts 10 conceal the mishap and the final re suits are very funny. "The Art of Silver Plate Making." Imp. Showing how fine silver table ware Is made; very instructive. MUSICAL COMEDY AT THE GRAND THEATER The house has changed Its pollc; from straight vaudeville to musical comedy for the summer season. The opening bill will be performed by the Beeson & Allen Musical Comedy company, consisting of 12 people. "Girls In Politics," their initial play let, made a big hit at the Keylor Grand Theater in Walla Walla, where this company Just closed a three weeks contract to open here. "Girls In Politics," is an up to date. clean, clever comedy, full of songs and laughs. A clean show sure to please all. The bill will be chang ed twice weekly. CALIFORNIA METHODS TO REDEEM PALESTINE Manager of Rothschilds' 60,000 Aere Judean Ranch Comes to Study Irrigation. Portervllle. R. Bril, manager of a 60,000-acre farm which the Roth schilds have recently purchased near Jaffa, I A Paletlne, Is here making an investigation of fruit farming as practiced In central California. The climatic conditions there are said to be almost the same as those which prevail In this district, and Hundreds of thousands of acres of valuable farm land have been reclaim ed In the arid west through khe means of irrigation. The mountain streams havo h.n ilamni.'d and their waters ,n,-r-i,i tn irrigate vast tracts of mm-dried soil. Great elctrically-drlv .n numrs have been InBta'led to raise millions and nilllins of gallons of wa tpr fmm the depths of the earth to be Hooded over the dry lands In order to stimulate the growing crops. But. It must not be forgotten that irrigation In the west Is nothing new although many of these recent sys icim r numbered among the glgan i t.ni?in....rlne ventures of the world tu fini nvatim:itic emDlovment of irrigation in the arid west by English u.....,uir.r ,.nn)i was made oy in Mormons, who. exne'.led from the parlicr settlements In the Mississippi vallev. soueht refuge In the unknow desert regions, and at last, after ex r.eripndnz ereat hardships, were com nelled. through necessity, to halt and settle on the shores of the great salt lake. Here the soil was found to be sn barren that crops could not grown by ordinary means, and, fore ed through fear and privation adopt new and extraordinary devices, they turned the waters of the little canvon streams upon the ground where Salt Lake City now stands. Af ter many years of scant success, or disheartening failure they succeeded In mastering the art of Irrigation, an under the wisdom of their leaders they have become a prosperous peo pie. Long before the Mormons came, however, small sections of the dryer portions of the great west were be ing cultivated through Irrigation. The ancient canals of the town-dwelling Pueblo Indian tribes may still be see In the broad valleys of the arid por Hons of New Mexico and Arizona. On the mesas, or highlands, of south western Colorado and the adjacent sections of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico are to be found the remains of this wonderful cliff dwellings, and I the little nearby valleys are the lrrl gating ditches used by the Inhabitants of a thousand or more years ago. HEAT OFTEN TENDS TO MAKE WOMEN PALE AND WEAK Tlicy Ncglci't Their Dowels and the Poisons Vitiate the Blood. Hot weather has a very weakening effect on women. They become too languid to exercise and have appetite for light, tasty foods, like salads and other cold concoctions, which do not digest readily and tend to Increase their natural tendency to constipation. At this season women, especially, need all their strength to resist the enervating effect of the heat. Good digestion and regularity of the bowels are essential., Some fruits have laxa tive properties, but they are uncer tain In their effect, and are not gen erally advised. A mild bowel stimu lant and dlgestant, such as Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, Is preferable be cause It is certain In Its effect, nat ural In Its action, and wholly safe. Take a dose of Syrup Pepsin at night and by morning the sick headache and Indigestion will be gone. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is sold In drug stores everywhere, and costs fifty cents a bottle; a larger size, in tended for family use, costs one dol lar. If you have never used Syrup Pepsin and would like a free trial bot tle, postpaid, write to Dr. W. B, Cald well, 406 Washfngton street, Montlcel lo, Illinois. POSTICS THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and ere nings. Refined and enter taining for tho entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire ohange three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years. 6c PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW THE COSY Where the entire family can en joy a high-class motion picture show with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling AH Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Changes Sunday, Monday, Wed ncsday and Friday. Next Door to St. George HotoL Admission 60 and 10c Theaftre J. P. MADEKNACn, Prop, HighrClass Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper Have.Yotir House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and saves much un necessary eye-strain. At the present rate for light ing you get one kilowatt more for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.60. By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you got three times more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light Is as bright and clear as day light. This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE TOUR EYES, SAVE TOUR HOUSE, SAVE MONET, BE COMFORTABLE. Electrlo and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. SEE J. L. Vaughan SSI Mala St Phone Main lt.