EIGHT PAOKS W(iE SIX. DAILY EAST OKKtiOXIAX. PENDLETON, OK MOW MONDAY, .M'l.Y . s, I'.U: rj. gpQ r TS -fa 1 ippBP wvmm FOUR STRAIGHT ARE TAKEN FROM LOGAL BALL TOSSERS lill:i Walla Victorious ill Sunday's (iiinu-. iIkmiii; Week With i:ci-lli-ni Record. w. l. ret. .33 18 .647 .20 20 .500 .24 27 .471 .IS 31 .3S9 Walla AVii ! lYndlclon lioise . . . . L,i Grande la Walla Walla. July 8. Walla Walla won their fourth straight victory over the Ruikurooes at Sportsman's park yesterday afternoon and Incidentally made it fix victories out of seven jsanies in the present series which closed with yesterday's affray. Kelly, who had already beaten the Rucks once before In the present se dies, tucked another scalp under his belt yesterday, holding Garrett's men to five hits: Two of the three runs scored against him resulted from passes. Another large crowd was out to see the closing contest of the week with Pendleton, more than 1000 root fT lii'ine present. Th., vwitr.rs scored two of their runs in the first inning. Rader wait ed for four wide ones and Robinson secured a Texas leaguer over second. I.odell advanced both men with a sac rifice and Nadeau tallied both runners with a scorching single down the third base line. Hears Even Up. The Bears evened up in their half of the Inning. Harmon struck out but Childers sent a two bagger to left and took third on a passed ball. Johnson hit to Robinson and Childers attempting to score was tagged at the counting station. Thompson tripled to right, sending Johnson home and counted himself on Davis' bingle be tween Augustus and Rader. Garrett's tribe forged ahead in the fourth when Augustus drew free transportation to first, stole second and came the rest of the way round on Wilson s two sacker. The visitors held the leaa dui u Oinrt time, the locals tying up the score In the fifth when Harmon sin gled across second, pulled up at third, on Johnson's double to left after Chil ders had fanned and registered on Thompson's sacrifice fly to right. Runs bv Martini and Rochon in the sixth put the bears in the lead. Mar tini got on through fielder's choice and came the remainder of the way on the paths on Rochon's double be tween right and center. In an at tempt to catch Martini at the plate, Robinson threw wild and Rochon went to third, from where he scored on Kelly's out at first Makes Final Tally. A base on balls awarded to Thomp son, followed by another pass to Da vis and Brown's short fly to left gave the home club another tally in the . seventh while Rochon's second two saker. Kelly's out at first and a fielder's choice gave the Brown tribe their finally tally in the eighth. Pendleton. AB R H PO 0 0 Rader, 3b 2 1 Robinson. 2b Lodell. lb ... Nadeau, cf . . Augustus, ss Wilson, rf . . Pembrooks, c Osborne, If . . Stanfleld 3 10 0 Totals 32 3 Walla Walla. 24 15 3 AB R H PO 2 1 Harmon, Childers, Childers, Johnson, cf . . 3b .. 3b .. rf . 0 0 0 Thompson, Davis, ss Brown, c Martini, If lb 11 2 Rochon, 2b 4 Kelly, p 4 Totals 34 7 11 27 12 3 Score by innings: Pendleton 20010000 03 Walla Walla ..2 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 07 Summary Stolen bases: Augustus, Chillers. Sacrifice hit: Lodell. Sac-rifle- fly: Thompson Two base hits: Childers, Harmon, Johnson, Rochon 2; Wilson. Three base hits: Thompson. Double play: Davis 10 Thompson. Left on bases Walla Walk' 6, Pendleton 5. Struck out:By Stanfleld 4; by Kelly 6. Bases on halls Off Stanfield 2, off Kelly 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Stanfield, Brown. Time of game, 1:55. Umpire, Breed. LA GRANDE AGAIN Boise, Idaho, July 8. Mays and Mclvor fought a pitching duel here yesterday, Mays outpitchlng the south- Stata of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucaa County . Prank J. Cbeney make oath that b u enior partner of the firm of F. J. Cbenet & Co , doing bualaeM In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that eald firm will pay the aum of ONB UUNDBKD IMJLLAitS for each and every caaa of cav tarrh that cannot be cared by the uae of Ralls Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and subscribed In mj presence, this Oth day of December, A. D-, IHeal A. W. OLEABON. Notary Public. Mall'a Catarrh Core la Ukeo Internally, and acta directly on the blood and fucona ' surfari of the ayatem. Bend for testi monials free. V. 1. CIIENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Drngglata, 7(1. : Take Hall's Family Fllla for constipation FROM woi.gast AM) kiyeus TO I'UillT AGAIN. Los Angeles, , July 8. Ad Wolgast and Joe Rivers will mint again it Vernon, Labor Pay. with Charley Eyeton as referee, If plans launched by Promoter Tom McCarey inater ial.cs. McCarey has offered the match to both boys. His one condition is that Eyton, who I the official referee of MeCurey's raoific Athletic club, be the third man in the ring. On behalf of Rivers, Man ager Joe Levy Immediately gave an unconditional acceptance. Wolgast and his manager, Tom Jones, are considering the prop osition favorably. paw. The visiting twlrler, however, was accorded sensation support, while Mays' team-mates went to pieces in the sixth and seventh in nings and La Grande won. 4 to 1. Three of the hits charged against the Boise hurler should have been easy outs. Kelly's poor fielding allow ed the visitors a run In the sixth In the seventh after the visitors should have been put out. three trrors filled the sacks and Harry came to bat and drove out a double that chased In a trio of counts. Score: R. H- E La Grande '. 4 7 3 Boise 1 5 lotteries La Grande. Mclvor and King; Boise, Mays and Fox. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. W. L. 21 31 30 31 36 39 61 f0 Pet. .680 .592 .572 .575 .507 .487 .282 .275 Boston 51 Washington 45 Philadelphia 41 Chicago 42 Cleveland 37 Detroit 37 St. Louis 20 New York I9 Cleveland 1. St Louis 0. At Cleveland: R- H. Cleveland Jj 2 St. Louis 0 ' 2 Batteries Steen and Livingston; Hamilton and Kritchell. Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 1. At Cincinnati (10 Innings) R. H. E. Cincinnati 2 7 n Brooklyn 1 9 0 Batteries Benton and Clark; Bar ger and Miller. COAST LEAGUE GAMES. W. L. 36 39 40 46 52 51 Pet. .604 .567 .561 .439 .422 .407 Vernon 55 Oakland 51 Los Angeles 49 Portland 36 San Francisco 38 Sacramento 35 Portland 4, Sacramento 0, At Sacramento: R Portland 4 Sacramento 0 H. E. 12 0 2 3 Batteries Higginbotham and Fish er; Gaddy, Baum, Kretz and Cheek. San Francisco 5-5, Vernon 4-8. At San Francisco: R. H. E. San Francisco . ... 5 7 3 Vernon 4 5 2 THE SPORT CALEXDAJI. Monda). auto carnival Monster begins in New York. Pacific Indians hold annual north west shoot at Eugene, Or. Running high Jump, final; stand ing broad Jump, final; relay race, 400 meters, trials; relay race, 400 meters, final, program of Olympic meet at Stockholm. Racing begins at Grand Rapids, Mich., continuing until the 13th. Tuesday. Tournament of the ' Philadelphia Cricket Club, at St. Martin's. Seventh open championship of Met ropolitan Golf association begins at Apaw'amis. Racing begins at Quebec and con tinues during the week. Wednesday. Fourteenth annual championship of the Connecticut Golf association opens on course of Greenwich Coun try club. Eddie Durnan and Bill Haines will row for American sculling champion ship over three-mile course on To ronto Bay. There Is a rize of $1, 000 extra. Races begin at Brldgeton, under Salem and Brldgeton association. Thursday, Annual Hudson River Gold plotiships begin at Powelton, Yachts race for Taft cup ledo, Ohio. Friday. N. J Racing Cham N. Y. at To- Open tournament of Massachusetts Golf association Eastern Yacht club races from Bar Harbor to Marblehead. for the Norman cups Saturday. Pittsburg scheduled to see its first bargain day of the season with Pitts burg and Brooklyn, opposing, at Forbes Field. Chicago Yacht dub long distance cruise to Harbor Springs and return. New York to hold "motor carni val" pageant and parade, In which many prominent woman auto enthu siasts will participate. Big marathon race at McKeesport, Pa., in which some of the best ama teur runners of the country have been entered. Batteries MoCoroy and Berry; Cnstletou and Agnew. Second game: It. 11. E. San Francisco 8 13 1 Batteries Baker and Berry; Stew art and Agnew. Oakland 5-5, Los Angeles. At Los Angeles: R. H. K, Oakland G 8 0 Los Angeles 6 18 1 Batteries Duibln and Mitze; N'aglc and Smith. Second game: R II. E. Oakland 5 9 1 Los Angeles 3 9 4 Batteries Kllltlay and Rohrer; To zer and Brooks. If. V. LEAGUE GAMES. 4 ' W. L. Pet Seattle 45 36 .556 Spokane 44 36 .550 Vancouver 42 . 40 .512 Portland 39 41 .488 Victoria 38 42 .475 Tacoma 35 48 .422 Spokane 3-2, Tacoma 2-1. At Spokane: R. H. E. Spokane 3 6 0 Tacoma 2 5 2 Batteries Noyes and Devogt; Sehmutz and Crittenden. Second game: R. II E. Spokane 3 6 0 Tacoma 2 6 2 Batteries Xoyes and Devogt; Meikle and Crittenden. Seattle , Victoria 3. At Seattle: ' R. H. E. Victoria 3 5 2 Seattle 9 15 4 Batteries Kauffman and Meek, Grindle, James and Whaling. Vancouver 6, Portland I. At Vancouver: R. II. E. Vancouver 6 15 1 Portland 4 9 2 Batteries Gerbais and Svulpeda; Easterly, Doty and Harris. 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. W. L. 13 27 28 25 35 43 47 52 Pet. .812 .597 .538 .521 .462 .386 .373 .288 New York 56 Chicago 40 Pittsburg 40, Cincinnati 38 Philadelphia 30 Brooklyn 27 St. Louis 28 Ttoston 21 Chicago 3, St. Louis 0. At St. Louis: R- H. E. Chicago 3 6 1 St. Louis 0 9 3 Batteries Llefield and Archer; Sal lee, Dale and Bresnahan. fChioago-Detrolt Game postpone on account of rain. SATURDAY'S GAME IS LOST BY BUCKAROOES Walla Walla, July 8 The Bears took another contest away from the Buckaroos Saturday, winning out In a ninth inning rally by a score of 5 to 4. Shader, the youngster from the Sound, who has been waiting around here for a month fot a trial, was on the slab for the locals and twirled a good contest. He was opposed by Etchandy, formerly with La Grande, who has been secured to twirl for ih Rucks until Manager Garrett is able to get Into the game again. The score: AB R II PO A E Pendleton. Rader, 3b 4 1 Robinson, ss 4 0 Lodell, lb 0 Nadeau, 2b 2 Teck, if 3 1 Wilson, rf 3 0 Pembrooke, c ....3 0 Osborne, cf . '. 4 0 Etchandy, p 3 0 1 2 11 1 1 0 5 4 0 Totals 30 4 9 226 14 1 Two out when winning run scor ed. Walla Walla. AB R Harmon, cf 5 0 Childers, 3b 5 1 Thompson, lb ...3 ... II PO 1 3 1 1 ,D1A, 2 0 Johnson, rf 4 Thompson, lb ....3 Davis, ss 4 Brown, c 2 Martini, If . 4 Rochon, 2b 3 Shader, p 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 In 1 11 7 2 0 2 0 1 1 11 the Strand 1 Totals 34 ! Batted for Ehader Score by Innings: Pendleton 2 0 Pendleton 2 0 0 Walla Walla ..000 27 13 ninth. 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14 2 0 0 0 1 25 Summary Stolen bases: Nadeau 2. Sacrifice hits: Thompson, Wil son. Sacrifice fly: Johnson. Two base hits: Teck, Thompson, Martini. Double plays: Thompson (unasslst ed). Harmon to Thompson, Osborne to Robinson. Struk out: By Et chandy 4. by Shader 4. Bases on balls Off Etchandy 2. off Shader 3. Hit by r.itrh.r: Bv Shader. Nadeau. Left on bases: Walla Walla, 7; Pendleton, 4. Time of game, 2:00. Umpire Breed. . BOISE WINS SATURDAY. Boise. Idaho, July 8. The Irrlgat org were in form Saturday and won from La Grande, 9 to 2. O'Loughlln struck his stride and held the visitors to six hits, two of which were scratch es. Smith put the ball over the fence in the third Inning for a home run, no runers being on bases, how ever. The score: ' R- H. E. Boise 9 10 4 La Grande 2 C ' Batteries O'Loughlln and Fox; Maymeyer and King. NATIONAL LEAGUE. (limits Win -3. At New York: R H. E. New York' 5 11 3 Brooklyn ;.. 3 6 1 Batteries Ames. Crandail nnd Meyers: Rucker. Ragon and Miller. Umpires Brennan and Emslle. Cardinals Win Stugfcst. At St. Louis: R. H. E. St. Louis 12 15 3 Chicago 7 7 3 Batteries Steele, Geyer, Oakes and Bliss; Archer, Cheney, Richie and Needham. Umpires Rigler and Finneran. Phillies Use Five Pitcher. At Boston: R. H. E Philadelphia 13 17 2 Boston 11 16 3 Batteries Shultz, Brennan. Alex ander, Seaton. Moore and Killifer; Dickson. Donnelly, Hess and Rarlden. Umpire Eason. Pirates Drop Close Game. At Pittsburg: R- H. E. Cincinnati 2 7 2 Pittsburg 1 8 2 Batteries Froome and McLean; Robinson and Simon. Umpires Klem and Bush. AMEKICX LEAGUE. Washington Wins. At New York: R H. E. Washington 8 9 3 New York 7 1 Batteries Hughes and Henry; Ford and Sweeney. Umpires O'Loughlln and Egan Naps and Browns Split. At Cleveland, first game: R. II. E. St. Louis 6 13 Cleveland 2 11 3 Batteries Powell and Stephens; Kahler and O'Neill, Easterly. Umpires Dlneen and Sheridan. Second game: R. H. E. St. Louis 3 6 Cleveland 4 7 Batteries E. Brown, Allison and Kritchell; Baskette and Easterly. Umpires Dlneen and Sheridan. Reds Heat Champs. At Philadelphia: R. H..E. Boston 11 14 2 Philadelphia 5 8 0 Butteries Cicotte, Hall, Bedlent and Carrlgan; Bender, Coombs, Pen nock and Lapp. Umpires Evans and Westervelt. Even Ilrenk for Sox. At Chicago: R- H. E. Detroit 4 6 0 Chicago 0 1 1 Batteries Dubec and Stanage; Benz, Johnson, White and Kuhn. Umpires Connolly and Hart. Second game: R- H. E. Detroit 9 16 0 Chicago 10 15 1 Batteries Morgan, Lake. Willett; Lange, White and Sullivan, Kuhn. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Portland Wins. At Sacramento: R. H. E. Portland 4 10 0 Sacramento 3 9 3 Batteries Koestner and Fisher; Williams, Baum and Cheek. Vernon Shut Out. At San Francisco: R. H. E. San Francisco 10 17 0 Vernon 0 6 4 Batteries Henley and Berry; Gray and Agnew. Angels Win Again. At Los Angeles: R. H. E. Los Angeles 5 8 1 Oakland 1 6 0 Batteries Chech and Brooks; Abies, Pope, Parkin and Mltze. (Continued on Page 8) Rome men cut loose when they get tight. 8 THE SHELBURNE NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modern Improvements, including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or write. Adlress, Seaview.Wash., T. J. Hoare, Prop. 1 11 H B II 111 PriTOfie emu promptly done Phone AVAGtBlB A 11 ' THREE million times a week the Owl is smoked in pref erence to every other 5c cigar. Light an OWL Londres and know why. Blunt end, free-smoking and satisfying. M. A.GUNST&CO., Inc.