East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rnkllibed Ili7tnd Semi Weekly at Pen
dleton, Oregon, by tM
"loured at the nontofflo at Pendleton,
Oregon. i tond clM mall matter.
tlt, one year, by malt 5.00
Dttlt, alx monthi. by mall . i.60
Itellw, thre mdnthi. by mall 1-2B
Pally, one month, by mall .60
Dally, one year, by carrier T.BO
Dally, all monthi. by carrier 176
Dally. hraa monthi, by carrier l.JO
Dally, one month, by carrier .w
Mnl Vveekly, one year, by mall. 160
Um Weekly, tlx monthi, by mall .... .76
ml Weekly, tour montha, by mall... .60
tba Dally Eait Uregonlan la ept on aala
I tba Oregon Newa Co., 820 Morrlaoa
.treet, Tortland. Oregon.
Northweat Newa Co.. Portland Orjron.
Chicago Bureau, 0Ott Security Building.
Waahlngton, D. C, Bureau, 601 Four
Heath street. N. W.
Member United Preaa AaaocUtloa.
gHlapboaa Ualn 1
Official City and County Paper.
I know where the birds and
grasses sing
And the daisies bloom like
And whispering nooks and mer
riest brfooks
Call over the meadow bars;
Where a dewy path winds
through clustering vines,
"Where reddest strawberries
And lips may cool in a shady
and would nld the fnrmor.. It might
reduce the profits of the harvester
trust but if It did It would be only
fair. Morgan and Perkins are too
wealthy already.
The most Interesting thing though
about the colonel's opening statement
If the close relation between what he
says and the character of some of his
Influential backers In his recent fight
at Chicago. During that campaign
George W. Terklns, head of the har
vester trust, Dan Hanna, of Ohio and
Med'.ll McCormlck of Illinois, steel
and harvester trust magnates, were
strong for Roosevelt. Terklna Is
ci edited with raising the money for
the colonel's fight and It was used by
the tubful.
What Is the answer?
Do you ask,
Whereway? I
And the sweet reward
task well done
Is to slip from the mesh of
To bid goodbye to the restless
To wander "beyond their ken.
And out where the fields and
the skies are broad,
And the daisies bloom like
I roam and dream of a field of
With the world outside the
Pendleton and the Round-up will
get some wide advertlsinj from the
fchnwing to be made by Pendleton
Lodge Xo. 288 in the big parade in
Portland next Thursday." The lodge
will be the only one in the country
composing a division by itself and
with Its buckaroos, Indians, stage
coaches and band should be able to
make a showing worth while. The
whole town is Interested in the fea
ture and "all hands and the cook"
bhould aid in making it a big success.
Pendleton's reputation will be at
stake and now that we are in it we
should make a hit.
Governor West's visit reveals the
fact that the Eastern Oregon Hospit
al will be In use within a strikingly
short time'. Some patients will prob
ably be sent here at once and In three
months' time the entire v institution
will be ready for occupancy.
Meanwhile Pendleton Is not very
active in doing its part towards get
ting ready for the opening of the in
stitution. Xo arrangement has yet
been made for a proper driveway to
the branch hospital. The streets lead
ing to the Institution are in wretched
fchape. An auto cannot travel over
them faster than three miles an hour
without Jolting Its occupants out of
the seats. The streets should be im
proved and Improved this summer. If
the work is not done every party that
has to make the drive from the hos
pital to town during the first year will
become a knocker for Pendleton.
Xor has Pendleton yet secured that
new water system that was promised
when the branch hospital was located
The following is an editorial from
the New York World of July 1:
Xo truer description of political
conditions In the United States has
been written than this, from the Lon
don Xation: 'The real fight In Am'
erica today Is between the powerful
vested Interests and the struggle as
plrations of a people nourished up
on the principles of freedom and pro
gress which they find themselves un-
able to realize in practice."
This Is a people's fight for freedom.
That is the meaning of the Chicago
convention. That Is the meaning of
the Baltimore convention.
The strength of Roosevelt In the
republican primaries, the strength of
Roosevelts third party movement,
springs from the belief of hundreds
of thousands of republicans that he
ia the champion of the people against
privilege, that he is fighting their bat
tle against corrupt bosses and against
the plutocratic powers that prey.
We believe they are mistaken. We
believe their confidence la sadly mis
placed; but nevertheless It Is their
Idealism that makes It possible for
Roosevelt to tear the republican par
ty asunder.
And at Baltimore Mr. Bryan's vic
tories have all been won through this
instinctive belief of the rank and file
of the democratic party that whatever
bis blunders he is honest at heart and
is fighting their cause. When he ap
pealed to this sense of freedom he
overturned the Wall street Tammany
coalition that had seized the conven
tion. The unit rule received Its death
blow. The Bryan resolution paving
the way for a bolt in case the conven
tion nominated a Ryan-Morgan-Eel-mont
candidate was adopted simply
because the delegates did not dare
vote it down. And when Murphy
swung Xew Yorks 90 votes to Clark
early Saturday morning the stampede
failed because delegates who might
have been glad to break the nerve
wearing deadlock refused to follow
Tammany Hall.
It Is a political situation for which
there has been no parallel since 1860.
Pa,rty lines are falling; party organi
zations are discredited, and the old
political order is in Its death throes.
The American people are going to
have a new dispensation. They have
read the death sentence of the part
nership between corrupt bosses and
corrupt plutocracy, and the will of
the people will prevail.
This is a new birth of freedom.
Helpful Hints.
In order to keep tue correct width
In drawn work it Is beBt to always
draw the threads by . measurement,
rather than by counting them, as the
threads in even the best linen are
sometimes of uneven thickness.
One of the most useful things to
keep in the sewing basket Is a small
pair of tweezers to pull out stubborn
threads left in the basting, especially
those thut the sewing machine stitch
ing has gone over.
A labor saver when basting straight
seams Is to use the little wire paper
clips to hold the material together,
Instead of sewing the seam the full
length. They will bold it perfectly
even and will not fall out, as is the
danger with pins.
A satisfactory way to prevent
hand-bittonholed scallops from fray
ing Is carefully to cut away the ma
terlal from the edge of the finished
scallop and overcast, bringing the nee
die up Inside the purled edge, making
very small stitches.
SiiffKrstlons for Starching.
hen hot-starching any garment
which has a draw-string at the waist
line, gather that part up In one hand
so that It does not dip Into the starch,
This prevents any difficulty in draw
ing up the tape or putting in a new
one, saves many rents, and makes the
gathers soft instead of bunchy when
the garment is in use.
Covering rarasols.
If your silk parasol looks shabby
The colonel starts his assault on
Governor Wilson by declaring him a
free trader and saying that if elected
he will ruin the country. It sounds
like the campaign arguments made
two decades ago when the country
was greener than now.
As to Governor Wilson's tariff views
he himself Is his own best witness.
The press reports say the democratic
platform was written to meet his
views and If such is the case then he
l:s not a free trader but one who ad
vocates a tariff for revenue only.
It would not be so ruinous though
if Wilson should be elected president
and should bring about free trade
with respects to trust made goods. It
would not ruin farmers if the products
of the harvester trust were to be
placed on the free list. It has been
known for years that the products
of the harvester trust have foeen sold
abroad cheaper than at home. Why
not take down the wall and Invite the
competition of the world? It woulJ
mean farm machinery at lower price
Mrs. Blankenship Tells of Her
Restoration to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Elliston, Va, "I feel it my duty to
express my thanks for what Lydia E.
Pinkham 8 Vegeta
ble Compound has
done for me. I was
a sufferer from fe
male troubles and
had been confined in
bed over one third of
my time for ten
months. I could not
do my housework
and had fainting
spells so that my hus
band could not leave
me alone for five minutes at a time.
"Now I have been restored to health
and it has come from taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. When
ever I Bee a suffering woman I want to
tell her what this medicine has done
for me and I will always speak a good
word for it" Mrs. Robert B lank
en suip, Elliston, Va., Montgomery Co.
Was Helpless Now Well.
Trenton, Mo. "About two years ago
I had female trouble and inflammation so
bad that I was literally helpless and had
to be tended like a baby. I could not
move my body or lift my foot for such
severe pains that I had to scream. I was
very nervous and had a weakness.
" Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has helped me to such an extent
that I think there is no medicine like it
for female troubles. I am up and able
to do my work again and I give you full
permission to publish my letter for the
sake of other suffering women." Mrs.
W.T.PuRNELL,320-10th St,Trenton,Mo.
Oil III! til I
Scraped Flesh Off Bone Below Knee.
Suffered So She Couldn't Sleep.
Also Says: "I Believe Cuticura
Soap Is the Best Soap Made."
"Some time ago I was coming up soma
steps when the board crushed under me like
bo egg shell, and my rif;lit limb went through
to the Knee, and scraped
the 'flesh off the bone Just
Inside and below the knee.
I neglected it for a day or
two. then it becan to hurt
me pretty badly. I put
balsam fir on to draw out
the poison, but when I had
used it a week, it hurt so
badly that I changed to
VS" ointment. That
'''ii made it smart and burn so
badly that I couldn't use it any more, and
that was the fourth week after I was hurt.
"Then I bepan to use Cuticura Ointment
for the sore. It stopped hurting immediately
and began healing right away. It was a bad
looking sore before Cuticura Ointment healed
it, and I suffered so I couldn't sleep from
two day9 after I fell until I began using
Cuticura Ointment.
"Cuticura Soap is the best soap I ever
saw. I have used all kinds of soap for wash
ing my face, and always it would leave my
face smarting. ' I had to keep a lotion to
stop the smart, no matter how expensive a
soap I used. I find at last in Cuticura Soap
a soap that will clean my face and leave no
smarting, and I do not have to use any
lotion or anything else to ease it. I believe
Cuticura Soap is the best soap made."
(Signed) Mrs. M. E. FalrchUd, 805 Lafayette
St., Wichita, Kan., May 8, 1911.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are for sale
throughout tha world, but to those who
have suffered much, lost hope and are with
out faith in any treatment, a liberal samplo
of each together with 32-p. Booklet will be
mailed free, on application. Address Potter
Drug & Cbem. Corp., Dept. 22a, Boston.
Every Woman
U Interested and should know
... about the wonderful
1 MARVEL Whirlini Spny
i new Vaginal Syringe.
Best most convenient, ft
Cleanse. instantly.
ul m aw
Ask you druggist for I
If he cannot iuddIt
MARVEL, accept no other?
bat send tump for illustrated
book sealed. It gives full particu
lars and directions Invaluable to ladles.
Mlim CO.. 44 Cut 2M ltr.it Na tsrk"
Ten Extra Green
Trading Stamps
Given With
Each Hew Prescription
You want pure medicines.
Correct work at right prices.
Pendleton Drug Co.
We have Just received a fresh
shipment of Whitman's Choco
lates direct from the factory at
Philadelphia. Among the lat
est packages we are showing Is
"Whitman's Sampler" contain
ing an assortment from each of
the famous packages. To those
who are looking for a 'high
grade eastern candy, we can
personally guarantee the fresh
ness and quality of every pack
age of Whitmans.
Tallman Co.
or stained, you can freshen It for this
summer at least, by covering it with
chiffon. Choose flowered or figured
chiffon, for a plain color silk, and
plain color chiffon for a flowered and
striped silk. Open the parasol and
work from the top, shirring the chif
fon very tight around It. Let there
b very little fullness at the outer
edge, but draw the chiffon tightly to
the edge, and baste in place. Then
cut off the superfluous material, and
finish the edge 'vlth a strip of chif
fon shirred on two or three thick
cords. Plain black chiffon over a
rose-flowered parasol Is very effective,
and a big gray dot covering a vivid
greed parasol Is quite French. A
remnant of chiffon," sufficient for the
purpose, may often be picked up at
the bargain counter.
To Mend Ragged Music.
Cut a piece of manila paper, the
size of the sheet of music, as you
would for a picture-mat, paste thiB
over the edges of your worn sheet
of music and it will last for years.
To Have a Symmetrical Feni,
When new shoots come up, I al
ways turn my plant so that they face
the light. In this way they grow very
fast and make the plant the right
shape, as deferent sides get the light
in turn.
A bill for the establishment of free
employment bureaus In all the prin
cipal cities of the state has been
drafted by the law and legislative
committee of the San Francisco La
bor Council.
It's hard to decide on a certain thing
to tell you "a bout because our
Fruits and Vegetables
all look so nice and fresh that we
cannot easily decide which is best.
Come and look them over and choose for yourself.
ndleton Sash Morhof
Why, DAYS' Big Five Overalls
Made from tho strongest White Oak denim.
Every pair guaranteed.
V n AT 11
Latest Model or Ajax
Traction Engine
The engine illustrated
above, has been at v.-ork in
and around Athena for
the past ten days, exerting
a steady draw bar pull of
five thousand ponds and
successfully meeting every
test. These demonstra
tions under actual working
conditions, are educational
in their effect, and only
go to show that Ave are
ready with the goods.
Ready to save you money,
time, labor and anxiety.
The simplicity and
strength of the whole machine is apparent to anyone who examines it. So different from
the usual thing; no chains or sprockets or other trouble spots; just plain traction engine,
with the pull, at just the right speed to make things come along right. There are no apol
ogies, no excuses, no failures in connection with tho Ajax.
Come and see it if you are interested in a real gasoline tractor; if not, come and see it
Telephone Mr. A. H. Sunderman, or address
4 1 9 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon
'- ' ' SV. YWU
For Healthful Recreation Spend Your Vacation at
The Popular Summer Resort of the Blue Mountains
Sasooi IS) 12 T3otj iptsoD
$2.00 and $2.50 Per Day.
$12.50 to $15.00 Per Week.
4 Weeks or More, 1 0 Per Cent. Reduction.
Tents rented furnished or unfurnished.
Cottages rented for sleeping room only.
Camping privileges, $1.25 per week each adult.
Swimming Pool free to guests of Hotel or campers.
Tents, per week J2.00 -
. Bed Springs, per week 26c
Bedsteads, per week 25a
Mattresses, per week 26c
Automobile Stage Fare, $1.00 Each Way.
Excess Baggage and Freight Charges, 50cts. per cwt.
The O.-W. R.' & K Co. sells special rate tickets from all points in Oregon, Washington and
Further information furnished upon application to
P. A. McPhee, Manager
Bingham Springs, Oregon Gibbon Post Office
Bingham Springs will celebrate JULY 4th in the good old fashioned way.
You are invited to spend the day among the big pine trees.