FJOnT PAOKS DAILY EAST OKEGON1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1912. PAGE THREE FEATURE FOR FOURTH YOUNG PEOPLE TAKE BURNS UP Oil THIRD PART III fi Added Attractions to Our Already Unmatchable List of IVhito Carnival Bargains Englitsli Nottingham Curtains, regular $1.50 value, for pair - '. 88 Ladies' Linen Tailored Suits, all sizes and colors, up to $15.00 values, while they last $2.19 Children's Straw Sailors to 50c value 10 Hand Loam Embroidery Flouncing, 45 inch, $1.50 and $L75 value for, yard 98 White Embroidered Parasols, good $2.00 value BflO . W HH.HI.IW.M.m..M l2d Embroidered and dotted Swiss, white, for waists and dresses, 30c and 35c value, sale. JL7 1-2 WE SAVE YOU MONEY OK EVERY PURCHASE 0 Ataifa's fflp Si ASK FOR S. & IL GREEN TRADING STAMPS. KnownFor Its Strength Firoi oiionnl Bonk PEKDLETOH, iOSIEGON: ESTABLISHED 11882 OLDESTAND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THESTATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 A. L. Schaefer JEWELER, and SILVERSMITH First-class repairing and remodeling - of old Jewelry. ExpertWatchmaking and Engraving. 726 MAIX STREET. PHONE RED 3011. FOR. Summer Home at Newport, Ore., on Yaqtrina Bay One of the best and most beautifully situated Summer Homes at Newport, Oregon. For further information address, Valley Real Estate Comp'y Carlton, Oregon Baker. Ore.. July 5. Carl Adler's old hen house, which was to have rep resented the old Baker court house In the re-enactment of the famous fire as a part of the Fourth of July pro gram, when It was scheduled to go up in a blaze of glory to a dignified end, with the members of the Baker fire department valiantly fighting the flames, went up in a blaze of glory, al right, but a little sooner than an ticipated, for a little after 10 o'clock Wednesday evening It flared up for a few brief moments, until the fire department was on the Job and put It out a little ahead of time. The building, whlcn was donated by Mr. Adler to the Fourth of July committee, had been moved to the corner of Main and Church streets. and the Baker fire fighters had made several practice runs to the place, so that a good fast exhibition could be given on the Fourth. The premature burning of the hen house-court house recalls the firing of the Columbian cannon last Hal lowe'en when all the nearby windows suffered. The Incidents show one thing and that Is that Baker has a live bunch of "kids." 225 Entrymen Applied for 40 Irrigat ed FartiM In Yakima DlHtrlct. Washington, July 5. That the "back to the land movement" is not a myth was conclusively shown at the opening on May 25 of approxi mately 40 small Irrigated farm units in the Yakima, Washington, irriga tion project. Notwithstanding the very small number of farms avail able and the exacting restrictions im posed by the government as to resi dence and cultivation, and the cash deposit of about $400 required with each application, 225 entrymen ap plied for the land. Their aggregate deposits in the land office amounted to $100,000. The water-right charge for these lands Is the highest ever assessed by the government, being $93 per acre, payable In Installments covering 10 years, without interest. In addition, the settler must pay an annual as sessment of $1.50 per acre for the maintenance and operation of the canal system. A Juvenile minstrel given hy twelve young people of Pendleton under di rection of Geo. H. Hackathorn, was greeted by a packed house at the first performance on Tuesday, July 2, at the tatter's residence on 409 E. Court stree, and a fair sized audience greet ed the second on July 3. All members received hearty applause, especially the statutory posing rendered hy Geo. Hackathorn, Dewey Swarthout and Frank Sweeney. The statue Dog Bus ter was also well received. Ernest Wright and Clarence Spear as the end men made a decided hit. The program rendered is as follows. The nagtlme Violin, Clarence Spear;. Oh! You Beautiful Doll, Ernest Wright; Honey Man, Beatrice Feel; College Boy, Flora Spear; My Dreams of the U. S. A., Dewey Swarthout and Lu ther Feel, John Feel, Ayrll Osborne, Frank Swarthout, Byron Patterson. The olio consisted of statuary pos ing, Barbary coast characters by Geo. Hackathorn, southern melodies by Flora Spear and Beatrice Feel, com edy sketch, "My Friend from San Francisco," Statue Dog; comedy sketch, "Flnnigan's Hotel," and grand closing finale by entire cast Intro ducing, "The Peace or a Nation, "Liberty." Miss Hart; "Lincoln." Geo. Hackathorn, "Uncle Sam," Dewey Swarthout and others. PRESIDENT CHARGES Grain. Wheat 1911 nominal Pro ducers' prices, nominal, track delivery club, 88c; bluestem, 92 95c; red Rus sian, 87c; Willamette valley, 88c; 1912 contracts, club 80s; bluestem, 83 85c. Barley Producers' prices 1 911 Feed, $35.00; rolled, $36.00; brewing, $39 00040.00. Mlilstuffs Selling price Bran, $25.00; middlings, $32.00; shorts, $27.50. Oats Producers' price Nominal Track No. 1, spot delivery, white, $35; fray, $34; new crop, $26. Would Check American Immigration. Seattle, Wash. Following up a movement started sometime ago, the governors of Washington, Oregon, North Dakota, Sou:h Dakota, Minne sota, Montana and Idaho, have plann ed a conference here on how to check the flow of American emlgfratlon to Canada. The governors represented are anxious to reach some plan and suggest legislation which will assist the northwest states in more rapid development,, and stem the tide of emigration from this country to Ca nada. They have been In consulta tion over the matter before and de clare that the plans for the develop ment of an American northwest will miscarry unless something Ls done to attract the Americans from leaving their own country. California, Connecticut, New York, Michigan and Wisconsin have made laws requiring physicians to make reports on occupational diseases. The diseases specified are anthrax, cais son disease of the "bends" and lead, phosporus, arsenic and mercury poisoning. Women Must Have help at times, if they would avoid headaches, backaches, lassitude, extreme nervousness. The really superior remedy for them known the world over and tested through three generations is BEECHAMS PILLS FOREST BOUNDARIES Washington, July 5 President Taft has Just made considerable changes in national forests In Mon tana, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Cali fornia through president procla mations modifying the boundary lines. By these changes nearly 275,000 acres of land are eliminated from the for ests, about 65,000 acres are added, and about 55,000 acres are transferr ed between two forests, while a new forest Is created by the division of an old unit into two. The net result is to bring down the total gross area of the national for ests t oabout 187.400,000 acres, of which nearly 27,000,000 acres are in Alaska. To a considerable extent, however, the reductions, so far as land actually owned by the govern ment is concerned, are apparent rath er than real, owing to heavy aliena tions in the tract eliminated. Some 22,000,000 acres of the national for est gross area are not owned by the government. The high water mark of the na tional forest gross area was reached in 1909, when the forest boundaries Included over 194,000,000 acres. It was then realized, however, that in making the examinations on which the presidential proclamations creat ing the forests were based the work had been too rapid to insure in all cases the best boundaries. Some times land which should have been included was left out, while at other times land was taken in which was not best suited to forest purposes. 4,000,000 Acres Added. Consequently a complete overhaul ing and rectification of the forest boudarles was planned, and has heen going on ever since. By successive proclamations President Taft has eli minated nearly 11.000,000 acres. while he has added aooui i.uuu.vuu acres. In Montana the new proclamation eliminates a total of 116.4.U acres from six forests the Custer, Absor oka. Blackfeet, Kootenai. Lewis and Flark, and Flathead while 14,640 acres are transferred from the Black feet to the Kootenai and 40,640 from the Kootenai to the Blackfeet, to fa cilitate administration. In Arizona 106.540 acres are eliminated from the rnionndo national forest. In Arizona 49.840 acres are eliminated from the Humbnlt and 55,840 acres added, of which 12,800 acres are included in the new Ruby national forest, composed nrlnclnallv of that part of the old HunVbolt lying south of the Southern Pacific railroad. In Ltah 1.34U acres are eliminated from the Sevier, while In California 8.680 acres are ndded to the Shasta and 480 acres to the Klamath. Sold varrwW U boxM 10c, 25c NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCURSION FARES 4th OF JULY To Points Within Miles Tickets July 2, 3, Return July 5. MON'TAMARA FESTO 200 And Automobile Knees Tacoma 4. Tickets July 2. Return July 7. ELKS GRAM) LODGE A National Gathering, Portland, Tickets July 7 to 10. Return July 15. Return Thru Seattle July 22. GOLDEN POTLATC1I. Carnival of Pleasure, Seattle. Tickets July I I, 16, 18. Return July 22. Tickets, Berth Reservations, Full Information WALTER ADAMS, Agent Summer Eastboimd Excursion Tickets, on sale for numerous dates to September 30. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. Gea'l Pass. Agt., Portland, Or. 0 Sleeplessness. You can't sleep In the stillest night. If your digestion Is bad Take Hood's Sarsaparllla it strengthens the stomach and estab lishes that condition in which sleep regularly comes and Is sweet and re freshing. Icdiente Cecil Rhodes Memorial. Cape Town. S. A. The memorial to the late Right Hon. Cecil Rhodes on the side of Table mountain, on the Oroote Sohur estate, was dedicated In the presence of a distinguished company composed of Englishmen, South Africans and a scattering rep resentation of other notions Interest ed In the development of South Af rica. Earl drey, former governor- general of. Canada, had charge of the rto.iirntlon. which was planned toa becauso it is the anniversary of Cecil nhodes' birthday. His Lordship was hv Countess r.rey ami two of their daughters. He win go later to Victoria Falls and probably spend some time In Rhodesia. What Makes a Woman. One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle don't make a woman. Its a good foundation. Put Jnto it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom. But that's Just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spoils and for dispelling weakness, nervous ness, backache and tired, listless, worn nnf (Wllnir. "Electric Bitters have done mo a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depow. Okhv , "and I thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good medicine." Only 50c. Guaranteed by Koeppens. Cook With Cas you will eliminate Dirt Carrying Fuel Cutting Kindling A Bake-Oven Kitchen You will get better results from your baking and at a lower cost Pacific Povor & Light Go. Phone Main 40. "Always at Your Serrice." i SHELBURNE NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modern improvements, Including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mail or write. Address, be a view, 'Wash., (BT. J. Hoare, Prop. MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Jjb IPnittiMg of all kinds neatly and promptly Phone Main 1