EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THIMISDAY, JTLY 4, 1012. PAGE TTTEEH loo Specials for (Friday and otorday ANY O. P. FORD OXFORD IN THE HOUSE FOIl $3.5.0 250 TO. OF ZEIGLER BROS. OXFORDS, $1.50, $5.00 ami $0.00 $300 A LINE OF LADIES' 12 AND 11 BUTTON SHOES $1 and $5 VttL WE HAVE PLACED IN BINS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LA DIES' ICIGH AND LOW SHOES FOR $1.00 and $2.00 LDIKS WHITE CANVAS HIGH SHOES $4.00 VALUES FOR $3.00 WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE 8 m ASK FOR S. Si 1L GREEN TRADING STAMPS. 35 Rheumatism You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium. Na ture's rrreat cure place. A natural boiling spring of curative mineral wa ter. Thousands have been cured here after suffer ing years from RHEUMATISM, STOMACn, SKIN, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. Directly on main line of O.-W. R. & N. Railway. Ask for special excursion ticket. Hot Lake Waller M. Piorce Oregon Pres. & Mgr. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheum. An exceptional good program tot Tueeday'a change. Four full re I of the best American pictures: 1. "An Innocent Theft." Vita graph. A great victory, tutlce la vin dicated and right triumphs. Wrong fully accuxed and suspected, the guil ty man Is discovered and the Innocent exonerated. . 2. "The Part of Her Life." Se Ug. The comical experiences of a young actress while studying a' com edy part. She Is looking for a quiet place to study and practice her part. She attracts so much attention that she decides to give it up. 3. "The Katzenjammer Kids." They go to school. Sellg. Hans and Fritz do not like school and their attempts to dodge ah education fur nlxh one long hearty laugh. 4. "Bronho Billy's Bible " E sanay. One of the greatest of J. M. Anderson's western dramas. A fea ture tingling with the old time thrill of the cattle country. 6. "The Leading Lady's Baby." American Pathe. An actress smug gles her pet poodle in to a hotel dressed as a baby. Everything goes smoothly until the poodle discovers the hotel cat. Puss makes for the dining room, which she goes through with the dog at her heels. Next the kitchen and then the corridor, finally the front hall, then the lobby. The dog race Is Interrupted by the strong arm of the law and finally Fldo and the leading lady are thrust Into Jail. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. At- TASTE; SMELL AtlD HEARING RESTORED The thousands who suffer the mis eries of catarrh, and claim they have never found a cure, can get instant relief by simply anointing the nostrils with Ely's Cream Balm. Unlike Internal medicines which upnet the stomach or strong snuffs which only aggravate the trouble, this cleansing, healing, antiseptfc balm in stantly reaches the seat of the trou ble, clears the nose, head ana tnroai, and brings back the sense of taste, smell and hearing. More than this, It strengthens the weakened, diseased tlcsues, thus protesting you against i return of the trouble. Nasal catarrh Is an Inflammation of the membrane lining the air pas sages, and cannot be reached with mixtures taken Into the stomach or with snufts and powders which only cause additional Irritation. Don't waste time on them. Get a fifty cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist, and after using it for a day you will wish ywou had tried it sooner. tractlvo program for Tuesday's change. "Into the Jungle," Katem. A de cldedly original drama. The kind of story that holds the attention of tht man and woman and child, who pay money to see pictures. The two men who take the parts of rivals for the hand of the girl do good work In their roles. Likewise, does the young wo man who plays the heroine get from her department all there Is In It. Thfc action throughout Is uniformly smooth. "For The Honor of The Name," A welt made picture, full of beau tiful scenes and with an extremely artistic closing ulcture that In its un tremeled composition, Its graceful lines and drapery forcefully remind one of such paintings as the Madon no of the Tub by Raphael. It Is a modern picture of society life, In whtch a wise hearted girl sacrifices herself to protect not only her sister from misplaced passion, but her sis ter's husband from knowing It. It 1 an effective and commendable picture. "The Rube's Easter at Atlantic City," Lubln. Two rubes and their sweethearts are out for a holiday. The men strike up a flirtation with two summer girls and decide to loose their own companions for awhile. What success? Well! "A Child of the Wilderness," Selig. A dramatic, human Interest heart story of the early west. Th Idea Is new and big, and It Is a picture you will like. "Revenge," Lubln. This story tells how Jenny and Jack slip off and get married while the papa's fight It out. go uPNIlflD 0 mil the as JULY 8 TO 13 THE BIG WEEK oip-SBiKBiPini IPaicBffEc EBaiBraay "aaiMBBMHsisMsaMM SHaaaisBaBMBBSMBSBBssaMaBi aaBBBBvasssssBBSBMSi Open to All Return Via Seattle, Visit the Potlatch The "Golden Pellatch" in Seattle, July 15 to 20. No matter how your ticket reads going, you can have it read returning via Northern Pacific Railway and Seattle. See the N. P. Ry. Agent and let him explain WALTER ADAMS, Agent, PENDLETON, OREGON A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. Gen'l. Pass'r. Agent, Portland, Oregon Cosy. Wednesday and Thursday, another "101" Bison two-reel feature. "The Post Telegrapher," ii reels) 101" Bison. This Is wothout Ques tion the most exciting of any of their famous series we have yet shown; Its war from start to finish. The In dians attacked the settlers, burned their vlllaee and exterminated them. They ambushed the soldiers sent to revenge the outroge and after a ter rific battle overpowered them also. The telegrapher though badly wound ed, climbed a pole and telegraphed the fort for helD. The foxy Indians fixed their war bonnets on sticks to deceive the soldiers, and went to at tack the fort while the soldiers were absent. A most sensational battle takes place at the fort, and the In dians have almost vanquished the whites when the soldiers return after their battle with the dummies the Indians used to deceive them. The Indians are routed and the final scene shows the troops drawn up saluting the flag as It Is lowered at sunset. "Tho Land of Promise," Imp. A Western Rtorv. very Drettlly set amid beautiful scenery, and which tells In a pleasing way the life of two lm migrants in this their land of prom lse. "The Twins." Thanhouser. A de Hehtfni chilJ drama. The grouchy old uncle adopts one of the twins but refused the other, who la sent to nn ornhanaae. She scaped and Joined her sister. Here by remarkable ripvpmess thev fooled uncle Into thinking there was but one sister in the house. Discovered In th end, they both won a home and uncle's love. Doinor hard work In a bent or stoop lng position puts a stitch In the back that is painful. If the muscles have become strained, you can't get rid of It without help. The great penetrat ing power of BALLARD5S SXOW LINIMENT will appeal to you most strongly at such times, because It is the very thing you need. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00' per bottle. Sold by A C. Kocppen & Bros. DItKAM IS IIOimiBLY TRUE. f- ' NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCURSION FARES 4th OF JULY MONTAMAUA FESTO ELKS GUAM) LODGE GOLDEX POTLATCH. nsure, To Points Within 200 And Automobile Races A ""rlJii U,Crl Carnival of Plei Ml,w Taeoma Tickets July 7 to 10. Seattle. Tickets July 2, 3. 4. Tickets July 2. -jJST UIe Tickets July 14, ,8 Return July 5. Return July 7. July 22. Return July 22. Tickets, Berth Reservations, Full Information WALTER ADAMS, Agent Suihmer Eastboimd Excursion Tickets, on sale for numerous dates to September 30. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. Genl Pass. Agt., Portland, Or. Man's Trousers. Containing $200, Are Stolen While lie SKvps. Burlington. X. J. Waking w ith the Impression that he had dreamed of a thief stealing his trousers, which contained $200 in cash, Samuel Ep stein, clerk of a local shoe store, dis covered that the pantaloons had ac tually disappeared from his room at the boarding house conducted by William Alpert. He hurriedly dressed, and, running downstairs, found the lower floor of the house In confusion. His missing trousers law on the floor beside an open window, the pockets turned out and empty. A boy under suspicion was exam ined by the police, but later released for lack of evidence and the police have no clew to the theft. When you feel lazy, out of sorts and yawn a good deal in the day time, you can charge it to a torpid liver which has allowed the system to get full of impurities. HERBINE euros all disorders produced by an inactive liver. It strengthens that or gan, cleanses the bowels and puts the system In good healthy condition. Price r0e. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Garter Joke Stretched. Indianapolis, Ind. Judge James A. Col! Ins, in police court taught two young men who were arraigned before him It Is expensive sport to take a woman's silk garters from her, even If done in fun. Answering to the charge of petit larceny, one of tho vnen snid he had put tho garters on his arm "just for fun," and had forgotten about them. After inquiring Into the reputations of the young men, Judge Collins im posed fines of $10 and terms of thirty days in tho workhouse, but suspend ed Judgment. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea -Remedy can always be de pended upon. For sale by all dealers. RrlngH Million In Dust. "Seattle. Tho steamship Victoria ar rived from Nome, Alaska, with $1, 000.000 In gold dust, tho first ship ment Yecelvcd from the Seward penin- Cook With Cas you will eliminate Dirt Carrying Fuel Cutting Kindling A Bake-Oven Kitchen You will get better results from your baking and at a lower cost. Pacific Povor & Light Go. Phone Ifain 40. "Always at Your Serrice." THE SHELBURNE NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modem Improvements, including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or write. Address, Seaview.'Wash., T, J. Hoare, Prop. MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for tale and houses to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Job of all kinds neatly and 4S. HlW&BllMlBH.H v II U A I I done Phone Main 1 suit district this season.