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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1912)
EIQIIT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON. IT ESI) AY, JULY 2, 1912. PAGE FIVE Extra Special Glean -Up Salo on all Ladies' and Misses' High Grade Drsis See Large Display in Corner Window About 30 this season's finest dresses that sold at $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30 and $32.50 Your (SlioicG No charges for alteration. F. E. LIVEMGOOD & CO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE 8 &9 LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. For good clean lump or nut coal, phone Oregon Lumber Yard. Phone Main 8. What for? .The best coal In town. State Hotel FurniAied rooms at peclal rates by week or month. Have your wood sawed by the gas oline wood saw. Phone Main 13. For Rent Front office In Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. We can fill your bins with fresh Klmmcrer Coal at satisfactory prices. Oregon Lumber Tard. For Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Stevens, Dutch Henry. Feed Tard. Large shipment of new sidewalk lumber Just received at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. Before you buy a sewing machine be sure and look at the Central Nee dle Standard. Jesse Falling. Land scape gardening. Work guar anteed or no charge. Smith Bros.. 621 So. Main street. Wanted Young women to enter nurses' training school. Address, Walla Walla Hospital, Walla Walla. Screen door and window screens, all sizes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. We also make them to order. Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night Tray orders a specialty. Eves-thing new. Under State Hotel. 'Phone Main B67. Un Co, Props. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close In. Cheap. Inquire 71 Lllleth. Carload of fine cedar posts now for sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar ed. To rent Furmsned apartment house. Modern conveniences. In quire Monterastelll block. Phone Black 3851. Moth prowf cedar chests, great va riety of sizes and prices. Every home should have one. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Tard. We are now filling our bins with fresh coal, the best that can be had. See us before placing your orders. Oregon Lumber Tard. For sale Tellow pine, red fir, al der and maple wood; also Rock Springs coal. Phone Black 3622, or leave orders at Domott's Cigar Store, Main street. Passengers for Portland can save "money and at same time enjoy a clean and refreshing river rldo by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert, leav ing The Dalles dally except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland tl. Even experience won't nourish a man unless It Is properly digested. Good pasture with running water, 1 1-2 miles west of Stanfleld, $1.60 per month. W. T. Reeves. For sale A fine stock and fruit ranch 15 miles southeast of Pendleton. For further Information call on W. H. Bell on premises or address same, Pendleton, Ore. Special This Week Summer Necessities - FOR SUNBURN SUNSHINE COLD CREAM SUNSHINE LOTION, (Justrlte) Is very soothing. Softens and whitens Uio skin. DISINFECTANTS: CHLORIDE LIME FORMAL DEHYDE. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, large bottle lOo F. J. Donaldson RELIABLE DRUGGIST. For Rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. Hot and cold water and bath. Also bed room. 215 S. Garden. Special auto trips to any part of the country. Phone black 2101. For Rent Furnished apartment rooms, 602 Water street. Everybody's Invited and every body's goln' to the big baseball bene fit dance on July 3rd In Eagle Wood man hall. For Rent Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire 811 Vincent street. Wanted A good business woman to fill position, good pay, address C. C. Co., care East Oregonlan. Wanted Women or girls to work in mill. Apply at once to Pendleton Woolen Mills. Young girl wants to work for her board and room; references exchang ed. Address L. C, this office. IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One black mule with mealy nose, 8 years old, branded F S on left sliouhler, weight about 1000 pounds If said animal is not claimed by the owners, or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and ex penses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m., of the Sth day of July, 1912, the said animal will be sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, Oregon Feed Yard, In said City of Pendleton, the pro creeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 26th day of June, 1912. JOHN" KEARNEY, City Marshal. Call Auto Truck for Transfer Work. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano moving, picnic crowds to country, household goods stored by month. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. For Sale. Thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies. Bitches, $5.00; stud dogs, $7.50. M. L. Little, R. 1, Box 75, Amity, Oregon. For Pale Bungalow, taken by August 1st. Lincoln street. , Bargain if Inquire 119 Lot $2:50 Reward. Winchester rifle, calibre 32-20, Model 1892. No. 376319. Finder leave with John Kearney. Special Price on Curd wood. Good dry red fir, slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine- Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying. Ko pittke & Gillanders, phone Main 173. For Snlo or Exchange. I have some bargains in wheat land and alfalfa farms that will Bur prise you. Why not see them. I can sell the two big academy brick buildings for Just what the 5 1-2 lots are worth that goes with them. If you are on the trade, see me. E. T. Wade, Temple building. A snap, 6 passenger Oakland tour ing car In fine shape, 2 cylinder, 25 H. P., cost 11500 new. $350 will take it now. Reason for selling owner wants smaller car. Address M. A. Graham, Free water. Ore. PASTORS AS DEATH JUDGES. PERSONAL MENTION C. Robinson was among the Walla Walluns in Pendleton yesterday. Frank McConanghy of Walla Wal la was ut the St. Oeorge yesterday. B. A. Chlsholm of Hermiston, was among the dwellers of the project city In Pendleton yesterday. Clifford L. Morgan returned to his Hermiston ranch this morning after spending yesterday here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Taylor of Walla Walla were visitors In the city yes terday. Mrs. Will Moore leaves' today for Taeoma, Seattle and Everett to visit with relatives. Mrs. L. Campbell returned yester day evening from an extended visit to relatives and friends in Hood River. Bert Anderson of La Grande, was registered at the Bowman yesterday evening. J. P. Walker was called to Wasco toduy by the death of his brother, William W. Walker, who died In The Dalles yesterday. Mrs. W. M. Blakely and Mrs. Mary M.oule left on the early train this morning for Walla Walla, where they will be guests of Mrs. J. J. Roulstone for the remainder of the week. Miss Emma Richardson, who left a week ago to attend the Oregon state normal school at: Monmouth, has been forced to return home on account of the illness of her mother. She arrived on the early train. Glen E. Scott returned to his ranch In the Cold Springs country yesterday afternoon and was accompanied by Herman Oberteuffer, who will work for him during the summer vacation. Henry Casteel, Pilot Rock mercan tile man, returned to his home this morning after spending the night in the city. James Hogan, well known O.-W. R. & N. conductor, who' runs between this city and Portland, has resumed work after a month's vacation spent In the east. Don't forget the Pendleton Baseball dub's big benefit dance in Eagle Woodman hall Wednesday night, July 3rd. WILL PETERSON IS STRONG FOR WILSON (Continued from page one.) In civic and political conditions. The extremely high cost of living, the awful fact that millionaires are be ing multiplied rapidly on account of high protective tariff duties and criminal monopoly, while the common people are compulsorily made to pay unjust tribute to the privileged class es of Wall stree, and the poor peo ple ground down by the merciless and relentless hand of greed, have stirred the great mass of people up to the boiling point. Wilson, the great progressive; Taft the tool of bad trusts anil greedy monopolies. Choose you, my coun trymen, whom you will serve! The battle Is now on. Shall the people rule or shall they be ruled and oppressed by greedy trusts and gluttonous monopolies? At Chicago, the common people and those who believe In fair play and a square deal were "steam-rollered". and kicked out; but at Baltimore, they triumphed and victory will be theirs because, In the long run, right prevails and Justice extends a mighty hand. WILL M. PETERSON. BALL PLAYER PROTECTS WIFE Lt'iivcH Guino) for Battle When Funs Make IiiMuhlng Koiniirkn. Terre Haute, Intl. Responding to a call from his wife, Catcher Ed Wurlng of Terre Haute Jumped into the grand stand and beat up Sidney Murr and Jess Sims, who har been seated back of Mrs. Waring. Murr was severely punished. Murr und Sims were arrested, but later released when Mrs. Waring filed no further complaint. Waring had Just removed his mask and start ed to the bench in the sixth inning of the game with Wheeling, when Mrs. Waring ran to the railing and called her husband, saying that the men had made insulting remarks to her. Waring leaped Into the boxes and had knocked Murr Into the aisle. Sims escaped injury. Waring contin ued playing. GIRL DEAD, ARREST WOMAN. IS-Ycar-Old Miss Pursued and Slain While Eloping. Louisville. Flfteen-yearlold Olsa Plumlee, pursued from the home In which she had been a guest by Mrs. Fred Parker, who was at once the girl's hostess, cousin and wife of the man with whom It Is Fald the girl was eloping, was overtaken, shot and Instantly killed near Hesteand, Ky., according to mail advices received here from that remote section of the state. Details are lacking, though It Is said both Parker and his wife are under arrest at Cellna, Tenn. Dry Ridge, Tenn., home of the Plumlee girl, and the other two places named are near the line between the two states. 32 COUPLES IN A BRIDAL 'SLEEPER' Lackawanna Compelled to Put On Extra Car for Scranton Newlyweds. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE IS GOV. WILSON (Continued from page one.) Philadelphia Coroner Will Have Them Act In Auto Fatalities. Phlladdlphla. ;The Coroner of Philadelphia announced that he will have a special Jury of six prominent clergymen act upon cases of automo bile fatalities. His object in this nov el scheme he says, Is to famlllar'ze the clergymen with the danger to the public on the streets from automo biles. Later the official expects them to repeat from their pulpits words of warning and advice to mo tor vehicle drivers and to pedestrians. This matter of vacations Isn't near ly so much a question of bosses as bank accounts. ly, the Clark followers were loyal to their favorite to the end. Underwood and (lark Withdraw. Baltimore, Md., July 2. At 2:15 o'clock this afternoon, L'nderwood w ithdrew as a candidate for the dem ocratic nomination for president. :- Shortly afterwards, Champ Clark released his delegates from their in structions. Senator Stone asked and obtained unanimous consent to make a state ment. He said that Missouri would "stand pat" on Clark until the finish, but if defeated, Clark will loyally support tho convention's choice. Governor Foss of Massachusetts, withdrew In favor of Wilson. Gitz gerald conceded Wilson's nomination. Fitzgerald then moved that Wilson be nominated by acclamation. Sen ator Reed of Missouri blocked this move, however, and said he wanted to bo registered as voting for Clark to the last. Illinois Breaks Away. Illinois broke on the 4 3rd bal'ot. 58 going to Wilson. On the 43rd ballot, Virginia broke. casting a solid vote of 24 for Wilson, giving him a majority for the first time in Virginia. West Virginia broke at 12:45, giv ing Wilson 16 votes. On roll call, Maryland voted as follows: Clark 9, Wilson 5 -?, absent 1 1-2. On the 4 4th ballot, Colorado broke nine votes to Wilson. Indiana voted solid for Wilson. Pennsylvania voted solid for Wilson, also Wisconsin and Utah. Scranton, Pa. Thirty-two bridal couples left here In the same sleeping car over the Lackawanna Railroad for New York. They arrived at the local station at about the same time. The train the couples had wished to take was crowded, so the railroad peo ple decided to attach an extra sleeper. This was done and the thirty-two brides and thirty-two bridegrooms got aboard. The Railroad Publicity Bureau saw a chance for some real live advertis ing and offered to conduct the entire party over New York, the party to be known as the "Lackawanna bridal troupe." After a vote the newiyweds refused to accept the proposition. BOSTON" GIRLS TO PLAY FOLO IN MALE ATTIRE Eleanora Sears Is Sponsor for Society Onnmlzatloii Which Will Meet All Coiners. ' EtMAEU SWOTS FM SUMMER JAUNTS Of all the styles of Garments for outing wear that are practical and serviceable and at the same time clever and jaunty the popular Khaki apparel holds first place. JACKETS, SKI UTS ami P.LOUSES all Xew 1912 Model. Divided and Walking Skirls of Khaki If you knew what comfort and security there is in wearing the splendid Khaki Skirt, you'd never think of packing up the trunk for the mountain or outing trip without one of them. !Mado plain gored in walking or riding styles. Regulation Skirts at $1.25; divided at ?3.95, $4.25." Tho Jauntiest of Khaki Jackets Separate Jackets that can be matched to skirts and dresses, In clever Norfolk style. Also in semi-fitted back style with largo sailor collar. Priced at $3.50 and $3.95. Blouses of Khaki and Duck Fabrics Jaunty Sailor Blouses of soft weave Khaki cloth priced at $1.75 and $2.00. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money Longing. He What a glum and dismal wife you are! I don't believe you coulu be lively or pleasant to save your life. She I may be a dun wire dui juhi give me a chance and see what a merry widow I would make.-Stories. -Stray Wonder If swatting the flies would help keep a fellow in form for lawn tennis? MONEY TO LOAN Insurance; real estate for sale and houses to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Boston. Miss Eleanora Sears has come to the fore with another novelty the formation of a polo team of Huston and Brookline 6ciety girls who will ride astride and wear the same costumes as the male players. Miss Sears aims to contest honors with the pioneer women's polo team, the Meadowlark club of Long Island, which Is led by Mrs. Thomas Hitch cock. The latter team puts up a splendid game and plans to play Yale and whatever women's teams may be formed. The players, who are prominent New York society women, wear riding trousers and mannish helmet?. "Would you wear divided skirts?" Miss Sears was asked. "I should say not. It would be as much as your life was worth to wear skirt"! In a polo game. We will wear conventional polo costumes, of course." Pitts Lr.glne for Sale. For sale One 14-horse power dou ble cylinder Pitts engine In good shape. Price J500. R. H. Wilcox, Pendleton, Ore. Even In a dull-theatrical time at the fag end of the season a good press agent can sometimes prevail on someone to be married.' FOR. SALE Summer Home at Newport, Ore., on Yaquina Bay One of the best and most beautifully situated Summer Homes at Xewport, Oregon. For further information address, Valley Real Estate Comp'y Carlton, Oregon THE SHELBURNE NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modern Improvements, Including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mail or write. Address, Seaview.Wash., -T. J. Hoare, Prop. WANTS TKACIIKKS PAST 30. F.lwoocl Superintendent Will Discard Applicants Suwoptlblo to Cupid. Elwood, Ind. One woman teacher In tho high Pchool and eight in the grades announced to Superintendent J. L. Clauser before leaving the city for tho summer vacation that they are to be married during the next few months. Mr. Clauser says Cupid hns hit the schools a heavier blow this year than ever before, and to qualify for teaching positions In the future applicants who have passed the thir ty mark and are still single will 'be given the preference. Embroidery - - Embroidery Embroidery of all kinds and all prices from narrow edging at "? to 45 inch flouncing at $1.25. These embroideries were bought in such largo quantities to supply 33 stores that we were able to buy them at a very low price and therefore enables us to sell them the same way. Xarrow Insertion and Edging 2?, 4?, 6 1-4?, S 1-3?, 10? yd. Embroidery Insertion with finished edge at, yard - 10? Swiss Embroidery from G inches to 12 inches 6 1-4?, S 1-3? 10?, 12 1-2? 18 inch Flouncing Embroidery at yard 15? and 19? IS inch Flouncing Embroidery at yard 25? 18 inch Flouncing Swiss Embroidery at yard 39?, 49? 27 inch Flouncing Swiss Embroidery dainty patterns at yard 49? 27 inch Flouncing Swiss Embroidery dainty patterns for baby dresses, yd. G9? 27 inch Flouncing Swiss Embroidery dainty patterns, hemstitched edge G9? 27 inch Flouncing Swiss Embroidery dainty patterns at yard 79?, 9S? 45 inch Dress Embroidery at yard 49? mid G9? 45 inch Dress Swiss Embroidery dainty patterns at yard 9S? 45 inch Dress Swiss Embroidery dainty patterns at yard $1.25 YOU WILL FIND THESE riJICES FAll I5KLOW SALE PK1CES. See Embroidery Window Golden Rule Store WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW.