PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIA.n. PENDLETON. OREGON. Tl'KSDAV. JULY 2, 1012. EIQnT PAGES" 1! INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. rak Ubed Puliy and Sml wly t Pea dieted, Oroo. by tbe 7 OREOONIAN -I'VULISUINQ CO. Entered at tbe poatofflo at reodleto. Crtcaa, at tecond-claaa mall matter. 8CE8CR1ITIOS BATES. Itlly, OB year, by man fS.OO (ally, all month, by mall 2 50 twlly, three month, by mail 1.25 I'tlly. one month, by mall 50 Ial!y, one year, by carrier 7.60 Dally, alx month, by carrier 75 I'ally, tfertc month, by carrier 1.95 bJIt, one month, by carrier U lemi-Weekiy, one year, by mall 1.60 leal-Weekly, ill month, by mall 75 ami-Weekly, four month, by mall... JbQ tbe Dally Eaat rgonlo u tept on Ml t tbe Oregon Neva Co., 82W Morrlaoa trcet, Portland, Oregon. Northwest New Co., Portland, Ortfoa. Chicago Bureau, v8 Security Building. Waahlngtott, D. C, Bureau, 601 four toe lib MreeL N. W. Member Cnlted Pree AMorUtlon. tiepboa Mala 1 Otflclal City and Conau Fapar. TO LIVE. Live! Live! Live! arid be glad that the sky is blue, . Breathe your share Of sweet, pure air That God has provided for you. Give! Give! Give! of whatever you have and hold, A word Is worth while And even a smile Is good for its weight in gold. Work! Work! Work! and be glad there is work to do, Do your best, And leave the rest To God, -who believes in you. Love! Love! Love! and be richer far, for the giving Grow each day In some good way, And Life will be worth the liv- - lng. ' M. Van Campen. SHALL THE PARTY DIE? ,The following- able editorial from the New Tork World of June 26 ex presses sentiments so similar to those held by the East Oregonlan and Ore gon progressives in general that it is here reproduced in full: The situation at Baltimore Is seri ous. On one side is a crooked combina tion of corrupt finance and corrupt politics which is determined to frame the platform and name the candidate for president. On the other side Is Mr. Eryan, who has been thrice beaten for the presidency and who is under suspicion of aspiring to a fourth nomination. The fate of the party swings between these extremes. The so-called conservatives in the convention have made the boss of Tammany Hall their leader and Tam many is the most detested political or ganization in the United States Back of Tammany Hall are Thomas F. Ryan, August Belmont and the horde of predatory corporations that represent corrupt business In part nership with corrupt bosses. The same sordid crew that backed Judge Parker for temporary chairman managed his campaign in 1904. As a result Judge Parker was the worst beaten candidate that ever ran for president on the democratic ticket. He polled 1,250,000 fewer votes than Mr. Bryan received in 1900, and Mr. Roosevelt's popular plurality was 2, 545,515. If this crew is to control the dem ocratic nomination for president this year, democratic victory will turn at once into democratic disaster. The democratic party will be eliminated from the campaign. The democratic candidate will be practically forgotten or. election day. The campaign will become a contest between Taft and Roosevelt. The radical democrats will rush to Roosevelt in hundreds of thousands. The conservative demo crats will be driven to Taft to save the country from a third term. The democratic party will a:ain be wreck ed and stranded. A democratic ticket dictated by Thomas F. Ryan and nominated by Charles F. Murphy in combination with Tammany's corrupt allies means more than democratic defeat. It means democratic suicide. The rank and file of the democratic party would prefer Theodore Roosevelt on an Independent ticket to such down right and shameless debauchery. Again The World asserts that the nomination of Woodrow Wilson is the one and sure road to democratic sal vation. He alone can apmv.l t the grtat body of Indf pendent voters without whose support no democratic candidate has a ghost (if a chance. He alone can cut the ground from under the feet of Roosevelt's third party. Harmon's candidacy has unfortu nately become Identified with Mur phy and Tammany's allies. Champ Clark has branded himself a moral coward and has been caught in a cheap intrigue with the Ryan-Murphy conspirators. Gaynor. if he is brought forth as a compromise can didate, would probably come into the cenvention under the auspices of Murphy. Wall street and the Morgan-Belmont subway interests, and this would be fatal. Mr. Bryan, even In defeat, demon strated yesterday that nearly half of the delegates look upon him as their leader and champion. His responsi bilities are correspondingly great. His power Is sufficient to prevent the Ryans and Murphys from naming a candidate of their own. He Is strong enough to force the nomination of a progressive like Woodrow Wilson, who measures up to every require ment of honesty, courage, ability and availability. He cannot name him self, but he can name the man who can win. If Mr. Bryan Is sincere In his de viation to progressive democracy he can still wrest the Baltimore conven tion from Wall stret and Tammany, He can strangle this coalition of cor ruption. He can elect the next presi dent of the United States. He can make himself the unrivalled champion of democratic principles and demo cratic government. But first he must eliminate himself. The democratic party is face to face with another great crisis. If the Bal timore convention blunders, Theo dcre Roosevelt Instantly becomes the vital factor in the campaign. If it blunders, it makes Taft or Roosevelt president of the United States. If it blunders, the democratic party, not the republican party, will be wrecked by Rooseveltism. Shall the democratic party dlo THE WEST WAY. Many stories of debauchery and crime have come from Portland road houses of recent months. The stories reveal that victims of the hyenas wno conduct the white slave trade are of ten taken to their doom via the road house. The business has flourUt-.eO under the eyes of a district attorney elected by the north end an.l whose administration long ago b"camt nauseating to decent people. The road houses were in need of a first class s"ourging and they aro get ting It a plenty at the hands of Gov ernor West who has disclosed to the dive keepers that there are more -.vay than one of making them decent. broad band of red and another of blue ribbon crossing each other In the center of the table. These ribbons may be edged with sml'.ax or other dainty vines, and a moss or fern ball as a centerpiece may be filled with small waving flags. Favor may be made In great va riety little pasteboard drum coses or forts, for Instance, filled with can dy; toy firecracker boxes and guns; a little paper hat with a red, white and blue cockade of fringed tissue pa per; and cutest of all, perhaps, a tiny knapsack with its miniature blanket strapped on with narrow ribbons All these little favors are easily, fashion" ed at .home from cardboard and pa per, and each is made to hold Its quota of nuts and candy. Dainty menus, savoring of the na tional colors, are also possible. White fish or salmon, or lobster, can be utilized in many ways; chicken with red currant Jelly will make one course; and for cakes, either white cake or jelly roll may be iced In red and white stripes. For fruits, rasp perries, candled cherries or preserved strawberries (or fresh fruit may still be had in some localities at this date) will combine with white fruits such as pineapples, bananas, apples and grapefruit. CARELESS. How can anyone blame Bryan for turning against Champ Clark. Bry an had endorsed Clark and aided him greatly in his campaign. But when the Bryan-Parker contest arose Clark sat still while his managers jabbed the Nebraskan under the fifth rib. If the Harriman people do right they will build at once into southern Umatilla county. That country has waited long enough tor the sound of the steam horse. Speaking of Marathon races the democratic convention has them all beat. Utterly Wretched Nervous Prostration Long Endured Before Remedy was Found. Mies Minerva Reminger, Upper Bern.. Pa., writes: "For several years I had nervous prostration, and was utterly wretched. 1 lived on bread and beef tea because rny stomach would not re tain anything else. I took many rem edies, but obtained no relief until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla, when I b-gan to gain at once. Am now cured." Pure, rich blood makes good, strong nerve, and this in why Hood's Sarsa pari! la, which purifies and enriches the blood, cures so many nervous diseases. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY TABLE. C Yankee-Doodle Salad Make a firm tomato aspic Jelly; when set, cut in pieces three and one-half inches one way by two and one-quarter the other. Stripe and dot with mayonnaise dress ing to stimulate a flag. Serve on a bed of crisp lettuce leaves. Drum Cases Make a drum by hoi lowing out a round of cake. Decorate with a citron cut in very thin strips, or with bands of colored frosting, and fill with cubes of raspberry Jelly. Drum cases may also be made out of little paper cups sold for charlotte russe, the decorations being applied In water colors or by using narrow strips of red and blue paper. Tent Cakes Select a finely grained sponge cake, and cut in the shape of a tent. Roll in chopped nuts, then in icing. When ready for use, insert a small flag In the top of each. Vanlla Ice cream, lemon, orange or any white Ice may be served in the same form Colonial Cockades From a loaf of. sponge cake carefully cut rounds about four inches In diameter. Roll on three sides over the handle of a small knofe to give the rolled effect. Insert a roun of sponge cake in' the center for the crown. Cover the whole with a meringue, and place In a hot oven to brown. Decorate with a Hprlj; of green for the cock ade. For a Fourth of July Luncheon many tasteful decorations may be planned that will take very lltle work to prepare. White openwork doilies over a red foundation are very effec tive, especially with a big blue chi na bowl willed with red and white carnations as a centerpiece. Another fancy is to have a white cloth with a A woman hurried up to the lost and found section of the office desk of the Waldorf-Astoria. She held up a gold mesh handbag. "I saw a woman who had this bag In her hand sit down in. the corri dor," she said. "She got up a few minutes later and went away, leaving it. I thought she might return, so I kept my eyes on it for a while; but now I have got to go, and as she has not come back I thought I had better turn the bag in to you." A few minutes later another wo man came up to the same place and asked whether anything had been heard of a feather boa, which she was sure somebody had stolen. After a search the clerk produced the boa and she went out of the hotel. Fifteen minutes afterward a taxi cab driver entered and turned in at the office a feather boa which he said a fare from the hotel had left in the cab. To the clerk it looked fa miliar. He examined it carefully. It was the same boa that had been claimed only a quarter of an hour before. Only a few minutes had assed when a third woman rushed up. She asked the cleark please to tell the hotel detective or the police or the newspapers, or somebody, to find a valuable fur muff which had been stolen from her. She was positive she had left It in her room. The clerk listened attentively to her rescriptlon. Then he ducked under the counter and solemnly handed her the muff. "Why, where did you get this?" she demanded. "It was picked up In the corridor, madam," was the reply. She signed her name in the receipt book and then went away in the same hnste she had come. When the clerk looked up from the book he found she Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems In advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature In Its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon it, and she 1b often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy Is so truly a help to nature as Mother's Friend, and no expectant mother should fall to use It It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature Is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the Inflam mation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother's Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met Mother's Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she la left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother's TlfT rtf v Friend Is sold at IHUlIlUPS drug stores. 7 -S Write for our free fi1 FICHU book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable Information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. MADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. AtluU, Ca. A Wonderful Tonic I hat Aids Digestion Thousands are unable to digest cer tain kinds of food. In most cases it Is not the fault of the food, nor the stomach. It is probable that the stomach has been abused. Many reJ sort to predlgested foods and various kinds of medicines to get relief from dyspepsia, Indigestion and heartburn, but without permanent benefit. If your stomach was in perfect condition, you would not need medi cine to digest the foods you eat. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is a stomach regulator. It gets the stomach In such a condition that it will digest food without other assistance. It overcomes the acidity and stimulates the coating of the stomach and intes tines so that they will properly absorb and assimilate the nutriment from the food eaten. Sufferers from dys pepsia and indigestion will find per manent relief in a short time after beginning the use of the tonic. For children, the addition of a little su gar will make it most palatable. Many forms of suppsed Indigestion are the result of intestinal parasites, for which Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. Insist upon Jayne's; accept no other. Millions have prais ed It for more than eighty years. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, III.. Escaped The Sur geon's Knife. - ' ".W .."'1 Peoria, 111. "I wish to let every one know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done forme. Fortwoyears I suffered. The doc tor said I had a tumor and the only remedy was the surgeon's knife. My mother bought me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and today I am a well and healthy woman. For months I suffered from inflammation, and your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell anyone what your medicines have done for me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be glad to answer letters." Mrs. CHRISTINA Reed, 105 Mound St, Peoria, I1L Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Je8sup, Pa. "After the birth of my fourth child, I had severe organic inflam mation. I would have such terrible pains that it did not seem as though I could stand it This kept up for three long months, until two doctors decided that an operation was needed. ' ' Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and after taking it for two months I was a well woman." Mrs. Joseph A. Lynch, Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ilia should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, one of the most success, ful remedies the world has ever known, before submitting to a surgical opera-tion. had left her pocketbook on the coun ter. New York Sun. Gives Illm Away. Uilklns was sneaking into the house in his stocking feet at 2 o'clock a. m. The stairs creaked as he as cended to his room. "Is that you, William?" Mrs. Bil kins called. "Xo, dear," Bilkins replied; "it's the stairs." Seattle Times. Quite a Man. Howell What sort of a fellow Is he? Powell He can make two lemons grow where only one grew before, and then hand them both to you when you are nut looking. Judge. Sometimes people who roll In wealth go fast when they hit the to- bfpc:i n. "A FUSSY PACKAGE" We have Just received a fresh shipment of Whitman's Choco- I lates direct from the factory at Philadelphia. Among the lat est packages we are showing Is "Whitman's Sampler" contain ing an assortment from each of the famous packages. To those who are looking for a high grade eastern candy, we can personally guarantee the fresh ness and quality of every pack age of Whitmans. Tallman & Co. SOLE AGENTS. PWe (Btpoceiriies aoncD eats Carefully protected and guarded from impurities of all kinds and guaranteed to be strictly pure and to please the most fastid ious taste at the store that LOOKS AFTER YOUR HEALTH. Pendleton Gash -Market COR. COURT AND JOHNSON STREETS PHONE MAIN 101 EVERYTHING TO EAT Cook With Cas you will eliminate Dirt Carrying Fuel Cutting Kindling A Bake-Oven Kitchen You will get better results from your baking and at a lower cost. Pacific Power & Light Go. Phone Main 40. "Always at Your Service." A. L. Schaefer JEWELER and SILVERSMITH First-class repairing and remodeling of old Jewelry. Expert, Watchmaking and Engraving. 726 MAIN STREET. rilOXE RED 3011. e ELKS go in pohiudd im the JULY 8 TO 13 THE BIG WEEK Mo p it Bp grim PaicBffDO EBaSBrcray Lorj Exconipsisini Faires Open to All Return Via Seattle, Visit the Potlatch The "Golden Potlatch" in Seattle, July 15 to 20. p No matter how your ticket reads going, you can have it read returning via Northern Pacific Railway and Seattle. See the N. P. Ry. Agent and let him explain WALTER ADAMS, Agent, PENDLETON, OREGON A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. Gen'l. Pass'r. Agent, Portland, Oregon