VCiV, TWO. DAILY EAST OftEGONIAN. TENDLETON, OKEOON, TITKSDAY. .1 PLY -2. 1!M2. ITT PAGES LADLES PUMPS AND OX FOKDS SPECIALLY PIJIC ED FOR WKDXESDAY. WEDNESDAY. We lioro offer to you the greatest line of women's pumps ami oxfords ever shown in this great store at marvelously low prices. They are selected from the best of America's products, genuine hand turned, welt soles. White buck, vclour calf, tan Russia and pattent colt. Coloni al buckles or plain pumps. $5.00 Values go for $3.85 Regular Goodyear welt pumps in black or brown suede, velour calf, tan Russia and black velvet, colonial or plain. ?3.50 and $4.00 Values will go for $2.65 WOMEN'S NEW SPRING COATS SACRIFICED. We are showing an excep tionally strong line of these coats, right up to the minute in style, and up to The Peoples Warehouse standard of quality. They're dandies; fine values at their regular prices. They come in grey mixed, tan mixed, blue serge and fancy mixed goods. They'll go as follows Tues day and Wednesday : $11.75 Tuesday and Wednes day . $8.60 $12.50 Tuesday and Wednes day I $9.15 $13.50 Tuesday and Wednes day $9.60 $15.00 Tuesday and Wednes day $11.95 $18.00 Tuesday and Wednes day ".. $12.30 $20.00 Tuesday and Wednes day $13.90 $25.00 Tuesday and Wednes day $18.60 $30.00 Tuesday and Wednes day ..... $19.95 ONL Y ONE MORE DA Y in which to prepare for the 4th. Don't wait till the last minute. Take advantage of these special offerings WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS ONE-HALF PRICE. This is your chance to get that "extra" skirt you've been wanting. Here's a choice lot at a small part of their real val ue. They come in voiles, ser ges and worsteds, in blue, brown, black, white, maroo'j and many other desirable shades. Almost every style is to be found in this lot. 'YOUR CHOICE, ONE-HALF Price. MEN'S CLOTHING The kind that retains its shaH? and style to the last. Whether you spend your hol iday here in town, in some ono of the mountain resorts, in some other town or out fishing of camping, one of these suits will help to make your holiday thoroughly comfortable and en joyable. They range in price from $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 to $30.00 and they're a good deal better than anyone else will show you for the same price. Priscilla Irish Crochet books price .. 25 4th of July Sale of Fancy Dress Silks Especially priced for WEDNESDAY. We have a few SILK DRESS PATTERNS left from our spring lot some of them got in late, therefore the assortment is up to the minute in stylo and qualit. We're going to bunch the $1.25 and $1.50 qualities for this great special. The yard 67 I m Driigntd by Hmli Witirt,-C- 4th OF JULY SILK HAND KERCHIEFS 50 The stars and stripes show your colors. BATHING SUITS If you are going to spend your 4th at the springs you'll want a new bathing siiit. We're showing a very complete and choice line, ranging in price from 50 to $4.50 NEW AUTOMOBILE VEILS. Full yard . wide and two yards long made of best qual ity chiffon. Some are made double, and some have 'extra wide hemstitched hems, making them suitable for evening scarfs as well. Thej' come in all the wanted shades; prices $1.25 to $3.50. WE'RE AGENTS FOR Hart, Schaffner & Marx Cloth ing for men. BOYS' CLOTHING. There is not one boy in town who would not like to have a new suit for tho' fourth, and in order to make it possible and easy for every boy to have a suit we will sell any boys' suit in our immense stock, (except ing wash suits) at a reduction of 25 per cent, which means that you can buy a $4.00 Suit for only..... $3.00 $4.50 Suit for only $3.35 $5.00 Suit for only $3.75 $6.00 Suit for only..... $4.50 $8.00 Suit for only..... $6.00 $10.00 Suit for only $7.50 These are tho famous Her cules suits, all-wool, shower proof, taped seams and reinforced. NEW TABLE LINENS. Just came in, all pure linen, good heavy weight and beauti ful array of patterns; full width; the yard $1 to $2.50 NAPKINS TO MATCH The dozen $3.00 to $7.50 LINEN HUCK TOWELS in this shipment, something good to look at. Some are hem stitched and some are scalloped ends of finest linen buck. Guest size and regular size. Prices each 35 to $1.25 ELKS' MUFFLERS Hero's where you get your Elk Muffler to wear to Port land. You'll want more than one, you'll want to exchange souvenir's with members from other lodges, so buy a plenty and buy them early. They're the finest thing you ever saw in tho muffler line. Every ono who enters the grand Elks' parade in Portland will be ex pected to wear one of these mufflers, it will be one of THE distinguishing features of No. 288 display. They're $1.00 each. BOYS' BLOUSES Fix the 1mvs up for the 4th. Give them a new waist each. Wo have the celebrated Moth ers' Friend waists, you know they're the best tailored, best fitting boys waists to le had. Our assortment is good, and for Wednesday we will offer the following special price in ducements: 50 Waists for 40 75 Waists for 60 85 Waists for 67 $1.00 Waists for S0 $1.25 Waists for 90 WASH LAWNS Any number of patterns and designs. New, crisp wash lawns, nil, solors. The yd. 10 This store will be closed all day on the 4th. JTTl !7 ne ireoBies w U This store will OUSS be closed all WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. save your t. p. w. trading stamps. day on the 4th. DR. TAYLOR TALKS ON MORAL HYGIENE University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. July 2. That instruction in sex hy giene should consider the mind rather than the body was the basis of a pa per read this afternoon before the Mothers' congress at the University of Oregon by Dr. James B. Taylor of Eugene. The position taken by the speaker was that properly planned and properly presented Instructions in these lines is not only called for, but is uplifting and refined. "Sex Hygiene Includes the mind as well as, the body," he said. "We are more concerned with, the mental hy giene than with the physical hygiene The former is the emphatic side; for HOT WEATHER IS QUICK TO AFFECT THE BOWELS Well-Knoun Fart That Ex- tremc Heat Conduces to Chronic Constipation. The disposition to eat cold food and indulge in iced drinks is one rea son why constipation and diarrhoea is so prevalent in summer, and there is no time when people should more carefully avoid bowel disturbances, as much serious disease is directly trace able to these conditions. We need all of our strength to withstand the enervating effect of heat. To regulate the bowels and quickly relieve even the most aggravated case of constipation, the combination ot simple laxative herbs with pepsin, known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, is highly recommended by all who have ever used it- Unlike cath artics and violent purgatives, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin acts gently on the stomach, liver and bowels, without griping or other discomfort, bringing relief in an easy, natural manner. It can be used with per fect safety by the most delicate wo man or child, and yet is equally ef fective for the strongest constitution. Mild, pleasant to take, and Inexpen sive, it is the ideal family laxative. By cleansing the bowel tract thor oughly and eliminating the foreign matter and poisons that irritate and inflame, it will quickly check sum mer dlarhoea and restore normal conditions. Druggists sell Dr, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for fifty cents a bottle a larger, family size, costs one dollar; it will save many times its cost In doctor bills. A free trial bottle post paid, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 406 Washington St., Monticelo, Illinois. ine main purpose protection and gula- ance to the young Is included In it. It is the mental attitude the hygiene of the moral side which is the broad determining factor. We must handle the subject thoroughly under this broad and two-sided definition. With such construction, much of our diffi culty passes away, and the demand for the course is greatly emphasize and its benefits come to the front." ''To have the proper care of one's self, and the proper attitude, one needs to be stocked with certain high associations of thought and certain information wich can only come through study of the sex idea In its highest exemplification in nature. One becomes decent and high minded by feeding himself part of a decent and high-minded universe. The proper avenue, therefore, to a high minded conception of the sex idea is through those enlargements and knowledges which the average family, to say the least, is not prepared to give. . The task must, therefore, go over to the school. "The true, broad and practical working idea of the course is that it shall be constructive and aimed to produce high ideals. Properly plan ned and carried out, it has a strong and unobjectionable Influence in this direction. Trials of such' lines of in struction privately and in school prove this to be true." HE VISITS 1,000 WOMEN. Futile Search for Fifth Wife Made by Rich Widower. Seaford, Del. Visiting about 1,000 women while touring the United States in a vain search for a fifth wife James H. Furbush, a wealthy wldo wer of Wetplpuim, has returned home and will spend the remainder of his life on his farm. Mr. Furbush, whose estimated wealth is around $50,000, has for the last four years been seeking the fifth woman of his heart. Through his ad vertisement his desire became notor ious, and he was deluged with letters from every state. Two years ago Mr. Furbush started out to visit his correspondents and Journeyed through the Western and Southern state. "On my trip I met but two women whom I would marry," Furbush said. "I vlnited more than a thousand, too but they were all after my money and not me." He failed to say why ho d not marry one of the two he found suit able. an instrument which makes llgt au dible. It Is the invention of Prof. E E. Fournier d'Albe, B. Sc., M. R. I. A., lecturer on physics at the University of Birmingham, former secretary of Dublin society for physical research, says the X Y World The octophone is a camera-like box from which come two wires with highly sensitive receivers at the end If you are blindfolded and place the receivers to your ears and a piece of blotting paper is placed between the box and an arc lamp you hear a tick ing or grating sound in fact, you hear the shadow passing. On a moonlight night you hear the moon, while the summer sun makes a tremendous noise like a cararact. The octophone can locate the light of stars invisible through the tele scope. A stoneblind young man stood with the receiver to his ears. Between him and the windows people passed at In tervalls. He always detected their passing, exclaiming, "That's a man!" Walking with the Instrument he always found a window by the noise caused by the light, although he lives in perfect darkness. Prof. d'Albe hopes his discovery can be greatly utilized or the benefit of the totally blind. GUN FIRED ITSELF TWICE ON THE FRENCH CRUISER NOISES OF LIGHT INTERESTS SCIENTISTS London. Great Interest hag been aroused in scientific circles by the ex hibition at the optical convention in South Kensington of the octophone, After 13 Men Had Been Badly Hurt Prnctleo Was Resumed. Toulon, France. The official in qulry Into the premature explosion of a 6-inch gun on the armored crul ser Jules Mlchelet shows that there were two explosions. By. the first thirteen men were hurled to the deck and frightfully burned. As soon as the vlctifs had been conveyed ashore practice firing was courageously re sumed with the same gun under the direction of Admiral Bertrand Sour rleu, commander of the training ship division In the Mediterranean. Once nVre the charge ignited and ten more officers and men were Injured. Xearty all the victims are young seamen. One man's arm was blown off. One officer, Lieut, Ernest Guolt, and tow seamen died of their injuries. It is believed the explosions were due to the draft caused hy the sud den closing of the breech of the gun, which ignited some sparks remaining from previous charges. The accidents are generally attrib uted to the defective system of gun cleaning between the charges adopted In the French navy. BABY LOSES DAMAGE SUIT. Eight Months Old Child Soiifrht $25, 000 for Injuries Before Birth. New York. Gerard Nugent eight months old, was plaintiff In a $25,- 000 damage suit against the Brook lyn Rapid Transit company, which was dismissed by Supreme Court Jus tice Kapper in Brooklyn. The suit, which was brought In the name of Arthur A. Nugent, the baby's father, as next friend and guardian ad litem, was for Injuries little Gerard is alleged to have suffered when his mother was hurt by the sudden start ing of a street car six weeks before he was born. The baby plaintiff was born lame. GOVERNMENT PAYS OVER $100,000 IN LOTTERIES Milan. After gambling week by week over a period of 19 years on their favorite numbers, seven thou sand Neapolitans met with extraordi nary luck at Saturday's drawings so that the government has to pay out over $400,000 there In lottery winnings. It should be .noted that the lottery In Italy Is a state monopoly and one of the main sources of Inland revenue Fireworks displays took place In di vers quarters of Naples last night and guns were fired to celebrate the Joy of the populace. The same two successful numbers last 'turned up trumps in July, 1893, when the Italian treasury distributed about $600,000 in prizes. and started to climb Inside his car. Abstractly he Jerked open the fore door spark plug in hand, when a fe rocious growl halted him. Beattl sprang back and beheld, perched on the front seat, a bulldog. It was a large, unusually fierce looklne sDeci- men of the ugly, undershot species of bulldog. With the aid of several passersby and a stout club the owner of the au tomobile succeeded, after a bit of dls lodging the Interloper. Investigation revealed tho bulldog, a stray, had ousted the pointer and usurped his post as guard. For soreness of the muscles, wheth er induced by violent exercise or In Jury, there Is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini ment also relieves rheumatic pains For sale by all dealers. THIEF GETS THE LIBRARY. Dysentery is always serious and of ten a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. SWINGS A SCYTHE AT 01. Kansan Cuts Wagon loud of Hay Just to Try Out His Strength. Lenexa, Kan. Henry Wedd, an early settler of this, Johnson county, at the age of 91 still swings the scythe. Recently on several occasions he has carried this old-time farm im plement on his back out to his great pasture and cut a wagonload of hay Just for the fun of It. Wedd owns a farm worth more than $100,000. He raises cattle and hogs and a' ways accompanies the shipments to the Kansas City mar ket. There he goes about pens and buys feeders and ships them out to his farm. Another Steals a Feather Bed and the Owner Threatens Exixistire, Oklahoma City. Two novel thefts took place In Oklahoma recently. The Purity cPub of Erick lost Its entire li brary, and J. M, Brasfield of Calvin lost a feather bed. A reward of $23 has been offered for the recovery of the library, which consisted of dictionaries, reference books, works of fiction, etc., valued at abut $300. Brasfield Inserted the following "ad" In his local paper: "The person who took that feather bed out of my house Is known to me and for his wife and children's sake he had better put it back where he got It or I'll expose him by getting out a search warrant and sending an officer after It. This is a fair warn ing." OPIUM MAKER IS FREED. BULLDOG CAPTURES AUTO. Drove Out Pointer That Snt In Mast er's Sent and Usured It. St. Louis. David E. Beatty, an in surance man of Jerseyvllle, owns a pointed dog, which during the day remains in Beatty's automobile stand ing In front of the office. Beatty departed the office in a hurry the other evening, ran outside U. S. Court Holds That Drug Made from Yen-Shee Is Legal. New York. Opium can be made lawfully from yen-shee, but not from yen-hl, according to a decision of the United States circuit court of ap peals here. In accordance with this decision Alfred Shelly has Just been released after being sentenced in the United States district court to a year's imprisonment for unlawfully manu facturing opium for smoking purpos es. The evidence showed that yen- shee, the "heel" or remainder of X. pipeful of opium which had been smoked, was tho basts of Shelly's pro duct and that the law does not for bid the second use of opium. The court held that only opium made from the crude gum yen-hl la contraband. HORSES PLUNGE TO DEATH. Threo of Four Animals KIHc by Fall Over Precipice Near Cloverdalc. Santa Rosa. Three horses were NO E STOPPED UP Ik IT CATARRH No matter how miserable you ara with catarrh nose stopped up, throar sore, dull pain In the head, dry cough, fever, foul breath Ely's. Crcum Balm will give you Instant re lief. It gets right at the root of the trouble, cleanses, heals and strength ens the raw, sore membranes, and stops the nasty discharge so that you ara not constantly blowing your nose and spitting, in a few minutes after applied, you can Just feel Us doing its work of clearing the head, the pain, and soreness are relieved, the breath ing becomes natural, and the stuffed up feeling Is gone. This cleansing, healing, antiseptic balm contains no mercury, cocaine or other harmful drug. It is easy to apply, pleasant to use, and never falls to give quick re lief, even in the worst cases. Don't suffer the miseries of ca tarrh nor disgust your friends with your huwklng, spitting and foul breath. Get a fifty cent bottle of Elly'8 Cream Balm from your drug-, gist, and start treatment at once. You will find it will prove to be the. best Investment you ever made. dashed to death when a heavily laden wagon plunged over a precipice on a mountain road west of Cloverdale. Charlie Groomfield, the drives, es caped by Jumping. Tho other horse of the team was cut loose from the wreckage, 300 feet below the road, but was badly Injured. U. S. T. SHERIDAN ICEBOUND. With Four Companies of Troop Ship Drifts Toward Arctic. Nome, Alaska. The United States transport Sheridan, with four com panies of troops for St. MlchnelH nnd Fort Davis, is still lmurlsonod In th Ice, which Is drifting toward the Arc tic ocean, in five days the Sheridan has moved ono hundred miles west ward and unless she is released tho transport may bo carried through tho Bering straits Into the Arctic. BEES STING A MAN TO DEATH. Wealthy Farmer Attacked hy Swarni' inai souio in Hair and Beard. Parksburg, W. Va. Drurv n. n.irf. gerly. a wealthv farmer Pleasant Hill, near here, was atack- ed by a swarm of bees, which settled In his hair and beard and stung hltm to death.