EIGHT TAGES PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OJtEGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON. TUIDAV, .1UX.K 28, 11U2. Newsy Notes From the Sporting World J) PASTDE WALLA WALLA WHIPS ! LA GRANDE 15 TO 4 I.ii t'.rnii-li'. June 2S. Walla Walla sol uiihI rt'ViMisti for tlu-lr defeats of the i:i-t two lays tenia. v afternoon, tiln mining Maxmeyer and Mountain, the l'ii'pin twirlers, all over the lot and winnir.j: by the lop-sldod seore of 15 to 4. The visitors chalked up 13 hits, their slams including five sin gles, .ive two-bapgers, two three-baggers ami a home run. Johnson, Krown ami Davii were the leading stickers for the Hears, John son secured two doubles and a triple, Brown two singles and a double and Davis, a double and a home run. Bridger, who twirled for the Walla "Waiians, was an enigma to the Pip pins in all but one inning when they jnanaged t? bunch sufficient hits to secure four runs. The score: Walla Walla. ; AB It H PO A C. Harmon, cf .3 ChilderSj 3b 5 Davis, us 5 Brown, c 6 Martini, if K Thompson, lb 5 Rochon. .Johnson, Bridger, 2b rf V . . 4115 I.u Grande. AB R 3 0 13 28 16 4 II PO 0 2 0 11 1 2 Slensor, 2b Barry, lb Mclvor, If Smith, rf King, c ., 3 5 3 9 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Bradley, 3b 2 Forbes, cf 4 Naughton. ss 4 Maxmeyer, p 0 Mountain, 4 31 4 5 27 20 12 Summary Stolen bases: C. Har mon, Childers. Brown. Barry. Sacri fice hits: Mensor, Smith, Bradley, C. Harmon. Childers, Davis, Bridger. Two base hits Davis. Brown, John son. 2; Bridger. Three base hits: Johnson. Thompson. Forbes. Home runs: Davis. Double plays: Naugh ton to Mensor to Marry. Left on bases: Walla Walla 7; La Grande 8. Struck out by Bridger. 8; Maxmeyer, 1; Mountain 4. Bases on balls: Bridger, D; Maxmeyer 1; Mountain, 2. Wild pitch Maxmeyer. Hit by pitcher: Martini. COAST LEAGUE GAMES. Portland Ajrain Iser. Los Angeles. June 28. Los An geles landed on Koestner in the sev enth and won from Portland yester day. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 6 11 0 Portland 2 10 1 Batteries Leverenz and Brooks; Koe?uier and Howley. Oakland .", San l'raneis-o Oakland, June Oakland won handily five to three, beitinin? with three runs in the irst inning after two were down. Score: 11 San Francisr o 3 Oakland 5 Butteries Abies and Mitze; Corev an l Schmidt. It. E. 3 1 Mc- Error Cot Game. 'Sacramento, June 2S. Sacramento vir.rs allowed Vernon to win yester day. Vernon 113 4 Sacramento 6 12 3 Batteries Gray, Hitt and Hogan; Baum. Williams and Cheek. GOLDEN RULE STORE Always Ha, It For Less waenjew EST1 Summer Skirts the very newest styles and made from all the new fabrics such as Whipcords and Basket Weave, in tans, greys, browns, blues and black, prices from $ 1 .98 to $7.90. m W't- cil! y.-ur -pcial attention our $ 1.98 hkht ; you can't duplicate it (I-r-w iieiv for S7.."li. - ..': I .i-' Whit.- W'jii-t in very nlieer Lawns trimmed with French knotty low (:, .-hort -h-eve-, for each. .'.ijiVsfc'i 'i-ia?J--.-.V'x j Thi- lih- i- well worth $1.D0. Von will find our price on waists lower tiiiMi other- price-. WVi.-ts from 10 to $2.98. I, ,,..' Cohim.iion Suit, at 39?, 19 69, 98, $1.23, $1.49, $1.09, $1.98. I adi-' Lir.t" ' '" White DresHcs, all new, with ami without peplum. Dain tilv"triiiime! with !: and embroidery, ruiifrinff in prion from $1.98 to $7.00. Ajrain we call vour special attention 1o our $4.98 White Dresses. You can not huy the -;.un- dre-H any place else in Pendleton for $7.90. Golden Rile Store Wi; J.KAl), OTHERS FOLLOW. lOIIGAI iECKER Oil II I George I.ongnnecker. former offl clal indicator in the Western Tri-State league, has returned to Spokane and has signed a contract with President John Uewar of the Twilight league ami will be seen on the Canadian cir cuit after this. On his arrival in Spokane Longa necker gave out the 'follow ing state ment: "I hnd no trouble In the Tri-State. ine oincers or the league and the fans around the circuit were fair with me, and I believe the league will hi a great success My reasons for hand ing in my resignation was purely per sonal, and I figure I was mighty' lucky to get a contract from the Canadian league at this time, as it will give me a chance to finish up the season. "I had expected to stay In Spokane for some time, but the offer from the Twilight league was good enough to be accepted, and I will go north on Wednesday. The race in the Tri-State is a good one and is attracting as much attention from the fans as the Northwestern league race is here." X. W. LEAGUE GAMES. Seattle 6, Portland I. JJ I Portland, June 2S. Portlands win - i ning streak was broken yesterday 0 when Kastley went to pieces in the seventh. Score: , u. H. E. Seattle 6 10 2 Portland 1 5 3 Batteries Thompson and Whaling; Eastley and Moore. Spokane Defeats Tacoma. Taeoma. June 28. Spokane defeat ed Tacoma yesterday, making the ninth consecutive loss for the locals. Score: R. H. E. Spokane 9 12 1 Tacoma 2 4 3 Batteries Cadreau, Lewis and De vogt; Criger and Crittenden, Lalonge. Darkness Ends Tie Game, i Victoria, June 28. With a score ' seven to seven, Umpire Moran called I yesterday's game between Vancouver j atui Victoria at the end of the eighth inning on account of darkness. When ! the game was called, Kauffman for i Victoria, and Clark, who relieved Bel- ford for Voncouver, were in fine form and the Indications were that .the contest would have gone into extra sessions. Score: R. H. E. Victoria 7111 0 Vancouver 7 13 1 Batteries Kauffman and Meek; Belford and Sepulveda. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. Chicago fi, Cincinnati 1. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 6 12 2 Cincinnati 1 4 2 Batteries Reulbach and Archer; Benton and Clark. New York 1, Philadelphia 3. Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 3 10 3 Xew York 4 8 1 Batteries Brennan and Ki'.lifer; Crandall and Meyers. I'.rookljn it, Boston 8. Score: R. H. E. Boston 8 18 4 Brooklyn 9 13 2 Batteries Dickson and Rarlden; Knetzer, Rucker and Miller. CANADIAN CiRCUl Laugh at the Doctor when he says "three cigars a day for you." It's not the quantity, but the quality that hurts you. Even one black Havana will irri tate you, but you can't hurt your nerves with any number of the light Gen! Arthur wad Cigar 10c and 3 for 25c M. A. Gunst CSk Co., Inc. Pittsburg 3, St. Louis 2. Score: It. H. E. Pittsburg 3 11 1 St. Louis 2 6 0 Batteries O'Toole, Adams and Kelley, Gibson; Geyer, Willis and Win- : " : AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. Philadelphia 4, Xew York 0. Philadelphia, June 28. Carl Brown held New York to three hits and the visitors were defeated four to noth ing. Score: H. E. Xew Tork 0 3 3 Philadelphia 4 16 0 Batteries McConnell and Sweeney; Brown and Lapp. Washington 8, Boston 1. R. H. E. 4 11 1 8 11 1 Score: Boston Washington Batteries Pape. Hall and Hughes and Henry. Cady; Cleveland 1, Detroit 3. Score: R Cleveland 4 II. E. 7 2 7 5 Detroit 3 Batteries islanding and Works and Stanage. Easterly; INDIA'S HARE GIFT TO KING ON EXHIBITION Massive Caskets of Carved Ivory, Sil ver uimI Jewels Loaned to Museum. London. The king and queen have loaned to the Victoria and Albert Mu seum an Important series of Indian objects, including caskets and address es presented to ineir majesties on their recent visit to India. The caskets, designed to contain the addresses presented to their ma jesties, are of native manufacture, the most Important being that pre sented by the municipal committee of Delhi. This is in Ivory with panels beautifully carved with scenes illus trating the Ramayana, one of the great epoch poems of the Vedic age. Another interesting casket Is that of the presidency of Madras, consist ing of a rectangular .structure In sil ver supported on kneeling elephants and surmounted by peacocks with en ameled plumage. The casket from the Begam of Bhopal is the model of a river , boat with eight rowers and a steersman; it is in silver-gilt with a string of small jewels along the gunwale. Cook With Cas you will eliminate Dirt Carrying Fuel Cutting Kindling A Bake-Oven Kitchen You will get better results from your baking and at a lower cost. Pacific Power & Light Go. Phone Main 40. MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. THE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 3h IPnmttiiyg Kings neatly and promptly done Phone Main 1 "Always at Your Service." 117 E. Court Street OFFICE PENDLETON, . ORE 711 Main Street V 1 I THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years. 5c PENDLETON'SPQPU LAR PICTURE SHOW TIME COSY Where the entire family can en. Joy a high-class motion picture show with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Cliangcs Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Poor to St. George Hotel. Admission 5c and 10c J. P. M:HERXACII, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday'a, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper Have Your House Wired for Electricity oBPBHia It's cheaper, safer, far mora pleanlng and saves much un necessary eye-strain. At tho present rate for light ing you get one kilowatt more for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.50. By using the new wire-type .MAZDA lamp you get three timea more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light Is as bright and clear as day light. This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE YOUR EYES, SAVE YOUH HOUSE, SAVE MONEY, BE COMFORTABLE. Electric and fts supplies, elec tric light wiring, boll wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. SEE J. L. Vaughan 831 Main St. Thone 'Main 139.