EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, PENDLETON", OREGON, FIJI DAY, JUNE 28, 1012. PAGE FIVE If COMK TO THE ELKS' CIIJCITS NKXt FIJI DAY. 1 000 yards Wash Silk in all leading shades, val. 50c and 75 c, your choice, 39c Yard 50 Ladies and Misses' Dresses silk, serge or voile, values to $22.50, your choice $9.90 Don't overlook these two bargains, they are good ones. F. E. LIVENGOOD & GO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. For good clean lump or nut coal, phone Oregon Lumber Yard. Thone Main 8. What for? The best coal In town. State Hotel Furnbftea rooms at pedal rates by week or month. Have your wood sawed by the gas oline wood saw. Phone Main 13. For Rent Front office In Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. We can fill your bins with fresh Klmmerer Coal at satisfactory prloes. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Sale 29 head Tresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R. H. Stevens. Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Wanted Woman to help In kitch en. Apply 126 West Webb street. ! Lnrge shipment of new sidewalk ! lumber Jut received at the Pendleton j Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. ! Before you buy a sewing machine : be sure and look at the Central Nee- ! die Standard. Jesse Falling. An experienced Japanese wishes position In private family to do gen eral housework. P. O. Box 486, City. Land scape gardening. Work guar anteed or no charge. Smith Bros., 521 So. Main street. Screen doors and window screens, all sizes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. We also make them to order. For rent Barn large enough for 16 horses with corral In connection. Will rent, part of barn. Apply 415 LUletfe street. Phone Black 8081. Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night Tray orders a specialty. Evethlng new. Under State Hotel. Phone Main C67. Un Co, Props. For Rent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close In. Cheap. Inquire 71 Lillcth. Carload of fine cedur posts now for sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar red. To rent Furmsned apartment house. Modern conveniences. In quire Monterastelll block. Phone Black 3861. Moth prcmf cedar chests, great va riety of sizes and prices. Every home should have one. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. We are now rilling our bins with fresh coal, the best that can be had. See us before placing your orders. Oregon Lumber Yard. For sale Yellow pine, red fir, al der and maple wood; also Rock Springs coal. Thone Black 3622, or leave orders at Demott's Cigar Store, Main street. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a clean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert, leav ing The Dalles dally except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland $1. Even experience won't nourish a maa unless It la properly digested. Good pasturo with running water, 1 1-2 miles west of Stanfield, $1.50 per month, w. T. Reeves. Pure Manila binding twine for sale by the Farmers' Union Grain Agency. For Rent Furnished apartment rooTiiK, 502 Water street. For rent Furnished 6 room house with bath and gas connections In quire 304 Johnson street.' Wanted A young woman wants work where fche can have the time from 1 to 5 p. m. off. Telephone Red 2771. For Rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. Hot and cold water and bath. Also bed room. 213 S. Garden. For sale 6-111 Universal steel range with coil. Good condition. In quire of Si Reetz at barber shop. Found On the streets of Pendleton Masonic gold watch charm. Owner can have same by calling at this of fice and paying for this notice. A snap, PERSONAL MENTION r . o .... .. . ...l.i i 4 V V.'UMailU IOUI- lJlftl,ua.. Ing car in fine shape, 2 cylinder, 23 O, D. Teel Ih nmong tho big crowd In tho city today. Jinks Tuylor Is down from Athena to take In the Elks Circus. H. Pelmulder 'wan up yesterday from hlH home at Stanfield, D. C. Brownell of Umatilla has been a vlHltor in the city today. O. D. Teel In a west end . visitor here today from Stanfield, Mr. ana Mrs. R. F. Henry of Ba ker, were at the Bowman last night. R. Conner of Stanfield, was a vis itor In Pendleton last evening. E. P. Jorman of Echo, was among the out of town visitors In the city yesterday. C. A. Barrett of Athena is among the out of town people here today from that place. Mrs. Mark Sturtevant came In yes terday afternoon from her home at Pilot Rock. S. J. Campbell, county fruit Inspec tor, came down from his home at Freewater this morning. . J. G. Kilpack, traveling representa tive of the boys and girls aid society is now in the city. George W. Proebstel, prominent Weston farmer, came in on the local from his t home this morning. Judge James A. Fee and son, Alger Fee, were outgoing passengers on the ninriilng westbound local. J. F. Wullan of Adams, was among the passengers on the incoming local from Walla Walla this morning. Miss Marie Struve returned last night from Portland where she has been fur the past two months. D. C. Brownell, well known Uma tillun, came up yesterday from his home and Is spending' today here. Mr. and Mrs. John P. McManus were In from Pilot Rock yesterday and returned to their home this morning. L. E. Penland and family leave to day for the Willamette valley and the coast for an outing. They go by auto. Rev. Charles Qulnney of the Church of the Redeemer, returned this morn ing from a ministerial visit to Wes ton. Hanley A. Wa.ermai., mayor of Hermiston, and republican candidate for the office of county commission er, is up from the project town. Mrs. W. Hall and her daughter, Mrs. F. I. Geisler of Portland, are visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. Hall's brother, Dr. L. K. H. P.. cost $1300 new. $330 will take It now. Reason fur selling owner wants smaller car. Address M. A. Graham, Freewater, Ore. Lost $2: SO 1 toward. Winchester rifle, calibre Model 1S92. No. 376319. 32-20, Finder ipic-a.se. leave with John Kearney. ipisiiS bargains for Saturday $5.00 to $7.50 Silk Waists for . $2.95 $4.50 to $6 Long Sleeve Lingerie Waists 2.65 98c Embroidery Flouncing, 45-in. wide 55c 1 2 1 -2c Dress Ginghams for . . 9c 12 l-2c Wash Lawns and Batistes for . 7c 1 5 c Batistes and Lawns for . . . 9 c 20c Flaxons and Poland Lawns for . .14c 25c Bleached Bath Towels for . . 18c $1.25 All-Wool Cream Serge, 45-in. wide 98c 29c Scotch Zephyr Gingham for . . 1 8c 45c Figuered Silk Organdy for . .25c $3.00 Cotton Messaline Skirts, in pink, blue, lavender, etc., for . . $2.35 Wohleiaberg Dep't, Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY Special Prices on Cortluood. Good dry red fir. slab wood, cotton- I wood, yellow and black pine Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying Ko plttke & Glllanders. phone Main 173. Tin-: Special This Week Summer Necessities FOR SUNBURN SUNSHINE COLD CREAM SUNSHINE LOTION, (Justrltc) la very soothing. Softens ami whitens tho skin. DISINFECTANTS: CHLORIDE LIME FORMAL- DEIIYDE. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, large bottle lOo F. J. Donaldson RELIABLE DRUGGIST. IX POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of I'endleton, to-wit: One black mule with mealy nose. 8 years old, branded F S on left shoulder, weight about 1000 pounds. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and ex penses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m., of the 8th day of July, 1912, the said animal will be sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, at the City round, Oregon Feed Yard, In said City of Pendleton, the pro creeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 26th day of June. 1912. JOHN" KEARNEY. City Marshal. kadi: is a gorgeous aitaik (Continued from Page For Rent 6 room house with batli and electric lights. Darn on premis es Inquire 113 Lee street. Pitts Engine for Sale. For sale One 14-horse power dou ble cylinder Pitts engine In good shape. Price $500. R. H. Wilcox, Pendleton, Ore. , Call Auto Truck for Transfer Work. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 339 for furniture and piano moving, picnic crowds to country, household goods stored by month. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. For Sale. Thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies. Bitches, $5.00; stud dogs, $7.50. M. L. Little, R. 1, Box 75, Amity, Oregon. Homesteads Open for Entry. Since the new homestead law has gone Into effect requiring but three years' residence with five months off each year, and the taking of an addi tional 160 acres under the enlarged homestead act. the government land in the rich Wallowa valley Is being ta ken up with a rush. I have a few at tractive places still open for settle ment at a very reasonable price of location. Write W. S. BURLEIGH. Enterprise, Ore. For Sale Bungalow, taken by August 1st. Lincoln street. Bargain If Inquire 119 WOMAN FOR GOVERNOR. Washington Socialists utile Writer to Ja'iuX State. Ticket, Everett, Wash. Miss Anna A. Mal ley, socialist lecturer and writer, will head the socialist state ticket In Washington, the count of tho refer endum vote giving her the nomina tion for governor over Richard Win sor of Seattle by a majority of 800. Returns were received from more than 5000 socialist voters. ors of the earth's best people and mounted on the oM fashioned side saddle while succeeding them as an object of attraction was a cage from which a beautiful buck deer looked out affrighted Iy on the crowd. Seat ed upon the top of the cake was Miss Royalino Sawtello, tne world's most celebrated snake charmer and colled affectlonaately about her, manly form were the glossy colls of a mammoth boaconstrictor. Clad in the flowing habiliments of the Romans of the early centuries, Derwood Waffle and John Spain, looking the parts they played, drove their chariot fours, the former hold ing in check four big greys and the latter four black mules. With Char iateer Waffle rode Tom Smart, clad in the uniform of the Grassville po lice. Behind the .chariots rode the first clown of the parade, seated upon the rump of a burro. Behind the white pain on his face a few friends recog nized the familiar features of, one Marshall Spell. Close upon the heels of the burro came a closed anlma.' cage upon the top of which rode a troupe of Japanese acrobats and jiu Jitsu wrestlers. Colorado Ben Corbett and L. E. McCoy, two well known Round-up performers, followed with their hip podrome horses and then came Clar ence Moller in a clown costume and loading a vest pocket edition of the animal called the horse. A real, shaggy b'-ick bear peered out of the bars of the next cage but sharing with him the interest of the crowd was the Iggorrote on top Few recognized beneath the coat of black the genial Jack Vrquhart. Two ponderous elephants and n long necked giraffe, the products of Doc Lytlo's nrtistic skill, stalked be hind the bear cage and they were fol lowed by one of the real features of the parade. Five barebacked riders with faces and figures more beautiful than any ever seen with a profes sional circus, sat upon their steeds and smiled coyly at the crowd. In the world of art they go by the names of Miss Brooklet Dickson, Miss Jaekess Vincent, Miss Georgiana Gil lette, Miss Tomato Hill, and Miss Royal Ann Temple. A screaming Rube band a horde of Indian clowns on bicycles were next In procession whllo behind them came the "only baby elephant In tho world" and the Texas Tommy danc ers. Tho remainder of the parade con sisted of the following features in the order named, tandem drivers, the clown band, with Senor O'Keefe as leader, a cage of baby bears, a Hootchy Kootchy band and dancers, a caged cougar and his boy tamer, throe zebras, a closed lion cage, the Walla Walla Elks fife and drum corps, which was a big hit, a few more closed cages, the Aubrey Gra ham tandem, a group of boys on Shetland, a string of stallions, cow boys, Indians and the steam calliope. Tho calliope was one of the best mirth producers. It consisted of the Warren Construction company's steam roller on which nine steam whistles of different sizes had been fixed. It was decorated with the Elk colors while a great placard announc ed that It was not the steam roller used at Chicago or Baltimore. It took twenty minutes for the pa fade to pass and then the crowd enmasse followed it to the Round-up Park where at press time the after noon performance Is going on. Evening Performance Different. The evening performance will com mence at eight o'clock and the pro gram will be almost completely dif ferent. At the conclusion a display of fireworks and a night balloon as cension and parachute drop will be great features. SESSION LASTS THROUGH NIGHT. (Contlued from page 1) was also asserted that Baldwin and many Underwood votes as well as a majority of Harmon votes would go to Clark early in the fight.. May Re Ivong Flfdit. The general :mpresslon of experi enced politicians was that the fight would be long drawn out, with chanc es of a "dark horse" greater than or iginally thought. Thought listening to a flood of ora tory all night, the delegates remained patient and good tempered. Of the many demonstrations, that for Wil son was the longest, the galleries joining with the Wilson delegates. RRYAN TAKES STAND AGAINST MONEY INTERESTS (Continlued from page one.) ness of the country and as merciless I In their command of their states as any man in the country. "Some one has said th-it we hav- no right to discuss the delegates who come here from a sovereign state."' Governor Gilchrist, of Florida "I said that." Colonel Bryan "Yes." "I reply," continued Mr. Bryan, "that if these men are willing to In sult six ami a half millions of dem ocrats, we ought to speak out against them and let them Know we resent the insult. "I, for one, am not willing that Thomas F. Ryan and Augus. Belmont shall come here with their paid at torneys and seek secret council with the managers of this party. "Xo sense of politeness or courtesy to such men will keep me from pro tecting my party from the disgrace that they Inflict upon it. "Now, my friends, I cannot speak for you. You have your own respon sibilities, but if this is to be a con- FRECKLE-FACE New Remedy That Removes Freckles or Costs Nothing. Here's a chance Miss Freckle-Face, to try a new remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that It will not cost you a penny un less it removes the freckles, while if it does give you a clear complexion, the expense Is trifling. : 'Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength, from any first class druggist in Pendleton and one night's treatment will show you how easy It 1? to rid yourself of the homely freck les and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely Is more than one ounce need ed for tho worst case Be sure to ask any first class drug gist in Pendleton for the doublo strength othlne, as this Is the only pre scription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. ventlon run by these men, if our nom inee is to be their representative, I pray you to give us, who represent constituencies that do not want this, a chance to go on record with our protest against it. "If any of you are willing to nom inate a candidate who represents these men, or who Is under obligation to these men do it and take tho re sponsibility. I refuse to take that re sponsibility. Bryan Interrupted. "Some have said that we have not a right to demand the withdrawal of delegates from this conven ion. I will make a proposition. One of those sits with New York, tho other sifs with Virginia. I make this propositi-. n: If the state of New York will akj a poi: of its vote and a majority of them not Mr. Murphy, but a ma jority of the delegates " Mr. Flood of Virginia "May i in terrupt the gentleman?" Mr. Bryan "Wait a moment; wait until I got through. I then will with draw the last part of the i evolution which demands the withdrawal of these men from ths convention. ' I will withdraw the last part at the request of tho states In which those gentlemen sit, but I will not withdraw the first part that demands that our candidate shall be free from entangle ment with them." Mr. Bryan yielded to Mr Flood and then Senator-elect Vardaman and others spoke. LA FOIJ.ETTE MAKES HITTER ATTACK AGAINST T. R. (Continued from Page '!.) to redeem the democracy ami restore tho government to the people. Refuses to Comment. Oyster Bay, X. V., juno 2S. Colo nel Roosevelt refused to discuss the statement made by In Follette in tho hitter's weekly letter published today. Tho colonel was eager for news from Baltimore and asked all his visitors what fhey had heard. When told the results of the first ballot he said: "Even if Wilson is nominated, the effect will be lost as they are all divided down there. If they had got together solidly behind Wilson, It would have been better for them." No. 138. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The KermUlon Bank & Trust Co. At Hermiston, in the State of Oregon', at the close of business, June 14th, 1912. Resources. Loans and discounts $51,SS3.14 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 1,705.56 Banking house 1.3, 447. 7 Furniture and fixtures.... 4.2SG.59 Other real ostate owned... 4,286.24 Due from approved reserve banks 2,577.73 Cash on hand 4,164.11 Expenses 277.84 Total $62,629.02" Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $25,000.09 Individual deposits subject to chock 30.4S4.49 Demand certificates of do posit 12,948.78 Cashier checks outstand ing 193.77 ' Hills payable for money borrowed 14.000 0O Total $S2.629.02 State of Oregon, County t Umatilla, ss: I. C. F. Morrow. Cashier of tho ahovo-naint-d bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. F. Moimow. Cashier. Sub.-crihod and sworn to before mo this 26th day of Juno. 1912. OTT) O. SAPPER. Not.-.rv Tub lie. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE THE NOR f HERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, Limited of London In the Kingdom of Groat Britain on tho 31st day !' December. 1911. made to' the Insurance Commissioner of the State c i i ':vgor., pur suant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital paid up 1.5CV""'0.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year in cash . . . . $ 2 . h :l s. S .". 'i . 4 7 Interest, dividends and rents received during year 1 s 1 .:',; oj Income from ftther sources received during oar 3 4 4.24 7.62 , Total Income $3,164,499.11 RISIU'RSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year $ 1.675.3Sv62 Commissions and salaries paid during the year. SOI. 391. on Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year.. 12.153.39 Amount of all other expenditures S27,$4'MO Total expenditures $3,396,773.17 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned ? 1 1 5. ''." Value- of stocks and bonds owned 4.257,163.101 Cash in bank and on hand 239,'r.oi..", 1 Premiums in course of collection and trans mission ."i3ii.916.64 Interest and rents duo anil accrued, etc 1 Ji, S 2 1.5'.' Total assets admitted in Orouon $5. 303, 005. 74, i.i iui. mis. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 332.226.2" Ann of unearned prems. on all outst'dg risks. 2.76 1.9 1 5. 3. 5 All other liabilities 199. "77.92 Total liabilities $3,293,210.47 Total insurance in force December 31. 1 1 1 1 $502.9 I 7,631 .00 Rl'SIMlSS IN OKIIGON FOR THE YEAR Total risks written during tho year $3. 365. 342. 00 Gross premiums received during the year S3. 74 1.07 Premiums returned during the year 18,217.98 Losses paid during the year 21.505.05 losses incurred during tho year 20,209.17 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon Dec. 3U 191 1.... 5.679,168.87 THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, Limited By G. II. LEIIMIT, Manager. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: D. It. ATKINSON, Portland, Oregon, life Moorliousc, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon.