EIGIIT PAGES DAILY EAST OJIEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNK 27, 1012. PAGE F1VB COME TO THE ELKS' CIRCUS NEXT ERTDAY. 1000 yards Wash Silk in ail leading shades, val. 50c and ; 75c, your choice, 39g Yard 50 Ladies and Misses' Dresses silk, serge or voile, values to $22.50, your choice $9.90 Don't overlook these two bargains, they are good ones. F. E. LIVEMOOD & CO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. For good clean lump or nut coal, phone Oregon Lumber Yard. Phone Main 8. What for? The best coal In town. State Hotel Furnisfcea rooms at special rates by week or month. Have your wood sawed by the gas oline wood Baw. Phone Main 13. For Rent Front office In Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. We can fill your bins with fresh Klmmcrcr Coal at satisfactory prices. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of IV H. Stevens. Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Wanted Woman to help In kitch en. Apply 126 West Webb street. Large shipment of new sidewalk lumber. Just received at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Before you buy a sewing machine be sure and look ot the Central .Nee dle Standard. Jesso Falling. An experienced Japanese wishes position In private family to do gen eral housework. P. O. Box 486, City. Land scape gardening. Work guar anteed or no charge. Smith Bros., 621 So. Main street. Screen doors and window screens, all sizes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. We also make them to order. For rent Barn large enough for 16 horses with corral In connection." Will rent part of barn. Apply 415 Lllletfe street. Phone Black 3081. Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night Tray orders a specialty. Eveythlng new. Under State Hotel. Phone Main 667. Un Co, Props. For Kent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close In. Cheap. Inquire 719 Lllleth. Carload of fine cedar posts now for sale at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar red. To rent Furmsned apartment house. Modern conveniences. In quire Monterastelll block. Phone Black 3851. Moth prof cedar chests, great va riety of sizes and prices. Every home should have one Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Wo aro now rilling our bins with fresh coal, tho best that can be had. See us before placing your orders. Oregon Lumber Yard. For sale Yellow pine, red fir, al der and maplo wood; also Rock Springs coal. Phone Black 3622, or leave orders at Dcmott's Cigar Store, Main street. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a clean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert, leav ing The Dalles dally except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland II. Even experience won't nourish a man unless It Is properly digested. Good pasture with running water, Special This Veek Summer Necessities FOIl SUXBUKX 6UNS1IINK COIiD CREAM SUN SI II M0 LOTIOX, (JuHtrite) Is very soothing. Softens and whitens the skin. DISIN'FIOCTANTS: CIJXiOIUDK III MB FORMAL- PKinrDE. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, large botUo lOo F. J. Donaldson RELIABLE DRUGGIST, PERSONAL MENTION 1 1-2 miles west of Stanfield, J1.50 per month. W. T. Reeves. For rent Furnished 6 room house with bath and gas connections In quire 304 Johnnon street. x Wanted A young woman wants work where she can have the time from 1 to 5 p. m. off For Kent Furnished housekeeping j rooms, iioi and cold water and bath. Also bed room. 215 S. Garden. For sale 6-lld Universal steel range with coll. Good condition. In quire of PI Recta at barber shop. Found on the streets of Pendleton Masonic gold watch charm. Owner can have same by calling at this of fice and paying for this notice. Wanted Work In store or Job as cashier or timekeeper by young man. Have had business course. Willing to take small pay to start. Address SI 2 College street. A snap, 5 passenger Oakland tour ing car In fine shape, 2 cylinder, 23 II. P., cost $1500 new. $:0 will take it now. Reason for selling owner wants smaller car. Address M. A. Graham, Freewater, Ors. Tew AngelH of Izee Is among the vis itors here today. Dan P. Smythe has returned from a trip to Portland. Mrs. F. O. Yates of Stanfleld Is a visitor In the city today. Ben,CoIvln, cattleman of RItter, Is In the city today. J. F. Kerny of Heopner, was a vis itor In the city yesterday. Mrs. W. R. Walpole of Irrlgon, was up from her home yesterday. Robert Forster was a passenger to Portland this afternoon on No. 17, W. E. Barmore of Hermlston was among the project dwellers In the city yesterday. Rev. Christian Mack of the German Lutheran church. Is In from his home at Myrlck today. Mrs. J. Halstead of Echo, was am ang the tout of town people in th city yesterday. W. E. Ball, well known paper sales man, came over from Walla Walla this morning. Miss Lotta Llvermore left on No, 17 this arternoon for Portland where she will spend the summer with her sister. Mrs. J. R. Dickson and Mrs. Leon Cohen are spending the day In Her mlston, having made the down trip on the morning local. J. N. Burgess, who returned yester day from Colorado where he had ta ken a tralnload'of sheep, went out to Pilot Rock this morning. M. C. Bretz, western land and freight agent for the N. P. R. R., Is here today from his headquarters at Tacoma. Prof, and Mrs. A. C. Hampton re turned this morning from Wallowa Lake, where they have been spending a month as the guests of Mr. Hamp ton's sister. Miss Maud Sheridan returned to Pendleton this morning by way of the Northern Pacific after a nine months' visit in Minnesota with her sister, Mrs. William Lyons James P. Neal, well known Free water attorney, came In this morn ing on the local. He will leave to morrow for .Spokane for a short bus iness trip. For Rent Furnished apartment rooms, 502 Water street. Pure Manila binding twine for sale by the Farmers' Union Grain Agency. WII.KOX BOOM BRKVKS OUT. Ma ipseia (or Friday end Bargains Saturday $5.00 to $7.50 Silk Waists for . $2.95 $4.50 to $6 Long Sleeve Lingerie Waists 2.65 98c Embroidery Flouncing, 45-in. wide 55c 1 2 I -2c Dress Ginghams for , . 9c 1 2 I -2c Wash Lawns and Batistes for . 7c 1 5c Batistes and Lawns for . . . 9c 20c Flaxons and Poland Lawns for . . 1 4c 25c Bleached Bath Towels for . . 1 8c $1.25 All-Wool Cream Serge, 45-in. wide 98c 29c Scotch Zephyr Gingham for . . 18c 45c Figuered Silk Organdy for . .25c $3.00 Cotton Messaline Skirts, in pink, blue, lavender, etc., for . . $2.35 Wohleifcberg Dep't. Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY JERRY RUSK WON'T STAND FOR THE STEAL (Contiued from pago 1) special i 'rices on cormvoiKl. uood dry red rir, slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine- Special prices In five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying Ko plttke & Gillanders. phone Main 173. ix I'orxn. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of I'endleton, to-wit: One black mule with mealy nose. 8 years old, branded F S on left shoulder, weight about 1000 pounds. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and ex penses n gainst them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m.. of the 8th day of July, 1912. the said animal will be sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, at the City Found. Oregon Feed Yard, in said City of Tendleton, the pro creeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 26th day of June, 1912. JOHN KEARNEY. City Marshal. For Rent 6 room house with bath and electric lights. F.arn on premis es. Inquire 113 Lee street. Pitts Engine tor Sale. For Sale One 14-horse power dou ble cylinder Pitts engine in good shape. Trice J 500. IV II. Wilcox, Pendleton, Ore. Call Auto Truck for Transfer Work. Our specialty Is quick work. Phono Main 339 for furniture and piano moving, picnic crowds to country, household goods stored by month. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Eor Sale. Thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies. Bitches, $5.00; stud dogs, J7.50. M. L. Little, R. 1, Box 73, Amity, Oregon. Homesteads Open for Entry. Since tho new homestead law has gone Into effect requiring but three years' residence with five months oft each year, and the taking of an addi tional 160 acres under the enlarged homestead act. the government land In the rich Wallowa valley Is being ta ken up with a rush. I have a few at tractive places still open for settle ment at a very reasonable price of location, Write W. S. BURLEIGH, Enterprise, Ore. V.M IT IS 2500 YEARS OLD. Wonderful INneovery Is Made By Workmen In Switzerland, Geneva While digging the foun dations for a hospital to be built at Neuchatel, the workmen lately dis covered a beautiful vault built in bronze, which Swiss scientists statfc was built 600 years before the birth of esus Christ. In the tomb was the skeleton of a young woman, whose bones were still In a natural position. On the wrists were six bractlets, four In bronze and two In lignite and near the skeleton was a little bronze bell. gum, wearing a bored look. A bat tery of newspaper photographers were popping flash lights, while the upper section of the auditorium was filled with smoke. Woman for ('lark. Mrs. Percy Cummins of Hamilton. Kansas, tried to carry a Clark ban ner up on the stage but she was forced back and former Governor Francis of Missouri, gave her his seat. She still stood up till a police man made her sit down. When Bell resumed he said: "Ev erybody wants to get at the facts" "Yes. Pat Calhoun does," came a yell from the galleries. From the other side of the house was shouted. "Sit down, you Southern Pacific lawyer." The demonstration lasted for 22 minutes. The Wilson delegates were seated. N'ew York for Wilson. After the Wilson men were seated. New York voted solidly for the Wil son delegates. This was taken to mean that Murphy had decided that Clark cannot be nominated and was maneuvering so as to be in a position to dominate the situation when the break comes. After Bell had finished speaking, a vote was ordered. It tabulated: Ayes, 534 1-2: noes, 437; not voting. 13 1-2; absent 2. Congressman Ollle James of Ken tucky was then proposed by the com mittee on permanent organization, for permanent chairman. The conven tion adopted the report of the com mittee, making James the permanent chairman. James addressed the con vention, after which adqjournment was taken until S tonight. New committeemen comprise Will R. King of Oregon; John Patterson of Washington; P. II. Elder of Idahf and J. B. Kremer of Idaho. With the exception of the case of the South Dakota contest, the ma jority report of tho credentials com mittee was accepted. The crowd today was the largest of the convention because of the belief that nominations would be made. Clark banners and buttons predomi nated and there was no denying that Clark's following is larger than any of the other candidates. More women were on hand today than upon any other day of the con vention and they all showed unbound ed Interest in the events. The large gathering of the fairer sex was due to the hope that some old fashioned oratory would be unllmbered in put ting candidates In nomination. Mrs. William Taft, wife of the pres ident, was one of the enrly arrivals. Predictions Made. It was predicted today that the cre dentials committee would recommend seating the Clark delegates from South Dakota and that a minority report favoring Wilson delegates would also 'be made. That Jerry Rusk, late candidate for the republican nomination for con gressman from Eastern Oregon and who openly declared himself a Roose velt progressive during the campaign, wont swallow the dose prepared by the Chicago convention is shown by the following letter received here to day by Dr. I. U. Temple: La Grande, Ore., June 26, 1912. Dr. I. L Temple, Pres. Roosevelt Repub. Club., I'endleton, Oregon. Dear Doctor: I to mighty glad to sec you were against the great Chicago steal, just where I knew you would be however. For me I don't think the gang of political highbind ers who ran things there are fit for decent voters to be associated with. I am satisfied that we progressives will have a candidate for president that we can all support with a royal good will and also with a clear conscience. I expect to take the warpath just as soon as conditions line up so that we can know what is what and who is who. I hope the boys in Umatilla will stand rat on this and make the same fight we made in April. We an beat them for we are right. Sincerelv yours, JOHN P. RUSK. MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main S3. 117 E. Court Street PRECAUTIONS TAKEN SAYSC. H. MARTIN ARMY AVIATOK IS KILLED. German Lieutenant Makes Fatal Er ror With Ijevcr of Machine. Doeberltz, Germany. Another ar my aviator was killed here. Lieuten ant Von Falkenhayn of the German army, after making a flight on the military aerodrome, attempted to land, but made a false movement with one of the levers which caused the machine to fall. Taking exceptions to criticisms made of his crew at work on the Wild Horse cutoff the county's engineer. C. II. Martin declares that at no time has he broken any of the electric com pany's wires without first notifying tho company In advance that a heavy blast was to bo made. Yesterday the blast at noon did not break any wires he declares and the current was off an hour and a half through no fault of his. Mr. Martin declares that much of the time lost by the electric com pany during tho past week has been due to faults within the company s organization and not to the blasts. The countv's engineer also declares there Is never any danger to travel on the road from the blasts. All the blasts are discharged by electricity and no blast Is ever fired until the workmen first see that the road is clear. Cn sonde County Petition Filed. Salem. Ore., June 27. The first in itiative petition for the creation of a new county was filed yesterday. The 'proposed bill creates the county of Cascade out of the eastern half of Clackamas county. Beginning at the southern boundary of Multnomah, Im mediately south of Gresham, the poposed lines of the new county run south to a point west of Viola, then east to near George, then south to the southern boundary of Clackamas. The petition has 10 770 signatures. The bill provides that Estacada shall be the temporary county sent and that the question of a permanent county seat with the election of reg ular officers, shall be submitted to the people at the general election in 1914. The new county Is to be part of the seventeenth represntativ dis trict, and annexed to the Twelfth sen atorial district. IS YOUR HOME FIREPROOF? Does it contain valuable papers, locked in desks, draw ers or trunks ? Do you realize the loss that a fire would inflict upon you ? For a small sum you can rent a Safety Deposit Box in the fire and burglar proof vaults of this bank and insure yourself against Toss by fire that may occur at any time. Call and inspect our safety deposit boxes. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon' American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Ai woman's mirror Is always a peer glass, i Folly always attracts more atten tion than wisdom. VISIT THE OLD HOME VIA Low Fares East 0.S.L& UNION PACIFIC Lines Protected ly Automat ic Slpnal Block. Round trip tickets to principal cities in Middle Western and Eastern States. Baltimore Boston Chicago Denver Kansas City 60.00 Minneapolis 60.00 . $107.50 . 110.00 . 72 60 . 65.00 New York 108.60 Omaha 60.00 St. Louis 70.00 St. Paul 60.00 Toronto 91.60 Washington 107 60 Going limit fifteen days; final return limit October 31, 1912. LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES. Choice of routes. PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED KATES TO MANY OTHER POINTS. DATES OF SALE. JUNE 13. 14, l.V 17, IS, 10, 20, 21, 24, 23, 27, 28, 20. JULY 2, 3, 0, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 2G, 20, 30, 31. AUGUST 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31. SEPTEMBER 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30. For further information, call on or address T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent, Tendleton, Ore. R. BURNS, Dist. Frt. & Passenger Agent, Walla Walla, Wash.