JMWM DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OKEOON, THURSDAY, .11' XK 27, UUL. PAGE TirREB Cleaning Up on Drummers' Samples THE TIME TO BUY! NOW THE PLACE TO BUY ! THE HUB JOYS' SAMPLE OXFOKDS. SHOES YOU LADIES' A few uiir left of hovs' oxfords in tan and black. All .$2.25 oxfords now selling at $1.00 All $:i.00 oxfords going fast at $1.50 LADIES' SLEEVELESS VESTS. 15c Vests now selling at $ 35c Vests now selling at 10 4 ."c 'Vests now selling at 7rc Vests now going at 29 CiriLDKEX'S SOX ASP STOCKINGS. Cliil.lren's fino sox, made to sell at 2re, 11 samples, now ?m Extra fine sox now 10 Infant's l!c stockings selling at Infant's 20e stockings now - 10 Infant's fino caslinicrc and silk stock ings 15? LADIES' HOSE. Wo have too many ladies' high grade hose, all colors and kinds, 75c hose, elcaning-up price 29 CHILDREN'S LTCKSKIN SANDALS. Sizes 5 to 8 selling at 60 Sizes 8 1-2 to 12 selling at 70 Sizes 12 1-2 to 2 selling at 83 HOYS' SUITS. We have only a few hoys' suits left. They are in mixed colors and hlue serge. $y.5() Doys' knickerWker suits, clcau-uii nce $l.GO $1.50 I joys' knickcrlxtckcr suits selling now at JJ52.25 $0.00 JJovs' knickerhocker hlue serge poiii2 at .: : - $2.98 WE KNOW THE HOY WANTS A NEW SUIT FOIl THE FOURTH OF JULY. MUX'S NATS. We have ahout 200 sample lints worth from .$2.50 t, .$:.O0. (Mi-aiiing-up price $1.00 MEN'S SHOES. Fine high grade white Xu-huck hut'n shoes, sold el.-ewhere at $5.00; The Huh price.... $3.45 (JchmI white canvas bottom shoes at The Hub for $1.95 and $2.35 The latest out in pumps and button oxfords Hegular .$1.00 oxfords and pumps $2.85 Hegular .$".50 oxfords and pumps $2.35 One lot of medium and low heel oxfords, just the thing for a comfortable hot weather shoe 75 and $1.00 MEX'S SUITS. . 1 lot of $15.00 suits selling at. 1 lot of $18.00 suits seling at.. $8.95 $9.75 Kegular $2.50 outing or bicycle shoes $1.65 Hegular $2.75 outing or bicycle shoes $1.95 Regular $4.00 shoe, button or lace $2.95 $5.00 Men's dress shoe in gun inetal $3.65 SHOES IS OUR HOBBY. Men's best quality work shirts 45 Men's good work pants $1.00 to $1.35 Men's $3.00 corduroy pants $1.85 DOX'T THINK FOR A MINUTE THAT WE ARE A LITTLE ONE-HORSE CONCERN. OUR GREAT BUYING POWER GIVES US A LOWER-PRICE SELLING POWER. SPOKANE, WASH. PULLMAN, WASH. COLFAX, WASH. O o STORES AT We set the pace others can't keep up. Pendleton, Oregon LEWISTON, IDAHO. MOSCOW, IDAHO. WALLA WALLA. WASH. FOR. Summer Home at Newport, Ore., on Yaqaina Bay One of the best and most beautifully situated Summer Homes at Newport, Oregon. For further information address, Valley Real Estate Comp'y Carlton, Oregon KnownTor Its Strength IFirsI Motional lank PENDLETON, iOREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 Cook With Cas you will eliminate- Dirt Carrying Fuel Cutting Kindling A Bake-Oven Kitchen You will get better results from your baking and at a lower cost. Pacific Power & Light Go. PORTLAND PREPARING 10 ENTERTAIN BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH AT CONVENTION IN JULY Portland, Ore., June 27. (Special.) Now that the big political conven tions are over, the attention of a great part of the country will center upon Portland where the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will be gin its annual grand lodge conven tion on Monday, July 8. Every one of Portland's 275,000 residents has shared In the work of preparing for the invasion of the city by the Elks. Not only have the mem bers of the Portland lodge, who have the arrangements In Immediate charge given their time and attention to the task, but business men and private citizens have assisted them material ly. Portland has raised an entertain ment fund of $125,000, of which 25, 000 was contributed by the local lodge, the balance by merchants and Indi viduals. This will be spent In dis pensing characteristic western hospi tality to the city's guests. Joy to Helen Supreme. From the time the first delegate arrives until the last one departs J y und good fellowship will reign supreme- Every entertainment feature planned by the Portland lodge will be free to all visiting Elks and members of their families. The weeks' festivi ties really will open Sunday. July 7, w ith trolley trips and automobile rides to various points of scenic delight In and near Portland. Monday will be devoted to the for mul reception of the visitors and the opening of the grand lodge sessions by an elaborute musical and oratorical program in the immense armory oC th Oreeon National Guard. The remainder of the week will be occupied with a series of unique at tractions that will keep the whole city on the alert. An event of Tuesday will be a spectacular electrical parade consist ing of 17 brightly illuminated noats. some of them symbolical of Elkdom and others typifying life in various of the world's leading nations. This pa geant was prepared by the Elks at a great cost and undoubtedly will be one of the most brilliant features of the entire week. j. ,. Kvcurslon to The Oaks. On Wednesday all registered Elks will be conducted on a free excursion to the Oaks, an amusement resort on the banks of the Willamette, where CATARRH ISERIES every concession will be opened and the ant'.ered band allowed to roam In and out at will. A monster bar becue will be served for which fully five tons of fresh Columbia river salmon will be baked. A corps of workmen already 'is busy preparing the ovens for this detail. The annual parade, which is the climax of every Elk reunion, will take place on Thursday, July 11. Advance information received from various lodges in the United States indicates that more than 25,000 members ot the order will participate. James P.. Nicholson of Cambridge, Mass , grand esquire of the Elks, has arrived in Portland to take charge of the pa rade. Liberal prizes have been of fered for various features. Consider ably friendly rivalry has developed among lodges on the Pacific coast for the honor of having the largest num ber of men in line San Franciscj, Se attle, Tacoma, Spokane, Oakland and Los Angeles are in the competition. The Portland lodge and all lodges in Oregon are barred from all contests. Prizes also will be offered for the tallest, the shortest, the fattest, the leanest and the oldest Elks, with plen ty of entries In each class. City lieing Decorated. A trip to "Council Crest," a resort on top of a hill 1200 feet high and within the city limits; together with naval parades, automobile races, an aeroplane flight and various attrac tions of lesser deligW will be crowded Into the busy week. An army of decorators now Is pre paring the city In a garb of purple and white the official Elk colors and when the first of the visiting thousands enter Portland's gates his eyes will meet a sight such as he has seldom seen. An ambitious "Court of Honor-' embracing 12 of the principal city blocks will be the most prominent scheme of ornamentation. Every public building will be attired In ban ners of purple and white blended with the national colors. deputies to find the photographer, but he grabbed his camera and fled. No counterfeit Tickets. The most remakahle thing in con nection with the convention so far is that no one apparently has tried to counterfeit the admission tickets. Chicago convention visitors were be set with sharpers selling spurious pasteboards, and Joke "passes," but the democratic admission cards" are the most ornately engraved that have yet been in use at a convention, and the police have yet to find any imita tions. Brokers' prices today for tickets were $5. They have been charging $15, but with few takers Show Tickets ror Elevator. You have to show a ticket to get aboard the elevators at the Emerson hotel during the rush hours. More over, the management has partitioned off the lifts so that one has to stand in line to get aboard. Only guests who preduce credentials from the ho tel desk are permitted on three of the four elevators. Once more is Colonel John I. Mar tin, perpetual sergeant at arms for democratic convention. In his glory. Nobody can ever hope to equal the eclat with which Martin holds down his Job, or, w hich is more to the point, with more efficiency. Today Colonel Martin had his hands full. It was hot and the colonel is a fussy person who perspires freely. In the middle of the session it was observed that the sergeant at arms had used four handkerchiefs mopping his fevered brow All four were care fully hung out to dry on the railing that boxes off Martin from the rest of the stage. IX POUND. If you have the Itch, don't scratch. It does not cure the trouble and makes the skin bleed. Apply BAL LARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. Rub it In gently on the affected parts. It relieves itching instantly and a few applications removes the cause, thus performing a permanent cure. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. M CONVENTION SIDELIGHTS. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: One bay horse, five years old. weight about 1150 pounds. Branded C on left hip with LP connected un derneath, and O on left shoulder. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of them, costs and expenses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 2nd day of July, 1912. the said animal will be sold to the highest bid der, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound In the Oregon Feed Yard, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 20th day of June, 1912. JOHN KEARNEY. City Marshal. pers complaining about the misuse of scriptural texts. Mme. Waldvogel, the prprletress, thereupon sued the pastor for libel, anu me case was heard in the Zurich courts. The pastor secured a verdict, and the plaintiff was ordered to pay all costs and $10 to the pastor for a charity. A regular morning operation of the bowels puts you In fine shape for the day's work. If you miss It you feel uncomfortable and cannot put vim in to your movements. For all bowel ir regularities HERBINE la the rem y. It purifies, strengthens and regulates. Price 50c. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. For British Artists Only. London. Special interest Is attach ed to conditions laid down for the open competition for the design of the monument to be erected by the Do minion government at Ottawa to the late King Edward. Only artists w ho are resident in the British Empire, who are British sub jects, and artists who, while British subjects by birth, are resident else where, will be allowed to compete. The monument will be erectd on government property at Ottawa, and the cost will be more than $500,000,-000.000,000.25. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giv ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy us may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make It easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully In many epi demics and Is safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. ENDED FOREVER 7...: Phono Main 40. "Always nt Your Service." The quickest, safest and best way to cure catarrh is by using a remedy that will touch the spot and do its work quickly without leaving any ban effects Kiy's Cream Balm, which Is applied to the nostrils or rubbed on the throat or chest, Ret right at the root of the trouble, and instantly ro lieves even the worst case of catarrh. In ii few minutes after applied, you can feel a loosening up In the head, the pain and soreness are gone, the sense of taste, smell and hearing come linck, und you feel like a different per son. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, heals and strengthens the inflamed . mem branes, stops the nasty discharge which makes the breath foul and causes the disgusting hawking, spit ting and blowing. Hay fever victimr who are made miserable with fits of sneezing and coughing Bt Instant re lief by the use of this simple rem edy. Don't suffer with catarrh another day. Ely's Cream Halm will relieve you Immediately, and a fifty cent bot tle will more than likely effect a complete euro. All druggists sell It. Baltimore, Md., June 27. Perched among the gallery guests among the thousands of the convention was a rooster, a real gamecock, but despite his undisputed pedigree lie would not crow. His guardian, who had antici pated some fun. grew melancholy as the minutes slipped by and the feath ered emblem of democracy steadfast ly maintained his silence. The guardian reported to every method of solicitation but all to no avail. It sat with head down and tail drooped, but refused to crow. Tomorrow he will be accompanied by a feathered friend In an effort to break his silence. I'urker Flashed In Act. Sergeant nt Arms Martin was searching the press reservation today for a bold newspaper photographer who created a diversion In the mid dle of Judge Parker's speech. The snapshot man rigged up his camera on the desk of one of the secretaries about ton feet from the temporary chairman, and then, standing a short distance from the speaker, he sud denly fired a flash. The blinding glare so startled Park er that he lowt the thread of his dis course. There was an Instant rush of TEXTS TO ADVERTISE 1N.N. But They Promptly Ill-ought Trouble to Woman Proprietor. Geneva. The proprietress of a Zurich inn and cafe has his upon a new use for Bible texts. She thinks some of them have an advertising value, and. as one means of attract ing customers, she has had painted on the walls such texts as "Come unto mo and I will give you rest." Her enterprise did not commend it self to M. I.iechti. a local pastor, who wrote a strong letter to the newspa- AVIATRICE AT FOLK YEARS. Little Accompanies Father on His First Flight in France. Paris. The youngest air-woman made her first flight a few days ago. She is Mile. Brodin, and Is Just f . ur years old. On her father receiving his airman's certificate, he proceeded to make his first independent flight, taking his ba by daughter with him. i U ' The young airwoman appeared to enjoy the experience. Her opinion of flying was delivered in two words. "Up again!" she said. It is now well Known that not more than one case of rheumatism In ten requires any Internal treatment whatever. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Lin iment and massaging the parts at each application. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all dealers. Thousand Homeless hy Fire. Quebec. Fire destroyed many buildings, including the Chateau Sa guenay, the cathedral, the town hall and the Chicoutimi hotel. In Chlcout 1ml. Between 100 and 125 buildings wero destroyed and about 1000 per sons made homeless. If there is no marrying in heaven, w hat will the girl angels do for chaperons? Soothing Vapor Drives Out Catarrh It Is now agreed by the leading phy sicians of tliis country and Kurope that the only way to drive out the ca tarrhal germs from the delicate mem branes of the nasal, bronchial and pul monary tract is by the use of Men tholytus. Just n few drops of Mentholyptus in a disli nf hot water breathe In the pleasant vapor to the bottom of the lungs and the foul Impurities nre cleaned out. Yes, this penetrating but foul soothing vapor, reaches even to the Inner lungs and in a few minutes that stuffed up ie.ling is g -pe. Your head and lungs are free. Instant re lief with the very first breath of this wonderful Mentholyptus vapor. Don't suffer another day from tho misery of catarrh and colds don't neglect that catarrh and let it run into bronchitis, pneumonia or perhaps consumption when you can check It at once with the Mentholyptus vapor treatment, only D"c. 'Mentholyptus Salve treatment, 50c. Mentholyptus salve is a (toothing, healing balm that Instantly relieve congestion clears out the nasal pass ages aiul gives you ubsolute protection from further colds and catarrh trou ble. Worth many times the price u.s a safeguard from catarrh. Wo Know that the Mentholyptus treatment will reach your cas.'. Tnko it on our money lack guarantee Better iuvestii,'ulo this wonderful remedy today. PENDLETON DPAJG CO. Cor. Main and Court St.