UN PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OrvEGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 191-2. EIQnT PAGES TESTIMONY OF FIVE WOMEN Proves That Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Is Reliable. Reedville, Ore. "I can truly recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all women who are passing through the Change of Life, as it made me a well woman after suffering three years." Mrs. MARY UOGART, Reedville, Oregon. New Orleans, La. "When passing through the Change of Life I was troubled with hot Hushes, weak and dizzy spells and backathe. I was not fit for anything until I took Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound which proved worth its weight in gold to me."-Mrs. Gas ton Blondeau, 1541 Po lymnia St, New Orleans. M ishawak a, Ind. -" Wo men passing through the Change of Life can take nothing better than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am recom mendingittoallmyfrienda because of what it has done for me. ' '-M rs. Chas. Bauer, 523 E. Marion St, Mishawaka, Ind. Alton Station,Ky.-"For months I suffered from &u troubles in consequence of my age aim uiuugni i could not live. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and I want other suffering women toknow about it ' Mrs. Emma Bailey, Alton Station, Ky. Deisem, No. Dak. "I was passing through Change of Life and felt very bad. I could not sleep and was very nervous. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health and I would not be without it" Mrs. F. M. Thorn, Deisem. No. Dak. Hn mm Bail Every Woman u unseated and ihoold know aroui me wonaeriul 1 MARVEL. Whirling Spray : new vaginal synnga. Best most convenient, tt IS.- cleanses Iniuntlr. Atk youi diuggut for ltl If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accent no othe bat lend Ramp for Illustrated book sealed. It elves full nartlcn. Ian and directions invaluable to ladies' U'U CU 44 last Z3i Itrttt Me Kin.- Fourih oj July CELEBRATION Under the Auspices of the Commercial Club and Kerchanfs' Association Walla Walla, Wash. 2 JULY 4!h 9 Days AND 5th Days Something New in the Line of Celeb rations. A l TRACTIONS: STREET PAGEANTS OF NOTE. SPOUTS AXD ATHLETICS. HUM; INDIANS IN NOVEL IN DIAN DANCES. MANY BANDS OP MUSIC. PATRIOTIC EXERCISES. TRI-STATE LEAGUE BASEBALL. AND MAW OTirER ATTRAC TION'S TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Reduced Rates on All Rail ways. All Welcome. Newsy Notes From the Sporting World STANFIEID'S WILDNESS ALLOWS PIPPINS TO Jlucknrooos Taste a 7 to 2 Defeat at l.a Grande, Mclvor Showing: Fine Form. Xadeau, 2b .......4 Teck, If Wilson, rf 4 Augustus, 88 3 Pemhrooke, c 3 Stanfield, p 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 14 4 W. L Pet. Walla Walla 23 13 .63V) Pendleton 20 17 .656 Boise 17 19 .486 La Grande 11 23 .324 La Grande, Ore., June 22. Stan field was wild. La Grande 7, Pen dleton 2. The story is told. Garrett's new twlrler secured from Kick Williams got off bad In his first game for the Buckarooes and hla In ability to locate the plate cost his team a game. Sevn times during the contest did he serve up four wide ones and four of these passes came In the opening canto, thus enabling the Pippins to chalk up four runs as a starter. Though he was stingy with his hits, his free transportation was all that was necessary. Mclvor, Barry's star southpaw, was in fine form and while his teammates were marking up runs, he kept the Buckarooes from breaking up the game. Lodell and Wilson of the vis itos proved to be the star sluggers of the day, the former poking out a three sacker and the later delivering himself of a four-ply swat. Ray, a Willamette valley boy. was tried In the La Grande outfield and gave a good account of himself. La Grande, AB R H PO A E Xaughton, ss 2 1 Barry, lb 5 0 Luttrell, 3b 4 Harmon, rf 2 King, c 3 Ray, If 4 Brown, 2b 3 Forbes, cf 2 Mclvor, p 3 0 1 1 10 Total 6 11 1 28 7 Pendleton. AB R II PO A E Rader, 3b 4 0 1 3 2 0 Robinson, cf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Lodell, lb .411501 AWAY WITHiCATARRH A FILTHY DISEASE If you have any symptoms of ca tarrh, such as stuffed up feeling In the head, profuse discharge from the nose, phelgm In the throat, causing hawking and spitting, dull pain in the head, or ringing in the ears, Just anoint the nostrils or rub the throat or chest with a little Ely's Cream Balm, and see how quickly you will get relief. In Just a few minutes you will feel your head clearing, and after using the Balm for a day or so the nasty discharge will be checked, the pain, soreness and fever will be gone, and you will no longer be offensive to yourself and friends by your constant hawking, spitting and blowing. Shake off the grip of catarrh be fore it impairs your sense of taste, smell and hearing and poisons your whole system. In a short time you can be cured of this distressing dis ease by using Ely's Cream Balm. This healing, antiseptic Balm does not fool you with short, deceptive relief, but i completely overcomes the disease. It clears the nose, head and throat of all the rank poison, soothes, heals and strengthens the raw, sore mem branes, and makes you proof against catarrh. One application will convince you, and a fifty cent bottle will generally effect a complete cure. Get it from your druggist and start the treatment at once. In the Summer Time when the breezes are hot and the throat is parched for a cooling drink, there Is nothing that will Make the thirst quite so quickly, quite so satisfactorily as a cool, sparkling glass of Kloster Srau Beer A bottle of Kloster Brau beer contains the most healthful summer hexerage you ever tried, because It is made of the purest materials, in the most hygienic manner possible. The discriminating person, with proper regard for his health and the purity of the things he eats and drinks, will not drink promiscuously of the innumerable summer beverages offered. Kloster Brau beer leads all other summer drinks because it is 1 the best thirst-quencher, and it is known to be pure. And it is by all odds the most enjoyable. Try it and see. Alfred Schneiter Office Saloon PHOKE MAIN 299 Total 32 2 Score by Innings: La Grande ....41100001 7 Pendleton . ..1100 0 000 02 Summary: Three base hits Lo dell; two base hits, Forbes; home runs Wilson; first on balls Oft Stanfield 7. off Mclvor 1; struck out By Stanfield 6, by Mclvor 2; left on bases Pendleton 5. La Grande S; double plays Xadeau to Augustus to Lodell; Brown to Barry; first base on errors Pendleton 1, La Grande 3; advanced on balk, one; stolen bases Forbes and Mclvor; sacrifice hits Robinson, Xaughton and Mclvor. Umpire, Longanecker. Scorer Mrs. Van Buren. Time of game, one hour 35 minutes. bears win OVER ,410 3 Walla Walla, Wash., June 22. For the fourth consecutive time this week Mr. Brown's Bears won from the tribe of Glmlin on the local play grounds yesterday afternoon, score Walla "Wal la 4, Boise 3., Boise. AB R H PO A E Lundstrum, 3b ...,4 0 0 2 1 0 Altermatt, ss' 4 0 0 3 3 0 Clark, lb 4 0 0 4 0 1 Scott, rf 3 2 1 1 0 0 Gimlin, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 West, If 4 1 2 5 0 0 Jansen, 2b 3 0 0 1 1 0 Fox, c 3 0 0 7 2 0 O'Loughlln, p 3 0 0 0 1 0 IRRIGATORS Totals 32 3 3 24 8 1 Walla Walla AB R II PO A E Harmon, cf 3 1 2 2 0 0 Childers, 3b 4 0 0 0 3 1 Johnson, c 4 0 1 10 2 0 Thompson, lb ....4 0 2 11 0 0 Martini, If 4 1 0 1.0 0 Davis, ss 4 1 2 0 1 2 Brown, rf 3 0 1 2 0 0 Rochon, 2b 3 0 0 1 0 0 Pitman, p 3 1 2 0 3 1 Made in 10c and 2 for 25c sizes 4 10 9 4 Totals 3 Score by Innings: Boise 00000010 2 3 Walla Walla ..00220000 4 Summary Stolen bases: Scott, West. Sacrifice hits; Rochon, Jan sen. Two-base hits: Johnson, Davis, West. Three-base hit: Thompson. Home run: West. Struck out: By Pitman, 10; by O'Loughlln, 5. Bases on balls: Off Pitman, 1; off O' Loughlln, 1. Wild pitch: O'Loughlin. Hit by pitcher: By O'Loughlln, 2. Passed balls; Fox, 2. Left on bases: Walla Walla, 5; Boise. 4. Time of game: 1:40. Umpire, Knell. Attend ance, 300. 1ST WOMAN BASEBALL , LA OR GRANDE mv, how toikjh tiikv auk! who ? n if tfcififKXA Wkv HAYS' Rio- Film fWnl! -Mafic from ilic Mroimfst White Oak denim. ".'.V. La Grande. June 22. A woman scorer is acting In official capacitj for the Western Trl-.State league in this city. It Is believed that Mrs. Jay Van Buren, who is now Judging the errors and hits In games played here, is the only official woman base ball scorer in the world. At the beginning of the season here A. W. Nelson, a newspaper man, was appointed official ucorer for La Grande, but his duties were such that he was unable to finish the sea son, and Mrs. Van Buren now holds the position. , So far there has been nothing but praise for the woman's expert work, and even th eplayers have pronounc ed her a capable official. All through the season she will act as scorer here, according to present plans. Mrs. Van Buren's ability at scoring Is the result of 10 years of practice. Her husband, an ardent fan, and In his younger days a fast player, taught her to score that long ago, and ever since she has been a regular attend ant at every game played here. Whether acting as official scorer or not, Mrs, Van, as the players call her, always comes to the games with score book in hand, and makes careful notes of the plays for her own benefit. Be fore organized baseball came to La Grande with the Western Trl-State league, Mrs. Van Buren always acted u official scorer for the semi-professional teams that have represented this city In the past. "I love to score," she said, "when Interviewed. "I do not enjoy watch ing a game unless I can score It, so I always bring my book and hard pencil. I try to score from a play er's standpoint, and I do my best to give them everything that is coming to them. I think scoring Is an art in Itself, and I learn something new about It every time I attend a game." Thercputation of 1 " IK. stands back of the 'MP jjjf v 11 Ask for Tom Moore when you &ifdf' V haven't the time. Ifr ( II A ) I MM all through- Wj j j Z . J just right for you, - V CS Not merely light- Q VA I Only the Size is Different!: Score: R. H. E. Chicago 8 8 2 St. Louis l 5 5 Score: R. H. E. Boston 11 15 o New York 3 9 3 Pacific Coast League, Score: tl. H. E. Vernon 3 6 1 Portland 2 6 1 Batteries Brackenridge and Brown, Sullivan; Gregg, Harkness and Fisher. Score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 9 12 2 Oakland 5 5 5 Batteries Leverenz and Brooks; Christian, Olmstead and Tledemann. Score: R. H. E. San Francisco 11 13 1 Sacamento 3 9 2 Batteries Helhi and Auer; Wil liams and Kreitz. R. H. E. 2 10 2 5 9 2 R, H. E. National League. Score: Unity.. WUOIVII .. New York Score: Chicago 7 11 0 St. Louis 6 10 3 Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 0 3 2 Brooklyn 7 10 1 Batteries Seaton, Rlxie and Kllli fer, Dooln; Rucker and Miller, f Anuican League. Score: R. II. E. Cleveland 6 9 0 Detroit 2 4 2 Batteries Hummers, Covington, Diibuc and Standagu; islanding and O'Neill. Reore: R. H. E. Washington 8 12 S I'hlind.-lphla .2 5 1 Batteries Groom nnd Henry; Mor K.'tn, Pennock, Barry, Harrlll and Thomas, For. Healthful Recreation Spend Your Vacation at LiUZ&llMJ The Popular Summer Resort of the Blue Mountains Ssisodh HS)H2 Eorj ipeoi frmc.Tim 1 . at" r-y Hfr-'t 1 Sr"r:VJyy SyJ v $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. $12.50 to $15.00 Per Week. 4 Week 3 or More, 1 0 Per Cent. Reduction. Tents rented furnished or unfurnished. Cottages rented for sleeping room only. Camping privileges, $1. 25 per week each adult. Swimming Pool free to guests or Hotel or campers. EXTRAS FURNISHED TO CAMPERS: Tents, per week $2.00 Bed Springs, per week 25c Bedsteads, per week 25c Mattresses, per week 25c RATES MADE TO FAMILIES Automobile Stage Fare, $1.00 Each Way. Excess Baggage and Freight Charges, 50 cts. per cwt. Tho O.-W. It. & X. Co. sells special rate tickets from all points in Oregon, Washinon and Idaho, to BINGHAM SPRINGS. Further information furnished upon application to P. A.McPhee, Manager Bingham Springs, Oregon Gibbon Post Office Bingham Springs will celebrate JULY 4th in the good old fashioned way. You are invited to spend the day among the big pine trees.