FAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGOXIAjn. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1012. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NEWSTAPER. rnkllihed Dolly and Semi Weekly at Ten dletcQ. Oregon, by the 181 OREGON I AN PUUL1SUINQ CO. Eotered at the pnstotflrc at Pendletoa, Ortgon. at tecond-claaa mall matter. 8CC8CRIITION RATES. telly, oaa year, by mail fS.OO Ially, tlx montba. by mall 2.50 Dally, threw montba, by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall 50 Dally, on year, by carrier ......... 7 BO Dally, tlx montba, by carrier 75 Dally, tfcrac montba. by carrier 1.05 month, by carrier 65 ml Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 keml-Weekly, ilz montba, by mall 75 ami-Weekly, (our montha, by mall... .60 fbe Dally Eaat Uregonlan la ept on aale t the Oregon New Co., S28 Morrlaoa treet. Portland, Oregon. Northweit Newt Co., Portland, Oreeoo. Chicago Barean, OV Security Building. Waiblngton, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four tMatb atreet, N. W. Ifember United Preaa Aaaoclatton. alepboa , Main 1 Offlclai City and Ceanu Paper. SWAT THAT FLY. Now summer's here, Cast up your eye, And strike to death The roaming fly; Where'er you find Him spare him not, But join the clans That swat, swat, swat. If twenty times As big, he'd be Wiped out as man's Worst enemy. Because he's small, We let him go To fill our graves Before we know. A million germs He freely brings As on our food he Crawls and sings. Tis time we learned Or foolish lot And saved our lives With swat swat, swat. Pray say no more Of man's advance Until he leaves Much less to chance. No longer with False ego sigh, But get you up And swat that fly. grand lodge committee stood for such a proceeding. Pendleton Elks have been working for months to make a big showing In Portland during the Brand lodge session. They will take a trninload of horses to Portland and have" several hundred mounted men in the parade. It will be a showing worth while and In view of what Pen dleton lodge No. 288 Is planning It would be like slapping Its member ship In the fact for Portland people or anyone else to pull off a Round up In Portland during the grand lodge session. Nor will Messrs Raley and CJwlnn allow the Rodeo organization to do the work. Those men are the origi nal heroes and organizers of the Round-up and are Interested In its continuous welfare. Furthermore Mr Raley last fall had strong local hack ing for the mayorallty and came within a few votes of being elected over a man who is politically Invinc ible in Pendleton. Roy Raley Is not the man to go back on Pendleton now and by doing so cause sorrow to the hundreds of friends who fought for him and voted for him last Decem ber. HARD TO STOP IT. CORRUPTING THE GENERALS, Daily it becomes more evident that the troubles In the Roosevelt army come from the personal ambitions of several big Roosevelt leaders. Among the colonel's generals are several very able young statesmen. They are progressive and popular and seemingly have bright futures before them. None of them, however, are cf presidential calibre and they would not be considered for a moment in this connection were it not for the fact It Is excellent politics for the re actionaries to "jolly them up" and by irflating them with their own import ance bring on the disruption of the Roosevelt forces. Most conspicuous among the Roos evelt leaders are -Hadley and Borah. Borah was wanted for temporary chairman and throughout the early stages of the battle he was every where acclaimed as one of the great men of the party and a progressive loader. But Borah has never favored a bolt and so he could not be relied upon by the Rooseveltians as a thick and thin fighter. Upon Governor Hadley greater hopes were placed. He was the floor leader of the Roosevelt forces and It Feems plain he was counted upon to go the limit. But when the Taftites adroitly rang the bells for Hadley's own nomination for president, he lis tened to the music and his zeal for Roosevelt flagged. Yesterday he fa vored waiting for "further develop ments" and would not say that he would walk out of the convention in the event the machine stood solidly by the fraudulent convention roll. What the final outcome will be is Rtill in doubt of course. But at this time it looks like Waterloo for the colonel and If such It proves to be the defeat may be charged more than anything eLe to Marshal Key. LOYAL TO PENDLETON. In standing loyally by the people of Pendleton in protecting this city's right to the Round-up the Portland Elks, Commercial Club and leading business men like Julius Meier have taken the action expected by the East Oregonian. They take the broad, generous policy of declaring they will countenance nothing that looks like at, Infringement on Pendleton's great fchow. It is the same attitude that -was taken before and Is typical of the Portland spirit of recent years. The attitude taken by Portland Is very gratifying to Pendletonlans. Lo cal people have gone to heavy ex Tense and have done a vast amount of work to make the Round-up a suc cess. Naturally they resent any move towards pulling off a show In Portland purporting to be like the Round-up. It would have been particularly dis courteous to Pendleton had the Elk? In the belief that "the kissing habit Is a blot on our civilization, and a menace to health and decency," the Milwaukee Physicians' association is reported to be preparing a bill to abolish the practice. Science has done and can do many wonderful things, but we fear Ic can not, evpn when backed by al' tne power of the state, abolish kissing, comments the Chicago Record-Herald. It may thrust kissers into jail; it may fine them heavily! It may even convince the public that the practice is dangerous to health, but kissing will go on, until all persons become cotdly scientl.'ic, swayed at all times by the Intellect rather than Impulse. Doctors, doctors, why not rest con tent with advising rather than try compelling? There are nations that do not kiss but that is not because of laws Doubtless some diseases are com municated by kissing, and the kissing of babies and young children on the mouth ought not to be tolerated, but we fear the policeman would be of little avail against fond but foolish parents, admiring friends, and old fashioned relations in suppressing the practice. As for the kisses of lovers, who could or would stop them? It is apparent that some of the col onel's followers have been fair weather friends. They were very strong for Roosevelt when they thought he could win but they don't like the looks of the "last ditch." June showers are generally very welcome but this year Jupiter P. would confer a favor on Umatilla ccunty by curbing his efforts. , Besides it has been proven several times that it is Impossible to can a show like the Round-up. Now Baltimore is beginning to siz zle. THEN THEY HIT UP THE SIRUP. While on a western tour in connec tion with certain investigations of the committee on Indian affairs. Senator Carroll S. Page of Vermont happened to get In conversation with a man at Ashland, Wis. "From Vermont?" chuckled the man. "Why, I was born at Swanton, Vt." "So 'was I," said the senator. "My father ran a Btore on Mer chant's row in Swanton." "So did mine," replied the Vermont senator. "My father dealt In hides and wool.' "So did mine," echoed the senator. "My father was a member of the firm of Page, Sanborn and Co." "So was mine," cried Senator Page, with a twinkle in his eye. "Shake!" And they "shook" heartily. In this unexpected way the sons of the old Vermont partners had met after forty years, and tradition has it that they went off quietly arm in arm for a feast of maple sirup, in memory of child hood days at Swan ton in the old Green Mountain state. Je Chappie's Xews-X.etter. Worried Him. "What's the matter with father? He doesn't seem to be enjoying tho films a bit." "No; his evening's spoiled." "How?" "He's afraid he gave the ticket seller a nickel too much." Cleveland Plain Dealer. , Irolally Hag Time. Mrs. Commuter But how do you know what kind of people the Browns are if you have never met them? Mrs. Mutler I have heard their phonograph selections. Puck. The Different Species. She Something terrible nearly happened last night. A bat almost got Into my head. He (mournfully) A bat did get in to mine. The season of peek-a-boo things Is here, and they are plentiful, but they will never be numerous or peek-a-booish. enough to satisfy the demand of the peek-a-booers. Many men make up their minds as many women make up beds wrong. r VOTES FOR WOMEN That the interest of the local wo men In political equality is growing, as the time goes by, wua demonstrat ed at the last meeting of the Political Equality league. About sixty women were present, with a sprinkling of voters. The women are glad to wel come voters, always, at their regular or Bocial meetings, but they fully realize the fact that unless the wo men of Oregon are alive to' the issue Involved In the coming election, the men, as a rule, will not make very strenuous efforts to vote for the am endment. Far more than the women, the men have been labored with in all the former suffrage campaigns in this state. They, the Intelligent, sub stantial, upright citizens of Oregon, are not needing any further argu ments to convince them of the right and Justice of the question. All that is needed at this time Is to show the voters that their mothers, wives, sis ters and daughters are asking for equality before the law, and so, when the attendance of the women Increas es two or three hundred per cent at the league meetings, it shows that the real work Is being done. The address of Mr. Mllnes was the feature of the evening, eloquent, for cible and convincing. Mr. Mllnes In quoting St. Paul, did not choose the old quotations that tne antis always give us, and that made an indignant young- woman upon one occasion say that "she believed, from all that she had heard, that St. Paul was no gen tleman." but he quoted Instead the injunction of the great apostle to "help those women,'' and it was much more to the point. Mrs. C. B. Wade will entertain the Political Equality League and Its friends next Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5, at the home of Mrs. B. S. Burroughs, corner of Jefferson and Washington streets. GENEROSITY IN TEXAS. It happened in Amarilla, Texas, at hotel where a traveling man from Kansas City was staying for a few days. He wore one of those little fried-egg hats that made him look like a freshman. A Texas ranchman had come to town on business and had taken a few drinks and had be come quarrelsome. A good friend was hovering near to see that he did not get into any serious trouble. As the drummer passed through the hotel lobby and started up the stairs, the Texan spied him. "Hey, there" he called out boldly. "Come back here.'' The drummer looked amazed and paused, but did not retrace his steps. "Come here, fellow don't you hear me?" loudly repeated the old rancher. The guardian friend touched his arm and said: "Now, Bill, don't start anything, like that here. That fellow was minding his own business, and you let him alone and keep out of trouble." The old Texan leered at him scorn fully. "Say," he replied, "I wasn't starting any trouble. I just want to take that feller out and buy him a hat." Kansas City Star. Pl'ZZLEl) STATESMEN. Wnen the late David B. Henderson was made speaker of the house one of his first acts of patronage was to se cure a consular appointment for one of his political henchmen, a member of the Iowa state senate. The legislature was m session when the telegram was received from Speaker "Dave" at Washington: "Have secured your appointment as consul to the Falkland Islands." In the midst of noisy congratula tions by the senator's friends came suddenly the question from some rude materialist: "Where in thunder are the Falk land islands?" Where indeed! Alas, no man in the Iowa legislature knew. New York Sun. ABSENT TREATMENT SAVED HIM The expert medical witness had Just descended from the stand when a recess was announced In the crim inal court and so he paused for a few moments to chat with Judge Ralph S. Lantshaw, who dearly de lights in twitting the medicos. "Whenever I see a doctor on the stand," related the Judge, "I am for cibly reminded of an experience when I was an assistant prosecuting attor ney many years ago. . Portland, Oregon aoop.1) touU, RIOR af Raaldeat and Dr School for GIrll oharm of Biiten of Bt. John B.ptirt (Kptuopslr Ooli.fUU, Aea4ml u lootntary DapaxtmMU, Mult. Art. IlMVtloa. OjBnaalom. For caUJot addn THE BISTEK SUPERIOR I Offtc9!7, St. Helena Hall Far GlrU. Conducted by (he SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAME8 OF JESUS AND MARY. Ct,d,. AJmh,n4 CMitltu Cmirm. Muiic. Ait. Elocution ind Conmer cial Deptt. iMUIntmdDaiSnutnu. Refined Moral and Intellectual Traiainf . Write lorAnnouncenwnt. Add real tlSTF.R tUfF.KlOR. It. Mart'l Aitdiml. hrtlmnj Ten Extra Green Trading Stamps Given With Each New. Prescription You want pure medicine. Correct work at right prices. TRY THE Pendleton Drug Go. "IX BUSINESS FOIt YOUR GOOD HEALTH." Specials for Safaigrday Canteloupes 25 crates of choice Canteloupes. Special for Saturday 4 for 25c Fancy Lemons 1 5 boxes of fancy Lemons. All to go to morrow for 25c a Dozen Tie a string on your finger or make a note of it right now, that you may get in on this great money saving specials for Saturday only. If you cannot call, Phono Main 101 Pendleton ash GvHarks. Corner Court and Johnson Sts. Phone Main 101 EVERYTHING TO EAT "A storekeeper on East Xinth street was shot by robbers when he refused to open his cash drawer." Four bullets found him for their mark and when officers arrived on the scene he was lying" on the floor, dead to all out ward appearances. Doctors, who had hurried to the store, took a look at him. shook their heads and went away. Not one of them offered to probe for the bullets. "And do you know," smiled the judge to "the doctor, "that was what saved him. The storekeeper recover ed and is in business to this day. He still carries the bullets, one of them in his head. Xow what would have happened to him doctor, If they had probed for the bullets?" Hut by this time the expert was Bone. Kansas City Journal. I'OINTS OV KKSEMBLANCK. A woman entered Cossitt library the other day and solicited the assist ance of a desk clerk. "I am searching for a book called 'The Dentist's Infirmary,' " she said. "The president of our literary, club told me to get it." " 'The Dentist's Infirmary?' " re peated the clerk with a rising inflec tion, vainly trying to associate such a book with a study class. "Yes," replied the woman. "It's about devils and angels and such like." The light of understanding dawned on the puzzled face of the clerk. "Oh, you mean 'Dante's Inferno.' " Memphis News-Sclmltar. We are ready for you with our CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM served with fresh Strawberries Its the kind that make you come again. Koeppen's The drug etore that tenet you best. "A FUSSY PACKAGE" We have Just received a fresh shipment of 'Whitman's Choco lates direct from the factory at Philadelphia. Among the lat est packages we are showing Is "Whltman'a Sampler" contain ing an assortment from each of the famous packages. To those who are looking for ' a high grade eastern candy, we can personally guarantee the fresh ness and quality of every pack age of Whitmans. Tallman Sb Co. SOLE AGENTS. rv an m v a. ar I dl-l&LBUKlNl!, NORTH BEACH Completely remodeled. Modern Improvements, including bath. En larged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for chil dren. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates ami special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or write. Address. Seaview, Wash., T. J. Hoare, Prop. IS YOUR HOME FIREPROOF ? Docs it contain valuable papers, locked in desks, draw ers or trunks ? Do you realize the loss that a fire would inflict upon you ? For a small sura you can rent a Safety Deposit Box in the fire and burplar proof vaults of this bank and insure yourself against loss by fire that may occur at any time. Call and inspect our safety deposit boxes. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon Trade with A. L. Schaefer Where Quality is Always Right. New line of Let 'er Buck and High School Souvenir Spoons. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Toilet Articles and Novelties. JEWELER AND SILVERSMITH. PIIOXE RED 3011 Known For Its Strength First Notional ionh PENDLETON, iOREGON; ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00