m1 EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. PAGE FIVB i Ladies' and Misses' Dresses at Tho greatest showing we have ever made. A final clean-up salo of all $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00 dresses must now go at one price and go quick. !!) TOUT mEQ SEE WINDOW TONIGHT. . NO CHARGE FOR. ALTERATIONS. F. E. IMNGOOD & GO. THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S STORE. LOCALS Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. For good clean lump or nut coal, phone Oregon Lumber Yard. Phono Main 8. What for? The best coal In town. Fresh crawfish every day at tho Et. George Cafe. For rent good four room house $5.50. 217 Stonewall Jackson street. State Hotel Furnished rooms at special rates by week or month. Have your wood sawed by the gas oline wood saw. Phone Main 13. For Rent Front office- In Judd Building. Apply F. E. Judd. Wanted Good girl for genoral housework at once. Main 576, 613 Mark. We can fill your bins with fresh KImnicrer Coal at satisfactory prices. Oregon Lumber Yard. For Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of It. II. Stevens, Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Largo shipment of new sidewalk lumber Just received at tho Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Before you buy a sewing machine be Bure and look at the Central Nee dle Standard. Jesse Falling. Land scape gardening. Work guar anteed or no charge. Smith Bros., 621 So. Main street. For sale Highly polished oak roll top desk. Practically new. Inquire at Owl Tea House Screen doors and window screens, all sizes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Wo also make them to order. For rent Barn large enough for 16 horses with corral In connection. Will rent part of barn. Apply 415 Lllleth , street. Phono Black 3081. For rent Sulfa or unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregon Ian Building. Steam heated, also gas range In rooms. Apply at this office. Strictly first class chop suey and noodle parlors. Open day and night Tray orders a specialty. Eveythlng new. Under State Hotel. Phone Main 667. Un Co, Props. For Kent to a lady, a large, well furnished room, with sewing machine, very close in. Cheap. Inquire 719 Lllleth. Carload of fine cedar posts now for salo at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar red. To rent Furmsned apartment house. Modern conveniences. In quire Monteraatelll block. Phone Black 3851. Moth prowf cedar chests, great va riety of sizes and prices. Every homo should have ono. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. We are now filling our bins with fresh coal, the best that can bo had. Seo us before placing your orders. Oregon Lumber Yard. Wanted Experienced cook or man and wife experienced in ranch work. Phono or write R. B. McEwen, R. F. D. No. 1, Athena. Lost Ladies Black Silk Umbrella Special This Week Summer Necessities FOIt SUXBOIN SUXSUINU COLD CREAM SUXSHIXK LOTION', (Juxtrltc) Is very snotliliitf. Softens mid whitens tho skin. BISIXFIX"r.NTS: CIUiOIUDft LIMB FORMAL- DEIIYDK. CRUDE CARBOLIC ACID, large botdo 10c F. J. Donaldson RELIABLE DRUGGIST. with gold handle. Finder please re turn to this office and receive reward. For Sale Tent 12x16 feet; 6 foot wall, 10 oz. duck. Never been put up. Cheap If taken at once. Call at this office. Strawberries, S1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt Wunted Work on ranch by man and wife, with two teams. Inquire "R." this office. Chas. H. Carter will receive applica tions for loans of funds of the state land board on real estate, mortgage. Six per cent Interest. Strawberries. $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt For sale Modern six room cottage with full basement. Close In. Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire Jerome Friedman at Alexander's Grocery. Wanted 100 tons wheat hay, stack within three miles of town. Farmers call on Penland Bros.' Transfer, phone Main 339. Strawberries, $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt For sale Yellow pine, red fir, al der and maple wood; also Rock Springs coal. Phono Black 3622, or leave orders at Demott's Cigar Store, Main street. Strawberries, $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt Wanted Man and wife want work on ranch through haying. Lnter man to sew sacks for combine and lady to go in cook house for same. Ex perienced. Inquire 512 West Webb street. Strawberries, $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt To secure ACME QUALITY results. Insist upon securing ACME QUALITY paints and finishes. Hale & McAtee, the Acme Quality paint store. Passengers for Portland can save money and at same timo enjoy a clean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert, leav ing Tho Dalles daily except Sunday and Monday at 3:30 p. m. Fare to Portland. $1. Pitts Engine for Sale. For sale Ono 14-horse power dou ble cylinder Pitts engine In good shape. Trice $500. R. II. Wilcox, Pendleton, Ore. 475 acres, north slope, runs down on to the river, and 65 acres of fine bottom land, with good house, barn orchard, alfalfa. The price Is only $20 per acre and $2000 will handle it Long timo on balance. Will take some horses In exchange. E. T. Wade. Special Prices on Cordwocxl. Good dry red fir, slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine- Special prices In five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying Ko pittko & Gillanders. phono Main 173. PERSONAL MENTION Elvla Williams was down from her home at Weston yesterday. Arthur Grover came In on the N. P. this morning from Helix. Lee Buckner of Pilot Rock, was lri from his home yesterday. J. M. Sullens of Weston is among the visitors from over the county, J. Christiansen is among the Wes ton residents In Pendleton today. Mrs. W. B. Hlnkle of Hermiston, came up from the project town yes terday. ., K. G. Warner, well known Pilot Rocker, was In from his home yester day. Carl Engdahl came in from Helix this morning and spending the day here. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dodd and little daughter, Isabel, are up from Her miston. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chapman of Mil ton were visitors In tho city last eve ning. W. H. Musselman of Freewater, came in this morning and Is spend ing the day here. Miss Anita ' Kirkpatrlck and Miss Ina Blomgren of Weston are guests of Mrs. O. E. Harper. Lynn Livermore returned last night from Eugene where he had been at tending the University of Oregon. Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed, Portland's favorite contralto, will arrive Friday to be the guest of Mrs. Leon Cohen. Carl Power returned to Pendleton this morning on tho. morning local from Walla Walla. H. F. Bendlx, representative of Eil ers Piano House, is over from his headquarters at Walla Walla. Mrs. Roy Alexander returned last evening from Walla Walla where she had been visiting her parents. J. M. Shaw and C. E. Harkins of Walla Walla were among the Garden City residents in Pendleton yesterday. August Arp, saloonman of Helix, was a visitor In Pendleton yesterday, returning to his home yesterday af ternoon. R. W. Fletcher, circulation man ager of the East Oregonian, is spend ing the day in the west end of the county. I. E. Young, principal of the Mil ton schools and republican nominee for the office of school superintend ent, came dwn this morning on the local. Strawberries, $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt PENDLETON 3 LA GRANDE 2 Ln Orande. June 19. Because of the presence here of a circus, the ball game between Pendleton and La Grande was called this morning, but this did not deter Pendleton from winning, although the contest was a hot one from start to finish. Neither side, tallied until the sixth, when the star of coming victory perched on the banner of the Buckarooes and those gents proceeded to mark up Number One. The score in the end was 3 to 2. The batteries were Des mond. Mclvor and King, for La Grande, and Osborne and Pem brooke for Pendleton. La Grande, 2 S 1; Pendleton, 3 5 1. BROOK DICKSON AND BRIDE ARRIVE HOME NOTICE TO PAY PAVING ASSESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that tho Common Council of tho City of Pen dleton has accepted the pavement re cently completed by tho Warren Con struction company on Webb, Cotton wood and Alta streets, and that tho assessments for said paving are now due and payable at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton, and all persons owing assessments who have not mado application to pay said as sessments In installments are hereby notified to appear at tho City Record er's office and pay their assessments for said paving within ten days from this date, if not so paid tho Hen for said paving will bo liable to foreclos ure under the charter and ordinances of the City of Pendleton. This notice is given by order of the Common Council of the City of Pen dleton, and dated this Sth day of May, 1912. THOS. FITZ GERALD City Recorder. Linoleum Varnish. Tho Acme Quality kind will make shabby linoleum or oil cloth look new Hale & McAtee, the Achnie Quality paint store. PROFITS BIG. SALES EASY. MAKE $4.00 to $10.00 a day. Every wo man wants one. Wrlto TODAY for particulars and territory. P. & E, Sales Co., Dept. 30, Bernice -Blilg., Tacoma, Wash. For Sale. Thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies Bitches, $5.00; stud dogs. $7.50. M L. Little, R. 1, Box 76, Amity, Oregon Strawberries, $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt Making the trip overland from The Dalles in their automobile, Pendle ton's young college bridegroom, Brooke Dickson, and his bride, who was Miss Alma Nancy Noon, arrived in the city this forenoon and they ore now nt the Dickson residence on South Main street. Following their wedding In . Vancouver, Wash., the newly weds started upon their auto honeymoon trip and had a very enjoy able overland run to Pendleton. The first news of their arrival in the county camethls morning from Echo, at which place they arrived at 8 o'clock. They spent last night at Heppner, leaving there early this morning, and arrived in Pendleton at 10:15. For the present they will make their home with the bride groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Dickson. Strawberries, $1.40 crate. Ore. Mkt PORTLAND KOrXD-lP STORY DISBELIEVED Consllerable Interest was occasion ed in local circles last evening by a story in the Portland Oregonian to the effect that a wild west show sim ilar to the Pendleton Round-up will be staged on Multnomah Field during the Elks convention. Tho article does not state who will put on the show but It has been rumored about that the same corporation which staged tho Rodeo in Los Angeles during the winter is back of It. How ever, tho directors of the local show profess to feel no alarm over the prospects of a Portland show, declar ing a promise was made to them 'by the directors of the Rodeo that no attempt would 'be made to Invade Portland or other northwest cities. They admit the staging of such a show would hurt the Round-up but express confidence that the promise made them will be held Inviolate. k Btosi Mugs Ever Offered in Uash iootls. for TJodnesday. 1 2 1 -2c Dress Gingham, all kinds, at . . . 9c 20c Fine French Gingham, at . . . .14c 29c Scotch Zephyrs, 34-in. wide, at . . . 18c 12 I -2c Lawns and Batistes, at . . .7c 15c Lawns and Batistes, at . . . . 9c 20c Flaxons and Figuered Lawns, at . . .14c 35c French Organdies, at 19c 45c Silk Organdies, at 25c Any Ladies' or Misses' Suit at . 1-2 PriCD Navy and Cream Serges excepted. Any Ladies' or Misses' Coat, at Black Silk and Not folk excepted. Any Silk or Wool Dress, at . . 1-2 1-2 Price Price Wohlenberg Dep't, Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY ton. He stated 'that the experience of the Eilers Music House had been that piano stores could not be maintained in a city of this size without the deal er charging great big retail prices for instruments which this firm would not do. To sell on the small profit per piano plan, a large volume of bus iness is necessary. Jt is impossible to make a suffi cient number of sales month In month out, therefore, in the future all bus iness of the firm in this territory will be handled through the Walla Walla house. Before giving up the lease we want to hold one great big rousing sale to thoroughly Illustrate the principles of our work and the money saving fa cilities we provide. Mr. Bendix is well known In Pen dleton, having first come here nearly five years ago. This being his initial entrance into the piano business. From here he went to take charge of the Walla Walla house and now is in charge of the entire eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho interests of the Eilers Music House. The many people who have purchased pjanos through him speak Jighly of him and we trust that this sale will prove a highly successful one and are sure that Intending purchasers will receive the same good treatment that has been tendered heretofore. Mr; Chas E. Havens, who also ar rived on this morning's train, will re main in Pendleton until the conclu sion of the sale and the work will bo- conducted by him. He Is also well, known In Pendleton, having been ac tively engaged with Eilers Piano . House for the past three years In eastern Washington and Oregon. Mr. Bendix leaves f'"r Boise tonight. Jl (Nil n oo D mm & U LAlL-vi uii L2) Lb v LJ I? TO Pinal Sixty Days. On this morning's train from Wal la Walla, II. F. Bendix, former local manager of the Eilers Music House, arrived. Mr. Bendix came In the In terests of the house who will at the expiration of their lease In August close their establishment in Pendle ggxaess'C gsprgar.TiU-riri'm Mis, egsBables, Fish and hictons f7 ITdlM M D IF fa 1 Oj GOOD EATS MAIN 444 f