East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 12, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Reduce the High Cost of
You pay too much for coffee if you pay 45c per pound.
Schillings Best Coifee at
40c per Pound
w ill suit you better or you get your money back and keep
tho coffee. , , i :j
Try $1.00 worth under this guarantee.
Standard Grocery Company, Inc.
Where All Are Pleased
Prank O'Gara, President Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treaa.
Do you use gas ? If not we will, during the months of April
and May, pipe gas clear to your gas meter (no matter where
it may be) , aoi
Absolutely Free of Charge
to You
Besides this we will sell you a heater, stove or range, with all
the extras needed at cost prices. GET BUSY NOW BE
Pacific Power
Phone JIain 40.
THERE is a difference be
tween fresh canned goods
and old stock. Only the newest is
best having that delicate natural flavor
of the fruit or vegetables. Knowing this, we buy only from
factories which can their goods
picked or grown factories which
conditions of perfect cleanliness.
You may rely absolutely on our goods.
We keep a large variety rather than an ex
tensive stock constant renewal being
our policy. Next- time you use our canned
goods note the fresh, natural taste tho
character of them all.
The best Stock
Gray Bros.
& Light Co.
"Always at Your Service."
G 19
immediately after they are
are known to work under
on the market
Grocery Go.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
160 AflVM Kohl
A quarter section of land on McKay
creek has been sold by Frlederlch
Schumacher to Levi Eldrldge for
Almost Half an Inch of lUin.
Last night and this morning the
city was soaked by Intermittent down
pours, the precipitation from which
amounted to .43 of an inch, according
to the official weather observer.
New HtiU'licr Shop to Open.
W. L. Adams will open tho Inde
pendent butcher shop tomorrow in
the store room on Court street for
merly occupied by ' the riatzoeder
Plast-rs Find Old Levee.
While workmen were digging In the
lot owned by Frank Greulich at 306
West Court street, they discovered
five feet beneath the surface the re
mains or a small levee used as a
breakwater years ago when the river
auring high water spread that far
Wounded Man Improving.
Thomas Lamphere, the man who
was shot Monday night at Echo by
H. D. Smith, is reported this after
noon to be improving: and his condi
tion warrants the belief that he will
Sullivan Xo Better.
Reports from St. Anthony's hosplt
al this afternoon are to the effect
that Dick Sullivan Is holding his own
In the fight with death but that he
is not out of danger yet.
Forming New Irrigation Section.
.A meeting is being held in Echo to
day for the formation of a new irri
gation district apart from the one in
connection with the Hoskins ditch
B. P. O. E. Indian Blanket.
The Pendleton Woolen Mills have
turned out the first batch of B. P. O
E. blankets for the Portland conven
tion of the grand lodge. The blanket
is purple with the design of an elk's
head and the words B. P. O. E., Port
land, 1912, in the center. One is
being exhibited today in the windows
of the Alexander department store.
Elks to Observe Mag Day.
Friday will be Flag Day, the an
niversary of the birth of Old Glory
and, though the day is not a legal
holiday In this state, the local Elks
lodge, according to custom. Is ar
ranging to observe the occasion at the
regular meeting night tomorrow. Rit
ualistic ceremonies will be put on
and an appropriate program rendered
The meeting will be for members
Big Brigade of Anglers.
County Clerk Frank Sating Is now
well into the fourteenth book of game
licenses for the year. There are 100
licenses in each book so that the stubs
show that more than 1300 hunters
and fishermen have paid their fees
this year. The great majority were
taken out by anglers. Indications are
that the license record will be brok
en this year. Already more have
been Issued than In 1910 and the 1911
mark was only a little beyond 1500.
Keefe Wanted at Chautauqua.
Secretary J. E. Keefe of the local
Commercial club, is wanted as an at
traction at the La Grande Chautau
qua, his abilities as an entertainer
having become heralded about In that
section of the state. E. S. Norris, who
is preparing the program for the
Farmers' Union day at the Chautau
qua, has written to him twice urging
him to allow his name to be written
on the program, declaring that the
whole community wants him.
Fined $50 for Immoral Act.
George Rothrock was this morning
fined fiftv dollars in police court un
der the immoral acts and practices
ordinance, his offense consisting in
illegal cohabitation. Only the lack
of connecting links In the evidence
prevented the filing of a more seri
ous charge against him. Two other
offenders were In court this morning,
Jack Munroe getting two days on a
drunk charge and W. F. Connelly five
days for vagrancy.
Former Local Man Dies.
Mrs. John Vaughan has received
word of the death of F. M. Sams, for
merly a resident of this city, which
occurred suddenly from heart failure
in Spokane Monday. At the time of
death, Mr. Sams was about 70 years
of age. When living here he was in
the employ of Clopton & Boyd, well
known former real estate and Insur
ance firm, but several years ago he
moved to Spokane. He is survived by
a widow and several children, one
of his sons being a brakeman on
the O.-W. R. & N. lines and another
having formerly acted as private sec
retary to Senator Heyburn or itiano.
Assaulter to Have Hearing.
Thomas Curry, the man alleged to
have assaulted I. H. K'aucher, a camp
tender for Charles Johnson, on Mon
day, will be given a hearing tomor
row before Justice of the Peajo Joe
H. Parkes. He arrived in tho city to
day from California Gulch, Deputy
Sheriff Joe Blakely having notified
him yesterday of the warant against
him. The complaint charges that he
assaulted Kauchcr with both rocks
and a pistol with Intent to kill and
murder the latter.
Ward-Huston Wedding.
George L. Ward of Hermlston and
Miss Bertha Huston of this county,
were married here Sunday at the
home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. E. M.
Akers. Tho ceremrny occurred at
2:30 and was performed by Rev. Na
than Evans. A wedding feast was
served. The groom Is a farmer on
the Umatilla project and tho newly
married couple will live near Hermls
ton. ,ia'iia
Tcll.t of Story Hour.
Miss Lecll Evans, teacher in the
local schools and who conducted the
story hours at the library on Satur
day afternoons during the past year,
recently gave a talk before the stu
dents of the normal school at Ellens
burg, Wash., and explained the story
hour programs. Miss Evans Is a
graduate of the Ellensburg school and
visited there while en route to Se
attle where she is to spend the sum
mer with her mother.
Washington. Mme Sophie Radford
de Melssner, widow of the one-time
secretary of the Russian Legation in
Washington, added some details to
her former relation of spirit conversa
tions she said she had with Major
Archibald Butt and William T. Stead,
who went down on the Titanic.
She thinks Major Butt was killed
in falling.
"I was standing on the deck and I
fell forward into the gulf," she says
Major Butt told her when he appear
ed and conversed with her, "and when
I came to myself I was standing here
on the grass."
"Can you give a description of the
last moment of consciousness here and
the first moment of consciousness be
yond the grave as experienced by Ma
jor Butt?" asked Mme. de Melssner
was asked.
"I think he told me all when he
said that he fell and on waking stood
on the grass," said Mme. de Melssner,
. "I believe, therefoe, that he was killed
by the fall."
William T. Stead, Mme de Melssner
thinks, died In his room. "I slmp.y
went from my cabin to the beyond; I
never suffered at all," Is what Mr.
Stead told Mme de Melssner.
"This leads me to believe that Mr.
Stead died in his room," declared
Mme e Melssner.
New York A harmless prairie dog
so tame that it eats lettuce leaves from
the hands of nurse girls and children,
caused a scare in Central park when
If burrowed out of the prairie dog in
cisure and started on a tour of Swan
Two boys saw the prairie dog in a
clump of bushes and shouted "that a
wild animal has escaped from its
cage. The prairie dog scampered
away and the boys followed. A
mounted policeman joined in the
chase and men and boys followed. A
mounted policeman took up the scent
until nearly a hundred other persons
were hotfooting after poor little Mr
Prairie Dog, who headed for the
sheep pastures.
There was great excitement among
nurse girls, who grabbed their charg
es and fled from the park. From
mouth to mouth went the word that
a lion, tiger and a wolf had escaped,
and were roaming the park in a hunt
for some nice fresh baby meat. But
the policeman allayed the fears of the
girls when he returned with a bag
containing the escaped "wild mon
ster" which was dropped back into
its cage.
Two Die In Wreck.
Atlanta, Ga., June 12. Two train
men were killed and fifty passengers
injured when a special excursion train
on the western and Atlanta railroad,
en route to Atlanta, wrecked today
at Dalton, Ga.
"These mechanical toys are very
life like."
"How bo "
"Johnny's automobile has run down
the cat and knocked the sawdust at
of two dolls."
Dale Rothwell
Registered Optician
Eies Scientifically Exam
ined, Glasses Fitted, Lenses
Duplicated, Frames and
Mountings repaired. We al
so carry a complete lino of
up-to-date frames and mount
The Jeweler
Make Your Clothes
Our modern methods and expert
help, enable us to guarantee you satis
factory work, promptness and charg
es that are most reasonable. Phone
for the wngon and let us demonstrate
that we mean what we say.
Fendhion Dye Works
Phone Main 169. 206 H. All.
to get you a
We have them as cheap as 25.
Better ones for those who want them.
Prices range as high 83 $7.50 for a first-class Panama.
Everything for cool summer wear at
IVorhingmons Clothing Co
Who Will Give n Free Recital til the
Wednesday and Thursday's program
abounds in life, thrills and laughter.
"The Girl of the Grove." Than
houser. A Florida picture taken amid
the orange groves. The girl Is boss
of the grove and met a stranger and
they fell in love. She later found the
man was married and was able to
save the wife from killing herself.
"When the Heart Calls." Reliance.
An odd story which Is extremely In
teresting. The young man, disap
pointed in love, became a hermit.
Years later he met the daughter of
his old sweetheart badly Injured and
cared for her. With the return of
her memory, she heard a silent call
from th eman and went to him.
"An Italian Romance " Champion.
A very exciting story in which a girl
fights a duel and r.est a vllllan. It
is the story of sweatshop love, and
Personal Pupil of Oscar Raif, Berlin
Assisted by Walla Walla Pupils.
Methodist Church, Friday, June 14, at 8:15
Admission Free. Public cordially invited.
A Veritable Savings Bank
to Our Patrons
"Clark's" Grocery," while only a name, it means much to
those who secure their table necessities from the grocery store
bearing it.
The savings afforded our patrons on grocery orders, makes
buying hero like placing money in a savings bank.
There is a great difference in strawberries for canning. Bet
ter call in and see the beauties we are receiving from Idaho.
Get the prices and leave your order.
"Don't forget the number, don't forget tho name."
Phone Main 174 612 Main Street
Fine Watch
Methodist Church, Friday Evening,
shows the conditions that abound in
these places. Throughout the entire
story runs a romance of love, jeal
ousy and final victory.
"Lonesome Miss Wlggs." Imp. A
laughable attempt of a very plain old
maid to get a husband via the adver
tisement method and the results. Mr.
Cumpson, the- comedian, is Been at
his best In this.
"Scenic Wonders of Yellowstone
Park." Imp. Short scenic of this
beauty spot abounding in scenes of
Coming, Friday and Saturday, "The
Deserter," a two-reel 101 Bison fea
ture. Let the Auto Truck Haul It.
Our specialty is quick work. Phone
Main 339 for furniture and piano mov
ing short trips in the city or transfer
ring to the country. We haul any
thing. Penland Broa.
Every mother's son of u would be
rich if our foresight was one half as
good as our hindsight. .
Royal M. Sawtelle