East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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demand is good is
practically all division's
Cattle Kohl at Alxmt Fifteen t'fiitn Ik.
low Top Figures of l,aHt Week
Sheep Market In Down a N'lekle
Wheat Iowcr.
(From Monday'H Journal.)
There was a very heavy run In all
lines of livestock at North. Portland
over Sunday with demand good n
most lines although offerings were
greater than expected.
The hog market showed a total of
900 head during the. day which com
pares with 367 a week ago, none a
year ago and 704 this day two years
General hog market range:
Best heavy $7.65 06.75
Medium heavy 7 65
Best light 7.65 7.75
Ordinary light 7.00
Hough and heavy 5.00 i 6.00
Cuttlo Movement Good.
There was a very good movement
of cattle In the yards today. Total
receipts over Sunday were 681 head
compared with 275 last Monday, 259
a year ago and 75 head two years ago.
Offerings of quality were sold this
morning at 17.35, one load averaging
1280 pounds going at that flgure.Thi
Is but 15c below the extreme quota
tion reached lust week for some
Haines cattle.
North Portland cattle prices:
Heavy fed steers $7.25 7.50
Fancy steers 7 00
Choice steers 6.75 6.95
Common steers 5.50 it 5.75
Feeder steers 8.50 5.75
Fancy cows 6.50U6.75
Ordinary cows 5.90 6.00
Fancy light calves 8.50
Medium light calves 8.00
Heavy calves 4.10 4. .5
Best bulls 5 00 5. 25
The Peevish
It is natural for a child to laugh tv.
play and when It sulks drowHlly or cries
you may depend on It something physical Is
tlie matter. If you ace no evidence of a
aerloiis ailment you will not be wrong
If you quietly give It a dose of mild laxa
tive that evening on putting it to bed.
The remedy moat generally recommend
ed for tills purpose la Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, which mother throughout the
country have been giving their children for
a quarter of a century. Today thoutrnmls
of families are using It where hundreds
used It then, and there muBt be good rea
son tor this word of mouth recommen
dation. It Is admittedly the perfect laxative for
children, women, old people and all others
who need a gentle bowel stimulant and
not a violent salt, cathartic pill or doc
tored water. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epBln
will act gently, and when taken before
retiring will bring complete satisfaction In
Paint Your Own
you can do it yourself and at little expense.
It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant,
varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate
': !
1 '
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages
and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy
finish that will look well and wear well. An
ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni
full line of up-to-date Wall Paper, Glass and Picture .Moulding. General contracting done.
us figure on your next job.
Wo give S. & II. green stamps on all cash sales.
Ordinary bulls 4.00 4.50
Klieep Down u Xli'kel.
Strength In the eastern sheep trade
seems to have no effect whatever at
North Portland, fur prices are prac
tically a nickel off for the day. Weth
ers sold during the morning at $4.20,
a number of loads averaging from
91 to 93 pounds, going at that mark
There wus a very heavy run of
mutton for the day but a local meat
company brought ' forward a big list
of direct purchases which is having
a bad effect upon the open trade.
General sheep range:
Select spring lambs $6.50 6.65
Ordinary spring lambs ... 5.00 f(5.5o
Pour spring lambs 4.00) 4.50
Yearlings 4. DP
Old wethers 4 00 4.20
Fancy ewes 3.50 3.60
Ordinary ewes 2.50 3.00
Wheat Nominal Producers' pri
ces, nominal, track delivery, club, 94c;
Willamette valley, 94c.
Barley Producers prices 1911
Feed, $35; rolled, $36; brewing $39
Mlllstuffs Selling price Bran, $25
middlings, $32; shorts, $27.50.
Oats Producers' price Nominal
Track No. 1, spot delivery, white,
$36.50; gray, $36.
Range, of Chicago prices furnished
by Overbeck & Cooke company:
July Open, 109 5-8; high, 107 7-8;
low, 109 1-4; close, 109 3-8 A.
Sept Open, 105 1-8; high, 103 1-2;
low, 105; close, 105 1-8.
Dec. Open, 105 3-4; high, 106; low
105 1-2; close, 105 3-4 A.
4 75 acres, north slope, runs down
on to the river, and 66 acres of fine
bottom land, with good house, barn
orchard, alfalfa. The price Is only
$20 per acre and $2000 will handle It.
Long time on balance. Will take
some horses in exchange. E. T. Wade.
There Is no real need of anyone be
ing troubled with constipation. Cham
berlain's Tablets will cause an agree
able movement of the bowels without
any unpleasant effect. Give them a
trial. For sale by all dealers.
a Laxative
the morning. After a abort use of this
remedy nil forms of outside aid can be
dispensed with and nature will again act
All classes of good American people
keep It in the home for Ills of the stom
ach, liver and bowels, and among the
thousands who have written the doctor
that they will never be without it are Mrs.
(i. A. ltntes, i!4fl K. Glh St.. Salt Lake
City, I'tiih, and Mrs. T. 10. Hickman. Tern
nnth, Colo. A dose of It has caved many a
person from a serious lllaess.
Anyone wishing to make a trial of this
remedy before buying It in the regular way
of a druggist at fifty centa or one dollar
a large bottle (family size) ran bave a
sample bottle sent to the borne free of
charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B.
Caldwell, 405 Washington St., Montlcello,
111. Your name and address on postal
card will do.
ture, garden tools and all surfaces
that must withstand exposure and
hard usage. Ready to brush on
and the label tells how.
(Special Correspondence.)
Weston, Ore., June 11. Mrs. Frank
King received a telegram Saturday
morning stating that her mother of
Kltzville, Wash., had died very sud
denly. Mrs. King left on the after
noon train for Kitzville. The funeral
will be held Tuesday at Helix, Ore
gon. Union services were held Sunday
evening In the pavilion. Rev. SUen
lr.ger addressed the people on "Want
ed a Man."
Miss Mabel Croufoot of St. Maries.
Idaho, Is in Weston visiting friends
Mr. Itobert Jamieson of Walla
Walla, was in Weston during the
Dr. and Mrs. Best of Pendleton,
were in the city Saturday attending
the Pioneers' Heunion.
Mrs. Cora Simpson and daughters
are In Weston this week visiting rel
atives. Mr. Harry Minlch of Pendleton, was
in Weston during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinkerton left
Monday morning for Portland to stay
a few days at the rose carnival.
Mrs. Gillett Is moving her millinery
store Into the building formerly occu
pied by Mrs. Lillian Miller's millinery
Mrs. Bessie McAtee and children are
in Weston this week visiting Mrs.
McAtee's mother, Mrs. James Navin.
Mr. James La Lande and Miss Ethel
Lane left Sunday for Portland to at
tend the rose carnival. Miss Lane
will not return until fall.
Miss Iva Nolte of Pendleton, Is In
Weston this week visiting friends and
Miss Edna Potts of Helix, was in
Weston during the week visiting with
Miss Ethel Waddingham.
Miss Lucile Kemp was In Pendleton
Sunday on a visit to friends.
Mrs. H. D. Cashatt and children left
Tuesday for Spokane. They have
been spending a couple of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nor Dean of Wes
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Barnett of
Portland, are in Weston visiting Mr.
Harnett's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J
Barnett. Mrs. Shirley Barnett is re
ported to have been taken suddenly
ill, it is believed with typhoid fever.
Miss Cecil Boyd of Athena, was in
Weston Sunday.
The company is putting in new tel
ephone pbles between Athena end
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller of Walla
Wii'.la, is in Weston visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. W. H. l'.enefiel of this city.
The Misses Laura and Belle Mcln
tyro of Athena, were in Weston visit
ing friends.
Mrs. Frank Saling of Pendleton,
was in Weston last week.
The man who abuses his home town
injures himself.
(Special Correspondence).
Stanfield. Ore, June 11. C. L.
Smith, argiculturist for the O.-W. R.
& X. under the auiices of the Wo
mens' Study Club, will deliver a lec
ture on home building to the citizens
of Stanfield Friday evening, June IS.
Mrs. Al Hlatt and daughter Velma
have gone to Spokane for the cum
mer. Mrs. Geo. Clifton Coe is spending
the week In Portland the guest of Dr.
and Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe.
Carl Bay of Portland Is spending a
few days In the city.
L. L. Nash has returned to Portland
after a five months' sojourn here. He
expects to return to Stanfield in Au
gust. O. L. Lundberg of Minneapolis,
Minn . is here looking after his prop
erty Interest,
Enork Olson and Peter Peterson
and son of I.santa. Minn., are look
ing over the project with the view of
locating here.
The Ladies' Aid held a social meet
ing at the home of Mrs. J. D. Wallace
and a seven course dinner was served.
Pasco, Wash, June 11. A. R
Garey, a contractor, was arrested yes
terday on a warrant charging tlie
murder of Henry E. Christiansen,
ca.'hier of the Bank of Pasco, and a
member of the Pasco City council, by
poison. Christiansen died on a Spo
kane, Portland & Seattle train June
1. after drinking from a flask of
whiskey, thought to have contained
Garey was taken to Ritzville where
he will be held pending examination.
He came to Pasco from Walla Walla
two years ago, and has been promi
nent in business affairs here.
The information against Garey was
sworn out against Prosecuting At
torney O'Brien of Franklin county.
Christiansen died on a Spokane train
after taking a drink from a flask of
whiskey which it is alleged was i-ois-onei.
with strichnine.
Garey owed Christiansen several
thousand dollars and it is -charged
that this debt figured in the de.-ire of
Garey to get Christiansen, his former
friend, out of the way.
greets sun worshiper
but is thrown" by hercules
New York. A driver guiding his
heavy vehicle along Newtown avenue.
Erooklyn. saw a man out in the flats,
tinwlnir til the sun. The driver knew
of no sun worshipers thereabouts. so
he stopped his wagon ana cneti.
Hello" responded the other, and
him U'lttl TlCht hand OUt-
stretched. The driver and the stran
ger grasped hands, suddenly ine
man from the flats caught the driver
about the throat with his left hand.
his head and laugh
ed as the latter fell, sprawling In the
Th Hrivr pot ur shook the mud
frnm v.1 Bhrwiv cleared the muck from
his face and set up a yell for the po
lice. One responded and called for
an ambulance from the German hos
pital. To Dr. Moore "Hercules' saia
v... n n ! voar old. hut couldn't give
his name. He was taken to the Kings
county hospital. The mud-covered
driver drove away at top speed, fear
ful that he mignt encounter anomer
sun worshiper.
A sprained ankle may as a rule be
rnrsj in from threo to four davs bv
applying Chamberlain's Liniment and
observing the directions with each
bottle. For sale by all dealers.
Facts and Figure.
t4, 250.000.00 was expended on
roads and public works In 191L
I14.S99.000.00 value of farm pro
ducts In 1910.
14,96:.000.00 value of Imported
livestock, meat, fruits, etc, 1910.
$15,000,000.00 value of man&fac
tures. 1910
$(,193,000.9 vro ot minerals
produced in 1910.
117.160,000 00 value of timber cut
'a 1910.
18,000.000.00 value of fish caught
S63C.6S5.S91.00. clearing house re
turns for 1914. feet of lumber cat la
The average value of occupied farm
land In British Columbia in 1919 was
174.00. Less than one-tenth of the
available agricultural land la B. C Is
Mild climate suitable to successful
farming and desirable climate la
which to live the year "round. Close
to market, being the aame distance
from Tortland. Oregon, aa San Fran
cisco, There Is plenty of room for you.
North Coast Land Co, Ltd., Van
couver, B. C paid, up capital 11.500.-
T advertmW
Real Estate, Investments, For Sale, For Rent, Etc.
Medical Discovery,
or alcohol.
The Iwiiedknt. aa attested ameer Mtb. are tooe root (CcWnmmla GaaanVe
ate). Ill 1 1 1ml ISamfmmrm Ca&ackraia . Otadea Seal rat I Hyrmstt t .
. 0ea'tfwt((i''p( SlmtLM. black Cherr baric OYmh Hrr .
MudnkimtMoftriM MaM).Nh tripc rettaed flvccriac. yrcparaa
ta a aiHelil laani.iw j ta a naj tart as rtrarpit null Imitate.
This tonic contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles ; bat, cm
the other hand, it increase their number and they become round and healthy.
It help the haman system ia the constant manufacture of rich, red blood. It
helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food,
thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn and many uncom
fortable symptoms, atop excessive tissue waste in convr 1 licence from fever ;
for the nm-doira, atarroic, thin-blooded people, the " Discovery " is refreshing
and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy, and refuse all " just as good "
medicine, offered ry the druggist v. ho is looking for larger profit. Nothing
but Dr. Pierce's Gcldco Medical Di-covery will do you ha?! as niocn good.
(Special Correspondence.)
Gibbon. Ore.. June 11. Mr. ar.d
Mr. David Stone and Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Wallan of Adams are camp
ing on the river thi week and many
other campers are arriving daily
W. J. Furnish has gone to Pendle
ton. Henry Thompson, George Brace.
C. C. Thompson. C. Leach and son
and P. A. McPhee all went to Pen
dleton Thursday.
O. Allen from Pendleton was at the
springs last week.
L W. Reed was In Pendleton Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Miss Anna May Thompson went t)
Pendleton Thursday.
W". H. Fayer was in Pendleton Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. David BoniTer were
in Pendleton Monday.
Fay Le Grow and W. R. Taylor of
Athena, made a business trip over
here this week.
Claude De Masters of Sweet, Idaho,
is visiting here at the home of Mr.'
and Mrs. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davis left Sat
urday for Pendleton to visit at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Will
P. A. McPhee went to Pendleton
Saturday, returning Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Ceuts who have beer,
visiting here a week with .Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Furnish, have returned to
their r.ne at Great Falls Mont.
Mrs. F. F. Ivar.hoe of La Grande
has arri.l here for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. V. J. Furnish.
Mrs Grrfgs arrived Sunday frvtn
Waila W alla and wi'J spend the sum
mer here at the Ranger s station with
ht-r husband, who is forest ranger.
University of Oregon. Wm. L
Hayward. Oregon's veteran trair.er.
left Eugene Saturday night for New
York, where he will join Walter Mo
Clure and Martin Hawkins, the Ore
gon athletes and accompany them to
Sweden for the Olympic games. Hay
ward's trip was made possible by lib
eral donations from Eugene business
men and the students of the univer
sity. The object in sending "Bill" was
that he would be of value tovwestern
Walter McClure. Oregon's miler.
and Sam Bellah. Multnomah's p
Instant Relief
Ton can stop that awful itch from
eczema and other siLia troubles in two
Seems too good to be tree but it is
true, and we Tone, for It.
Just a few drops of the simple, cooling-
wash, the D.D.D. Prescription for
eczema, and the itch stops instantly.
We give you a trial bottie enough to
prove it for Z$ cents.
you want to subscribe to maganlxef
or newspapers la the United States
er Europe, remit by postal note
check, r seal to the EAST ORE
GONIAN the net publisher's price
of the publication you desire, anj
we will have It sect you. It will
save you both trouble and risk. It
you are a subscriber to the EAST
OREGONIAN. In remitting you car
deduct ten per cent from the pub
lisher's price. Address. KAS1
is any newspaper, magazine oi j
periodical that you wish to sub- j
cr-.be for, come to the East Ore
gor.ian office far we can get it toi ;
you for lesa than you will be com
peted to ry it you deal with the
publishers direct We do this
merely a an accommodation to our
piDtirc vvt riR
r.iMtiw . .
go to th East Orer-Jnlan. Live- j
SIOCS CO. a ot every 5vujm-
ed on your printing, without extra
charge to you.
M arris c makes floorwalkers of
some men.
Weak Heart
Many people safer from weak beam. They my experi
ence iborTne-tt of breath on exertion, pia over the beart,
or dizzy feeling, opprewed breathing after meab or their
eye become blurred, their heart i not sufficiently trout
to pomp blood to the extremities, and they have cold bands
and feet, or poor appetite because of e kened blood supply
to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should he taken)
which has no bad after-effect. S-jch is Dr. Pierce's Golden)
which contains no danf erous i rcotic
ihe r.-jsTrils are prf-?ct "air filters"
an I. h-n kept in clean, healthy stata
strain every bit of air we breathe,
catching ail dust particles. foreign
matter and grrms. The air is full of
germs. You cannot dxlje them, but
you caa safe-guard against catarrh
and other dieaj--s contracted in tha
I roo-sa of breathing by keeping the
nonriie clea an 1 healthy. Catarrh
germs will sometimes get in their
work, and you may mistake the symp
toms for an oriinary cold.
Don't take ar.y chances. If you
have a stuffed up feeling ia the head,
or if your throat is sore or filled with
phlegm, just grease the nostrils with
a little Ely's Cream Balm, draw the
pure, aromatic fumes back in the
head and you will be astonished at the
effect. In a few minutes yoa will
feI a loosening up in the head, the
nasty discharge- will soon be stopped,
the soreness gne. and you will feel
a -nse of genuine relief
Ely's Cream Balm not only wards '
off catarrh, but will quickly cure
even a chronic. longstanding case of
catarrh. It takes the trouble right
where i: starts, ia the nose and throat.
clt-ans-. hals and strengthens the
raw. sore inside skin, or membrane,
and in this way drive out catarrh and
makes you proof against this filthy,
disg-jsticg disease.
Summer colds, which often hang
on fr weeks, can be iuickly cured
w:th this cleansing, healing, antisep
tic bairn. All drusgists s-il it for fif
ty cents a battle and the one bottle
Ls generally all that is needed to ef
fect a compete cure- Try it today.
vaultr. wiil both participate in the
track meet to be held in in New York
June i;. However. Walter Hawkins,
the famo's hurdler, will not reach
New York in time to participate in the
meet, having been detained at the
University on aci-ur.t of examina-tior.s-
All local people are expecting the
Oregon athletes to repeat the brilliant
1-erfiTtr.ances of Smithison. Kelly and:
Gilivrt a few years pat.
Each ago of our lives has its Joys.
Old people should be happy, and
they will be if Chamberlain's Tablets,
are taken to strengthen ti digestion
and keep the bowels regular. These
tablets are mild and gentle ia their
action and especially suitable for peo
ple of middle age and older. For
sale by all dealers.
from Eczema
Now if you have tried a great many
currs for eczema and have been disap
rointed. do not make the mistake cf re
fusing to try this soothing wash. Ail
othr druggists keep this D.D.D. Pre
scription iro to them if you can't come
to us but if you come to our store, we
will give you the first dollar bottle on
our positive no pay guarantee, that D.D.D.
wiU s:ep the itch at once.
WANTED Continued.
: WANTED Lace curtains to laundry,
j Work done with especial care,
j Phone Red JSIL
Eas: Webb. Also furnished room
! for rent.
j .
t f.rst clifs restaurant which I am
; compelled to sell on account of poor
f health. Address P. O. Box 104,
Echo. Ore.
makes a specialty of engraved call
ing cards and wedding announee
men s. We give the best quality of
work fvr the lowest prices to be
obtained in Pendleton, or even the
northwest. Call at office and see
Rag Wanted.
The East Oregonlart will pay cash
for large, clean rags. Bring them to
thl f?V
For Sale The best plumbir..
pawrrok.rg and second hand busi
ness ia eastern Oregon. For partic
ulars write Sharon Jfc FJJings, Pen
dleton. Ore.