East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Reduce the High Cost of
You pay t v much for coffee if you pay 45c per pound.
Schillings Best Coifee at
40 c per Pound
will suit yo i letter or you get your money back and keep
the coffee.
Try $1.00 wortli r.nlrr till? guarantee.
Standard Grocery Company, Inc.
Where All Are Pleased
Prmtk O'Gin, Preslier.1. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Tre.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
cheers robs htm of his normal senses.
Two other drunks were given 3 day
sentences this morning.
New lan at Alexander's.
L. S. Sheldon, formerly In charge
of the drew goods denartment iv,
H- and M. L. Meyers store In Sa-
, em. nas arrived to take charge of
I that department at the AVanti rw
! partment Store, the place having been
j...ue vacant oy the resignation of A.
i ZtH-Ilner.
Return frni I "nl verity.
Miss Gladys Hamley. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamley. and Miss
Blanche Itadley. daughter of II r and
Mrs. v. .j. Uadley. arrived on this
mornings X p. train from Seattle,
where they have just completed their
freshman vear at the University of
(Special Carresrociesce.)
Her.-r.: a. Ore.. Jur.e 6 This
even :.g the Knijhu o; Pythias of
Hermiston L"iee -nil', grve a strawber
ry ir.i ice cream party t members
tta Ctm ari frier: is- It is expected
that vr 15 win be present. There
will be car ls and uir.cir.g ar.i sever
al VauUfui prizes will be awarded.
Thin will be the first party that has
leea civt-n by this order at Kermis
ton ar.d the metr.bers ere expert. r.g
it to be a rar.d success.
Jam.- l"pth-grove. s:n of G. IL
VptircroVr. left f:r Walla Walla
th rr. rr..::z to visit t!s grar.ij arrr.ts
for a few days
J. Frar.k Sp .nr.lng of Echo, was in
Hem..;-: n yesterday to file a dc--rt
lani d-z-lsraii n or. ISO acres. He
bro-jrht v.ith him J. P. Rethlefson
and Lrgwell as his witnesses.
C. F. Morrow, cashier of the Her
mistoa Bnk and Trust ompacy. has
rented the h- me of H. G. Newport
and will move into it as soon as Mr.
Hollaed has rr.oved his family to
Redmond. "re.
Pitts Enziue for Sale.
For si'.e One 14-hors power dou
ble cylinder P:.ts engine in good
shape. Price ftOO. R H. Wilcox.
Pendleton. Ore.
Make Ycur Clothes
Our mrrs methods and expert
help, enable us to guarantee you satis
factory wort p.rompine-s ani charg-
Harry I.arie ami Ren Sell in- Rival
tandklates for Senatorship oil Joint
IrTaiii Ijine at Weston To
morrow. Many Pendletonlans are hobnobbing
t i.iy with the people of the east
end of the county at Milton's annual
Strawberry Pay. a large number of
b-cal people left for the east end on
the 7 ' ;.. k train this morning while
thers have made the trip by auto, i
The Strawberry Day proeram has
b-en f unusual interest this year in
that the two candidates f.,r United!
States senator. Pen Selling, republi- j
can r.-imine. and Dr. Harry Lane.'
democratic candidate, are In.th upon'
the program. Dr. Lane will also speak j
at the Pioneers' Picnic at Weston to-
morrow, j
The following Is the program as
arranged for Strawberry Day:
At grounds. 10:30 a. m.
Mumc. College orchestra.
Address of welcome. Mayor H. A.
Vocal solo. Mrs. BaumeL-ter-Thomp-s-n.
! A i Iress. A. R. Shumway.
Selection. J. K. Keefe. Jr.. seoretary
i of Pen iletoil commercial club.
Address. J. R. Xeal.
! Violin solo. Prof. w. A. Bacon.
; Address. S. D. Peterson.
Vocal solo. j. p. Xea!.
j f rchestra.
Band will furnish music during the
I noon hour.
I 1 p. m.. band.
j Adire-. Dr. Harry Lane, ex-mayor
of Portland, and democratic candi
date f or the U. S. senate.
Addres. Eon SelKng. republican
candidate fnr V. S senate.
, 3 p. sports, under direction of
Baseball game at J;39.
Ilorx- Droatl ioad.
While a combine drawn by six
horses was moving along West Webb
street, near the old Dutch Henry Feed
Yard, yesterday, one of the animals
dropped dead in the harness and the
fate of the horse was the cause of
j much interest on the part of people
I passing along that thoroughfare
I .
(arn-U is Improving.
Manager Jess Garrett of the local
baseball team, who was taken to the
hospital yesterday suffering from an
attack of ptomaine poisoning, is con
siderably improved today and, if his
recovery Is as fast as expected, he will
be able to leave the hospital in a few
Real Estate Transactions.
Melvln Hansen to S. M. Bowers, lot
10. block 8. Newport's addition to
Hermiston; Hiram H. Gillette to Wil
liam J. Bottger of British Columbia.
X K 1-4 section 10. twp. 3. X. U 29;
Inland Irrigation Co. to K. W. Arlss
of Portland. S E 1-4 of X R 1-4 of
section 33. twp 4 N. R. 29; Sisters of
St. Francis to Carl Oulott. lots 2. S
and 4, block 164. of Reservation ad
dition to Pendleton.
Another June Wedding.
A marriage license was issued to
day to Vernle L. Marr and Miss Amy
D. Hopkins of Weston. The former
being only nineteen years of age, was
required to produce an affidavit of
consent from his parents
llirtiiur Princess is Coming:.
"Jake" Welch, new manager of the
Oregon theater. Is getting some good
attractions for the late season. He
announced today that he had booked
"The Flirting Princess" for June 13.
The attraction thus secured is one
of the musical comefces numbered
am..ng the "hits' touring the coast
this spring.
t.ihltoil Getting lively,
W. H Saver of Gibbon, who has
been here today, says that the people
of the Gibbon neighborhood have pe
titioned for a site upon which to erect
a school hous? to care for the edu
cational needs of the children at
Gibbon and vicinity. As the place is
part of the reservation authoritv has
to be secured from the department of
the interior. Gibbon is also enthused
over the prospect of securing a stock
yard In the near future.
RMiop O'Reilly Here.
Bishop Charles J. O'Reilly of the
Catholic church arrived here from Ba-
ker yesterday and spent yesterday and
today at the mission on the reservation
where he was called to confirm a class
of Indians. The bishop has Just re
cently returned from an extended east
ern trip where he was called upon to
do considerable church work. He is
scheduled to go to Portland today but
will return by Monday to deliver the
commencement address for St. Jos
eph's Academy.
es that are jr.ost rea
for the vt-.z r. anj let us demonstrate
that we mean what we say.
Pendleton Dys Works
I All A!oard for Pioneer Picnic.
j i; ro'jnd trip to Pioneer Picnic
' Fridav or Saturday by Penland Bros.'
-Auto Truck. Car will leave at 8 a.
m. anl will return in the evening.
2av:'rg Weston at 7 o'clock. Anyone
wishing t go phone Main 339.
i;i Dance for Umatilla.
The Umatilla Redmen are prepar
ing for a grand ball which they give
in Pound's hall tomorrow evening
commencing at 8:30 o'clock. A com
mittee consisting of J. A. Stephens,
James O'Connell and Arthur G. Means
has arranged to make the event one
of the largest of the season and re
ports are to the effect that there will
be many from Echo, Hermiston.
! Stanfield and other towns of the coun-
! ty present.
Phone Vair 1
304 H EL Aha.
Ralph B. Stanfield. Stanfield bank
er, and son Jack, are in the city to
ri n- to take in the circus
One instance where extremes please-
Get your groceries here an! you will get the best, yet save many
cents la a few dayi time.
Ifits Fruits or Vegetables
yju s re looking for. you w"I fin 3 them here Juit as soon as they
appear on the market. Ark us what we have new tomorrow morn
Phone Main 1 74 6I2 Main Street
Game Commences Late.
Owing to the presence of the Sells
Floto circus In the city today the
IVndleton-La Grande baseball game
was postpone, until four o'clock in
order to allow the many visitors In
the city a chance to witness both
shows. Sturgis, the Pendleton boy
ho formerly twirled for the Univer
sity of Washington, has been pre
vailed upon to twirl for the Buckar
and Foster will probably be
worked for the visitors.
"Roiisliliou-er" Gets Ten I)a).
A inebriated John Doe last even
ing felt a drowsiness coming upon
him pnd proceeded to break into the
Japanese lodging house only to be,
cjer-tej and jalle, after a hard tussel
with the officers. This morning
Judge Fitz Gerald, Impressed with
the man's efforts to secure a night's
lodging, gave him the privilege of re
maining in tli" city Jail for ten days
and nights. When the night officers
attempted to remove the stranger
from his appropriated quarters, he
put up a fisrht and It was only by a
liberal application of the night stick
that he was finally induced to walk
to the bastile. Once Inside he start
ed a "roughhouse" with some of hi
fellow inmates and Chief Kearney was
forced to administer a little more
"medicine" before he was finally
quieted. In explanation of his con
duct, the offender stated this morn
ing that he had been struck on the
head when a child and that since that
time an Indulgence In the cup that
Threatens to sue City.
F. M. Oliver appeared before the
city council last evening with the com
plaint that Street Commissioner
Heathnian had removed a new weed
er which had been placed temporarily
In the street to the dumping grounds
without having first notifying the
owner. Unless the city takes steps
to have it returned, he threatened to
take legal action. City Attorney Car
ter explained that ten days ago he
sent a letter to Oliver requesting him
to remove the machinery from the
street but the latter denied receipt
of the letter. The matter was refer
red to the street committee.
trails rirr goats uy odor
Policeman Finds Roy With Stolen
Animals in n Shed.
St. Louis, Mo. That Patrolman
Rennekant of the Carr street station
has a scent sufficiently keen to trail
stolen goats by the odor they leave
on the air wh ich touches their shag
gy coats was proved.
When Joseph Coudkl. 120S North
Seventh street, reported at the Carr
street station that his boy's pet nan
ny got and her kid had been stolen
Rennekant went to the shed from
which they had been stolen and took
up the trail. The keen-sceted sleuth
trailed the stolen animal to a shed
at the rear of 1424 North Seventh
Two boys were making a wagon to
which to hitch the. boats. They were
taken to the station, but were releas
ed when Coudkl refused to prosecute
Canadian Engineer Killed.
Vancouver, B. C June 6. Kngl
neer Joliffe of Revelstoke, B. C. was
instantly killed and two brakemen
Injured when an eastbound Canadian
Pacific freight crashed Into a special
stock train today near Tappen Siding.
Your Watch
Does not want to be
Let us fix you out with a
atch that can be depended
pon. The kind that will .
Kecp time and look well.
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
We have Just received a fresh
shipment of Whitman's Choco
lates direct from the factory at
Philadelphia. Among the lat
est packages we are showing Is
"Whitman's Sampler" contain
ing an ass'ortment from each of
the famous packages. To those
who are looking for a high,
grade eastern candy, we can
personally guarantee the fresh
ness and quality of every pack
age of Whitmans.
Tallman & Co.
Summer Underwear
We can suit you in weight and rubric, fit you in hizc and our
prices will npHal to the purses of those who arc inclined to save.
Union Suits and Tvo-Picco Suits
25c 35c 50c
Sec our window display. Come in and examine.
IVorldngmens Clothing Co
Made out of heavy Khaki Cloth in all sizes, Xorfolk jackets,
also seperate divided skirts.
Suits $3.98 and S4.98
Skirts JPS.98 and $3.50
One-piece Outinjr Dresses in Khaki at $2.98
Khaki Walking Skirts in all sizes at $1.-19 and $1.98
La-lies' Linen Wash Skirts in white and natural $1.49,
$1.G9, $1.98.
Ladies' Wash Skirts at 98 to $1.49
Golden Rule Store
Dining Car Service
Is one of the most attractive features of our trans-continental train
service. We serve the BEST OF FOOD, with those GRKAT BIG
BAKF.D POTATOES, cooked by EXPERT CHEFS and served bv
Northern Pacific Railway
Two Daily Through Trains to Chicago
North Coast Limited and Atlantic Express.
Via Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the North Coast Limited runs
through to Milwaukee. 4
One Daily Through Train to St. Louis
Mississippi Valley Limited.
Via Billings and the Burlington Route
Yellowstone National Park
Opens June 13, and we grant stopover on any ticket through Livings
ton, Mont., to enable passengers taking the side trip to or through
the Park. Call on or write for Park literature, and learn about the
various side trips you can take Into or through the Park.
Now on sale for numerous dates to Septem
ber 30. Long limits, and topovers allowed.
Full particulars gladly f.iinished on appli
cation. WALTER ADAMS, IVndleton, Ore.
A. D. CHARLTON, Gen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Ore-
Distinctive Silver
It might truthfully he said that Saw
tello's display of silver i9 an art exhibit
of the country's master productions.
In addition to the many new ideas in
silver shown in Pendleton for the first
time, the display includes many distinet
patterns in sterling flatware the hand
work of the most renowned artists in the
history of silver designing.
Wedding silver h the gift next in im
portance to the ring.
To 1 hose who contemplate the purchase
of wedding silver this beautiful display
will prove of surpassing interest.
Royal M. Sawtelle
ISm ! Western Tri-State League Teams
Game Called Each Alternoon at '3:30
ABUnSBlfUn including grandstand seat 50c
L iEiJLd BoUiyjuU including bleacher seat 25c