L EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. TENDLETOX. OREGOX. YK1XKSIAY, JI NK 1012. PAGE FIVB 1 TIrarsday imbroidorv So g lay inch Flounc- patterns that yard. 500 yards finest Swiss 27- ings in dozens of different sold up to $2.50 a THURSDAY ALL YOU WANT AT See large window display tonight F. E. LIVEUGOOD & GO, JULY Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and Fashion Sheets now ready. PERSONAL MENTION MliRARY NOTES. li ii Bicycles! 727 Johtuop street. New White Sewing machines now n display at W. R. Grahams. Fresh cramfUh every day at the St. George Cafe. Go to Y. W. Hoc hi for Sch'.:u draught beer. If you want dry aab wood, phone Wain S. Schlitx Milwaukee beer on draught at the Sideboard. See those New Home Sewing ma chines at Graham's Furniture store. Household furniture for sale- Ap fly at Gray Bros. Grocery Co. For Rent Front office fa Judd Euiiding. Apply F. E. Judd. Wanted Good girl fr general housework at once. Main STi. C13 Mark. For Sale 29 head fresh Jersey milk cows. Inquire of R- 1L Stevens, Dutch Henry Feed Yard. For sale 1(0 acre good timber land near Gurdane. Oregon Price $le. Peter Kriser. Pendleton. Ore. -Largo shipment or new sidewalk lumber Jurt received at the Pendleton Planing Kill and Lumber Tard. Dry slab wood. Just the wood for summer use. Oregon Lumber .Yard. Phone Main 8. Reunion Umatilla Co. Pioneer asso ciation, Weston. Ore.. June 7 and I. Tou are invited Good time for all. Screen doors and window screens, all sixes and prices, at the Pendleton Planing If ill and Lumber Yard. Ws also make them to order. Carload of fine cedar posts now for sale at the Pend.eton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Both Plain and tar- red. Have our wood saved by the gas : oiine wo,l ,att. Phone Main 13. j State Hotel Furnished rooms at I (fecial rates by week or month. Trash hauled every Tuesday. Call Pen'anj Bros.' Transfer. Phone Main :3J. To rent Furnisned apartment house. Mo-!ern conveniences. In quire Monterastelli block. Phone Black :S51. Fred Perkins, agent Oregon Jour nal. Phone Main 4C4. Headquarters at Griggs & Stangier'a cigar store. Ttiephoiie if any are missed. For Sale The best p'.umbirj. pasnbrcking and second hand busi ness in eastern Oregon. For partic ulars write Sharon Sc. Eddings. Pen dleton. Ore. For rent Suite of unfurnished tiousekeei ir.g rooms In East Oregon n Building. Steam heated, also gas range in rooms. Apply at this ofac. For Sent to a lady, a large, well !urr.bhed room, with sewing machine, rery close in. Cheap. Inquire 'It Ulleth. Lost Llewy Hen female setter and C weeks old pup with two black ears. Fin.Kr call up Red 2151 and receive reward. For rent Barn large enough for 1C horses with corral in connection. Will rent part of barn. Apply 4 IS Lllietk street. Phone Black 10SL Passengers for Portland can save money and at same time enjoy a e'ean and refreshing river ride by taking the Str. Bailey Gatzert. leav ing The Dalies daily except Sunday and Monday at 3:39 p. m. Fare to Portland SI. Zeb Lewis as drun from his aomej at Adams yesterday. F. M t'oiiins of Helix, as a vis llir in .Pendleton yesterday. Charles P. Mason of Baker, wan r.t the Bowman yesterday. Tillie and Josle Hagen of Wallowa are guets of the St. George today. W. P. Lathrop of Walla Walla, has been a visitor In the city today. J. E. Mathews and Fred Taylor of Pilot Book were in the city last eve ning. Wtllard Bond made a business trip to Stanfield today, going down on the local. H. H. Mc Reynolds, city marshal at pilot Rock, was In from his home ye' terday. I'iuher Melnnis of the La Gr.ind.i wm. was Joined by his wife ar.-l b& iiy jtstcrday. Donald Ross, was down from Nye yterday and cashed in six coyote pelts at the clerk's office. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May of Wes ton, were among the out-of-town p-;o- le in the city yesterday. H. A. Hamlin, who Is in charge of he drainage system at Stanfield, was up from the west end yesterday. i ;..rir. W Tlrtna re-turn.! this morning to his home at Pilot Rock after spending the night in the city.! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins of' Portland are visiting at the home of Miy. Jenkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Stewart. Mrs. Mullinoux, formerly a resi dent of Pendleton and who is now liv ing in Butte, is here upon a visit with her sister, Mrs. James Dunham. James Spence. subscription agent for the Oregon Journal, went to Stanfield this morning. He was con siderably e'ated ovel the fact that the passengers aboard the Idaho demo cratic special wired ahead for fifteen copies of his paper. Will. am A. McKeeVer, professor of philosophy In the state agricultural college of Kansas, has issued a num ber of pamphlets or bulletins on the subject of home training of children. These bulletins have recently been put into the library and since they are being made use of by the schools, churches, Sunday schools, etc, through out the whole country, no doubt there are parents and teachers here who will be interested in them. The fol lowing are the titles of the bulletins: 1. The Cigarette Smoking Boy. 2. Teaching the Boy to Save. 3. Training the Girl to Help in the Home. 4. Assisting the Boy In the Choice of a vocation. 5. A Better Crop of Boys and Girls. 6. Training the Boy to Work. 7. Teaching the Girl to Save. S. Instructing the Young in Re gard to Sex. A I!ii.iiM-i Chance. Come and investigate. Absolutely no risk. For every dollar Invested you get value received. We don't sell territory but the actual goods and Issue contract entitling you to re-establish agencies at a good profit, come in today. T. J. ERITT, 200 East Court. mm. mm m L.-. T xYiuny wuineii nave ngures mat are almost perfect; every woman would like to know that her figure was considered perfect. This result is easiest obtained by wearing a KABO "THE LIVE MODEL CORSET" Every one made to fit the figure of a perfectly formed woman, each model suited for its par ticular kind of figure. Get the right model Kabo for your measure ments and you'll get the desired result. The Kabo Fashion Dock is beautiful ask for a free coy. Mil U STYLE mi -. son PVi Copjricbt KU Corset Co. I EEX MARY TRIKS TO FREE CONVICT RICH DIVORCEE TO WED ACTOR NAMED IX SEPARATION M IT SPECIAL Prices on PUR.SES all (his month F. J. Donaldson Reliable Druggist. We give Peoples Warehouse Tradistg Stamp. Special Prices oa Cord wood. Good dry red fir. slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine. Special prices In five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mbn- ey by seeing us before buying Ko- pittke St Giilanders. phone Main ITS. Let the Auto Truck Haul It. Our specialty Is quick work. Phone Main 23J for furniture and piano mov ing short trips in the city or transfer ring to the country. We haul any thing. Penland Eros. Pitts Engine for Rale. r or sate .ne n-nunie power ouu- ble cylinder Pitts engine in good shape. Price 1000. Pendleton. Ore. R H. Wilcox. Mrs. Helen Hilton Strj- Will Marry Stanley !nle as Soon as Interlo cutory Decree Is Made Pcruiaucnt Next Month. Xew York. Mrs. Helen Hilton Story, heiress to several millions, left her by the late Judge Henry Hil ton and against whom Allen Lawrence Story, her husband, obtained an in terlocutory decree of divorce last March, will marry Stanley Forde. the actor, who was named by her hus band In the divorce suit. The marriage, so it was learned from one intimate with Mrs. Story's affairs, will take place Just as soon as the interlocutory decree Is made permanent In June. The marriage of the beautiful young hriress and the man who figured in the accounts of Mrs. Story's summer visits to a cottage at Navesink High lands will be quietly celebrated some where in Xew Jersey and the couple will sail for Europe on the same day. ' - - Those ho know- the former wife of Mr. Storey and who were her sym pathizers during the trial of her di vorce suit said today that by going away from Xew York Mrs. Storey had sacrificed one of her dearest pleas ures. That was the opportunity of seeing her 3-year-old daughter Ruth. The court, in granting the decree to the husband, allowed Mrs. Story to see her child twice a week, but she contrived to take the blue-eyed baby in her arms almost every day. The little one was living with her father and his parents. Mr. and Mrs William Cummings Story, at 36 Gramercy Park. Mrs. Story, the divorced wife, living -nly a short distance away, used to make it a practice to go to Gramercy Park nearly every morning and there meet the baby's nurse as she went out on the shaded paths to give the little girl her morning air. There, on a bench, the young moth er (she is not yet ;i wou'.d clasp the toddling child in her arms and for half an hour decrees of courts and the shadows of the rs:t were set at naught. What I Now R)al Iearl Was the Original Cause of Adam's Oinie. Mount Vernon, III. Jumbo Adams who Is serving a twenty-year term In the southern Illinois penitentiary for killing Charles Jones, may be par doned through the efforts of Queen Mary of England. Adams was a pearl fisher. One day while his workmen in boats on the Wabash river were opening clam shells in search of pears one of the men found an unusually beautiful and large gem and slipped it Into his pocket. Adams asked for the pearl and the accused man attacked Ad ams w ith a knife. A 'lams pulled a revolver and killed his assailant. The gem was recovered and the pro ceeds were used to defend Adams. A Xew York pearl buyer bought the stone for $1,200 and sold it to a Lon don Jeweler, who later disposed of It to the royal family and now the pearl is the centre jewel In the Queen's necklace. She has learned the story of the pearl and has been in communication with Adam's law yer, an 1 the tone of her letter indi cates that she will aid in securing his pardon. WOMAN'S WILL WRITTEN ON IIEK VISITING CARDS leavos Estate to Daughter Wh"n She Enters llo-liial to Vndergo Oficration. San Francisco. One of the queer est documents ever placed In the public records of the city and county was filed In the county e'erk's office. It was the last will and testament of Henrietta K. Wilson. &06 De Hary street, and w-as written on two of Mrs. Wilson's visiting cards. The two visiting cards were filed for probate by R. W. Clement, who Style 6011. The woman ho nl I n eitreme leneth ol kk:it corohiiMa mta timh back and low bust should trr Km moa-l. In made ol a prett, trip-d matrnal cl tr, 'ill t. turr and trimmed with ribbon and iacc Hasl2-inc lront clap and tLrct i.r o! ir 14pcrtc.-. tl2c13t0JU. Z0 Kara CoTsrtt can t bad r:tl, ehb cnrtal rv-t or mitt ti Jot p cord tritf All kabc Cermets arc 4-iiir.j.:c C Uru i.jt. tLriU.i. IMIenherg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money was named In the will as executor of Mrs. Wilson's estate, which was val ued at 12,000. Mrs. Wilson died May 3, last. The will was dated April 1, last, and read: "Knowing that I am about to un- di.ri.rt Q n t . ,1 t iiTi ont nnpii.. ' . ' e ' " . ....-'. ...... i.n. v . tainty of the outcome, I dec'are this t obe my last will and request, that all I possess at this time, both real and personal, shall go to my litt'e daugh ter, Dorothy E. Wilson, to be used for ! her maintenance and education. I requt-st my sister, Frido A. Smith, be made her guardian, and request B. W. Clement, and api oint him my ex ecutor without bonds." i:h his family, an 3 coc!y frceJ an entrance and went to be j. Late at niht thtir a t ts uncov ered and the police were notified. They found the two fast alp ar.d in their possession a r.v..Iwr ar:d a bottle of whisky. BURGLARY AS A REST CURE. Attention I. O. O. E. All I O. O. F. ar.i Eebekahs are requested f meet at the I. O. O. F. hall at 10:39 Sunday morr.ir.g. Jur. Sth an 1 march from there to the Presbyterian church to ar.er.-i the Memorial exercises. COMMITTEE. Police Ilnd Pair Softly Snoozing in Neighbor's Home. Danville, Pa. To break into a house simply to find a good place for rest is a Danville novelty. Last night Daniel Miller and Eiward' Kingston, under the influence of li-! quor, arrived at the former's board-: ing house, kept by George Swank, and were refuscdadmittance. j They talked the matter over, then : made their way to a house near by. ; the owner of which is out of town (liurch Women to Serve Dinner. The ladies of the Prt-stnterian church t ill serve a home cooked din ner tomorrow at x.e Golden Rjle Ho tel, comnif-noir.g tt 11 o'ciock. Fot Ci-M. Coneaor trj a SliiS Of Iri tC'.T LS Or JtiLS D SIFT. Cm. CfaMCm. t tin rii nrmiiiil f 1 11 iTilrUectsa! Tnim W'ntr tri 1 Found A watch charm, of prob-. able value to owner as a relic. Owner may have same by proving property anj paying for this ad. J. B. Holmes, minister of Christian church. Get a man under the X-ray ma- j chine if you want to find out what's in him. j The. reason a woman loves a man , is because It requires no reason. I "A FUSSY PACKAGE" We have just received a fresh shipment of Whitman's Choco lates direct from the factory at Philadelphia. Among the lat est packages we are showing Is ' "Whitman's Sampler" contain ing an assortment from each of the famous packages. To those who are looking for a high grade eastern candy, we can personally guarantee the fresh ness and quality of every pack age of Whitmans. Tallman (& Co. SOLE AGENTS. For June Weddings Just received" a shipment of the late:-t uvt-ipns in cut and enirraved rla5, al a larpe stx-k of Iloi'e-w anl Tahle Ware in Sterling and Silverplate. A. L. Schaeler JEWELER, and SILVERSMITH PHONE RED 3011 MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real estate for sale and houses to rent. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City ana County Realty. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street AiyHSskg Ym Wmt for T&ie Womdler Store's Great Fin Oily 2c ye Sale 8(D(B Any Article in the Store Thursday for Sate Nothing excepted Everything to go UNDERWEAR, SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Etc. r1