PAGE FOITu DAILY EAST OREGOXIAn. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1012. EIGHT PAGES ' jj. "trtfi- 1 1 oi;i.n to act AS IXPErEXHENT NEWsrAFER. t!ioatt subjivl anl -t::. by thorough may c : . sres ct into j oM-.i.n f act ;tri ....m firm- r.i s. REALM FEMININE ri;!bfj r! n.1 Srn;! ai I 'en dietcn, Oregon, tjr lit USI OUEONIAX ri'l'LlSUING CO imtv. a ewid-clam mall matter. at tt potofnc at IVodicto. ecnsscBiniox rates. ll'y. oa yr. bj onU 15 00 lmx.t. alt Booths, br mail 11:7. tnr moo cii. by mall rl y. one Booth, ty mail Il y, ooa yr. by carrier t;.y, aix Booth, bj carrier lai.y. nontfcs. ty carrier ... laiiy. ooe Booth, by carrier trail Weekly, one year, by mall.... eml-Week y. tlx mocifcs. by mall .. aml-Wee:y. toar mootha. by mall. 2 50 1.25 si spi:M)r.i m:tko: An invpjtiicaiiiin f th Court of tic-feral Sessions In New Tork. is be ing made by the police commissioner an.l the corr.nii.skner of accounts, says an exchange. It is based on as- 60 strtlons which the juiiees of the court are v lenirni nun many uuenarrs, T5 1 3 .65 1.50 .75 the twliy East roolaa M te;t on aale t tS Itreyoa Neir Co., S2S Uorriaoa treet. Portland. Oregon. Norttwest Net in, l'nrtlaod. Orrfoa. CtUtga Bareao, Vjv Security Building. Waabiiiflnn, b. C, Bureau. U Four Uectu urett, N. W. llember I cited Iresa Aasorlatlon. 'efboe ilaln ) Offkia, Ci:y and Cooau laper. what i;oi:s it mhin: . What does it mean, the march- ir.g .ast Of a few old men who are bvr.t and grave? Tou have heard of the host that was proud and vast And you see the banners that brightly wave; Tou have heard men glibly extol the brave Who endeared the gTay and honored the blue. Tou have heard of the cause that was lost and won, But what is the lesson you teach your son, And what is the meaning of this to vou? They offered all that the brave ' may give Where the selfish prey and the timid pause; Dearer to them an the right to live 4 Was the right to die in their country's cause! The crowd is granting them its applause, Thinking that thus they receiv- ed their due; They have given much and ' have not complained. But what is the lesson your son has gained, And what is the meaning of this to you? S, E. Kiser. ar.d one of the chief points at is.ue is the working of the law authorizing jidges to suspend sentences on a showing that the convicted person is not a harder.ed offender and wi"' lead an upright life. Mr. Fosdick says the police figures show that there were 1.332 suspension out of 4.S03 convic tions in a year's record of the court. He does not i;ucsiion the value of the principle of the suspended sentence. but wishes to know how it is applied. The Illinois statute for adult proba tion, similar to the New Tork law. has been in operation In Chicago six months. The chief probation officer, Mr. Houston, is enthusiastic about the results obtained, though he finds it difficult to make many first of fenders live up to their promise of teform. There are no complaints about the use of the statute by judges. It is obvious that the adult proba tion system requires good Judges to produce good results. It is claimed in defense of the working of the Xevr Tork law that 70 per cent of those al'owed suspension of sentence turn from criminality. That is a good showing, whattver else the investi gation may develop. The idea of giv ing first offend rs a chance tot re form is sound ani will be everywhere applied as civilization advances. T, livvvtit l.nH in Miuli. Nothing made from Corn meal will t lumpy if the r.iea! is mixed with a little cold water before using This heli a when making mush. E. AI..L.. California. Clove Instead of Moth I talis. I have found that whole clov s distributed among the clothing wil; keep away moths and leave no disa greeable odor. Mrs. C. M. T.. West Virginia. To ( tear Soup. The best and quickest way is to pour it while hot through a muslin cloth, which has Just previously been wrung out of ice water. When it has ai: been strained, heat again and serve. J. H. G.. Virginia. THE COEI'EE COUNKR. Sowing Hooks llrnilj-. When sewing on hooks, try spread ing wide the rings through which the thread is passed and you will find that the hooks will never pull out of place if well sewed. Mrs. E. S., Vermont. IOWA WOMAN WELL AGAIN Freed From Shooting Pains, Spinal Weakness, Dizziness, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The Hmhtuband Bowl. And also other pieces of enameled ware and crockery, may be satisfac torily cleaned with common salt used on a slightly dampened piece of flan nel. This removes dirt and stains without scratching the surface. C. P., Connecticut. To Peel Tomatoes. A quick and easy way to peel toma toes is to put a fork into the stem end then hold over the gas burner, turn ing it around until you hear a "pop " he tomato is not heated Mrs. L. M. D-, California. Ottumwa, Iowa. "For years I was almost a constant suffersr from female trouble in all its dreadful forms; shooting pains all over my body, sick headache, spinal weakness, dizziness, depression, and everything that was horriJ. I tried many doctors in different parts of the United Statos, but Lydia E. Finkhara's Vesre ta ble Compound has done more forme than all the doctors, I feel it my duty to tell yoa these facts. My heart is full of gratitude to Lydia E. Finkham's Vege table Compound for any health." Mrs, Hakmet E. Wampler, 524 S. Ransom Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. Consider Well This Advice. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles Bhould lose hope un til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal in gredients of which are derived from On examination you win find the skin i native roots and herbs, has for nearly loosened and ready to peel off. while j forty years proved to be a most valua- mrougn. . tie tonic and invigorator of the fe j male organism. Women everywhere ' bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- Wboii Fm1 J Too Salt. T -. . t V, ! n1nnn r. 1 t - :V.l .- . . the kettle containinsr the fuod. sorln- Compound. kle a tablespoonful or more of flouv on the cloth and allow the contents of the kettle to steam. In a short time the flour will have absorbed all the surplus salt. Mrs. E. Z., Illinois. THE TAKIFT BOARD. The present tariff board may pass by the wayside but the idea of a per manent tariff commission with much power towards adjusting schedules will not pass away. The present tariff board came into existence under rather unfavorable auspices. The bill for the board was passed by a standpat congress and the board selected by President Tart has teen generally regarded as of reac tionary character. Real tariff re formers have looked upon the board with something like disdain because they have found it obstructive rather than otherwise. They have regarded the board as a small life preserver to be thrown the consuming public. They have been Impatient of such a meth od and have wanted to plunge in boldly and remedy conditions by cut tiny down the tariff on trust made goods. If the present board is abolished it will b more or less a blow at the plan f adjusting schedules by the com mission method. Nevertheless the government will come back to that method because the tariff Is an in- Rip Out Your Dress Shields Fire 'Em Quick! Tou Won't Seed Them Aay More If You TJoe PEXSPI-KO! It's oou-bye fojvver to dress fcbkelds. Coou-tiye toexcksxive unnatural perspira tion of the arni-plu. You ran wear my weight of clothing cr live In hot stu'y A.. r-U N Mar Arm-Pit Penetration mod No Mar OrcM-SkUUfc I Uu PERS PI-NO." room, but yoa will never araln bare your . ctatbtng In the arm-pits soaking wet from pemplraUon. or hove them get ttiff, fade, and have tho colors run. if you nse the new marvel, PE Its PI-NO. Vou ran go to a tlnncn, to the theatre, eon cert, or any social affair, feeiinir sure that yoa will never be humiliated or be in perfect misery because of arm-pit perspi ration. PKKKPI-NO Ha powder, a ilniplo formula, absolutely ufe for anybody. Try It once: youll be convinced and surprised. You apply it with the pad wbirh la packed with every box sold. PEK&PI-NO is a wonder. Yon 11 say so after using it once. fcat Inflict Ion or money refunded. PKIUsPI-NO Is for sale at yonr dm. FlstaatSic a box, or sent direct. on receipt of prli'e, by the Pernpo Co., JrTlo Lincoln Ave. Chicago. For sale and recommended In Pendleton by PafxUrtoa Drat Co Til! fun A Co , A. C Koeppva A Era., J. F. In denying the government's appli cation for a temporary Injunction re straining the Xew York Dock com pany and Hermann Sielcken from disposing of 950,000 bags of coffee stored here, the federal circuit court has by no means halted the depart ment of justice, comments the Xew York World. As Justice Lacombe's opinion says, there are too many ele ments of uncertainty in the case to stop the sale in advance of the trial. The government will go forward with its conspiracy proceedings, and it should certainly do so. There Is an admitted difficulty and embarrassment in the fact that the coffee in question is' nominally the property of the Brazilian State of Sao Paulo, upon which the "valorization" trust of bankers has merely made ad vances. At the instigation of the trust the Brazilian government has taken he roic measures to check the Increase of coffee production and create an artificial scarcity. .Te cannot pre vent that, even if Brazil were to throw one-tenth of the annual crop into the sea, as was once cheerfully proposed. But so far as this country Is concern ed, we have every right to protest against the greedy combination whose taxation of the American breakfast table through doubled prices 'on cof fee runs counter to the unbroken spirit of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence from the earliest sources of the Eng lish (common law down to the passage of the Sherman act. If roa want snerlal advice write to Lydia E, Pinkhani Medicine Co. (confl dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Some German warships are now at Hampton Roads upon a fraternal vis it. German warships, however, are the least of Uncle Sam's troubles. Ger man manufactured goods with able and aggressive commercal houses be hind them are what count more than the dreodnaughts in the present con quest of the world. iakej Ajudes That Are Different, Peel . apples, halve them, arrange I in a deep dish, cover plentiful.)- with sugar, add butter and ppices and a very little hot water, and bake a long time in a rather slow oven, turning the dish and the apples once in a while. The result, when the apples are cold, will be a clear amber jelly In the bottom and around the fluffy apples. Mrs. C. H. L-, California. A Hammer for Sewing. Keep a small hammer on the sew ing machine. A few sharp taps on a thick seam flattens it, and causes it to pass easily under the presser foot. A hem may be turned, "hammered" lightly, and sewed without basting. The hammer passed, smoothly and firmly over the fold of tucks marks them, and prevents the goods from slipping when stitched. Shirt and waist manufacturers rise this device In their sewing rooms. E. P., Missouri. Getting things without paying for them is some men's idea of economv. For Eczema t"se a mild soothing wash that instantly stops the itch. We have sold many other remedies for skin trouble but none that we could per sonally guarantee as we do the D. D. D Prescription. If I had Eczema I'd use D. D. D. Prescription Tall man & Co. "Chicago town" center. is now the storm Most assuredly there will be a bolt if the colonel is not nominated. Fur thermore it will not be any ordinary, ccmmonplace bolt. It will be such a belt as will make the Chicago con vention look like it had been hit by a hurricane. The 'Western .Tii-.tate league seems to like the Pendleton baseball grounds. ' With the Cuban rebellion and the Mexican fight on at the same time North America has the prickly heat Umatilla county wants an open Co lumbia river. It means higher prices for wheat and lower rates on mer chandise. The hlgnest point of woman's hap piness is reached only through moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms. Tet the mother-tv be Is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering Inci dent to its consummation. But for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and ,ln Mother's Friend is to be found a medicine of great value to every expec-nt mother. It is an emulsion for external application, composed of ingredients which act with beneficial and sooth lng effect on those portions of the system involved. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffer ing through which the mother usually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother's Friend Is for sale at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable Information, and many suggestions of a helpfu nature. ERADFIELD ISC'JLATOX CO.. AuasU, Ca, pttfii O.-W. R. & N. Special Rate $9.10 Portland and Return Account of Sixth Annual Rose Festival Selling dates June 9, 10 and 11th. Final return limit, June 17th. Daylight and Nicht Service, with through sleepers. For further information call on or address, T. F. O'Brien, Agt. R BURNS, Dist. Frt & Pass. Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. cr DON'T SfiY II Si CI : El COFFEE ' ' - i ,Tv Just say "Send mo a can of HILLS BROS." PHONE f.lrt IN 101 Pendleton iSto-Cash Market Eveiylhing to Eat Mi " tew sf-l?. All , vf W.:0f - -a T I mm B V ". I 1 lifi. "SA l?ree Circus'Street ParadeJ0:30JaT!n. 9 bands, 250 horses, Xphants camebJoo people of all climes in native costumes will be shown in parade .Two shows daily afternoon at 2, night at 8, doors open at If arid 7 p-m." Waterproof tents. Admission 25 centsto see it all4 PENDLETON THURSDAY JUNE 6 AFTEHXOOX AND EVENING Attend the Fifth Annua! Live Stock Sho w Union, Oregon, Juno 6, 7 and 8. The best stock in Oregon will be shown, and the program is full of interesting events. Reduced rates-over the 0.-7. R. s n. Fare and one-third for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 5th and 6th. Return limit June I Oth. T. F. O'Brien, Agent, Pendleton The Umatilla river is too ftream to be wasted, t fine a NKAR-ItlGIIT ENGLISH. "Wanted, a white "Special- Advertisement girl to cook." Doctor's sign in Denver: 1st all diseases " Seen In Vancouver: "Afternoon tea served at ail hours." Card at pay desk In a cafe: "Tour face Is good, but It won't go In the caul reglater." Says a western paper: "Mlas Zella Rock Is gaining strength slowly, for which her friends feel very thank ful." Boston Transcript. We are ready for you with our CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM served with fresh Strawberries Its the kind that make you come again. Koeppen's The drug store (hat $ervei you best. HANG OUT YOUR ICE CARDS The ice wagon will start making regular daily , trips to residences, on Tuesday morn ing, June 4th. Hang out your card by 7 a. m. as the wagon will make but one trip daily, and that in the forenoon. If you have no card stop the driver and ask for one. Pendleton Ice (8b Cold Storage Co. J