EVEIIIIIG EDITIO!) - EVENING EDITIO!) WEATHER REPORT. Flr and warmer to night and Wednes day. x TO ADVERTISERS. Tt Eeat OrvgoeUa baa th irt paid circulation of any ppr la Orofxm, of rortisBd aaa early rwlo tb rtrcaiatloa la radlrtoa ei aaj etkef sewvpaptr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. C2T OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL 25. PENDLETON, OHEGOX, TCESDAY, JrXE 4, JM SO. 757.-, 1 ' .x- 1 -..-..'j-.'i;.".!.1 z ,, ,, ME IN OP SUPS U Despite Colonel's Victory in Primari es, Opponent is Endorsed at Taft Controlled Meeting. GETS SIX DELEGATES IlotMcvrlt Men Make Hard Fight in Fiuv of Odd Rooncvelt Says Xotlilwc, President la rieascd ami Cabinet Holds Jubilee. Columbus, Ohio, June 4. Controll ing the Ohio state republican conven tion by a good working majority, ad herents of President Taft elected for lilm today nix delegates at large to the national convention and despite desperate endeavors by the Roosevelt clans, they obtained a clear cut en dorsement of the present chief execu tive for the republican presidential nomination. After the Taft victory. It was Im mediately rumored that th Koosevelt men would bolt the convention. The first test of the strength between Taft and Roosevelt came on the ques tion of endorsement. Roosevelt men attempted to substitute, for the ma jority report endorsing Taft. a reso lution lauding Roosevelt. On divis ion Taft won with 392 1-2 votes to Roosevelt's 359 1-2. On the vote for delegates at large, Roosevelt showed a trifle more strength, the vote being 390 1-2 for Taft and 362 1-2 for Rosevelt. Colonel Says Nothing-. New York. June 4. Colonel Roose velt declined today to comment when he waa shown the United Press re port of the Ohio state convention. Taft Is Pleased. Washington, June 4. President Taft was In conference with his cab inet today when a direct wire brought him news of the action of the Ohio state convention. Taft was pleased but made no comment. The cabinet held a Jubilee for a few minutes. The president will probably issue a statement later. ISM AY REPEATS TITANIC TESTIMONY TO ItRITONS London, June 4. The story of the Titanic disaster and the part he play ed in It. was retold the British court of inquiry today by J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star company, owner of the lost liner. Is may's testimony was , practically the same as that given by him before the senate investigating committee at Washington. Factory Iiisvtors Moot. Washington, June 4. President Taft opened the annual meeting here today of the International Association of factory Inspectors. The association endorsed the worklngmen's compen sation act. Thirty IVrsons Drown. Winnipeg, Man.. June 4. Thirty persons, prospecting al ong the line of the Grand Trunk and Pacific construction work in the mountains In this vicinity, were reported here to have drowned today while crossing a river on rafts and in row boats. More were caught In the rag ing torrent. ARCHBAID HEARING EliDS BEFORE HOUSE COMMITTEE; SENATE MAY NOW TAKE A HARD Washington, D. C June 4. No wit nesji In his own defense waa presented today by Judge Archbald, of the commerce court, before the house committee on Judiciary, which Is in vestigating charges against him. Ex amination of witnesses ended this af ternoon. Under the constitution, the house of representatives votes and prepares the articles, of Impeachment, against the official under charges. It acta as a sort of grand Jury preparing an indictment. The senate is the trial cdurt. It Is a tribunal of extraordi nary dignity. Most of its members are lawyers, and all are sticklers for the usages. Two-thirds of its mem bership Is necessary to find guilty. The procedure In impeachments, after the house has voted for such a case, Is In this wise: A committee of representatives for Tiiallv calls on the senate, and officl ally advise that body that the house impeaches the official, presenting their "indictment." In the formal verlbage of the document, the house TAFT PARDON IS Francis Heney, Foe of Swindlers, Avers President's Explanation of Jones Act is "Rot." INFLUENCED BY WEALTH IXctarf Millionaire Who I Intcrctftcd In Coast SUiUn Lands Forced IJbert)1 of Ijuid Swindler. Heavily TlmlxT Oregon Ran Francisco, June 4. "Political pull was responsible for the action of President Taft in giving an un unconditlonal pardon to Wlllard Jones of Portland, who was convict ed of land fraud, "was the declaration made today by Francis J. Heney, who prosecuted the case against Jones. "President Taffs explanation," con tinued Heney, "that he was moved to the act on the ground that improp er methods were used in filling the Jones Jury box, is all rot. "Former Congressman Wheeler of Pennsylvania, a millionaire lumber man who Is heavily Itnerested in tim ber lands of Pennsylvania and Ore gon, is the man who brought great pressure to bear in the Jones caae. "Wheeler has wonderful political Influence and he knows how to make It count. He has been working for months in Jones' behalf. I am not surprised at President Taffs act." ALL RAIN DOES NOT FALL IN PENDLETON If anyone desires to complain of the amount of rain which falls upon Pendleton during the year, let him cast his optics upon the figures below and be forever silent. Pendleton's normal rainfall is only 14.08 inches and think of one section of faroff In dia being deluged with 10 inches or more than fifty feet during & twelve month period. Even Portland gets soaked about four times as hard as this city. The following table of normal rainfall in different sections of the globe will be interesting when compared: Khaasaya, India, 1 year 610.00 Inches Khassava. 6 rainy mos. 550.00 " Khassaya, in 1 day . . . . 25.50 .183.10 .150.00 . 91.20 .132.21 116.00 .112.00 .116.00 .110.00 .107.06 . 91.02 . 88.61 . 54.64 . 35.72 . 21.74 . 9.70 Vera Crux. Mexico Cape St. Francois Demarara Damarara, 184 9 Cayenne, Guiana, S. A.. Cordova, Mexico Granada, V. I Bombay, India .. San Domingo . . . Havana, Cuba . . Hergcn, Norway Portland, Ore. . Iloscburg, Ore. . The Dalles, Ore. Umatilla, Ore. . . Pendleton, Ore 14.0S Though the annual precipitation for this city Is only a little over fourteen inches, already this year 12.29 inches have fallen since Jan. 1. This ab normal amount has been divided be tween the months as follows; Janu ary 4.18. February 1.77. March 1.25. April 2.00 and May 3.09. SFAATOK NIXOX OF XKVADA SERIOUSLY HX. Washington. June. 4. That Sena tor George S. Nixon of Nevada, is critically ill. as a result of a nasal operation last week, was learned to day. Blood poisoning is feared. It Is said that hope for Nixon's recovery has radically been abandoned. demands lhat the senate "shall take order of the appearance or the im peached party and require him to an swer. The senate replies that it will take proper notice. Then the house appoints a commit tee of its foremost lawyers, to act as managers for the Impeachment pro- committee t olook up precedents and ceedings. The senate appoints a aid. The accused official is repre sented by counsel. The chief Justice of the United States ia called in to administer the special oath prescrib ed by law for senators sitting in such trials. 1 The senate sits dally on the charges and, as there are usually several counts, each is voted on separately If they are not sustained by a two- thirds vote, an acquittal is ordered. The senate has sat eight times In impeachment cases, and only twice found the official guilty. The last case was that of Judge Charles Swayne of the IT. S. district court for the northern district of Florida. He was acquitted after a trial lasting two months. ESCAPED PRISONER CALLS AT SHERIFFS HOLIE AND BEGS TO BE RETURNED TO JAIL CELL After hiding for several hours am-land y-sterday rtimiiz,g t.ut 12 ong the lumber piles of the regon ' 'ch k while assisting Jutji'tr ra.; Lumber Yard and from his place of i son. he (suddenly -m "FrMKt ie;." concealment watching searching par- His departure wn jrvre ties endeavoring to locate him. Harry and Sheriff Tay lor Li t.is c-j.rte : Morgan, one of Sheriff Taylor ' "trus- j immediately net to work ft r;cur- ties" who yesterday took advantage of the liberties allowed him to make a getaway, last evening aifiout tux o'clock knocked on the door of the sheriff's residence and signified his n apprised of his aii vrt willingness to go back to JalL He had on th- lookout fur liim. Trta t-rt-vt seen enough from his hiding place to wei alo furnished wfih -crijcj: know that his escape was impossible and a searching Jar!y a jt;T t and wisely deeided to give himself up. I to see if he were fSill 3urtii-g 2U ti Morgan is one of the trio of men re- I city. SuFiecting that h rr.t: i cently arrested at The Dalles in eon-j hiding in the lunjler ytra-. ?tS1 nection with a boxcar robbery in this jTaylir bad a wau-h in t"t.tt fa- county but the evidence against hlmicir.it- and it the -igit .f tti is not as damaging as against the watch that convinced the ?agjt:v- ti.t other two and he was being held more jit was hut a miner of time frill 1 as a witness than a criminal" He has would 1- tgkin in ;be ,jod t-t been given the privilege of doing out- oflieers. Therefcre w-i0 i'z side work since being brought here mined to r back t 2?- CUBAN PRESIDENT I GIVEN FREE REIGN I Senate Passes Bill Extending Powers to Meet Present Needs I on Island Havana. CuJa, June 4. In resjonse to a special message from President i Gomez, the Cuban senate today ji.- I ed a bill, permitting the president 10 permitting the j-resident to ! as the f!oer - oInj(-Aj tr-.-i.-i-constitutional guarantees j net in America, i-i-tiic J - .1.1 W. nuspend constitutional guarantees j ness in America. Set-iic J - tij.-'r.f 'tve x- York state re whenever he deems such action ne-j Kern of Indi-iia, icity in tie -. --r -.. tfSl fe. r hnr. tht UUI & "-" tin. j The government is unable today to j confirm the reported rebel outbreaks j In Havana province. The attitude of j negroes in this city and vicinty causing much alarm. j 11 is reiK-nea mat ir 'w invaded Wajay, a village in thus ITOT - nee. The situation in Daiauiri is rei gned improved today. PIANO RECITAL TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT Pupils of Miss Harriet Toung will ; this evening give a jdano recital at J the Presbyterian church, beginning at 8:13 o'clock. The program is as fol lows: Military March Schul-rt Pauline F-ice, Grace Eugg Brownies Dane Martin Cathryn Wilcox Tag Waltz Randolph Cook The Wind in the Pines . . c UU-'" Marjorie Ireland The Elephant and the Mouse. .Maxim -Hena Hales Walti Op. 33 No. 8 Jensen Vera Temrle Will O' the Wisp Putt on Jennie Murphy Divertiinenti No. 6 Scharwer.ka Madeline Burgess Kris Kringle's Ride Puttcn Alta Mentaer Vine Yalse r-endt- ; Grace Rugg Air de Ballet No 2 Chamirdo Pauline Rice (a) To a Water lily MacDoweU i (b) Crescendo Lassor ; Reuben Reck with ' (a Aufschwung Sehumanr : (b) Sons Pols Victor Siauh Sadie Toung j (a) Spring Song Mendelssohn b) Prelude C sharp minor Rachmaninoff c) Witches Dance Macltawfl! Lonie Minnis l!OOSOTXTMEaUM SOUTH DAKOTA VICTORY Sioux Falls. S. D. With the sur - porters of Roosevelt asserting he w Hl have from 10.000 to 15.000 rduralrtr. the polls for the state rrimary c- tion opened throughout the state 8 o'clock this morning, to remain open till S o'clock thl nafternoon. On the democratic side both the Wilson nfl Harmon managers jredirt victory jor their candidates. DUCHESS OF CtA'KircHT 111. W ITH APFEXDlCm? Quebec, June . That the condi tion of the Duchess of Connaurtt wife of the governor jwneral f Can ada, who is wufferlng Iroro apTtenOi citis. is not serious, was declara tor today. As a precaution. Dr. G arrow j nhnt kwcaus tiirtrVt foe surgical expert, was rushed heme fcy cans a prcVr aJtfxS & r ki a opecial train last nirht Vut the ai- , aafStirm raL Ia a trStt ftra tack is not acute a&S there is 00 ne- jatiea Jarkso asMr Ctes K Sy Ej-I cessity for tiis erTic ee lax. Th dicsa te tie anatrffc. report that the duchess was e.rJouf- 1 ly ill, waa at Hirst srtrenuoa denied. Nevada jMwnos for OarV. Fallon, ICer, June 4. Naming eix delegates, with Instructions t vote for Champ Clark as long- as be re mains a candidate and referring tt Colonel Roosevelt as Insinoere anfi dangerous, the Nevada fieTnocratir state convention adjourned this af- tern 00 n after a strenuous two -flays" session. him. j: r5 th :is thre finpers are niinsiujr from ! !har.d made him -ay lo ni the officers in -vrv diertim. KERN STARTS NEW FIGHT ON LORIMER Easels Id Ccnsr-e To C?;.s h lenxirg Illlris Wi-h ii.ru -n. Jur. . H.cy - r.ounciiig the of fx-j:-3 'uz St-T,at.r William I.ri3ia- f IIsc. as the f!cer jt-.ric.ai tr-. revolu-jcjtiefl tit reBemed f.u.t Urjr. 1 vjTiim -"-i announce that ttie K'.-iSfi ca-: KUmirig two tiy it 1 &ei.st,:sia:. . Senator Kern r-ejs"eit tt ci- nority t.f the wntve U-ntL,7 -tn.----: tet. hich favored ti-tg ti- "l.k.r.de W" Irom Ciurtfc. jn .jHTang. f.tz Swer-E r.rT. : tht uvm-tx t,I tie iu.j:T ti tiujurue, thai St-Sit:- L--2i. j j.aviT: nc We i:'Tik-. 'new 3er.ee Uv;i ie-s ir.rL I his cajse if re n u -. ii r,ot 1 reo3Tre2 . 1 URGE OPENING OF COLUOBIA RIYER At the mx,y ne-r"x cZ Cmmrcial ciub ti-is .-cT-p suhjort. cl fcgit-ii ttts i towards the 'i-i-irx tie C---ic " .,rT in.:. It j.luiwi I t-w tt cUi. take up press to the hjv- z 2T,i,r c--i- . - - - - jchinery lowaris c.;-r.ir: tie rS.f At a mrrtit? in ;:" r T-n,-iT iu -" ihi Taffttwert f-t r.r.--r Tvs.;Ui.T-S asluix litt t-e i;;cs now in us- 'ii th - tzzz-Z--. to the iHriwtft itjfl is. z'-- 5 ihe C-.dirrc.hia. "".tr-r -ftici.o .r.-ar- n.w ti.iir.r -cj z.r slct ill j-e-terclay D. C. i'-r-STj-II. ' U2i-itm.t. was J-iT-T'e Tut tJj i -rjms? K-'iszZ-ing with Preirt J. F. EU-'-crs.r-'r. ' .et-rvtuTTr Jack Sn Ti2 ci-r? ' ti-f Iv.cil C-omrnert-itl cc lj.(r ti i"- ' ject. Pre i-.-i." si .iurf x v ,1 1 10 xntie the ptt'.tepi t- vr- Urr the metinr ni.r.- .-iry. wh-u Jcob Sachs, owner of Prd-s(.r Lj-nits .f Tt-.jVB.tx C;l- t iirr. lipr.I on a plank over the ke is to It lTe Jaut- it f r tjj Ex a!1 fen xhe four others suc I'linw f t-'vi7.F a .txre ti ei!:j- ri5h-i t hi rescue and fell siht-ct if tj r;-"E rr-r--, ' 1 Nw lirunswict. X J 'Z-z-ran 5r-' 1 voa Jif --iauc jsrij-i. r-t jColie.pe rTty-siine S ' bers ftflusr-jiif tLm w Jj-na-a S'.v r6rr f FiHsirXZ. tVsJAr - i3 'i'ec'C5' "-" "-eJ ffar:i: - , ration an a it tt-f jarex. t 1 -tef 3tGW- tow tiwse ws-f lI-n6-fl e S. F. Sti--.. jo-iiV-at Ci at,11 Eutc-ers Frs-tuat lt-j. aji , l-uaoyn -uer - -t - X vocm; 1 xoris kilixd. Ciitrs rivAtrr ww. Eat YXk m Hbijsioti. Ts. LufTi Jcitsii&. a wealthr j-ntAi. t Tr t D. 3C jacj.a Sijt-e a a ww,c nir a ecfca mfttT tfcawli C titf Moofir fcrnr.. ajnA X futf assets ITE C t-f COTS rOR EEATLTC IflS. miFE Famdmrt. ra, Tir aisjg ki "tT. jmlhy ts Bnflicfc'je!; C-tr bilin nis nrci--atwi-. MemmaitAxt b the aturrrr ff tae erart On Jiiis nrlirt. rcirst fa. rmrt vnoefl Se finr Sa f ( H orat Jane a.fi m dLrtr Lij Ut JafL SMI ROLLER WPERS1I HEADSFOR LR. IN BRIBE CASE t.irrvn ?? c? G. 0. P. National ; Detective Franklin Swears Attorney ij - uuirx j vzzLzt f..ts wcsevelt N.ert Darrcvt Said Labor Leader Sent ?V2 Ef Ctd. TAFT TO WIN CONTESTS Yk U- Onml IUpK 1'or mmrr t"Trirwt CliarsiBZ Attempc fcrTt Tb OMeTBoarot to sie af l-fwyt.-m Cii iti, Jia t. That Taft ss 1 t r&a ti tea.m rol'er Mi-:i ritiii c cvtEUE. u :-" i --rr- t-Uy l-r Nti ja! Com-J i-.rry or lnj uin-; - -ir- i tr-: lnt Tift M;Vk r.'-i. ermautte hrnjca'' Jirct from Samuel Gompers, t-r- Thir;ay t hear th ; president of the American Federation r j of Labor. tZtZ tf7lL,?f ,ft: FraKkUn ai!i twined that Darrow --t tr-l a. ta, cattv.j by Cvload Fise-;fa IUtik UrikMikT. Tnld;. T. J-a. . Bitter arraign- t . . . t Kt r,,. Jr : . -lueint mi.i at!trac hack bills from the bank E:fctf:; fc a -j.:mnt mi.i at ,;.r B-lr Lu.t KUilt be-traye-i hi3j through Franklin's hands, by reason st.ii: . subvert till government!01 the fact that they had been num. t -.ra.- bered. Ha said Darrow remarked Err- R ev:t is a clev-that it was Impossible, as the money er flti.Ua. ai uatiallv U ab toame direct from Samuel Gompers. tv;!SK.Ar tj -occi mini, butt Frank said that Darrow said to him ItstriiJ-, f-a.. car!-r betray- r;,al j... a:-nte lurpori is sub- --. t,z tt- ?-rra3-..iit."" . " I. VV. V. SPEAKERS DENOUNCE POLICE Cs.:-c Vi, Jane 4. Industrial W-sri:- of tie- Wjrll speakers to- tiy a.iire-j aa indignatioo meet tie btr-, prnestics i?alnt the shoot- izf. f rrstrI.y hen forty pollce- t iu rzl m.6 of three- hundred . . ., . r-Kie 'nkrs. w-iondinr sereral of &- "T11 bitterly de- a--i ti Cictoa police. The - .-- -j j.tk ucie iw- -. lae Sa IN CanipaL-n, s.i- DvS.. jaa 4. Announcement sutd fUy by members of the rAr.ci cf the Callforria Free r- i wfizie. th.it speaking would a:"rrEt-I ev-rv afternoon thia ntr lose mils ix tlXCIXXATI IALT WKLL C:.::-ru.rt Jan. 4. Three men n,i t . worried were smocnerea to - iAz'a. toij.r ra a well filled with!. .;j.:rr rru.lt at Uckran. a suburb of! MOM.T TIUVT PROBE WIIX START THURSDAY Wihicirt..a. Jan 4 That the i&'n-ev trort" invrtiiKition will b ui'i ap Thsrsdar in New York was 1 ta --.iiwa reached today by the cct!n;tt on hankiny and currency - c tve has. Preliminary hearings 1 ,c b fceM at the sty exchange and rinf houses. '.0EE60!i HEEDS WIDER Thx Oregon U sadly in need of yaMurtty ia Europe is the statement nui this monies: by Dr. Eld re. i B. WiIS. who. witli his wife, returned WMk fnm ia extensive tour of !t ramitrb irnws rh tr.-inffr H deiaril that daring all the time he wae ta th rarioos countries of Eu ro? (t only met one man who had hiirt ef th i state and that man's EaowfeJc had berx gained through reading literature sent out to exploit til txmttas HIRiTr fruit district "S-r cn wer there." said the doctor. mtm to have ever heard of Port laoii. They all k.O'iw of San Francis co ami a few have heard the name Sttt, bat Portland seems to belong U tite oBdiscoreredl cities. Even in mine ef the eutera states I found a remarkabl ignorance of Oregon." EccUry incerestinir are these ccxtemests ia view of the fact that CUfflM of literature have been sent iac aIrtitfiBc the opportunities and EURDPEAH Money to Corrupt Jurors. DAVIS ALSO MENTIONED TfXinc TJuu Dofcntl-r of MrXuna. ras in Talking Over Situation, Mentioned ItxMbility of Iirtiig Sent t Ute IVnitentiary. Is Aangeles. Calif.. June 4. Bert Franklin today testified in the H. in-!1""1 of Clarence Darrow that Darrow toll him that he (Darrow) got the. money, alleged to have b ;een used for I bribary purposes in u ir. - r l Sriil : - nation-j1'1-1 hirn lhat he would plead guil ttf tha.: tv" v a charge of bribing-a Juror, and his fine- he would see that he got He swore that Associate Counsel La jwuyie uavis, oi me Jic.amara 3e- fense, made such a promise to him also Franklin said Darrow said to him laughed at the idea that District At torney Fredericks had been able to on one occasion: "How large are the cells at Pan Quentin. and what are the accommodations?" -I told him." said Franklin, "that to the best of my ability, I was do ing considerable thinking myself on that subject at the time." KABUrT FOOT FOR BRIDES. Indiana Justice Gives I.uck Cliann With Ilia Weddings. . Muncie, Ind. Alarmed by the prevalence of the divorce evil here and resolved to d wliat he can to see that those united in marriage "stay tied." as he expresses it. Justice Nathan X. Spence. known as "the marrying squire," has a large horse shoe suspended from the chandlier in the center of his main office and has draped a large American flag about it. It U his intention to insist that all candidates for matrimony stand be neath the horseshoe and the flag in the future. At the proper season for rabbit hunting- he intends, also, to lay In a large? supply of rabbits' feet and he will then rresent each bride and bridegroom with a rabbit's foot. Ultimately he may Introduce, as part of the marriage ceremony the customy of having the bridal pair J throw salt over their left shoulder. i A RELIGIOUS WAR BREAKS OUT IX BELGIUM Brussels. June 4. Scores of persons were wounded through out Beligum and at least one w as killed in serious riots of dis affection, being somewhat in the nature of a religious war, the protestants opposing the catholics. A mob attacked the soldiers at Koekelberg. near Belgium. The soldiers fired into crowds of women and children swarm ing the streets, many falling in their tracks. a ADVERTISING III . SAYS DR. E. B' WAFFLE andvantages which the different sec tions of this state ofer to the home seeker. Another thing which impressed Dr. Waffle in his tour was the difference in the sports of European and Am erican children. Baseball or anything- like it seems to be unknown to the juvenile world of France and Ger many In particular, he declares. "Many times," he said, "I saw chil dren at play In the parks and all seemed to know absolutely nothing They would take a small ball and of how to use their hands In playing, kick it around, but none ever at tempted to throw or catch it." The public playgrounds are a fea ture of every city, he said, because of the absolute necessity for such pro vision. The homes have no lawns or back yards as here in America, and. in consequence, the municipalities must provide places where the young" can secure outdoor recreation. i