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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1912)
PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAy. FEXDLETOX. OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1012. EIGHT PAGES S P O R T S & . r- t.-mt: rr:f:.-:tir?ipHta:;:-ii inA xm vmw nm iseh BEARS Will 4 OF 6 FRUM LA GRAND E Walla Walla, Wash.. June 3. The Hoars made it four out of six in the 6er!.-s with La Grande on the local lot yesterday afternoon by winning from the ripjiins by a score of 10 to S. The Hears put the game on the Ice in the third inning when they swatted Mcln-nis- delivery for four singles ana a double, their hltfest netting them six runs. The contest was listless, both teams hitting the ball hard and often. Pit man, the local t wirier, fared better than his opponent, getting in several tlht holes but n-.anagig to pull him self out with little damage. The feature of the game was Forbes' one-handed catch of Martini's liner to center. Forbes was running toward the fence at the time and pulled the ball out of the air with his gloveu hand. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 R. H. E Ia G. ..02 0 0 0 1 0 0 03 12 3 "NY. V. .1 0 6 0 2 1 0 0 10 15 4 Batteries Melnnis and Wh'to; Tinman and Rrown. COAST LEAGUE GAMES. Oak 'and Vernon l-i'.s Angeles .. Sacramento . . . Kan Francisco Portland W , .33 . .33 . .30 .24 .24 . . 20 L 23 23 O -- 4 30 3 3 Fct. .603 .59 .525 .444 .421 .4 a base on balls, two errors and a sac rifice hit. Vancouver 8 10, 3 Tacoma -.4 6 3 Batteries Clark and Lewis; Hall and Crittenden. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. W L Pet. Chicago 29 lj .696 Hoston SS 14 .560 Philadelphia 18 17 .514 Detroit II 21 .600 Washington 20 21 .48o Cleveland 18 20 .474 New York 13 23 .361 PtJ Louis 12 28 .300 Win (Hie Each. "Los Angeles. June 3 -Herder's home runs virtually won the raor-tr.g same for Los Angeles frern Fran- drove a ci-o.j 7 to 3-. Each time man around aheal of r.tnt. :-e:r.g re-! an;r.?:on . sponsible for four runs- ll.V.ry was' Batteries Lake, It Takes Ten Cantos. Cleveland. O., June 3. Boston de feated Cleveland in a ten-inning game. Cleveland bunched hits in the third and scored three runs but in the other innings could do but lit tle with Wood. Score: R. II. E. Cleveland 4 7 5 Boston 5 12 1 Batteries George and Adams; Wood and Nunamaker. Cobb Fans. Detroit, June 3. Russel Ford, af ter a bad start, blanked the locals in the last six innings, climaxed his per formance by fanning Cobb in the ninth filh two men on and nobody out, and New York defeated Detroit s:s to three. New York 6 10 3 Detroit 3 9 1 Batteries Fits and Sweeney; Mul !;a and Stallage. Too Much Chance. ! St. Louis. June 3. With a new j ".ar.agef and a changed lineup. St. ' Louis !-t to Washington yesterday, rlxtra Kse hits and errors gave the 'isltor tae'r runs. j Score: R. H. E. 5:. Louis 3 6 4 ! Washington .6 9 ? E. Brown and base hits Rader, Pembrooke. Home run Altermatt. Double play Au gustus, unassisted. ' Innings pitched By Fox 5. Brunson 4. Base hits Off Fox , Brunson 3. Struck out By Fox 5, Brunson 2. Osborne S. Base on balls By Fox 3. Brunson 2. Osborne 1. Hit by pitched ball Al termatt, Pembrooke, by Brunson. Wild pitch Brunson. Time of game 2:04. Umpire Longenecker Attend ance 400. Hears Trim Wpplns. Walla Walla, June 3. Etchandy's wlldness. coupled with the locals timely hitting, gave Walla Walla an easy victory over La Grande Satur day, 10 to 3. In the third inning the Pippin twirler walked three men In succession, and In the fifth Bradley took him out. sending In Enx. Southpaw Bridger. the Bear twirler was hit hard, but the visitors were unable to bunch hits. His support was also better than that given his oppo nents. The contest was slow and de void of features. White did the best hitting for the Pippins, getting two singles and a double out of four times up. while Childers led the locals in batting with a double and two singles In five times. The score: R. II. E. La G. .00002000 1 3 11 4 W. W. 2 0 2 1 2 2 1 0 010 12 T .:;r::c:r.":jr "' - : t 1 itr-w-ir-tt3t ttt-ts-fi tl v . 7 mm i Enm a mm wmmm 1 mummzi SATniD.WS GAMES. Northwestern League. Seattle . . . Spokane . . Fullc-rton and Dexogt. and Whaling; R. H. E. ..13 2 ..3 5 0 Leonard Tc-?r i-i Oe-ch hit hard wit!; In the a f tern er.g.iged in a r.U ri'.-'-l"? seven Chevii ties glvlrg to Leverem after tie v-s:::ts i.i.3 game won. Sj.r: FrA;is tt hits in the 'vzzJ&.e. -t a ble bv Rifirrr. iz i. ::: iwo over te?;re Chrvh i : wtl Toti- s hai on iai ;-zJz.z. -i- -T."-fc. Lut in tii Jri.K --;si.;.'iT.t."i fjtii-J.g made for r:-:-; U? I'l-Z "tie rvr.. M-:rt.rz 2i H. m. Los A ; Sir. FrtOMft: ! .. Br.-rr.! Ha-.u. Kupit und A2t-trr.,;a rt-mt- X X-i AlX'n - .1 ti- Frt-ti'.im:-!' - ... -- JE-ilnw Er-Ji-XJE. ITiiiitir unt! Iirr-. firm rruw- TD !luie. Per-." 4-:. ui.e I. r'ortuiiid weir:' otti i ir tir !:miiM'jvt tislsut friJr-ij.r. v.:Ti-JTf.r-'.p vuuniif b wel- 1 t. - I" t ;'r.'.i'" iitttifc. witi ' - Kiatir ti. - iA-li "i'U. wnti liit-: Jack fAT-yrl-5 &is. 1 Fcr3iE-..- '! Por-.Li.-i -! S.i.vs t-vi C&.i: K.-:3tnr Filter. Xervn a.-rf fLii-d Cp. 1 Frir-f. .0. 2 VrtA-s ---3 Oikliti fi'.' j-trlar, fcal ti- rvfc:f '- Otiliil ti 3. Tr. cs'.rr.::-? a ran-' ichell; Groom and Henry. Homer AQ Chicago Gels. or 4. hlcax j. June 3. Chicago played at J i I-vs game behind Walsh, and Phil ht'iliU won All me errors of the ';:aV f g'-rei in the second inning. --! CiK igs's Ice score was Collins x-r-re: R. H. E. ru.'-trs -. 1 4 4 Ti.7;hi "fl; io, 3 2 Wtlsi, Peters and Block Kut.i., Sc-llivtx; C:MEtis aad Lai p. , xauoxii LLAcrr gmts. H.E. Z 44444444t,4ft444 6 r Portland Victoria Veasey Meek. R. 1 and Harris; II. E. 9 4 7 11 0 Xarveson and Vancouver Tacoma 5 Gervais and Lewis; Crijjer Crittenden. Twelve innings. R. IL E. .4 C 3 c 10 and Pacific Coast Lcajrue. R. H. E. Los Angeles 3 3 San Francisco ' 6 g 0 Tozer and Boles; Henley and Schmidt. R. H. E. . 2 10 2 4 8 2 and Fisher; Schwenck Portland . Sacramento Klawitter and Cheek. Oakland Vernon Pariir.s and Rohre; 5111 van. R. H. E. 9 13 3 12 4 Carson and uuti ; .New York . .. Ciii!:ilil:ji-j . Chi'jiipu .. . . 5'inHHurjr S'.. X,ou Ji:Iia lafc . iintiifcijn sr L Prt 7 .!!4' 17 -S5 17 41 17 .521 11 .445 2 .412 23 .343 27 .325 BUCKAROOES SATURDAY'S GAME the rai l and Oakland Si..a;.- hrn Hit: fca--s t'i'X to rur s. c-,u!i r..t Ui'j the madn five runs. Morr.ins; f?.n:: R. H t-.1 ":.r,.l 1 8 i'-att-.-ries I5rackenrid?e and .Urov.n; firtpory and Kohrer. Aftt-rr.tKin name: R- H r Ta t;rd in the fifth 1 B;e. Jjrj 3. The combination two irr, wi'.h tr. a broken yesterday. Pendleton ar.d r. jr.; out, forcing In j tunct-'i ruj on Fox In the rourth and Pa.elgh who replaced Hittf:fth ir;iiinH, took the fifth E. ' 2; Vcriior. . . . . .)a:'.an 1 ... Batteries ;ni Brjwn; 13 -Mitt 'hi; 5 7 7 0 Raleigh, Whaling i'.ain, Malarky an'l LEAGUE GAMES. X. W. w Victoria. 25 Vancouver 23 Portland 24 Tacoma 23 Seattle 21 Tjmkane .20 L 21 22 23 23 25 24 garn: of thr jMrries, 10 to 4. Osborne itched the irrigators for the first tir.rir this juries, and he was master of the Htuation mo-t of the time. They hit him a few- time, but connected about i-x regularly as find ir. five-joliar bills on the street. The t'arne ai rot up to th? stand ard of the four that preceded it. The fielding- y,hh Ioot, and there were not the ppeetatular iftunts on 4efen lve work that made three of the i:imn this week stand out by them-e!ve..- as remarkable ronteKts. When Fx v.a. taken out after the game had gone to the bowwows. Brunson, the r.ew- man, relieved him. It took the recruit some time to find the pan. but when he did find it he Ut-f in u-i.rk finrl a Iliu'41 th enemv 43,... ,. V. : t ( r.... ( . . r. I n . llrl . j J'1M irurp iii.T 111 live ,1111. ii. his Fupport been airtight he might have Btoi pd them at aeven. The Hcore: AU. R. II. PO. A. E. Pet. 53 .511 .500 .S47 .453 National League Garner. At Brooklyn: It. H. Cincinnati . 7 8 Brooklyn 3 7 Suggs and McLean; Ragon, Barger and Ewing. At New York: R. H. E. St. Louis 4 13 ( New York 13 14 0 Steele. Harmon and Wingo; Math ewson and Meyers, Hartley. At Boston: R. H. E. Chicago 7 12 5 Boston 5 g 1 Reulbach, Smith and Xeedham; Dockson.Perdue, Tyler and Kling. At Philadelphia: R. IL E. Pittsburg 7 11 2 Philadelphia 5 S Robinsog Camnits and Gibson Curtris. Seaton and Moran, Dooin. VER three million wise 'nickels bought Owl Londres last week. This week they'll repeat. The Owl Londres is the 5c Cigar that makes good. Blunt-end, smooth smoking, Londres shape try one and your nickels will join the millions. M. A. CUNST ft CO., Inc. 23: t OWL S- B im&Mi mm wmm OUN ST t. rr--'.v HIIHl'l-WBHWH 1-B found except when in charity he lob bed them over. To give the poor spiritless henpecks a little life. Keefe and Dickson change ends and even the diminutive Bobby Yyman vu put in to heave the pellet. However, wher the now savage householders began to clout the spheroid to all corners of the lot. Sturgis was hurriedly re called to the mound to save the day. For the married men. Lehman. Xelson and Lytle stuck "em over the plate. For the most part they offer ed a nude ball, that is to say they had nothing on it. but ty variation of footwork and delivery they were able to give the impression that they The number of IS)C. no other community in the United States is said to have had a like service. For that reason Miller is credited with being the first rural route mail carrier, and there is little doubt of his having been longer em ployed in the service than other car rier. In that day the United States post office department was ubious as to the outcome of this experiment. The postmaster at Clarksville was author ized to appoint a carrier, and he named ililler. then 24 years old. Xo effort was made by the government I t lay out a route. Miller took his mail and wandered into the country, choosing his own American League At Chicago: Philadelphia Chicago Bender and Thnas; Bridge atrt Sullivan. At Cleveland: Hoston Cleveland Hall. Collins. Pape (Itnies. R. IL E. 3 8 4 6 1 Rer.z. Mo- were me pucners. me number oi anJ xlmirerl hit war from hits secured off of them Is not re- j farm to farm as btft n Hls corded and it may be there would have strops look-i at him blankly when been but few had the fielding brigade b(r drov up an4 gaj.j he hail maI f(r behind them not been imbued with ; th?rn -rj, were unable to under- 'the idea that every time a batter hitsrt,nA at firrt why h concerp,i him. the ball ne is entities to reacn rirst-tjj- in drawing their mail from the Lt it De 1J mat it isose mjmMj at Cark5Vtjle. and especl- men do not support tneir wives acyia!,r w(.re th(.v r.uzz!ed that hf. ,hould better than they did their pitcherr d., tnem the extraordinary kindness yesterday. thre is ample grounds frj(f l.rinsrirlf. it manv mlIes lnto tne at least a aoxen cirorte suits in ine; celves 11,000 a year for covering a twenty-four mile foute six days a week, exclusive 4f holidays. His ser vice has been n satisfactory" that in addition he is given a holiday of fif teen days each year. Milles is 3 years old and was born in Clarksville. He is a hove loving man and has nev r been out of John son county, save when he visited his brother at Wagoner, Ok. K-cal court. A great many pe-;.l' country. R. H. E. 2 3 5 14 2 and Xuna- Spokane Take- Rottom Notch. Spokane. June 3. Spokane drop ped back Into last position in the Northwestern pennant race when they lo.-t to Seattle yesterday. James fur the visitors easily outpitched the two home Iwirlers. P.oth teams hit free ly, the visitors being fortunate in get ting hits when they counted. Score: R- H- E- Fpokane 1 2 Seattle I 1 2 liattcries Cochrane, Kraft and Devogt; James and Whaling. VU-U'rla I'ulN Out Ah-ad. Seattle. June 3. Victoria knocked Tilooinfie!, out of the box before the game was fairly under way yesterday and won from Portland S to 3. v Wil son for Victoria, was weak in the first two innings, but had Portland at his mercy the rest of the way. Hcore: R- H. E, Victoria 5 0 I'ortland 3 8 0 lotteries Wilson and Meek; Bloomfleld, Doty and Harris. Jinimv Clark Some- PitduT, Tacoma. June S. Jimmy Clark won his seventh consecutive game this iseason br defeating Tacoma yester day by a core of 8 to 4. Clark was invincible up to the 8th inning, when he was found for four hits. In the seventh Tacoma scored two runs on Smith, ss Lund strum. 3b Altermatt, 2b . Clark, lb Harmon, rf ... West, If Olmlln, cf C. Fox. c ... . W. Fox. p nrunson, p ... King 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 t 0 0 2 2 2 10 0 2 0 7 1 1 0 Totals 34 4 8 27 17 3 Batted for Brunson In the ninth Pendleton. AB. R. H. PO. A. E 5 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 I Rader, 3b . Robinson, cf Lodell. lb . Naueau, 2b Augustus, ss Mensor, If . Wilson, rf . Pembrooks, Osborne, p Totals . ..5 .3 ..5 10 3 35 10 9 27 K4-ore by Inning. Boise 10000110 1 4 Pendleton . . .0 0005203 010 Summary. f First base on errors Boise 1, Pen dleton 2. Ftolen bases Clark. West. W. Fox, Rader. Robinson, Nadeau Augustus, Mensor, Pembrooke. Two- maker. Kaler snd Easterly. At Detroit: n. II. E. New York 3 8 1 Letroit j g .Caldwell. Hoff. Worliop and Swee ney- Summers and stanase. tn farce was enjoye.l thrnrrhout. The I 'avers er.j--ye l th cr..t to but th're is an awful arr"'S?nt runch of b.ichel -rs in V. e c'ty t-iar and the ir.arried men are slir.kirr ioin the !.:k streets. I.ETTKIt THW EI-S 19 YEARS. laIN to Itesu'h V Destination and Return to Srndir. Hartford. Conn After being bat ted about the country for nineteen years unsuccessfully seeking a final resting place, a letter was recently returned to Dr. F. C. Fowler, now of New London and formerly of Moo dun. Conn. Th letter w:i mni'e.l (mm rvn. j dus April 2f. TS93 and was addressed I to James B. Glass of Washington. Fla. There is no such place in the postal directory as Washington. Fla . so Washington. D. C-, was tried, but without success of trace of Glass. The letter was addressed In care of the marine corps but Inquiry elicit ed the information that there was no such enlistment as James B. Glass. Many other false clews were follow- MARRIAGE LESSENS L Vilr told them that "Uncle Sam' wtre present j was doing this for them, and aked . chr on their favorite ar.J the;tJ-at thev ere-tmail brxes. that he 1 micht save time in making his de liveries, f-n his next trip he found jg.-urls. se-;ti-r.s of stovepipe, cigar and in vain and they are all told box-s ar.J r atboard shoe boxes about In cry ptic form from the many jnaile-l on post or hung on trees. Not I stamplnss on the old envelope. Xo unMl 1' did the pstofnce depart- iy knows where the letter hist came ;mer.t pay attention to mapping out a I1IIST IIUILL ACEXT ! rr-ute. At that time a special agent. KTILL CARRIES MAIL i W. L. Gilbert came here and estab- ' 1 shM a route. Ark. When Hagif Miller began with a salary of $;$$ Clarksville. Miller began carrj'ir.r a rural route a year. He was advanced to $J0) at mnil out of Clarksville on Oct. IS. the end of eight months and now re- from to Mood us, or where it has been for years without hitting the dead letter office at Washington. The Moodus postmaster prompt'y forwarded the letter to Dr. Fowler, who Is now- practicing in New London. BASEBAL ABILITY BACHELORS ADMINISTER , IE1HT TO BEXEIUCTS Simla y Content DecWvrty Ixmoo- stratot Tliat Would-be Mars ft Ute Ilanxnd Mu-t Avoid Ian Cniid. ; Efforts to l'ature Ttieoi. , "No Weddings Bells For Me." Is a ; popular tune again In Pendleton, es-! pecially in baseball circles, by reason i of the signal and humiliating defeat ' administered yesterday afternoon to the married men by the bachelors. ! When the last sad inning had been ' tolled oiT, the markers on the score j board shoded that the celibate had ! rolled up a total of fifteen score: while the wearers of the yoke had i only annexed thirteen. The humili-1 ation came in fact that the single' men added insult to Injury by toying ! with the struggling martyrs to Hy-1 men. After getting well in the lead, I they would raise the hopes of their j adversaries by allowing them a few I scores, after which they would run away from them again and laugh In solently. Try as they would the exponents of the double life could not overcome the handicap of a peerless battery. With Keefe on the receiving end aad Sturgls on the hilltop, the benedict batters were as helpless aa a straw In a maelstrom. Dickson, who also HANG OUT YOUR CE CARD The ice wagon will start making regular daily trips to residences, on Tuesday morn ing, June 4th. Hang out your card by 7 a. m. as the wagon will make but one trip daily, and that in the forenoon. If you have no card stop the driver and ask for one. Pendleton Ice Cold Storage Co.