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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1912)
KTORT PAGES DAILY EAST OUEGONTAK PENDLETON. OTtEGON. KATITKPAY. .TUNE 1, 1012. PAGE THREE STRAWBERRY DAY TO nigiit flSior Supper BE Oil LARGER SCALE SPECIALS Special lot Ladies Dress Skirts for. . . : . $3.98 Special lot Ladies Waists 50C $1.25 Corsets, spec'l pri. 98c 35c Ribbons spec'l pri. 16C Ye saYO you money on every purchase a AlGiiaifa's WE GIVE "S. k II." GREEX TRADING STAMPS PASTOIt AT THK TLOW. AuX Colo. Declaring that a mln-l.-ti-r can preach better sermon riun.Liy If he engages In manual la bjr at lt-ast a part of the week, the Kv. V. L. C'.ine. p;i:or of the Chris tian church has contracted to plow 33eu is a splendid time to have that family group picture taken. School is over and the children will soon be scattering. No knowing when you will all be together again. We will take particular pains to bring out the best points characteristic of each member. Make the Appointment Today Wheeler Studio Latest ideas and mo3t concientious work assured Phone Main 553 SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA DF NEW YORK IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, on th J 1st d.iy of December, 1911. made to the Insurance Commissioner of th )?Ute of Oregon pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up '. $1,000,000.00 INCOME. Premiums received during the year In cash ... $4,774,854.67 Intrr-!r, ( and rents received during year 323,289.87 Income frm other sources received during year Nil Total income OlSHL'ltSEMENTS. Ihmk-s paid during -rhe year $2,496,202.11 Dividends paid duritnr the year on capital stock 300,000.00 rum missions and salaries paid during the year 1,272,380.75 Taxes, license and fees paid during the year.. 142,032.97 Amount of all other expenditures 348,681.47 Total expenditures , ASSETS. Value of real estate owned Nil Value of stocks and bonds owned 8,229, 093. 67 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 65,000.00 'ah In banks and on hand 399,701.80 Prems. in course of collect'n and In transmission 772,100.87 Intret and rents due and accrued 76,036.96 Othr assets 17,166.36 Total asset Im spec, deposits in any i-tate (If any Total asset admitted la Oregon LIABILITIES. Cross claims for losses unpaid $ 391,337.15 Ami of unearned prems. on all outstanding- risks 4,206,618.64 , ' Du fr commission and brokerage 16,095.49 All other liabilities 206,248.49 Total liabilities Total Insurance in totem December 31, BUSINESS IX OltEGON FOR THE YEAR. Total risks written during the year Cross premiums received during the Premium returned during the year Losses paid during the year Losses incurred during the year Total amount of risks outstanding in QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA By GEORGE W. BURCIIELL. Vice President Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: H. It. BURKE, Portland. Oregon, General Agent. jy-nlb-y St IrfflnfwHL RevUmt Agent, Pendleton, Ore. P51 lit 1200 acres, and has completed one third of the Job with a steam plow. So well has he done his work that other farmers are after him, and he has more orders than he can fill. His parishioners nay his church work has not been neglected. $0,098,144.64 $4,659,297.30 .$9,568,098.66 there be) Nil $9,558,098.66 $4,819,299.67 1911 , $712,908,596.00 $3,447,203.00 year 77,206.92 16,482.86 32,009.67 80,805.67 Oregon Dec. 11, 1911.... 4.680,381.00 One of the moiit notable of the so ciety functions of the past week was the afternoon bridge party on Tues day with Mrs. O. M. nice and Mrs. A. C. Hampton as hoHtesnes. The af fair was held In the home of the for mer on High street and about forty guests were In attendance. Prizes In the play were won by Mrs. Laura N"anh and Mrs. John Vert. At the conclunlon of the games the guests were served with refreshments. The following Is the guent list of the oc casion: Mesdames, E. P. Marshall, J. It. Dickson, F. E. Judd, Llna Sturgis, (J. A. Hartman, Charles Greulich, Ne nmlth Ankeny. W. E. Brock! Henry Luatz, William Moore, Laura Nash, V. L. Thompson, Raymond, J. S. Landers, Norbourne Iierkely, Nancy Deopaln, William F. Matlock. T. M. Henderson, John Vert, Isaacs, Newton Burgess, Wesley MatlocK, G. I. La Dow, Thomas Vaughan, Harlow, W. C. E. Prultt, Thomas Thompson, BenJ. S. Burroughs, Henry Collins, R. Alexander, G. W. Phelps, 'Merle R. Chessman, Augusta Moule, Lee Moor- house, Adolph Schaefer, Vm. Mc- Cormmach, C. S. Jerard, Frank Hays, Jerome Friedman, E. B. Aldrlch. Geo. Perrlnger, Ida Fowler, and the Misses Louise and Ituth Wise and Una Smith. The ladles of'theftusy Bee Club were delightfully entertarm-d on Tuesday ufternoon at the home of Mrs. John Greulich with Mrs. Will Wyrick, Mrs. Elvln Craig. Mrs. J. A. Drake and Mrs. Christiansen as hos tesses. The affair was In the nature of a surprise to Mrs, Greulich. A program consisting of a reading by Mrs. Krebs, musical seceltlons by Mrs. Wyrick and Mrs. Humphrey and a recitation bv Mrs. Christiansen was rendered and was followed by a de licious luncheon. The following were the guests present:' Mesdames Mc Connell, Dunham, Knight, Bowman, Kager, Smith, Hays, Rogers, Finney, Brlsblng (Portland), Lee, KImery, Greulich, Mcltae, Light, Humphrey Krebs, Hampton. wartz. Nelson, Sloan, McDonald, Drake and Miss Rogers. A quiet wedding occurred at the residence of M. B. Scott on Ann street Sunday evening at 8:30, when Rev N. Evans united In marriage Mr, Geo. E. Scott and Miss Nell Clinton In the presence of their Immediate relatives. Mr Scott Is a well known Pendleton boy and iliea Clinton is a former resident of Baker. An elah orate wedding dinner was served. The young couple will reside In this city Miss Edna Storie and Miss Eliza beth Sawtelle were hostesses on Tues day afternoon to the Young Ladies' Bridge Club at the home of the latter, 620 Cosbie street. Miss Edna Thomp son was the successful contestant at play, winning the prize for high score. A very pleasant surprise party was given at the home of Mrs. Charles Stanton In Helix on Tuesday evening, a number of her friends being re sponsible for the arrair. A very en joyable time was had by all present Mrs. lillbert W. Phelps accompa nied her husband to Portland to which city he was called to spend six weeks in. assisting the circuit Judges of thai district In clearing their docket Their little daughters are visiting rel atives In Hilgard for a week after which they will Join their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Vaughan left Friday for Portland where they will Join Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Vaughan for i ten days auto tour of southern Ore gon. Mrs. Henry Dickson Jones and her daughter. Miss Edna Zimmerman will leave next week for Magnolia Bench Washington, where they will spend the hot months. They will be ac commpanied by Miss Edith Johnson who will spend a couple of weeks with them. Mrs. George Dyer of Bandon and her daughter. Mrs. Alice Gibbs, of Rellingliaiu, left last evening for lomestend. Ore., after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Aver Ill. Miss Ethel Dyer arrived today to be their guest. The ladles are relatives of Mr. Averlll. The last of the Rerles of dances given by the Terpsichorean Club was the social card Wednesday evening and a good many lovers of dancing were out to enjoy the occasion. A delightful time was had by all. Miss Eleanor Vincent entertained a few of her friends following the Terpsichorean dance Wednesday night with a midnight supper at her home on Water street. Miss Luclle Dunlvandt, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. H. Lytle. for several weeks, has returned to her home In Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Eldred Waffle re turned on Thursday after an extend ed trip through Europe and the east ern states. Prof, and Mrs.1 A. C. Hapton will leave in the morning for Wallowa Lake for a three months visit with Mr. Hampton's sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Burgess and family are moving Into the house for merly ocupled by Mr. and Mrs. A Ruppe. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs, Will Moore entertained the ladles of the North Side Bridge Club at her Jackson street home. The prize for high score was captured by Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones while Mrs. George Hartman won the guest trophy. Mrs. Fred Hartman of Portland Is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Fer guson, at the Ferguson ranch near Adams, Mrs. Una H. Pturgis spent Memor ial Day In Walla Walla and was ac companied on her return by Mrs. Francis Pope. Mr. E. Turner of northern Idaho, was a guest of his sister. Mrs. Ben Buroughs, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L.sKchaefer visited In Walla Walla on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Laura B. Dvais, a prominent society lady of Hermlston, is a guest of Mrs. Lee Moorhouse. Mrs. F. W. Vincent will entertain oo Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. C. B. Wade. Mrs. W. C. .Schultz was hostens to a number of friends during the week. AT THE CHURCHES. 444A444 4 Church or the Redeemer. Tomorrow being Trinltv Sumlav the Holy Communion will he !. .hrnf- ed at the 11 a. m. service and Divine nervlce at 8 n. m. Subject of ser mon, "The Holy Trinity." The offer tory solo will be sung by Miss Edna Zimmerman. All are cordially in vlteil. Charles Qulnney, rector. On Monday the vestry will meet at the rectory at 8 p. m. First M. E. Cliurrh. First Methodist Episcopal church corner Webb and Johnson streets, N Evans, pastor. The morning theme will be: "What Did Paul and Silas Sing In Jail." Evening topic, "The "The Lad and His Lunch." Excellent music. Preaching, 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m Epworth League, 7 p. m. Strangers are Invited to worship with us. The rirt Baptist Clum-li. Corner Johnson and E. Alta streets, Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor. Preach ing at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Young Peoples' meeting at 7:00 p. m. Mid week meeting Wednesday 8:00 p. m You'"are cordially Invited. A sprained ankle may as a rule be cured In from three to four days by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. A regular morning operation of the bowels puts you in fine shape for the day's work. If you miss It you feel uncomfortable and cannot put vim In to your movements. For all bowel Ir regularities HERBINE Is the remedy. It purifies, strengthens and regulates. Price 50c. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. OPERA STAR STRANDED ON' A ITRE ESCAPE Miss Florence Wickhani Is Forced to Descend to Puvcmciit While Chauf feurs mid Coachmen l-xk On Marooned When Door Slammed. New York. If Alan-a-Dale has a cold you will understand why after reading this. Miss Florence Wick ham, a metropolitan star, now sing ing the part in "Robin Hood." step ped out to the fire escape outside her dressing room on the fifth floor of the New Amsterdam theater Just be fore the third act. She wore the gray silk tights now made famous from the grace and symmetry of their wearer. As she Jumped to the landing the singer was startled to see her door slam and hear the spring lock click. In the meantime the stage manager saw that Miss W ickham was not in her accustomed place In the wings and sent a maid up in an elevator to the fifth floor. She hurried back with the news that the singer's room was emptj,-. Everybody was In a state of great excitement, when In walk ed Alan-a-Dale through the stage door. After finding herself locked out she pounded violently on her door to attract attention. There was noth Ing then for her to do except pick her way down the fire escape on the Forty-First street side. She made the descent In safety, and with a crowd of enthusiastic spectators, Including many of the best known chauffeurs and coachmen and stage door habitues In town watching to see she did not fall. The tights stood the strain, but Miss Wlckham's dignity was strained to the breaking point. tfoodfi Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, and, in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or In chocolate coated tablets called Saraatabt. rOLITK'Afj DKHATK WILL UK FKATUHi: OF I'HOGKAM Ik'ii Selling ami Doctor Ime, Repub lican and Democratic Candidates for I'. S. KcJiatorxlilp, WIU Speak Bo fore Gatlicrlfitf. Milton Strawberry Day, to be held June 6, will be a bigger event than usual this year, according to advices from the fruit city, and the program will Include unusually Interesting events. Among these will be a de bate between Ben Selling and Dr. Harry Lane, candidates for senator n the state of Oregon. I. E. Young Is In charge of the program. Everything has been arranged by the committees in charge to make the event one of the biggest and most satisfactory this city has ever seen. More than 100 crates of strawberries have been ordered for the occasion and there will be cream and cake in copious quantities to go with the ber ries. The official program which follows includes morning and afternoon ad dresses and music at the grove, tug-of-war, ball game and other attrac tive features: Procession to form on Main street in front of Putman's pharmacy at 10 m.; march to grounds, led by Col lege Place band. At grounds, 10:30 a. m. Music, College orchestra. Address of welcome, Mayor H. A. Williams. Vocal solo, Mrs. Baumelster-Thomp- son. Address. A. R. Shumway. Selection, J. E. Keefe, Jr., secretar of Pendleton commercial club. Address, J.. P. Neal. Violin solo. Prof. W. A. Bacon. Address, S D. Peterson. Vocal solo. J. P. Neal. irchestra. Band will furnish mu.sie during the noon hour. 1 p. m. band. Address, Dr. Harry Lane, ex-mayor of Portland, and democratic candi date for the U. S. senate. Band. Address. Ben Selling, republican candidate for U. S. senate. 3 p. m., sports, under direction of committee. Baseball game at 3:30. Robert E. Frazier will be marshal of the day. YOUNG WOMEN' CLOTHED IN SMILES BY LAMPOON EDITORS Rich, Rare and Racy Is Current N'unv bcr of Harvard Undergraduate Publication ami Trouble Is Brew Ins. Campridse. Mass. The editors of the Harvard Lampoon, the under graduates' humorous fortnightly pub lication, are momentarily expecting a call to the president's office to explain why they countenanced the Issue of such a paper as the "Improper Num ber,' which was pKced on sale to day. The sale of the magazine start ed with a rush and before noon it was almost impossible to obtain a copy for love or money. Articles that are rich, rare and racy, with illustra tions that are piquant and suggestive, find niches In the pages of the cur rent Lampoon. Perhaps the most sensational ar ticle of all is a story by Robert W. Sameness, presumably Robert W. Chambers. Chambers himself could have done no better. Suggestiveness plays tag and love and passion throughout the whole story, and the situations are, to say the least, deli cate. It is Chambers out-Chambered. Another article which finds space In the Lampoon is an interview with Miss Tillie Touraine, presumably Miss Lillian Loraine, the actress. The ar ticle itself Is nothing startling. A photograph of Miss Touraine in tights, one series of curves. Is label ed as a picture of that delightful ac tress In street costume. Another pho to is of three beautiful young women clothed in smiles. The picture Is cut short, leaving a lot to the Imagina tion. It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism In ten requires any Internal treatment whatever. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Lin iment and massaging the parts at each application. Try it and see how quickly It will relieve the pain and soreness. ' Sold by all dealers. Take-in Time the proper help to rid your system of the poisonous bile which causes headaches, flatulence and discom fort By common consent the proper and the best help is BEECHAM'S PILLS SoU vsmrasrs tb boast 10c Uc, Ten Extra Green Trading Stamps Given With Each Hew Prescription Yon want pure medicine. Correct work at right prices. TRY THE Pendleton Drug Co. "IX BUSINESS FOIt YOCH GOOD HEALTH." O.-W. R. & N. Special Rate $9.10 Portland and Return Account of Sixth Annual Rose Festival Selling dates J une 9, 10 and 11th. Final return limit, Juno 17th. Daylight and Night Service, with through sleepers. For further information call on or address, T. F. O'Brien, Agf. R. BURNS, Dist. Frt & Pas3. Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. "A FUSSY PACKAGE" We have Just received a fresh shipment of Whitman's Choco lates direct from the factory at Philadelphia. Among the lat est packages we are showing Is "Whitman's Sampler" contain ing an assortment from each of the famous packages. To those who are looking for a high grade eastern candy, we can personally guarantee the fresh ness and quality of every pack age of Whitmans. Tallman & Co. SOLE AGENTS. Have Your House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and saves much un necessary eye-strain. , At the present rate for light ing you get one kilowatt more for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.50. By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three times more light than from the ordinary lamp and your light Is as bright and clear as day light. . This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and cords without breaking. SAVE TOUR ETES, SAVE TOUR HOUSE, SAVE MONET. BE COMFORTABLE. Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. SEE J. L. Vaughan 831 Main St. Phone Main 1J9. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street QUE