4 PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OSBGOy. SATTKIiAT. JTXE 1. trnTT PAfTZS Saturday After Supper Sale It is almost imncrosarv t advertise this event It La secured gut-h flowiii wLo Lave f-'iiml tliat it ays t le on hanl lriirht anl early at these week-cud inerehalirii)c events. We liave snine very lilx-ial ntrilmioTis of pHxl intnhanlise for this week?: eud file. We've ir.ale extremely lw iriits on every article, for the after ?u'ht ?ale mu-t pive you jn a lower valuation than you can Imy tliem unler other eireuuistiinces. Sale begin at 7 o'clock and continues till store is closed. i' ' - - " i ! 1 Z !N'i 1.25 CIIILDKE.VS WASH DRESSES These tlresses are mailt of percale, pincham ami ehamhray in many pretty models anl le sipis. After sujter . 9S $2.23 ami $1.75 WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES $1.59 Come in ereale, lawn anl ginjfham, hili neck nnl ln;r sleeves, low iieek an J short shoves; sizes 1(5 to 4G. After supper $1.59 $2.00 SILK HOSE $1.29 Repilar $2.00 silk hose. Mack, white and fill line of Xicht Special deep parter top. colors, Saturday $1.29 50? HANDKERCHIEFS Emhmidered and hemstitched linen hand kerchiefs, plain and Armenian lace cdsre. Sat urday Nieht Special KC $1.00 UNION SUITS 79 One sK-eial line of low neck, knee length v.nion suits, tiirlit or umbrella knee. Saturday Nijrht SjK--ial 79c 75 PONGEE 59 Domestic Pongee in the natural shade. Heavy quality, 27-in. wide. After supper special 59c GINGHAM APRONS SPECIALLY PRICED. Extra full with beeves and pockets. $123 Value, after supper 9Sc Rih Aprons, with ruffles, 75 values, after supjter Plain kitchen per aprons, 33 value, after fup- ise $2.73 BED SPREADS $2.29 riain hem, .l quality, larpe size, an esjeei ally piod value. While they last, after sup 1t " $2.29 $3.50 LACE CURTAINS $L.9S Come in ecru and white, plain net or Xortinz hani patterns. Full width ?nd lenrtk After supper . $1.9S 20 ECONOMY LINEN 14c A few pieces in linen of pool weipLt in fast colors of tan and l.lue. ALout 30-In. wide, for skirts and suits. After supper f j-eeial 1-lc 50?, 35, and 23c MEN'S FOUR-IN-HAND TIES 15 A very fine lot. All colors New snappy styles and patterns, last, after super, choice m T1 iiQ Peoples UerehoosQ Where It Pays to Trade-Save YonrT. P. W. Trading Stamps WESTOfi READY FOR PIONEER S REUNION VISITORS TO RE PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED NEXT WEEK Picnic Will Last Two Days ami Va ried I Topra m with Elaborate Feast Have Reeii Prepared by Citizens. Weston will put- its best foot for ward next Friday and Saturday. June 7 and 8, and will entertain its visitors at the Pioneers' Reunion in pleasant and diverting fashion. However humdrum Weston may be regarded during the rest of the year, it always makes a success of this big annual event. The two days' program will include Friday's address by Dr. Harry Lane .Saturday's address by Hon. F. M. Mul key, music by the Ladies' band, se lections by the W eston quartette, reading by Mrs. J. O. Davis, some stunts by Jack Keefe, "Catallne's De nance' by Zane Lansdale; soprano solos by Mrs. R. G. Baling, Miss Vel- ma Wilkinson and Miss Zelma De Peatt; a baritone solo by Joe Scott, a musical skit by four local singers, a duet by Florence Turner and Ruth Douglas, exercises by primary pupils tne time-honored old fiddlers' con test and other attractive numbers. The automobile parade June 7 is expected to prove a noteworthy fea ture, as illustrating the difference be tween the method of locomotion today and that of fifty years ago. The sports committee is preparing an unusual variety of novel and in teresting stunts. Special features will be an "automobile race," a hitching up contest, and riding a bucking bar rel. There will be a good baseball game each afternoon Milton vs Weston on Friday, Athena vs. Weston on Saturday. Each evening the Ladies' band will . give free open-air concerts at the pa vilion. There will be dancing at the opera house at night. HELL CRAZES UITIXO DOG. Its ( lanjrins lalc the Rrute Attack His Master. Carlisle, Pa. Jacob Heiser, 65 years old. a farmer residing near here, is under the care of a physician a the result of being horribly bitten by his big shepherd dog, which had been crazed ry the clanging of a big dinner bell on top of one of the farm buildings. Heiser's life was probably saved bv his son. Elmer, who came to the rescue with a revolver, putting four bullets "into the animal and kill ing It ' Deafness Cannot Ba Cured by local applications, as they cannot reacn tue diseased portion of the ear. There la only one war to cure deafoeas. and tnat la by constitutional morales. Deafnen la cauaed b an Jnflamed condition of tbe tnncoua lining of tbe Eustachian Tub AVben thla tube la Inflamed yon bae rumbling aoond or Imperfect bearing, and when It la entirely closed. Deafneaa la tbe reault, and ooleaa tbe Inflammation can be taken ont and thla tube reetored to Its normal condition, bearing will be deatroy ed forever; nine rasee out of ten are caus ed by Catarrh, wblrh la nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous anrfarea. We wUI five One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafneaa caused by catarrh) that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars free. F. 1. CHENET CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Dmwrteta. 75c Take Ralls family Pills for constipation W'hen the dog rushed Farmer Hei ser was knocked to the ground by the attack, and the animal savagely fas tened its fangs in the man's legs and tore at his clothing in an effort to reach his throat. Heiser fought as best he could, and his daughter as sisted him, attacking the animal with a stick. Heiser is terribly bitten on his chest and legs and the tendon in his left leg is badly torn. HORSE STARTS IT RE LIKE O LEARY COW; KICKS LANTERN' Rlaze Regins In Barn and Spreads Rapidly, Threatening Grant Loco motive Works Several Buildings Destroyed. Chicago, 111. A horse, kicking over a lantern In a barn in Cicero resulted in that western suburb being given a small imitation of the result that followed the kicking over of a lan tern by Mrs. O'Leary's cow In Chica go in 1871. The barn and five sheds were burn ed and several hundred inhabitants of the place and three fire engine com panies worked several hours to pre vent the flames from spreading to nearby houses, and to the Grant Lo comotive works, at South Fifty-Second avenue and West Twelfth street. The barn was owned by James Ba loun, 1214 South Forty-Ninth court. The horse and thirty-five chickens perished in the flames. The sheds that were burned were owned by Jo seph Sharkey. 1218 South Forty-Xinth court, and Thomas Hanaghan, 1217 South Fiftieth avenue. Baloun had been in the barn and gone out, leaving the lantern inside, according to a statement made by him. He said the horse must have kicked the lantern over. A dance was being given at Buck ley's hall. South Fortieth court and West Twelfth street, and as the flames lighted the neighborhood the dancers left the hall and went to the fire. Four of the sheds were on the tast side of the alley and the barn and one shed were on the other, so that two blocks of residences were Im mediately threatened. If you have the itch, don't scratch. It does not cure the trouble and makes the skin bleed. Apply EAL LARD'S SXOW LIXIMEXT. Rub it in gently on the affected parts. It relieves itching Instantly and a few applications removes the cause, thus performing a permanent cure. Price 23c, &0c and J1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. GERM ! X - 1 J ethey ,' " T W - - PsujH. i - i ,,-'. i CAUSES MTRRH;.sss5s?: )v-TW"i ' lirinp. Ik prsi tr Omm. 1 -r?rrl - -'' I awl Ijqm-Nn.Vrhn ltrUK ST TJlL. "nL SJ I Shi2,ed 1u1t. s aMa' LADEN DUST Catarrh, which is bad enough in it self, often results in loss of taste, smell and hearing, and leads to e rious throat and lang troubles if rot promptly checked. The eat of ca tarrh is usually in the back of the nose, and its natural course is dows- iCardra Trart Kau-d Iriop Irth I"r-r aamt jecial CorrFjHiiaiirt-) iXajnfMrjl, Ore., Jur- 1 A jinilic recej.titin was t-ndf-r-a ibe teacher unn j liAibCH slt: j trx -r t;h;vk oeiis: jtrtr it. ward, into the throat and thence to VV "dMK? Mfl ninnber . the lungs. Don't take any chance. If yon have any symptoms of catarrh stuff ed up feeling in the bead, nasty dis charge from the xioae. sore throat or dry, hacking cough, get a fifty cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from yonr druggist, and begin the treatment at once. This remedy is not a "burning out" or "drying tap" process. It is simply a cleansing, healing, antiseptic Balm, taken through the nostrils back into the head and throat where it instant ly reaches the seat of the trouble. That's the only way to effectually and permanently cure catarrh. Catarrh makes you offensive to yourself and friends. 'Start using Ely's Cream Balm today and in a short time you wi"J be jermanently cured of this nasty, disgusting disease. istanlield j-oj,le w-no srre leaving Jar : Tar a: -peon TrrJ Ti-rarrrot. "In 3nra iff 3D- Cjrann jihc T."ii; tbe rummer also the E, X "Wheeler 2nd. ni iiuctinoii, ire. 2-ri iiic znr. T?t rmsrm anuuC a x".-'y family mh are learincr Jnr Portlanfi tin: .4th Bwc HitmtT. a tt- ainrr if rrDtZTT. Girr Ueina- jermanently. The aair was beifl in i J"or tst Tafxes 3, Aitvrv .a dSrai -ini-i ZLSZ im-t tr. the assembly hall of the new achool bury; SxtC trrpfaa Innmnar art Tier: tmrt- -rmrvnirlnic narte 3Tr ".m ml JiuJia' ; 4th. Julia tt"" mtfrt- j-Mih-r. Tar smsk iertun l.2o:2Ma-' ier; ind. rrja Immune: arfi wemu- J arrwt aur-lfc aopi, fin. In.a Best m,m-:c Ik.H TT TJZ r G C C . , . " iMKam. JimC ;ltt gmuC haum ban : 4th. Edar er. S3 er ar ca-ia aandl. Siiii asi. ir la wi bautnot. Will tai( For J-c tent icra-rt. a. iunr-r cus itrrms jl Jiaxupt E X Xaihj. GewrrsB JBrCoy; 4tt, Zma fmrti; r.rr t .aTt 11. C-er Aths- building and was meH attended. A nice program a Tendered. TrtC Carruth. Prof. Archer. Sliss PrmtL Miss Cfaerik, Jfliss Helen Wheeler and Miss Myrtle An demon taking jiarr. The guests of honor m-ere. Mr. an 2 E. X. Wheeler. Miss Htitn and Har old Wheeler. Prof. Car-rath. Mi Pratt. Ms Gallftgly. llw Chezik and Mrs. Immas f the public jols Mrs. M. K. Ling, her caurhter. Mrs. Ralph Hoh. and Miss Clara Soren-son. A Memrial ervire was heid in the ert Fjiat'ett; 4th. Tioia Srnudt. church here both niomir:g and even ing last Sunday. In the m'Tninp Her. James E. Faucetl 5jnke Iroui tin- text Greater luve hath no man than thai a man lux dn fciy life ! friend."" John 1-1S. In the evemnr an interesting address was 6elii"ere ty Attorney A. W. Gray and there were also exercise ty lie chiidreii- gives him a better understanding of his home life. Judge Sims expressed his belief to sixty boy wards of the court who had come to make their weekly reports. The church was fceauufully detwaled ne naa jus paro:ea Artnur l.. mitn, 15 years 14, w ith the injunction that he go home and assist his mother with the housework. Perhaps be cause he caught the smile with which the other boys greeted Smith after he had received his parole. Judge Sims favored them with the lecture. Smith had been taken to court by his father, W. L. Smith, a switchman The father said he was unable to keep the boy at home nights because he was at work then and the boy did not pay any attention to his mother. The lad promised to take the place of a girl at home. He taid he desired to learn to do those things, anyway. HOUSEWORK GOOD IXR DOTS. Judge Declares That Washing Dlnhes Wins Resicct for Mothers. Kansas City, Mo Fathers and mothers should see that their boys have training in washing dishes, sweeping floors and even cooking, just the same as the girls. Judge J. T. Sims of the Wyandotte county Juven ile court believes. He says this causes the boys to know their mothers bet ter and care more for their homes. Parents should mix the training with good, wholesome fun for the boys and not make the work a bug bear, but insist that it be done. When a boy helps his mother In those things. Judge Sims says, he can not be wholly bad. It in an asset in after life, too; not, perhaps, because a man will be called upon to do such work, but it; with nag? and fiowex. Mr. H. E Alien of Pwrttand w;T. on have the Watts buiiding eiro pleted. R. X. Stanfield returned Irom Port land yesterday where be ha? been irr several day on business. Miss Gallogly and .Mis Chezik both left for HenniPton yejciercay. Fr irfr. Tb 1st, iny 33d yr; ind, JZcwardEitroey; 2rc. 31uz Risling; 4tfc Xr.ir.fc. lrtver. For best tiik JX.iiert ius vert; ind, Xoah Aiartm; irfi. mni Leevert: 41h Eina Cignn. JiT beT fr.ins- X.uiert Tuu cen; ind. l:-y I5--ip: Srrt Auarr. Wa'ia w; 4 th. "lrrtr irrtui. Anfmy A. W. Gth? n. it. r-ui:ty ran Mii(y t, iasr riiru se Mr dialer if Ivudifim if visrtniF her Sister Mrs. H.ware rtT 1am 3ia Mrs. H. X. Wo tr fca Wen --r ous'jy iU 1ar averal oavs. f trji eas-n ? on ir FisziiUti'tH in earnert. lrre-r. thrrty amfi 1rr? craies j-rr ai.y nave in ? n arntrefi tot aivd the joality has lt-m "Trrst -cia Tui. -iwijrr ".Hint Sa whiipin naff it- rei!urret. T'l; rfn-iv w-.il .liiiufT rut- liiupt miy-i an.I niufce ti C3;riirar. it haw fmi: ani . aur an.t wir F r J yhtnirr-i:.. P'. Tir-.ir-t fir et m a inttumtr rr un-mc ir,un "?Tin. rtr i.MUte tr- Each age of cur lives has its jcys- Old neoiile should be hanrn- and I they will be if Chamberlains Tablets ; 1f,le cidDcled by M.as Pran it are taken to strengthen the d.gestion th- Assembly Hall Thee drUis were and keep the bowels regular. These fTtl.-,Tially beatifnl. iMalJy tbe tablets are mild and gentle in their ! Mfl" I"' 5vi!l in whirh the 3:nie giri sr-tir.n and T.fia'lt: lev to. w :e areswtj in ijn Ji l.v Jun- Miss Galltgly will remain in Hermis- The growers eie re oelitnitef ant ton visiting a day err nrs lrfare liv ing Tor her bme near Purtlanfl. ne of the interesting exercises marking the clsing of jK-bool was ar. exercise by tb eiirimary grades cur ing the afternoon of iitsl Friday. This iriclucied "-ncs and recitstim! con ducted by Miss Obezifc Ti3 a Tiar drilt an Indian club drij and a Mar erx-rr man ys iw ic -oing if jiiiiin slriiw-n n3tt year. 2. E 7"aur rr Tejrts tt9F -t his w ?t oid Trees. Air. and AIts Alien rtf 3iennistm. were amaiitc trie jrusls at "the Ti m' A er.let -ca r-t: ir. rr. tne ZjiHtf' Aid Sweiery it-)C its Trrial TOeetmg a-. tu-nir rtrp-l n. win-!t h h-mi-ie-f. hie tte in -rtr-Hsr w lii a na.r tw T5ule- ar tttt nnu-r ijei.f eiin,, rifTflef tr T ri,. "tne if nif- rmnj acmartjnft :iiTr imC jmar f ppnsw-t r.ize fci niC -hj'rt trrii'M mm flnail" fr-'m uv t :mrr jnsamt?. fj: S,-;iiw- in an iriuir;uw- m.ir-imx. o hist ae nelan-t ttiar it turr-uat ftw uuU. i.t 3u-r:irL t. hi in hi jinxnC pie of middle age and sale by all dealers older. For LIVED WITH BALL IX ItRAIX. IUilrttad Ijilporer Dies IlHng Mi"t. Missoula. Mont. John MarcellL a railroad laborer, who lived for a month with a bullet in his brain, is dead. He was shot in April and the bullet was not removed until a week ago. Dominico RRgrislink, who in alleg ed to have done the shooting. is sought by the police. There in no rea need of anyone be ing troubled with constipation. Cham berlain's Tablet will cause an agree able movement cf the bowels without any unpleasant effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers niiic presided at the piano. E. X. Wheeler arrived ro-n Prt Isrd Thursday to oversee the hip- i ping of his household effects to Port land. Mr. Wheeler has accepted a Month flcr P,,fii,i"o 'th O. W. Tayior. a Portland i renj estate man. Mr. Allen of the (tflvrninwul experi ment siaJion at Hermist.n was n; judting tbe vegetables rained by the children of the whool under the di rection of Prof. Carnth. lie expressed surj.ri.e at the excellence f tbe iro ducts delayed and njwn the jrenera": neatness of tbe ararden J.e in prires was awarded as -follows : First priie. 1Z -. econd 1T-.T-l.:.fi; third priae. fourth jTixt. T.0 tents. For tbe lest kept garden 1st. PobtT Martin; Ind. rpha Punrhur; 3ri. Geo. Hainey; 4th. EreretT Eosier. iivr;, Hsr itasrr m, c mmy wtmrxtd bise V rf a wvcL. X.icsK anr aaor tn. uuc m iapvnr rriioar in1i mm 1nmtmm UauaioC ssMuiav ibu-win drtttiuy use i " w -rysitiniiM 'i nwijmr acnl ssunst aw Dr. PSrss Gdisn feSs! Efeavery saTIies jr-re r.iiM ft aicn L.vrJtiui. j:- jTii..n4 auniiniliMr r-t nr T-rtr:c tor-tr. un-r rrrr- T?ir- ivii-ni. 2 f 'learnoua n4 a grnsr dKsf -store. havm( am auteni:r atcuc ar tjc in jdo. asuiKTat,. atigt at cluaiaar Ik fwm mer. t-4T hiiMl. Ts csrcii t-- -fctBtrJ -s-i in-TWr "tr 1." j: f -jrniuiif. fitm-if rx.-Cmf tJje srTws a -T.-ac Trt" ituti t-rc Ubii m'r wvfTi. fliErnwM irrrtuiuiirf. ruka ir. f etet "Qatcn le.jrj' liuamc iX 1. oauC snuc fininiM r jolir Tc iawoh rfr uatLcfmBC Mt'ttsc ,! au 4tKi Ifcsnt."' T:" Tjlsstwrurr '" W' ymr r arc u- tfrT;J g ata." i im; in aiumnE ar niiiili a (ngrasii sts ttsisl aso -mrratsu 1. Then'; Xtmmmtm Seat CZiaujef Ahveisr r antr war wr onripr f anamoBs -to tmt esinar wrTD.J. ssh( vuiiog isafrv- Snat iMajir ariMam iar Ur J -teari. Cjj'j-ws twiii.. JEaiimac t iarm RmKuIii ,"V, t ,