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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1912)
TEN PAGES DAILY EAST QIvEGOXIAX, PENDLETON", OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1912. PAGE SEVEN I REBECKAI1S it I - ijaT jj. ;: . h j t .: - . i ' J u , J - liie , 0 IS YOUR HOME FIREPROOF? ELECT OFFICERS Usi Vedbbit EM- Our stock the best and our prices the lowest yet we give these trad ing stamps free. They represent a big saving to you. Brescsd Chickens Young Groin Fed Pork Columbia River Salmon Young Mutton Young Veal '1 IV and be assured of getting the BEST JVll GSfi j, jj! it .,,1 : -.i: .' -v'.i: m (Special Correspondence.) Echo. Or, May 31. Henrietta Re brkah Lodge No. S. I. O. O. f! of Echo held their regular semi-annual election Wednesday night. The following members were chosen for officers for the ensuing term. Miss Zena Hiuser. X. O.; Mm. Nellie Ken ison, V. G.; Miss Nona Houser, secre tary and Mrs. Hose Moore, treasurer. Bom. on Tuesday, May 28th to the wife of W. N. Emelstyn. a 7 1-2 pound hoy. Mother and child are doing well. Mrs. Joe Bailey left this morning for The Dalles on a visit to her dau ghter Mrs. Ralph Bonney. Before her return Mrs. Bailey expects to vis It at her old home in Forest Grove, also at Vancouver, Wash., and other places. Mrs. T. D. Elam and children are visiting at La. Grande, Ore., with her daughter, Mrs. Francis Anders. Ed Hammer left Tuesday for Wes ton on a business trip. J. B. Saylor arrived here Tuesday from Freewater, having come down In hia automobile. Mrs. E. Ripper and daughter Clara spent today at Hermlston attending the memorial service held there. Mrs. R. E- Callison and daughter Ardis were among those visiting In Pendleton today. Mi Gladys Wells visited with friends in Pendleton today. Mr. Frank Markham went to No lin this morning to spend the day with friends. Mrs. Eva A. King came down from ! Pendleton thl morning on a visit to ! her son Numa Lee. j Mrs. Ed Horsche was a passenger ; to Hermlston on the I-cal train this j morning. WOMEX INTERESTED IX GARDEN GoRim:nc:m:nt Suggestions GUARANTEED TW1LXTT TEAR LADIES' AND CENTS WATCHES I1I.CB AND UP. FOB LADIES' Ueashbags, LockeU. Chains. Crosses. CmbrelUs Todiet Articles. POR YOUNG MEN. Watches, Chains. Fob. Scarf P ns. Cuff Buttons TS CLarps aal Fountain Pens. CALL AND SEE TS. I A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. Ft one Bed JUL NEW HIGH SCHOOL SOCTENIR KFOOXS AlTO IX RACE KITII STORK HITS WOMAN; FORGETS $589 Atlanta, Ga. An automobile am in a race with the story ran J-n Mrs. J. B. North cutt and caus ed P. R. Miller to forget all about a bag containing $3S JO which he dropped to the sidewalk when he rushed to the woman's assistance. Another passerby, who witnessed the occurrence, picked up the money and took it to the Third National bank, where it later was recovered by Miller. Mrs. Northcutt was accompanied- by her grandchild. j Miller's quick action saved the life of the child, but Mrs. Northcutt was ! severely injured. The ambulance, ! bearing Mrs. A Ike Stewart to Oak land City, a fuburg. beat the stork to the hoepitaL Tboy'roSn! May 24, 29, and Alnost Every Oicr Day Throuiioct Surr.rrxT Montis. feoo-Sjjokaoe Route Special Round Trip Rales 16 iha East ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS WINNIPEG Chicago EL LcmiB 860.00 DULUTH POET ARTHUR . 70.00 Buffalo - -$tr York . 9L50 .103.50 SOO-6POKAXE jJ SOO-6POKA5E Liberal Stop-oven. Tour Choice of Numerous Optional RoUnz. Including Ue DeCjitful Kooaenajr aad Amrw Lalas. the Magw-O-erot oanadiaa Koddem. the Great lAkm (aseaia and berth lactate!). tbe Uudauo Riser, and Various Others. CTit&oet AdlUioaal Cost. Final Return Limit October list. DescriptiTa Literal are ClalJy Furnlfhed on Application. For furtLer particulars ca2 oa local ageat OW. R- & K. Rjr, or Jl'e. M ALONE. Trar. Paat. Ag. THOSL P. WALL. Caul Atect. CIS fpragna Are. Ppokaaa. "TRAVEL IS EDUCATIO'., No peace In politics, apparently, until November; but let'a not worry about It. The sun will shine, the rain ill fall, the crops will grow, all the same. TIE FIRST EW -16 SIEIi OF m Klamalli Falls Women'-. Chic Uapip Off-r $150 In Vrlfi' for Hot Re- Miltv Oreen Agricultural College, Cor vallis. Ore. Word has been receiv ed by the extension division of the Oregon Agricultural College that the interest of the women of Klamath Falls In the movement fostered by the college to induce the children of the state to undertake industrial work has -become so keen that the Wo men's Civic League of that city has offered $150 in prizes for the best vegetable and flower gardens and lawns. The prizes range from a $20 gold piece to a baseball bat and mask or a Brownie camera. Seeds, plants and tre have been donated to those who would take them home and use them in beautifying their home yards. The i'lea Is not alone to interest the children In work with the soil but also to beautify the homes of the city, since it is believed that the soil of Klamath Falls will produce as beautiful gardens as any on the west coast. A 120 gold piece will be awarded for the best new lawn, another for the' best looking old lawn, another for the best general flower garden, and a fourth for the best generally weyy kept yard. Prize of $10 each will be given for the second best in each of these classes, and for the best flower garden grown by boys and by girls. Second prizes of $5 each are of fered in the last two competitions One lady particularly ond of sweet peas has ovffered the boy gr sweet peas has offered the boy grow ing the finest ones a first prize of a baseball bat and mask, with a sec ond prize of a kodak, while the girl growing the best ones gets a hand some Jardenier, with a second prize of a vase. Docs it contain Taluable papers, loeted in desks, draw er or trunks t Do you realize the loss that a fire would inflict upon yon! For a small sum you can rent a Safety Deposit Box in the fire and burplar proof vaults of this bank and insure yourself against loss by fire that may occur at any time. Call and inspect our safety deposit boxes. Strongest Bank in Eaitern Oregon American National Dank Pendleton, Oregon families must, for economy's sake, herd In together, using what few household effects they possess In com mon. Under these circumstances It appears, Vehenas grew jealous of a man, one of his fellow foreigners, and several times uttered threats of vengeance against his wife. According to the story of their lit tle son, corroborated by several near neighbors, Vehenas In his rage, with hammer and nails In hand, overpower ed his wife and vowed he would kill her by driving nails through her back bone. Binding her with rope so that she cculd not resist, he Is alleged to have driven two nails or more into her spinal column and then left her. screaming, writhing In agony and helpless. The wife's screams of agony arous td the neighborhood and help was soon at hand. The woman in a semt- j conscious state was removed to the city hospital, where phe lies in a crit ical condition. The doctors ere in doubt as to whether she will recover. Vehenas' arrest promptly followed the alleged Inhuman torture, and he Ik being held without bail to await the outcome of his wife's frightful injuries. A LA KM CLOCK C.OKS OFF AND THIEF IS AKKESTF.H MONEY TO LOAN Insurance, real aatala tor aa a4 feooaea U reast. ; Other Property f Brary Daacrlptloa. Money to Loan City ax Cewty Ba2y. MARK M00RH0USE CO. Ffcone JIaia 83. 117 E. Coot Street Easy Way to Preserve Natural Cclcr of the Hair and Make It Grow, Chicago. 111. When Edward Clow. 431 Eat Forty-Third street, stole an alarm clock from a counter of a State street department store, he had no idea the alarm was set. The alarm went off as he was walking out of the store and he ww sentenced to serve twenty days in the house of correction by Municipal Judge Maxwell in the Criminal court building. Clow pleaded he was intoxicated at the time he took the clock. The theft occurred May 18. "Intoxication is no excuse for crime." said Judge Maxwell In decid ing the case, "and I think twenty days in the house of correction will cause you to be more careful In fu ture." Ten Extra Green Trading Stamps Given With Each Hew Prescription Ton want pure medicines. Correct work at right prices. TRY THE Pendleton Drug Co. "IV BUSINESS FOR YOUR GOOD HEALTH." Abundant Health Is assured when there Is good blood in the veins. Hood's Sarsaparllla is the medicine to make good blood. Begin taking it now. It is lust what the system needs at this time and will do you great good. Sharpens the appetite, steadies the nerves. COMMISSION' PECLAUES ITSELF. Trouble Ahead for Defiant Xew York Hosing Promoters. New York. There is trouble ahead for all the men who have defied the authority of the state athletic com mision. The officials of clubs who have violated the rulss will not be al lowed to participate in the sport in any manner, either as managers of clubs, fighters, or referees, but will be deprived of the privilege of enter ing clubhouses and witnessing the bouts. Nor is this all the fighters them selves will be placed under the ban. Any boxer who, in the future, signs a contract or verbally agrees with the directors of a club to fight, with the understanding that the referee shall decide the winner, will be de barred from boxing in this state for six months. Such, in tabloid form, is the sub stance of the boxing commission's .in tentions regarding violations of their rules, according to Commissioner O'Xeil. CRIPPLE IS HAPPY AW AITING TORTURE A harmless remedy, made from com moa garden sage, quickly restore mf bair to da tarsi color. The care 01 the hair, to prerect it from losing: its color and lustre, is jost as important as to care for teeth to keep tbem from dis coloring. Why spend money for cos metics and creams to improve the com plexion, and yet neglect your hair, when gray hair it even more conspicuous and sargestire of age than wrinkles or a poor complexion! Of tiie two, it is easier to preserve the natural color and beaaty cf the hair than it is to have a rood complexion. All that is necessary is the occasional tue of Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur II air uemeay, a preparation 01 common gar den and Solnhor. combined with ether valuable remedies for dry, harsh, faded bair, dandruff, itching scalp and fallL-a; hair. After a few applications of this simple, harmless remedy, your bair will grau3ally be restored to its Bataral color, in a abort time the dan druff will be removed, and your hair will bo longer come out but whl start to fyrm as Nature Intended it should, a Don't n elect your bair. for it roes farther than anything else to make or mar your rood looks. Yoo can buy this remedy at any dreg store for fifty cents a bottle, and your drug gist will rive vour money back if yot are cot satisfied after usincr. Pur chase a bottle today. Ton .will never regret it when you realize the differ Kpeela. Acet, rendleioa Drug Co. PLAN' WAR OX RAGTIME. Muwlc Teachers Start State Society to ' Secure Law for State License. Chico. Music teachers of the state must secure a license to piy neir trade in California if the objects of an association started in Chico are fulfilled. Plans already are being outlined to draw up a bill to be pre sented to the state legislature which will call for the licensing of music teachers. The object la to do away with tha "rarnlne nlanlst" and the person who "plays by ear" as music teachers. DRIVES NAILS INTO SPINE. Unnhand Arrrstoil for Inhuman and Deadly Torture Inflicted on Wife. Wilkesbarre. Pa. Accused of in flicting unon his wife the weird and deadly form of torture which the an cient Jesebel preferred for the exe cution of her most defiant foes, Stan- ley Vehenaa of Port Bowkley. a sub orb of Wilkesbarre, was arrested and brought to Jail In this city. It Is al leged upon corroborated testimony that the man actually drove nails In to his wife's spine, and her present critical condition seems to bear out the oral evidence of witnesses. The little family of aliens consists of Vehenas, his wife and three chil dren, and they have lived In a com munity where home life Is not on the I American plan, but where several "A FUSSY PACKAGE" We have Just received a fresh shipment of Whitman's Choco lates direct from the factory at Philadelphia. Among the lat est packages we are shewing Is "Whitman's Sampler" contain ing an assortment from each of the famous packages. To those who are looking for a high grade eastern candy, we can personally guarantee the fresh ness and quality of every pack age of Whitmans. Tallman (B Co. SOLE AGENTS. Rnldont sal Dr School for Olrte ln chars of Biittra ot it. Joha BpUt (EpUcopal) OoUlt, AoimIi u4 Elaatarr Pt-HBHU, Mult. Art. Slacatiaa. raauima. For OkteloeaddimTUE SISTER 81PESIOK Offto&7, St. Hebu Hall Cleveland. Ohio. Little Mary Bru no sat in a chair looking out of a win dow at Rainbow cottage. South Eu clid. All she could see was bare trees and bushes and a landscape untouched with green. Necessity compelled May to stay in the chair. Childish hope and ner happy disposition inspired the smole Mary is only 7. She is happier than she ever has been before. At ltam- bow cottage, the home for crippled children, physicians are trying to com bat the ravages of the disease which has been wasting her little form. When Humane society officials found Mary at the home of her par ents, 11011 Sturtevant street, E, she was suffering with Potts' disease tuberculosis of the spine and Mary's mother had trachoma, a con tagious disease of the eyes. In a few weeks she will be clutch ed by an Iron brace which will not al low her to move. She will remain Imprisoned in the brace for months. Then some day physicians will take away the brace and Mary will be able to walk and play and do as other children do. Mary Is happy. The smile seldom leaves her face. She Is counting the days In anticipation until she will be placed In the brace, for she has been told that It will bring her more hap piness. The big, dark man from out west, Nebraska, may never be president. but he is likely to be a president maker. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day We invite your patronag and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Font&ino La Fontaine Block, Main Street THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop, PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 711 Main Street